[Itech] Fwd: Code.org Offers New Girl-Focused Poster

Teresa Franklin franklit at ohio.edu
Thu Nov 21 03:00:40 EST 2013
Hi Graduates,

A 'girl friendly' poster for coding.

Dr. Franklin

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Chris Stephenson < cstephenson at hq.acm.org 
Date: Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 2:07 AM
Subject: Code.org Offers New Girl-Focused Poster
To: csta-announcements at csta.acm.org 

Code.org has just released a new CSEdWeek poster featuring Susan Wojcicki,
a Senior Vice President at Google. Forbes has called Wojcicki  the most
powerful woman in advertising, and among the 20 most powerful women in the
world. Although not a CS major, she took intro CS classes in college.
Google's first office was in her garage.

Code.org founder Hadi Partovi says that he decided to release this new
poster because it's critical to show female role models to girls to bring
them to CS. Showing just images of men isn't enough.  "Our original posters
(Mark Zuckerberg, Chris Bosh) lacked a female, despite our best efforts (we
asked all the best known women in tech who surprisingly rejected the
opportunity)," says Partovi. "Susan  is a fantastic spokesperson for
computer science education, because she shows that even if you don't major
in CS, even if you don't become a software engineer for life, exposure to
the field is important in a world that's increasingly dependent on

You can request a copy of this new poster for your classroom at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1olxoWmlEqx9BrCGkYphhXlFjfHOQnFg1_cskzHjpb6Y/viewform 
Chris Stephenson
CSTA Executive Director


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*"A teacher affects eternity; [she]he can never tell where the influence
stops." - Henry Adams*Dr. Teresa Franklin
Professor, Instructional Technology
313D McCracken Hall*, *Dept. Educational Studies
The Gladys W. and David H. Patton College of Education
Ohio University, Athens, OH 45701
740-593-4561 (office)
740-541-8847 (cell)
740-593-0477 (fax)
also: franklinteresa at gmail.com 
*~~~~~~The best student-centered learning *experience in America~~~~
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