[Itech] Fwd: News on ICT in Education

Teresa Franklin franklit at ohio.edu
Fri Jun 20 13:03:43 EDT 2014
Hello Graduates,

More summer reading!

Dr. Franklin

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From: ICT in Education < ict.bgk at unesco.org 
Date: Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 6:42 AM
Subject: News on ICT in Education
To: ICT in Education < ict.bgk at unesco.org 

      [image: http://www.unescobkk.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ict/ict-newsletter/Banner.jpg] 
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    News on ICT in Education June 2014 | UNESCO Bangkok Office      Highlight:
ICT and Early Childhood Care and Education

We can hardly imagine education institutions today without any presence of
ICT. More and more children encounter modern communication technology such
as computers, smartphones or tablets before they go to school, even before
they go to preschool. Naturally, they are exposed to both positive and
negative impacts of digital technologies. This newsletter edition with the
theme “ICT and Early Childhood Care and Education“ will take a closer look
on usage of ICT in early years and its potential for a more comprehensive
development of children before they go to school.

Our two highlighted articles examine the benefits and risks of ICT use in
early childhood, one article by Mami Umayahara, written from her
perspective as Programme Specialist for Early Childhood Care and Education,
and the other by Polyxeni Evangelopoulou written from her experience as
pre-school educator and researcher.In its analytical survey “Recognizing
the potential of ICT in early childhood education” UNESCO IITE suggests
strategies for the development of ICT capability of early childhood
education centres and gives recommendations for educators, parents and
policy makers, based on extensive literature review and analysis of
theoretical educational approaches.The long-term European research project
“Developmentally appropriate technology for early childhood (DATEC)”
culminated in a framework that identifies nine general criteria for
determining the appropriateness of the ICT applications and tools to be
applied in early childhood education.Further useful resources featured in
this newsletter include a guiding document published for those working in
early childhood education programmes on both the opportunities and the
challenges of the use of technology and interactive media; and the
Lancashire Schools' Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) ICT skills
progression, which provide planning grids for educators on how ICT can be
integrated in early years education. Lastly, a more critical stance towards
ICT in early childhood education is taken in an article published by the
New York Times, which introduces several neurological studies that showed
negative development effects on children if they are not exposed enough to
handwriting in their early years.

Please *let us know* < ict.bgk at unesco.org 
> in case you have any comments or
suggestions for us.

We hope that you enjoy reading our newsletter!

[image: http://www.unescobkk.org/uploads/RTEmagicC_706b0173da_62.gif.gif]*Benefits 
and risks of ICT use in early childhood
< http://www.unescobkk.org/education/ict/online-resources/databases/ict-in-education-database/item/article/benefits-and-risks-of-ict-use-in-early-childhood/ 
ICT can support different aspects of learning and development processes of
young children, including language, creativity and problem-solving skills.
Children can also play and learn together using ICT, which can foster their
ability to communicate and collaborate. Moreover, ICT facilitate more
personalized learning and thus can diversify and increase learning
opportunities for every child, including children with special educational

*[image: http://www.unescobkk.org/uploads/RTEmagicC_706b0173da_62.gif.gif]**Educators’ 
attentive use key to maximizing ICT benefits in early years education
< http://www.unescobkk.org/education/ict/online-resources/databases/ict-in-education-database/item/article/educators-attentive-use-key-to-maximizing-ict-benefits-in-early-years-education/ 
This article stresses that an attentive, thorough and knowledgeable
integration of ICT across curriculum is the best answer to most concerns on
using ICT in early year education. The question is not anymore whether
young children should use ICT or not, but rather how educators and parents
should use ICT effectively in order to enhance children’s learning and
development avoiding potential risks
Programmes & Projects

[image: http://www.unescobkk.org/../fileadmin/R1/newsletter/efa-news/point3.gif]*Developmentally 
appropriate technology for early childhood (DATEC)
< http://www.unescobkk.org/education/ict/online-resources/databases/ict-in-education-database/item/article/developmentally-appropriate-technology-for-early-childhood-datec/ 
The rapid expansion of low-cost computing has been accompanied by a push
for digital devices in the classrooms of all students. In order to ensure
the useful inclusion of ICT in education in an age where the difference
between a useful, educational ICT and toys is not always clear, the
European Union founded DATEC (Developmentally Appropriate Technology for
Early Childhood)
News and Events

[image: http://www.unescobkk.org/uploads/RTEmagicC_706b0173da_58.gif.gif]*Learn 
by coding
< http://www.unescobkk.org/education/ict/online-resources/databases/ict-in-education-database/item/article/learn-by-coding/ 
"Knowing how to code?" or "literacy of the XXI century? " - UNESCO's
YouthMobile initiative and Intel Software hosted a round table on this
peculiar issue on Friday, June 13 on the occasion of the 5th edition of
Futur en Seine in Paris (France), with the support of Cap Digital.

[image: http://www.unescobkk.org/uploads/RTEmagicC_706b0173da_58.gif.gif]*81 
nations represented at Conference on Early Care and Education*
< http://www.unescobkk.org/education/ict/online-resources/databases/ict-in-education-database/item/article/81-nations-represented-at-conference-on-early-care-and-education/ 
Eight hundred forty-one early childhood leaders and practitioners from 81
nations participated in the tenth World Forum on Early Care and Education
held May 6 – 9, 2014, in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The focus of the event was
to discuss the delivery of quality services to young children globally and
to develop action plans for achieving quality in diverse settings.

*[image: http://www.unescobkk.org/uploads/RTEmagicC_706b0173da_58.gif.gif]**International 
Conference “ICT in Education” in Mongolia
< http://www.unescobkk.org/education/ict/online-resources/databases/ict-in-education-database/item/article/international-conference-ict-in-education-in-mongolia/ 
The International Conference “ICT in Education: Digital Pedagogy, Learning
Technology, Teachers and OER” was held in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, on 6-7 May
2014. More than 350 educators from secondary schools and higher education
institutions, education administrators and NGO took part in this
conference. The main topics of the conference were digital pedagogy,
teacher’s competencies and education management information system.

[image: http://www.unescobkk.org/uploads/RTEmagicC_706b0173da_54.gif.gif]*Recognizing 
the potential of ICT in early childhood education
< http://www.unescobkk.org/education/ict/online-resources/databases/ict-in-education-database/item/article/recognizing-the-potential-of-ict-in-early-childhood-education/ 
The analytical survey “Recognizing the potential of ICT in early childhood
education” undertaken by UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in
Education (IITE) involved a literature review and comprehensive analysis of
theoretical approaches to early childhood education and the methods of ICT
application to child development and early learning.

*[image: http://www.unescobkk.org/uploads/RTEmagicC_706b0173da_54.gif.gif]**Technology 
and interactive media as tools in early childhood programmes serving
children from birth through age 8
< http://www.unescobkk.org/education/ict/online-resources/databases/ict-in-education-database/item/article/technology-and-interactive-media-as-tools-in-early-childhood-programmes-serving-children-from-birth/ 
This position statement is intended primarily to provide guidance to those
working in early childhood education programmes serving children from birth
through age 8. Although not developed as a guide for families in the
selection and use of technology and interactive media in their homes, the
information here may be helpful to inform such decisions.

*[image: http://www.unescobkk.org/uploads/RTEmagicC_706b0173da_54.gif.gif]**ICT 
skills progression: Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1
< http://www.unescobkk.org/education/ict/online-resources/databases/ict-in-education-database/item/article/ict-skills-progression-early-years-foundation-stage-and-key-stage-1/ 
The Lancashire Schools' Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) ICT skills
progression has been produced in order to help and support EYFS and Key
Stage 1 practitioners using ICT within the curriculum of the United

[image: http://www.unescobkk.org/uploads/RTEmagicC_706b0173da_54.gif.gif]*What’s 
lost as handwriting fades?*
< http://www.unescobkk.org/education/ict/online-resources/databases/ict-in-education-database/item/article/whats-lost-as-handwriting-fades/ 
This article published by the New York Times is discussing several recent
neurological and psychological studies undertaken in the USA which examined
the effects on children’s educational development if too much emphasis on
the usage of keyboards is given after they had been introduced to
handwriting in kindergarten and first grade.

⇒ Download *all articles in one document*
< http://www.unescobkk.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ict/Announcement_e-Newsletter/20June14.pdf 

  Readers Corner

*This is your space! If you wish to make comments or suggestions on the
featured articles or any ICT-related issues, please send your thought and
contributions to our editors: ict.bgk at unesco.org 
< ict.bgk at unesco.org 
>. Let
your voice be heard!! *

Due to the large scale and universal harmful ICT usage actions across the
world, the 15.05.2014 newsletter highlighted the fostering digital
citizenship through safe and responsible use of ICT, based on the work
of *Experts’
Meeting for “Fostering Digital Citizenship through Safe and Responsible Use
of ICT”*
< http://www.unescobkk.org/education/ict/online-resources/databases/ict-in-education-database/item/article/experts-meeting-for-fostering-digital-citizenship-through-safe-and-responsible-use-of-ict/ 
on March 6-7, 2014 at Nanyang Technological University. Facing the risks
and opportunities coexisting in the usage of ICT, education and research
for proper usage are of a great necessity. It is welcomed that researchers
have begun to emphasize digital citizenship education. However, this new
type of education has not been put into most governments’ schedule
agencies, especially in less developed countries. In addition, initiatives
of collaboration among government, school, family, researcher and children
are proactive. More work needs to be done in incorporating digital
citizenship education into school’s curriculum. Yes, this is a real
important action to prepare our children to be good digital citizens for a
better future. *Tongyou Zhao, Chinese, Guangzhou City, China.*
Did You Visit Lately?

*• Capacity Building Modules*
< http://www.unescobkk.org/education/ict/ict-in-education-projects/capacity-building/e-learning-cd-rom/ 
*• *
< http://www.unescobkk.org/education/ict/ict-in-education-projects/capacity-building/e-learning-cd-rom/ 
for Teachers*
< http://www.unescobkk.org/education/ict/online-resources/portal-for-teachers/ 
*• *
< http://www.unescobkk.org/education/ict/ict-in-education-projects/capacity-building/e-learning-cd-rom/ 
in Education Toolkit*
< http://www.unescobkk.org/education/ict/highlights/ict-in-education-toolkit/ 
*• *
< http://www.unescobkk.org/education/ict/ict-in-education-projects/capacity-building/e-learning-cd-rom/ 
Training Modules*
< http://www.unescobkk.org/education/ict/ict-in-education-projects/training-of-teachers/training-modules/pedagogy-training-modules/ 
*• *
< http://www.unescobkk.org/education/ict/ict-in-education-projects/capacity-building/e-learning-cd-rom/ 
in Education Database*
< http://www.unescobkk.org/education/ict/online-resources/databases/ict-in-education-database/ 
*• *
< http://www.unescobkk.org/education/ict/ict-in-education-projects/capacity-building/e-learning-cd-rom/ 
< http://www.unescobkk.org/education/ict/online-resources/e-library/key-resources/ 
Latest Publications

*ICT in Education Policy, Infrastructure, and ODA Status in the Selected
ASEAN Countries* < http://www.unescobkk.org/index.php?id=15047 
This study examines the status of ICT in Education in eight Southeast Asian
countries, namely Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar,
Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. The study focuses on these countries’ ICT
in Education policies and programmes, infrastructure, official development
assistance (ODA) status, and readiness for new and advanced learning
technologies (such as learning with robots).

*⇒** More UNESCO Bangkok ICT in Education Publications*
< http://www.unescobkk.org/education/ict/online-resources/e-library/key-resources/ 


For enquiries/feedback, email: * ict.bgk at unesco.org 
* < ict.bgk at unesco.org 
Visit the ICT in Education website: * http://www.unescobkk.org/education/ict* 
< http://www.unescobkk.org/../education/ict 
View previous newsletters:
* http://www.unescobkk.org/education/ict/enewsletter/* 
< http://www.unescobkk.org/../education/ict/enewsletter/ 
To unsubscribe from this email newsletter:
* https://lists.unesco.org/wws/signoff/ict-newsletter.bgk* 
< https://lists.unesco.org/wws/signoff/ict-newsletter.bgk 

*UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education*,
920 Sukhumvit Road, Prakanong, Bangkok 10110, Thailand

The opinions expressed in the documents included in this newsletter are
those of the authors and editors and do not necessarily reflect the
policies or views of UNESCO, nor of any particular Division or Office. All
rights to the resources included in this guide remain with their respective
copyright owners, as indicated for each resource.


*"A teacher affects eternity; [she]he can never tell where the influence
stops." - Henry Adams *Dr. Teresa Franklin
Professor, Educational Studies/Instructional Technology
Fulbright Research Scholar to Turkey 2013-14
The Gladys W. and David H. Patton College of Education
Ohio University, Athens, OH 45701
740-593-4561 (office)
740-541-8847 (cell)
740-593-0477 (fax)
also: franklinteresa at gmail.com 
*~~~~~~Ohio University -- The best student-centered learning *experience in
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