[Itech] Fwd: TAD Services: Information for Thesis/Dissertation advisors

Teresa Franklin franklit at ohio.edu
Thu Aug 27 11:28:43 EDT 2015
Hello Graduates,

Below is the email that comes to advisors concerning TAD deadlines!  PLEASE
READ!  [As most of the time, faculty forget these dates and your are the
one responsible for meeting the deadlines]  :)

Dr. Franklin

*"A teacher affects eternity; [she]he can never tell where the influence
stops." - Henry Adams*Dr. Teresa Franklin
Professor Emerita, Educational Studies-Instructional Technology
Fulbright Research Scholar to Turkey 2013-14
Department of Educational Studies
The Gladys W. and David H. Patton College of Education
Ohio University, Athens, OH 45701
740-541-8847 (cell)
also: franklinteresa at gmail.com 
*~~~~~~Ohio University -- The best student-centered learning *experience in

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Electronic Thesis and Dissertations < etd at ohio.edu 
Date: Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 9:44 AM
Subject: TAD Services: Information for Thesis/Dissertation advisors

Good morning,

You are receiving this email because you were listed as an advisor for a
student who completed the TAD process in the previous academic year. I
apologize if you are no longer holding an advising role and have received
this email unnecessarily, but I hoped to get information to advisors, and
consequently students who need it, as broadly as possible.

First, we at TAD Services want to thank you for your hard work. Without
your availability to answer questions for us, some students may not have
been able to graduate in their intended semesters last year.

Attached to this email are the
< https://www.ohio.edu/graduate/etd/upload/TAD-Deadlines-15-16.pdf 
< http://www.ohio.edu/graduate/etd/upload/TAD-Deadlines-14-15.pdf 
schedule < https://www.ohio.edu/graduate/etd/upload/TAD-Deadlines-15-16.pdf 
< https://www.ohio.edu/graduate/etd/upload/TAD-Deadlines-15-16.pdf 
>and the
< http://www.ohio.edu/graduate/etd/upload/TAD_Training_AY_14-15.pdf 
Services training schedule
< https://www.ohio.edu/graduate/manage/loader.cfm?csModule=security/getfile&amp;PageID=2555856 
for the next academic year. We want to make sure that students and their
committees are aware of the deadlines and resources available during the
thesis and dissertation process, therefore we would like to ask you to
share these resources with your advisees and newer advisors in your

*PLEASE NOTE* the Deadline schedule for FALL is subject to change as the
new commencement ceremony in Fall was announced after these deadlines were
set and we do not know the Commencement program printing deadline
for doctoral dissertation inclusion. *We recommend advising doctoral
candidates to move their timelines forward approximately 1 month from the
stated deadlines until it is determined how PhD graduation requirements
will be handled with relation to Fall commencement.*

In addition to TAD Services, where we work on getting the document
publication-ready, the *Graduate Writing and Research Center*
< http://ougradwritingcenter.wordpress.com/ 
> is a valuable resource during
the research and writing stage of the process with writing groups, in-class
workshop, individual appointments, and tutoring.

*Please be aware when advising students about the Early deadlines for the
next term* that it is highly advised to request an optional pre-defense
format review and to be aware that the deadlines fall over the
intersessions, including Winter break closure, the lead up to commencement
and new student orientation. Students trying to meet these deadlines will
likely be requesting your availability during that time as the content of
the documents must be approved for submission. TAD Services presents these
deadlines as a *safety net* and not a primary graduation target for this
reason. ALL DEADLINES ARE FIRM and we cannot offer any extension.

Thanks again and we look forward to working with you this year.


Sara Armstrong and Lois Hatfield
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