[Mathregionals] Fwd: [Math-faculty] policy on group I evaluation committee membership

Mohlenkamp, Martin mohlenka at ohio.edu
Mon Mar 25 11:07:21 EDT 2019

The message below describes what is going on with the proposals for
evaluation committee membership. Group II faculty will not have a role
until the Group I faculty vote for or against the VRE system, but I
thought you should know what is going on. There may be discussion about
it at the faculty meeting tomorrow.

Regional faculty are not part of this process, but are copied as a FYI.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [Math-faculty] policy on group I evaluation committee membership
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2019 15:12:07 +0000
From: Mohlenkamp, Martin < mohlenka at ohio.edu 
To: math-faculty at listserv.ohio.edu 
< math-faculty at listserv.ohio.edu 


In discussions last spring about a policy to say who is on the
evaluation committee, group I faculty were split between a simple
rotation system and a (rotation + volunteers) + election (VRE) system.
Group II faculty supported the simple rotation system, but some group I
faculty objected to group II faculty getting to vote on the membership
of the group I subcommittee. In order to more forward on this topic, the
advisory board agreed to the following plan:

1) Put the VRE system to the group I faculty for consideration and vote.

2) If the VRE system passes, put up a separate rotation system for group II.

3) If the VRE system fails, put up a rotation system for everyone.

I am now sending the VRE proposal to you to initiate the formal two-week
comment period. By our policy on policies, the clock moves at half speed
during Spring break, so this period will end Wednesday 27 March. You
have the right to call for a faculty meeting to discuss this proposal;
let me know if you desire to do so.


Martin J. Mohlenkamp
Associate Professor and Vice Chair
Department of Mathematics, Ohio University https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ohiouniversityfaculty.com%2Fmohlenka%2F&data=02%7C01%7C%7C1457a3cfd530494bb2cb08d6b1339448%7Cf3308007477c4a70888934611817c55a%7C0%7C0%7C636891232956834330&sdata=c6cGNRS2ZVXJJpFP%2F6dEUdDG3Z7xPnrORhcBvioiN%2F4%3D&reserved=0 
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