[Ocees] FW: OHPARC news

Popescu, Viorel popescu at ohio.edu
Fri Feb 1 15:00:48 EST 2019
This is for all you herpers out there!


From: OHPARC <ohparc-bounces+popescu= ohio.edu at lists.osu.edu 
> On Behalf Of Greg Lipps via OHPARC
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2019 2:19 PM
To: ohparc at lists.osu.edu 
Subject: OHPARC news

Ohio herp news and happenings:

1.     OHPARC’s annual meeting (the Ohio Amphibian & Reptile Conference) is scheduled for Wed, 20 March 2019 at the Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center on the campus of OSU. Registration will be available shortly.  As in the past, pre-registration will include a catered lunch, but on-site registration (space permitting) will not.

2.     We are accepting submissions for both oral presentations and posters at this year’s annual conference.  Please send an email with the subject line: OHPARC presentation [or poster] with the title, author(s), and affiliation(s).  Submissions for oral presentations should include a short (<250 words) single paragraph abstract.  Oral presentation submissions should be sent to Nick Smeenk ( nicholas.a.smeenk at gmail.com 
<mailto: nicholas.a.smeenk at gmail.com 
>).  Poster presentation submissions should be sent to Megan Seymor ( megan_seymour at fws.gov 
<mailto: megan_seymour at fws.gov 
>) with nicholas.a.smeenk at gmail.com 
<mailto: nicholas.a.smeenk at gmail.com 
> copied.  Deadlines are 22 February (oral presentations) and 1 March (posters).  Space is limited.  Those not selected for an oral presentation will be given the option of submitting a poster instead (space permitting).

3.     We are always looking for financial sponsors to help us subsidize the cost of student participation at the annual conference, which we keep very reasonable.  Over one-third of the registrants to last year’s conference were students!  If your organization can provide $250, $500, or $1,000, please contact the Co-Chairs.  Sponsors will be recognized at the meeting.

4.     Have something you can donate to the silent auction at this year’s annual conference?  Please contact Teal Richards-Dimitrie ( trichards-dimitrie at enviroscienceinc.com 
<mailto: trichards-dimitrie at enviroscienceinc.com 
>) or Nicole Hafer ( nhafer at zanestate.edu 
<mailto: nhafer at zanestate.edu 
>).  Items can be herp or outdoor related, passes to your organization’s attraction, t-shirts, books,  jewelry, or anything else you think our attendees might appreciate.  The silent auction is an important fundraiser for OHPARC.  Thank you to everyone who makes this possible.

5.     We are seeking nominations for the OHPARC Co-Chair.  If you are interested in serving, or wish to nominate someone, please review the OHPARC guidelines< https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2k8iqH-ZEz4TDVwNFpKaVpzQm8/view?usp=drive_open 
>, particularly the roles of the Co-Chairs (1) and the nomination procedure (4C).

6.     We are also seeking nominations for an Advisory Board member from SW Ohio (corresponding to Div. of Wildlife’s District 5< http://wildlife.ohiodnr.gov/portals/wildlife/maps/districtboundaries.png 
>).  If you are interested in serving, or wish to nominate someone, please review the OHPARC guidelines< https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2k8iqH-ZEz4TDVwNFpKaVpzQm8/view?usp=drive_open 
>, particularly the roles of the Advisory Board members (2) and the nomination procedure (4C).  Send nominations to the Co-Chairs ( greglipps at gmail.com 
<mailto: greglipps at gmail.com 
> and matt.cross at toledozoo.org 
<mailto: matt.cross at toledozoo.org 

7.     PARC’s 2018 Annual Report is out and available here: http://parcplace.org/about/annual-reports/ 
8.     The Arc of Appalachia is looking for speakers to present topics related to reptiles, amphibians, their ecosystems, and conservation at our Return of the Snakes! Program on June 8th 2019.  This is a yearly event we have with live reptile and amphibian displays, speakers, and experts in the field.  They would like to add speakers this year to do a presentation on related topics to help inform our visitors of the importance of reptiles, amphibians, their habitat, and conservation efforts with a helpful presentation (30 mins to a little over an hour).   If you would like to help with the program, please email Randy Mickle at serpentmoundedu at arcofappalachia.org 
<mailto: serpentmoundedu at arcofappalachia.org 
> or call the park at 1-800-752-2757 and leave a message.

9.     Don’t forget to show your support for wildlife diversity in Ohio by purchasing a 2018 Ohio Wildlife Legacy Stamp featuring a very handsome Eastern Gartersnake: http://wildlife.ohiodnr.gov/about-contacts/support-ohios-wildlife/ohio-wildlife-legacy-stamp 
10.  Don’t forget about the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act sign-on letter.  This is the most significant wildlife conservation legislation of our lifetime! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1GnEno7YNPp-O3rbdn2U5xhJZLAkCwD0haecJLzgpLDI/viewform?edit_requested=true 
Gregory Lipps
Co-Chair, OHPARC
Amphibian & Reptile Conservation Coordinator
Ohio Biodiversity Conservation Partnership< https://obcp.osu.edu/ 
Ohio State University
419-376-3441 GregLipps at gmail.com 
<mailto: GregLipps at gmail.com 

"One of the penalties of an ecological education is that one lives alone in a world of wounds." -- A< https://books.google.com/books?id=w_OcLRcQnZUC&lpg=PP1&dq=Round%20River%20Aldo%20Leopold&pg=PA165#v=onepage&q&f=false 
>ldo Leopold< https://books.google.com/books?id=w_OcLRcQnZUC&lpg=PP1&dq=Round%20River%20Aldo%20Leopold&pg=PA165#v=onepage&q&f=false 

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