[Ouctm-l] Fwd: OCTM May update

Marissa Blewitt mb192805 at ohio.edu
Thu May 7 22:06:23 EDT 2009
Hello OUCTM Members! Many of you may have already gotten this OCTM  
update email but if you haven't I'd encourage you to see what is going  
on with our state organization! Check out the sections about offer of  
presentations by board members (possible meeting idea for next year?)  
and the call for manuscript (this could be a great way to get your  
research published)!!
Have a great end to week 6 :)
Marissa Blewitt
OUCTM President mb192805 at ohio.edu 
Begin forwarded message:

> From: Kim Yoak < kjyoak at GMAIL.COM 
> Date: May 7, 2009 9:53:33 PM EDT 
> Subject: OCTM May update 
> Reply-To: Kim Yoak < kjyoak at GMAIL.COM 
> Welcome to the Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics May update! 
> You are encouraged to forward this message to teachers, 
> administrators, higher education faculty, pre-service teachers, and 
> all others who are Ohio mathematics educators. 
> BECOME OCTM – Building an Energetic Community of Ohio Mathematics 
> Educators 
>  http://www.ohioctm.org 
> Emerging Leaders Conference a great success! 
> Website redevelopment underway 
> New Website Editor sought 
> Would you like an OCTM board member to speak to your group? 
> Board seeking to create Advocacy Coordinator position 
> Manuscripts sought for Ohio Journal of School Mathematics 
> Join OCTM, or give the gift of professional learning to a new 
> graduate! 
> Emerging Leaders Conference a great success! 
> On April 18, 60 of the most enthusiastic novice and pre-service 
> teachers in Ohio met in Columbus to learn about and begin to 
> participate in the network of Ohio’s mathematics professional 
> organizations and agencies.  The collaboration and brainstorming 
> that took place was truly phenomenal!  A great thank you to Vicky 
> Kirschner (ODE), George Viebranz (OMSC), Mike Mikusa (ORC), and 
> Marissa Blewitt (OUCTM) for sharing information about their 
> respective organizations.  Also, many thanks to Laura Anfang, Judy 
> Gerwe, and Duane Bollenbacher for speaking about leadership, to 
> Caroline Borrow for coordinating registration, and to Teresa Graham, 
> Louisa Matthias, Al Cote, and all of the aforementioned for serving 
> as table facilitators.  We now have much exciting work to do to act 
> on the ideas generated! 
> Website redevelopment underway 
> On March 14, at the Pi Day OCTM Board meeting, the board selected a 
> website development company to help us to make the transition to a 
> secure, interactive website.  This work is now taking place and will 
> allow members to join OCTM and register for events online, as well 
> as allowing OCTM to offer many new online activities and services. 
> The board is very excited about this new opportunity to serve our 
> membership! 
> New Website Editor sought 
> With the advent of the new website this fall, OCTM will be 
> appointing a new Website Editor.  Dan Brahier (BGSU) has graciously 
> and tirelessly served in this role during the last year (a huge 
> thank you to Dan!), but his role as co-chair for the OCTM 2011 
> conference and his ongoing university work have created a need for 
> him to tender his resignation from this position.  The new website, 
> once online, will still be updated as needed by an OCTM volunteer, 
> and the developers assure us that this task will be relatively 
> routine for someone who is accustomed to such work.  If you are 
> interested or know someone who might be, please contact Kim Yoak at 
> the e-mail address below. 
> Would you like an OCTM board member to speak to your group? 
> OCTM board members would love to share our enthusiasm about our 
> professional community with mathematics teachers and pre-service 
> teachers around the state.  If you would like to schedule such a 
> visit, please contact Kim Yoak at the e-mail address below. 
> Board seeking to create Advocacy Coordinator position 
> Since OCTM’s first strategic priority over the next several years is 
> to promote positive change in mathematics education in Ohio, we are 
> taking a number of steps to become more proactive politically at the 
> state level.  As such, the board would like to appoint a person to 
> coordinate these activities for the organization on an ongoing 
> basis.  This person would be responsible for maintaining an 
> awareness of pending legislation and other issues, for communicating 
> these issues to the OCTM board, and for initiating communication on 
> behalf of the board with state leaders.  If you have an interest in 
> serving in this position, please contact Kim Yoak at the e-mail 
> address below.  The board will likely select someone in June to fill 
> this role. 
> Manuscripts sought for Ohio Journal of School Mathematics 
> This peer-reviewed journal is published twice a year and is a 
> wonderful medium for Ohio educators to share ideas and beliefs about 
> the teaching and learning of mathematics with others.  Visit http://www.ohioctm.org/ojsm.htm 
> to find out how to submit a potential article. 
> Join OCTM, or give the gift of professional learning to a new 
> graduate! 
> Did you know that there are different types of OCTM memberships for 
> educators at various stages in their careers?  Visit http://www.ohioctm.org/join_octm.htm 
> to learn how to join or to obtain a membership form to give someone 
> the gift of the OCTM community.  It’s a great gift for colleagues, 
> friends, and family members who are (or will soon be) mathematics 
> educators!  Regular memberships are still only $25, and first-year 
> teachers can join for $10!  Full-time college students pay only $5! 
> Congratulations to new graduates and all those finishing the spring 
> semester!  Celebrate mathematics, teaching, and learning! 
> Kim Yoak 
> President, OCTM 
>  kjyoak at gmail.com 
> All suggestions and questions welcome! 
Marissa Blewitt mb192805 at ohio.edu 
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