[Ous-lp-rp13] Update

Larson, William larsonw at ohio.edu
Wed Mar 18 18:23:59 EDT 2020
Hi Amanda, Amy, Angelica, Ashton, Brandy, Brittany, Codie, Cory, Crystal, Dakota, Danielle, Dustin, Ian, Jessica,  Mary, Michelle, Molly, Nicholas, Samantha, Saretta, and Tony!

A few questions have been received regarding the small group nature of the 2 and 3rd EDAD 7820 assignments. More specifically, the requests have been focused upon whether the assignments can be addressed individually, as opposed to via small groups. My reactions are:

  *   You may approach the 2nd & 3rd assignments in the original small groups or individually.
  *   If you approach the assignments individually, you will be responsible for the entirety of each assignment..
  *   If you approach the assignments in small groups, you should designate in an “introduction” section who was responsible for the portions of each of the assignments.

I hope that these directions are clear and in turn are helpful. If you have questions and/or suggestions, please notify me.

For that matter, please know that I plan to be as accommodating as possible with the review and evaluation of the submissions. After all, you are working on the assignments during a very challenging and uncertain time.

Hope your loved ones and you are able to be well.

Until then, Bill Larson

From: Larson, William
Sent: Sunday, March 15, 2020 9:39 PM
To: ' ous-lp-rp13 at listserv.ohio.edu 
' < Ous-lp-rp13 at listserv.ohio.edu 
Subject: FW: Follow-up

Hi Amanda, Amy, Angelica, Ashton, Brandy, Brittany, Codie, Cory, Crystal, Dakota, Danielle, Dustin, Ian, Jessica,  Mary, Michelle, Molly, Nicholas, Samantha, Saretta, and Tony!

This message pertains to the two remaining EDAD 7820 assignments. A description of the original assignments, which you already have received, is attached to this message for your use.

  *   Item # 1:

  *   The “In and Out of Class Survey Project,” which is the second EDAD 7820 assignment, is listed as being due between Friday, March 27 and Monday, March 30. I am good with a bit later submission, particularly given the ramifications of the Coronavirus and that the revised dates for the university’s spring break, which were originally scheduled from March 9 through March 13 and which have been extended to be through March 20. Though, please send me an indication of the date that I can expect to receive your submission.
  *   As noted in the March 13 message below, you may conduct the survey online in order to avoid contact with others.
  *   You can either address the assignment in each of your small groups or individually.

  *   Though, I would think that a small group could address the assignment virtually, without having to come into contact with each other.
  *   If you  choose to address the assignment individually, please notify the members of your small group and gain their approval. You may even need to resort to the use of “Getting Past No” strategies.

  *   Item #2.

  *   The “In Class Assignment that Pertains to a PowerPoint Report and an Analysis of the Political Positions of a State and National Association,” which is the third and final EDAD 7820 assignment, may be submitted somewhat later than the due date of April 25.
  *   For that matter, you will not be presenting a PowerPoint report to a small group of superintendents and principals, as there will not be a class session on April 25. A final get-together will be scheduled after the spread of the virus has subsided.
  *   You will simply be submitting a PowerPoint report to me.
  *   In addition, you will not be expected to develop reflections of the reports, as originally planned.
  *   However, I will need to receive your PowerPoint report by May 1, as I need to submit course grades to the Office of the Registrar by May 6.

  *   You can either address the assignment in each of your small groups or individually.

  *   Though, I would think that a small group could address the assignment virtually, without having to come into contact with each other.
  *   If you  choose to address the assignment individually, please notify the members of your small group and gain their approval. You may even need to resort to the use of “Getting Past No” strategies.

I hope that these revised directions are clear. I am trying to make the revised directions as straightforward and easy to understand as possible. Though such an objective can be challenging. If you have questions or suggestions, please share them with me.

BTW, did you see the story at < https://www.10tv.com/article/gov-dewine-ohio-schools-could-remain-closed-remainder-school-year-2020-mar<https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.10tv.com%2Farticle%2Fgov-dewine-ohio-schools-could-remain-closed-remainder-school-year-2020-mar&data=02%7C01%7C%7C425492a6aad04cb41f7408d7cb8b0e74%7Cf3308007477c4a70888934611817c55a%7C0%7C0%7C637201670557569090&sdata=%2BEjT86wHyEV1OFu%2B7sFdMNFLnLjwfQRXyYKEf%2FAw4Ck%3D&reserved=0 

Finally and most importantly, I hope that you and your loved ones are healthy and doing well.

Until then, Bill Larson

From: Larson, William
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2020 9:52 PM
To: ' Ous-lp-rp13 at listserv.ohio.edu 
' < Ous-lp-rp13 at listserv.ohio.edu 
<mailto: Ous-lp-rp13 at listserv.ohio.edu 
Subject: FW: Follow-up

Hi Amanda, Amy, Angelica, Ashton, Brandy, Brittany, Codie, Cory, Crystal, Dakota, Danielle, Dustin, Ian, Jessica,  Mary, Michelle, Molly, Nicholas, Samantha, Saretta, and Tony!

Given the ramifications of the Coronavirus situation:

  *   A party will be conducted after the virus subsidizes for good byes and the like.

  *   You may conduct your EDAD 7820 surveys online in order to avoid contact with others.

Please notify me if you have questions or suggestions.

Until then, Bill Larson

From: Larson, William
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2020 7:11 PM
To: ' Ous-lp-rp13 at listserv.ohio.edu 
' < Ous-lp-rp13 at listserv.ohio.edu 
<mailto: Ous-lp-rp13 at listserv.ohio.edu 
Subject: FW: Follow-up

Hi Amanda, Amy, Angelica, Ashton, Brandy, Brittany, Codie, Cory, Crystal, Dakota, Danielle, Dustin, Ian, Jessica,  Mary, Michelle, Molly, Nicholas, Samantha, Saretta, and Tony!

A notification was received this afternoon that online/virtual instruction will be utilized for the remainder of the spring semester.

We have one more class session for the spring semester. The session is scheduled for April 25.

I will create an online/virtual session for that date. You will be notified when the session has been crafted.

My intent is to create a straightforward, easy to follow approach. I encountered two IT officials earlier in the week. They inquired about the approach that I planned to use. They were extremely complementary of my plan.

Now, I just need to transfer my intent into action.

Until then, Bill Larson

From: Larson, William
Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2020 11:01 PM
To: ' Ous-lp-rp13 at listserv.ohio.edu 
' < Ous-lp-rp13 at listserv.ohio.edu 
<mailto: Ous-lp-rp13 at listserv.ohio.edu 
Subject: FW: Follow-up

Hi Amanda, Amy, Angelica, Ashton, Brandy, Brittany, Codie, Cory, Crystal, Dakota, Danielle, Dustin, Ian, Jessica,  Mary, Michelle, Molly, Nicholas, Samantha, Saretta, and Tony!

In case you have not been made aware, Dr. Nellis, the President of Ohio University, sent a message this afternoon with an indication that face-to-face class sessions have been cancelled through at least March 30 in an effort to ensure the health and safety of our communities and the public at large due to the coronavirus that is spreading throughout the country

This situation appears to be evolving. As more information is received, it will be shared with you.

Until then, Bill Larson

From: Larson, William
Sent: Monday, March 9, 2020 9:35 PM
To: ' Ous-lp-rp13 at listserv.ohio.edu 
' < Ous-lp-rp13 at listserv.ohio.edu 
<mailto: Ous-lp-rp13 at listserv.ohio.edu 
Subject: Follow-up

Hi Amanda, Amy, Angelica, Ashton, Brandy, Brittany, Codie, Cory, Crystal, Dakota, Danielle, Dustin, Ian, Jessica,  Mary, Michelle, Molly, Nicholas, Samantha, Saretta, and Tony!


  *   I thoroughly enjoyed our time together on Saturday. I think that we effectively engaged in learning. I often feel as I learn as much from you as you could possibly learn from me. I felt energized during the session.
  *   However, I felt extremely tired after you had left for the day. In fact, I did the Larson family shopping at the Kroger store in Waverly, as I did not think that I would have enough energy to engage in shopping after driving to Portsmouth.

Next session:

  *   The next session is scheduled, as I believe that you are aware, for April 25.
  *   A possibility exists that the class session would need to be conducted online due to the virus that is spreading throughout the country..
  *   If such a situation would occur, I would invite you sometime thereafter to a get together and party to celebrate our time together.


  *   Some of you may wish to list me as a reference or have me craft a letter of recommendation for you once you begin applying for other jobs.
  *   Please know that I would certainly be willing to address such a request.
  *   That seems like the least that I could do after you have put up with me for two years😊.

Educational Leadership Version (015) of the Ohio Assessments for Educators:

  *   I am trying to help you to prepare for the assessment.
  *   I would strongly encourage you to take the Practice assessment.

  *   See “Practice Assessment” at the bottom of the page at < http://www.oh.nesinc.com/TestView.aspx?f=HTML_FRAG/OH015_PrepMaterials.html<https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.oh.nesinc.com%2FTestView.aspx%3Ff%3DHTML_FRAG%2FOH015_PrepMaterials.html&data=02%7C01%7C%7C425492a6aad04cb41f7408d7cb8b0e74%7Cf3308007477c4a70888934611817c55a%7C0%7C0%7C637201670557569090&sdata=h%2BepQ%2FBPWxisKQJP0aWbMWnUkw1rVBbQ8wHLM1s7Sfo%3D&reserved=0 
  *   While the practice assessment costs $29,95, I suspect that it will help you to do well on the actual assessment.

  *   You are encouraged to approach the assessment in a determined and relaxed manner, if that combination is possible.

  *   I have found that striving to do my best, with an attitude that “failure would not be the end of world,” tends to work best for me.

  *   While you should follow your own inclination, I suggest that you consider addressing the case study and the constructed response questions first and then the multiple-choice questions.

  *   You will have 3 hours and 45 minutes to address the questions. The first 15 minutes of the total 4 hours are devoted to a CBT tutorial and a nondisclosure agreement.
  *   Unless, you manage your time very well, I think that you could easily run short on time.
  *   With that factor in mind, you could simply choose randomly the multiple choice answers with a 25% chance of selecting a correct answer.
  *   Though, you are strongly encouraged to manage your time wisely and answer each of the questions carefully.

My inclination to think that your fellow teachers and you are doing very good work, even if your school is achieving relatively low ODE designated outcomes:

  *   I have concern about the notion that has existed for decades that going to an “elite/prestigious/private/suburban” school is in the best interest of students.
  *   For that matter, there are many other factors to being productive in life than going to the right school.

  *   I suspect that our “Maker” is far more pleased with folks who treat others with care than those who have professional degrees such as doctorates and the like.

  *   While some of the students who I grew up with on the infamous southside of Chicago experienced troublesome lives, some did quite well.

  *   Those who did well typically had caring parents, who tolerated nothing less than good behavior and hard work.
  *   Some of these young folks even graduated from the extremely prestigious University of Chicago.

  *   I apologize to Nicholas for my reaction to his comment about students from wealthy schools having better instruments. I feel certain that he is correct.

  *   I apparently failed to make clear that I was talking about the quality of language arts, mathematics, and science instruction that is offered and the learning that occurs in situations in which the value of education and the effort needed to be successful are and are not recognized and appreciated.
  *   I sense that some of the teachers who work inner city schools are extremely able and help their students to grow immensely.

My concern that educators should treat others in a manner that reflects the way that they would like to be treated regardless of their circumstances:

  *   I am appalled when teachers and others treat weak students and their parents in a condescending way.

  *   I have wondered about the manner that such teachers would want to be treated if they were the parents of weak students.
  *   As stated on Saturday, we typically do not know what is “around the corner” in our lives.
  *   There tend to be “no guarantees.”

  *   For that manner, I strive to treat folks of other genders, ethnicities, races, religions, and sexual preferences with respect.

  *   If I have not walked in “another person’s moccasins,” I obviously do not know their experiences and feelings. For this reason, I aspire to treat them as one of our “Maker’s” children.
  *   When some of my colleagues, who I know to be Christians, become angry with others, I like to jokingly 😊ask them if they skip the part of the “Lord’s Prayer about forgiving their enemies.


  *   If you have questions or suggestions, please share them with me.

Until then, Bill

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