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By-Laws of the COB Faculty Organization

[Approved by CoB Faculty 11/17/2023][Revised 10/2021, 09/2023]

Responsibility for the educational programs of the Ohio University College of Business rests with the faculty, with leadership provided by the dean, and faculty and administrative officers. The faculty is responsible for advising the dean on all academic matters. Faculty shall assist the dean in all issues relating to the effective and efficient accomplishment of the mission of the College of Business. The name of the organization is the Ohio University College of Business (COB) Faculty Organization.

1. Membership and Voting

Members include:

  1. Group I Faculty:Includes all tenured and tenure-track faculty, including early retired Group I Faculty and those on professional leave or leave of absence, who meet one of the following minimum qualifications:
    1. hold academic rank in an academic unit of the COB and at the Athens Campus; or
    2. hold joint appointment in an academic unit of the COB and with other units of the University.
  2. Group 2 and Other Continuing Faculty:Includes all non-Group I faculty who meet the following minimum qualifications:
    1. hold an annual, non-visiting faculty appointment in an academic unit of the College of Business at the Athens Campus or hold a non-visiting faculty appointment jointly with another unit of the University; and 
    2. are deemed by their department or school to be “continuing” faculty. For the purposes of this section, a “continuing” faculty member is one whose annual contract as a Group 2 or other faculty member has been renewed beyond the first year of hire or is anticipated to be renewed beyond the first year of hire. All departments or schools within the College of Business shall use the aforementioned definition of “continuing” faculty.

​​​​​To designate faculty for consideration for “continuing” status, each department/school will submit a list annually of faculty that they determine meet the minimum criteria listed above. These lists will then be reviewed jointly by the appropriate Department Chairs and the Associate Deans. Upon completion of each department’s list, a master list will be compiled by the Associate Deans and submitted to the Faculty President for recording. Revisions to these lists can be made at any time, but are subject to the above approval process and changes must be submitted to the Faculty President. 

In issues requiring a vote, all Group 1 and “continuing” faculty members (including early retired and those on professional leave or leave of absence) have one vote.  In the case of issues concerning tenure and promotion of Group 1 faculty, and those that do NOT affect, relate to, or concern non-Group I faculty, only Group 1 faculty will be eligible to vote. Group 2 and other continuing faculty will retain their right to vote on all other issues. 

When a vote is necessary, the Faculty President will make a preliminary determination as to which issues will be Group 1 votes vs. those that will involve all continuing faculty. This determination will be announced prior to the next faculty meeting. If an objection is raised by a continuing faculty member, a discussion will ensue at the next faculty meeting, and the COB Executive Committee will make the final determination in consultation with Group 2 and other continuing faculty.   

2. Meeting 

Meetings may take place in-person or virtually.  When in-person meetings occur, an option for faculty to also attend virtually shall be provided.

The President of the faculty (or in their  absence the Vice-President of the faculty) or the Dean of the College (or in their absence, the authorized representative) may call a meeting of the faculty. A meeting may also be called at the written request of at least one-fourth of the members of the faculty. The Dean of the College of Business will be an integral part of COB Faculty Organization meetings, sharing responsibility with the President for initiating proposals and setting the agenda for the meetings.

Written notification of a general faculty meeting (including an agenda) must be sent by either campus mail or email to all faculty, staff, and administrators at least five working days prior to the meeting, unless the President of the Faculty (or their authorized representative) or the Dean believes an emergency situation exists. In such a case, a shorter notice period may be used. A majority of faculty at the meeting must agree to the waiver of the normal notice and that an emergency does present itself for any matters of substance to be acted upon.

A quorum shall consist of 40% of the members of the faculty.  Only faculty in actual attendance (in person or virtually) shall count for quorum purposes. A majority of those voting, whether present or by proxy, shall constitute an action of the faculty. Notice of all actions taken will be announced in the minutes of the meeting, and copies will be distributed to all faculty, staff, and COB administrators by email.

The modality of voting will be left up to the discretion of the Faculty President.  In most situations, an online voting platform will be preferred to ensure that only those eligible to vote do so, and to keep an accurate record of all votes.  In specific situations (e.g. the approval of previous meeting minutes or the adjournment of the meeting) up to the discretion of the Faculty President, a voice vote may be used.

Proxy voting will be allowed at COB faculty meetings. Proxies must be submitted to the secretary in writing via message on the platform the meeting is conducted on at the beginning of the meeting. Proxies will be recorded by the secretary and reported in the minutes. No individual faculty member may have more than two proxies at any meeting.

A secret ballot will be provided for any vote at the request of any voting member.

3. Task Forces

The COB Faculty Organization may create task forces to make recommendations to the whole body as necessary. Such committees may include students and/or staff and administrators as members or ad hoc members where it is deemed appropriate.

4. Meeting Participation

The Chair of the meeting shall control the flow of discussion so as to promote maximum participation. Normally the Chair shall place limits on individual input on a single issue to two times with a maximum of three minutes for each input. Persons must be recognized by the Chair before they speak.

5. Officers

Officers will be elected annually, in the spring quarter, to serve a term of one year. The officers to be elected are: President, Vice-President, and Secretary. The Vice-President serves when the President is unable to perform a function of the office and assists the President in carrying out the mission of the organization. The Secretary records and distributes the minutes and keeps a copy of the minutes and current by-laws on file in the Dean's office. The minutes must be circulated to the faculty following the meeting and must be approved at the next meeting of the Faculty Organization. The Secretary and Vice-President jointly count votes on issues that are being voted upon. At the election meeting, nomination for officers must come from the floor. A secret ballot vote will be provided at the request of any voting member.

6. Amendments to the By-Laws

These by-laws may be amended by a simple majority of the quorum present, provided that a copy of the proposed amendment has been sent to each member of the faculty at least five working days before the meeting at which it is first considered. The Secretary brings the by-laws to each organization meeting and records approved amendments to them. Every three years from the date of adoption the by-laws will be reviewed by a by-laws committee to assure that the by-laws remain relevant to and support the goals of the Ohio University College of Business Faculty Organization.

7. Adoption

These by-laws shall become effective when approved by a simple majority of the quorum present after consideration at a regularly scheduled meeting.

8. Roberts Rules of Order

In the absence of a specific provision in the by-laws, Roberts Rules of Order shall govern COB faculty meetings. The President of the Faculty may appoint a parliamentarian.

Here is a summary of these rules:

Typical Flow of Actions

  • An item for voting needs a motion and a second from the floor.  If an item is coming to the faculty from a committee, then a second is not needed.
  • Once moved and seconded, discussion can begin with the president calling on speakers.
  • It is up to the discretion of the president to decide when to take a vote on a motion being discussed. Typically, when discussion seems to be sufficient or is trailing off.  All motions except calling the question are passed with a majority in favor.

During this process, any or all of the following additional actions might occur:

Amending a Motion

If someone wants to suggest a change to the item, they can make a motion to amend it.  Once they move, you need a second.  Once an amendment is seconded, the president should state the motion.  Discussion now switches to the amendment (not the original motion).
If the person making the original motion is willing to accept the change proposed without a vote they can declare the amendment to be a “friendly” amendment. The person seconding the amendment must also agree that it is a friendly amendment. This then changes the original motion as proposed and no further discussion of the amendment is needed and discuss can return to the main motion.
Otherwise, discussion of the amendment occurs, the amendment should receive a vote and is either approved or rejected. Once the amendment is resolved, discussion of the main motion can resume with the motion restated with the change that was approved.

Tabling a Motion

If discussion seems to be indicating a lack of sufficient information about the motion, anyone can make a motion to table the original motion – essentially sending it back for further work.  The motion to table then must have a second.  There is no discussion of this motion – simply take a vote. If the majority are in favor of tabling then the discussion of the item ends and is not voted on.

Calling the Question

If discussion has gone on for a while and someone thinks it is better to just go ahead and vote, they can make a motion to “Call the question”.  This requires a second.  A vote should be immediately taken on the motion to call the question (no discussion) and requires 2/3 of the members to agree with cutting of debate.  If the motion does not get a second or fails to get 2/3 approval, then discussion of the main motion continues again. If it passes then a vote on the original motion takes place without further discussion.

Suspending the Rules

Typically, when policy items come before the group, we do a first reading and then bring them back a second time to do the motion-second-vote step.  If an item comes to the group for a first reading but there is some urgency of time, or an item seems to have broad support anyone can make a motion to suspend the rules.  This requires a second and then a vote should be taken without further discussion. If the motion to suspend the rules is passed, then you move back to discussion and voting of the main motion without going to a second reading.

Motions Typically Occurring Every Meeting

  • Meeting starts with approval of the agenda. Typically, the agenda should include a final item called New Business where faculty can bring forward items not on the agenda. You need a motion from the floor and a second. Then any discussion/ clarification would occur if needed and after that a vote is taken to approve the agenda for the meeting.
  • Motion to approve minutes from the previous meeting is usually next – need a motion to approve from the floor and a second. Then any discussion/clarification would occur if needed and after that a vote is taken to approve the minutes.
  • Then the agenda is followed with any items up for a vote handled as described above.
  • The president asks if there any items under New Business
  • Once the agenda is finished the president asks for a motion to adjourn. Requires a motion and second. No discussion is allowed. Vote is taken.
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