Harvey E. Ballard Jr.
- Plant systematics
- Evolutionary processes in polyploid lineages
- Molecular genetic basis of the chasmogamous/cleistogamous mixed breeding system (with Sarah Wyatt)
Sarah C. Davis
- Ecosystem ecology
- Bioenergy production systems
- Feedbacks between land management and climate change
Jared L. DeForest
- Ecosystem Ecology
- Plant-Microbial-Soil Interactions
- Coupled Biogeochemical Cycles
Ahmed Faik
- Carbohydrate biochemistry
- Plant cell wall polysaccharides
- Wheat and rice endosperm
- Functional genomics of xylan biosynthesis
Zhihua Hua
- Ubiquitylation
- Cross talk of gene expression regulatory pathways
- Superfamily evolution and computational biology
Glenn R. Matlack
- Plant dispersal and biological invasion
- Forest ecology
- Land-use history as a factor shaping forest communities
- Urban forests
Brian C. McCarthy
- Forest ecology
- Restoration of American chestnut
- Invasive species biology
David M. Rosenthal
- Physiological ecology (ecophysiology) of plant adaptations to environmental stress with particular reference to carbon assimilation and water relations
- Plant responses to global environmental change such as elevated temperature, CO2, water stress, and nutrient inputs
- Ecophysiological limitations to plant productivity
Rebecca S. Snell
- Forest Ecology
- Global Change
- Landscape Ecology
Allan M. Showalter
- Molecular biology and biochemistry of plant cell wall glycoproteins
- Bioinformatic analysis of the plant hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein gene Family
- Medicinal plants (DNA barcoding and anti-cancer and anti-diabetes testing)
Morgan L. Vis
- Freshwater Algal Systematics
- Ecology and Evolution
Sarah E. Wyatt
- Transition of floral dimorphisms
- Plant signaling especially as it relates to the response to gravity
- The use of genetic, genomic, proteomic and bioinformatic strategies to identify novel signaling components