Courses of Instruction

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 Ohio University Front Door  Graduate Catalog - Undergraduate Catalog -

Catalog Numbers

The catalog number indicates the student classification for which the course is primarily intended:

001-099   Noncredit courses

100-299   Undergraduate general program

300-499   Undergraduate advanced or specialized program

Within the College of Arts and Sciences, the alphabetical catalog-number suffixes -I and -O generally are not used. Other alphabetical suffixes have specific meanings: -H, departmental honors courses; -J, junior-level composition courses; -T, honors tutorial courses; -X, study abroad courses.


Credit for a course is indicated by the number or numbers in parentheses following the course title. It may be expressed (3), (1-3), or (2 or 3).

A course with one quarter hour of credit (1) is the equivalent of one recitation or two or more laboratory periods per week throughout a quarter.

In a course carrying variable credit, the credit may be expressed (1-4, max 8), indicating that one hour is the minimum and four hours the maximum amount of credit allowed for the course in one quarter. However, you may enroll in the course any number of times and for any number of credit hours within the quarter limit, provided the total registration for the course does not exceed the overall maximum.

Courses that satisfy one of the university General Education Tier I or Tier II requirements are indicated by a notation on the title line. Tier I courses are marked either (1E) for English composition or (1M) for quantitative skills; Tier II designations are (2A) applied sciences and technology, (2C) cross-cultural perspectives, (2H) humanities and fine arts, (2N) natural sciences and mathematics, and (2S) social sciences.

Courses that satisfy General Education Tier III requirements are grouped under the heading Tier III.


Course prerequisites are indicated at the beginning of the course description, following the abbreviation "Prereq." If you have any doubts about whether you have fulfilled prerequisites due to changes in the numbering system over the past several years, check the course titles and consult with your advisor and the office of the dean. Even if you have not met the prerequisites, you may add a course by obtaining the instructor's permission. Once you have completed an advanced course, you may not subsequently enroll in a prerequisite course for credit.

If a course is offered for other than the normal academic year of fall, winter, and spring quarters, this fact is noted in parentheses after the prerequisite. Such courses are offered only in the quarters specified.


Unless otherwise indicated in italics following the quarter specification in the courses description, the course may be taught by any member of the staff of the department. This course listing is verified as of May 1998.


When a course requires a private instructional fee, the amount is stated in the course description.


The minimum student rank or standing, when applicable, is indicated by the following abbreviations:

Freshman: fr

Sophomore: soph

Junior: jr

Senior: sr

Unless the prerequisite states that the course is not open to students above the stated rank (e.g., "fr only"), you can enroll if you are at or above that rank.

Lecture and Laboratory Hours

Lecture, laboratory, and recitation hours are respectively abbreviated "lec" ,"lab", and "rec".


A Schedule of Classesis available each quarter from the Registrar's Office Office.

Areas of Study

The following areas of study are included in this section. The course prefix follows each area.

Accounting (ACCT)

Accounting Technology (ATCH)

Aerospace Studies (AST)

African American Studies (AAS)

Anthropology (ANTH)

Art (ART)

    Foundation Courses
    Art Education
    Graphic Design
    General Courses
    Additional Art Courses
    Regional Campus Offerings

Art History (AH)

Aviation (AVN)

Biological Sciences

    Biological Sciences (BIOS)
    Microbiology (MICR)
    Biology (BIOL)

Business Administration (BA)

Business Law (BUSL)

Business Management Technology (BMT)

Chemistry (CHEM)

Classical Archaeology (CLAR)

Classics in English (CLAS)

Communication Systems Management (COMT)

Comparative Arts (CA)

Computer Science (CS)

Computer Science Technology (CTCH)

Dance (DANC)

Deaf Studies and Interpreting (DSI)

Design Technology (DTCH)

Economics (ECON)


    Counselor Education (EDCE)
    Curriculum and Instruction (EDCI)
    Early Childhood Education (EDEC)
    Educational Administration (EDAD)
    Educational Media (EDM)
    Elementary Education (EDEL)
    International and Comparative Education (EDIC)
    Middle Childhood Education (EDMS)
    Professional Laboratory Experience (EDPL)
    Secondary Education (EDSE)
    Special Education (EDSP)

Electronic Media (EM)

Electronics Technology (ETCH)

Engineering, Chemical (CHE)

Engineering, Civil (CE)

Engineering, Electrical (EE)

Engineering, Industrial and Systems (ISE)

Engineering, Mechanical (ME)

Engineering and Technology (ET)


    English (ENG)
    Humanities (HUM)

Environmental and Plant Biology (PBIO)

Environmental Engineering Technology (EVT)

Equine Studies (EQU)

Film (FILM)

Finance (FIN)

Foreign Languages and Literatures

    Chinese (CHIN)
    French (FR)
    German (GER)
    Greek (GK)
    Indonesian/Malaysian (INDO)
    International Literature in English: Linguistics (ILL)
    International Literature in English: Modern Languages (ILML)
    Italian (ITAL)
    Japanese (JAPN)
    Latin (LAT)
    Modern Languages (ML)
    Russian (RUS)
    Spanish (SPAN)
    Swahili (SWAH)

Geography (GEOG)

Geological Sciences (GEOL)

Global Learning Community (GLC)

Hazardous Materials Technology (HMT)

Health and Human Services (HS)

Health Sciences

    Environmental Health (EH)
    Health Sciences (HLTH)
    Industrial Hygiene (IH)

Hearing and Speech Sciences (HSS)

History (HIST)

Human and Consumer Sciences

    Child and Family Studies (HCCF)
    Food and Nutrition (HCFN
    General Education (HCGE)
    Interior Design (HCID)
    Retail Merchandising (HCRM)

Human Resource Management (HRM)

Human Services Technology (HST)

Industrial Maintenance Technology (IMT)

Industrial Technology (IT)

International Studies (INST)

Interpersonal Communication (INCO)

Journalism (JOUR)

Law Enforcement Technology (LET)

Linguistics (LING)

Management (MGT)

Management Information Systems (MIS)

Marketing (MKT)

Materials Management Technology (MMT)

Mathematics (MATH)

Medical Assisting Technology (MAT)

Military Science (MSC)

Music (MUS)

    Applied Music
    Music Education
    Music History and Literature
    Independent Studies in Music
    Music Theory and Composition
    Music Therapy


    Associate's Degree Program (NURS)
    Baccalaureate Program for RNs (NRSE)

Office Technology (OTEC)

Ohio Program of Intensive English (OPIE)

Operations (OPN)

Philosophy (PHIL)

Physical Therapy (PT)

Physics and Astronomy

    Astronomy (ASTR)
    Physical Science (PSC)
    Physics (PHYS)

Political Communication (POCO)

Political Science (POLS)

Professional Communication (PRCM)

Psychology (PSY)

Quantitative Business Analysis (QBA)

Real Estate Technology (REAL)

Recreation and Sport Sciences

    Athletic Training (RSAT)
    Physical Education Activity (PED)
    Physical Education and Sport Sciences (PESS)
    Recreation Studies (REC)

Security/Safety Technology (SST)

Social Work (SW)

Sociology (SOC)

Telecommunications (TCOM)

Theater (THAR)

Tier III (T3)

Travel and Tourism (TAT)

University College (UC)

University Professor (UP)

Visual Communication (VICO)

Women's Studies (WS)

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 Ohio University Front Door  Graduate Catalog - Undergraduate Catalog -

University Publications and Computer Services revised this file ( ) September 1, 2000.

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