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School of Communication Studies

(formerly School of Interpersonal Communication)

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Ohio University Front Door - Undergraduate Catalogs - Graduate Catalogs

Greg Shepherd, Director

Anita C. James, Associate Director for Undergraduate Studies

Nagesh Rao, Associate Director for Graduate Studies

The School of Communication Studies offers a liberal education, emphasizing the scientific and artistic basis of communication. It is firmly committed to providing quality instruction in the theoretical bases of human communication and the application of theory within a number of specific contexts. Students choose areas of concentration leading to professional and preprofessional competence in such fields as training and human resources, law, politics and government, health advocacy, campaign implementation, and survey research.

After completing the core courses, students majoring in Communication Studies must choose one area of concentration from among health communication, organizational communication, or communication and public advocacy. Students complete a rigorous academic program consisting of courses in theory, research methods, presentation skills, and engaged learning practica. Elective courses in the School complement the required courses and expand the students' repertoire of competencies and skills. Enhancing study in the core and concentration are courses in a related area, another culture's language, and contemporary technology. All told, the major is designed to augment sutdents' lives and careers through a clearer understanding of the effects of communication and messages in their professional and personal lives.

Special Opportunities

Internship Program
For students to have an opportunity to apply the theory of the classroom to the practical world of the workplace, the School of Communication Studies supports a carefully supervised internship program. During the academic year, about 30 majors serve as student interns within a wide variety of occupational settings. Many of these internships are identified and developed by the students. The period of an internship is usually 10 weeks, and 1 to 15 credits may be earned. To qualify for an internship, a student must be a major in Communication Studies and satisfy a series of school requirements. For more information regarding this program, contact the school's internship coordinator.

Forensics ProgramThrough its forensics program, the School Communication Studies provides the opportunity for all University students to meet outstanding undergraduates from 300 or more colleges or universities in intellectual competition. Approximately 20 tournaments at other schools and several held on campus enable a student to develop skills in debate, extemporaneous speaking, oratory, rhetorical criticism, and oral interpretation. Excellence in scholarship and superior performance in speech communication are rewarded in several ways. Delta Sigma Rho-Tau Kappa Alpha national honorary is open to students in the upper third of their classes who excel in forensics. The Lorin C. Staats Award is given to the outstanding senior who has participated with distinction in several forensic areas. The outstanding junior or senior in debate receives the Francis McVicker Maxwell Award. A student need not be a Communication Studies major to participate in the forensics program. For more information regarding Ohio University forensics, contact the director of the forensics program.

Preparation for Law SchoolThe Association of American Law Schools states that the goals of prelegal education are: (1) comprehension and expression in words,(2) critical understanding of the human institutions and values with which the law deals, and (3) creative powers in thinking. Students in the School of Communication Studies who plans to enter law or paralegal school will find excellent opportunities for meeting these goals. In addition, all Ohio law schools require an undergraduate degree from an approved institution before admission.

As a prelaw student in Communication Studies will be individually counseled and advised in developing a total course of study to meet the intellectual challenges of the legal profession. Suggested areas of study include communication theory and practice, argumentation, legal oratory and communication, English composition and literature, history, political science, business law, behavioral sciences, humanities, comparative arts, economics, and philosophy.

Prelaw students are encouraged to investigate the Communication and Public Advocacy concentration of the Communication Studies major.

Transfer Requirements

The School of Communication Studies permits applications as follows:
  • students in their first year at Ohio University must apply by March 1 for transfer the following Fall (September);
  • students who have completed more than 48 hours must apply by October 1 for transfer the following Wingter (January) or March 1 for transfer the following Spring (April);
  • students must have a minimum cumulative g.p.a. of 3.00 for consideration; applying with the minimum does not guarantee acceptance;
  • students must apply online using the form available one month prior to the deadline at the School web site, ( https://www.coms.ohiou.edu/ .);
  • transfers from outside Ohio University must abide by the policies spelled out in the "Undergraduate Admissions: page at the beginning of this catalog.

Degree Requirements

In addition to the General Education requirements and the 192 total hours specified by the University, all majors in the School of Communication Studies must complete (1) seven core courses, (2) two theory courses in one of the three concentrations, (3) one course in research methods, (4) one concentration-specific internship or practicum, (5) one course in advanced presentations, (6) three elective courses in the School, (7) a minimum of 28 hours in a related area approved by a faculty advisor, (8) three quarters of a foreign language or equivalent, and (9) two courses in contemporary technology. Only one approved course in the major can be applied toward the University's Tier II requirements.

Core Courses

All majors in the School of Communication Studies must complete a 28-hour sequence of seven courses composing a common core of knowledge. This requirement provides all majors with a foundation upon which the area of concentration is built. A grade of C or better is required in each course in the core. The seven core courses are:
COMS 103           Public Speaking                      4

COMS 110           Communication Between
                   Cultures                             4

COMS 205           Techniques of Group
                   Discussion                           4

COMS 206           Communication in Interpersonal
                   Relationships                        4

COMS 215           Argumentative Analysis and
                   Advocacy                             4
COMS 235           Introduction to 
                   Communication Theory                 4
COMS 450           Capstone Seminar in
                   Communication                        4 SummaryCore courses                          28
Concentration courses                 32
Related Area courses                  28
Foreign language                      12
Technology                             8
        Total                  108 hours
Concentrations in the MajorThe major in Communication Studies provides student with the best features of a liberal arts and a professional education. The core courses, in combination with the University's General Education requirements, provide students with opportunities to develop competencies through examining the role played by communication in various contexts. The concentration is the means through which students develop a specialization, while exploring the broad spectrum of human communication. The concentrations provide a focus to the major but are not intended to be career specific. Each concentration provides skills and competencies applicable to a variety of potential careers under the broader headings of health communication, organizational communication, and communication and public advocacy. Majors are expected to complete the requirements of at least one of the following three concentrations.

Health Communications
Major code BC5358

Health communication professionals and the organizations in which they work are concerned with meeting people's communication and knowledge needs in such areas as the relationships between patients and their health care providers, family dynamics, dissemination of health information, and cultural and gender influences on communication. Recent graduates are employed in large health care companies, national nonprofit health agencies, and research institutions. Some of the alumni are pursuing graduate degrees
 1.   Theory Courses (2 courses)COMS 240           Health Communication
                   (required)                           4

COMS 310           Information Diffusion                4 orCOMS 320        Women and Health
                   Communication                        4 2.   Research Methods Course (1 course)COMS 300           Field Research Methods in
                   Communication                        4

COMS 301           Empirical Research Applications
                   in Communication                     4

COMS 303           Rhetorical Analysis and
                   Criticism                            4 3.   Internship or Practicum (1 course)COMS 430           Communication and the
                   Campaign                             4

COMS 445           Senior Practicum                     4

COMS 496A          Health Communication
                   Internship                           4 4.   Advanced Presentations Course (1 course)COMS 315           Advanced Argument and
                   Debate                               4

COMS 403           Advanced Presentations               4

COMS 421           Instructional Training and
                   Development in Communication         4 5.   Elective Courses (3 courses)COMS 217           Advanced Forensics                   4

COMS 220           Oral Interpretation of
                   Literature                           4

COMS 245           Introduction to Organizational
                   Communication                        4

COMS 260           Introduction to Communication
                   in Public Advocacy                   4

COMS 304           Principles and Techniques
                   of Interviewing                      4

COMS 306           Interpersonal Conflict
                   Management                           4

COMS 342           Communication and
                   Persuasion                           4

COMS 351           Courtroom Rhetoric                   4

COMS 353           Contemporary Culture and
                   Rhetoric                             4

COMS 405           Meeting and Conference
                   Planning                             4

COMS 406           Advanced Interpersonal
                   Communication                        4

COMS 410           Cross-Cultural
                   Communication                        4

COMS 411           Communicating with People
                   with Disabilities                    4

COMS 420           Gender and Communication             4

COMS 422           Communication in the Family          4

COMS 442           Responsibility and Freedom
                   of Speech in Communication           4

COMS 448           Rhetoric and Electronic
                   Media                                4

COMS 480           Topics in Communication              4 total                               32

Organizational Communication
Major code BC5342

Students focused on organizational communication are preparing for professional careers in business, education, government, industry, or the nonprofit sector. The skills and competencies acquired through this concentration enable students to understand the dynamics of, and function more effectively in, organizational structures. Recent graduates are employed in major consulting firms, national service providers, conference planning companies, and information management organizations. Former organizational communication students are now also pursuing graduate studies.
 1.   Theory Courses (2 courses)COMS 245           Introduction to Organizational 
                   Communication                        4      

COMS 345           Advanced Organizational
                   Communication                        4 2.   Research Methods (1 course)COMS 300           Field Research Methods
                   in Communication                     4

COMS 301           Empirical Research
                   Applications in Comm.

COMS 303           Rhetorical Analysis and
                   Criticism                            4 3.   Internship or Practicum (1 course)COMS 430           Communication and the
                   Campaign                             4

COMS 445           Senior Practicum                     4

COMS 496B          Organizational 
                   Communication Internship             4 4.   Advanced Presentations Course (1 course)COMS 315           Advanced Argument and 
                   Debate                               4

COMS 403           Advanced Presentations               4

COMS 421           Instructional Training and
                   Development in Communication         4 5.   Elective Course (3 courses)COMS 217           Advanced Forensics                   4

COMS 220           Oral Interpretation of
                   Literature                           4

COMS 240           Introduction to Health
                   Communication                        4

COMS 260           Introduction to Communication
                   in Public Advocacy                   4

COMS 304           Principles and Techniques
                   of Interviewing                      4

COMS 306           Interpersonal Conflict
                   Management                           4

COMS 342           Communication and
                   Persuasion                           4

COMS 351           Courtroom Rhetoric                   4

COMS 353           Contemporary Culture and
                   Rhetoric                             4

COMS 405           Meeting and Conference
                   Planning                             4

COMS 406           Advanced Interpersonal
                   Communication                        4

COMS 410           Cross-Cultural
                   Communication                        4

COMS 411           Communicating with People
                   with Disabilities                    4

COMS 420           Gender and Communication             4

COMS 422           Communication in the Family          4

COMS 442           Responsibility and Freedom
                   of Speech in Communication           4

COMS 448           Rhetoric and Electronic
                   Media                                4

COMS 480           Topics in Communication              4

Communication and Public Advocacy
Major code BC5357

Students in this concentration experience an integration of political and legal communication theory and practice. The courses emphasize the role of communication in argument, debate, and politics, including the ethical and rhetorical implications of constitutional guarantees of political, social, and religious speech and persuasive strategies characteristic of contemporary political communication. Recent graduates are attending law school, working in state legislative roles, managing political campaigns, and attending graduate school.
 1   Theory Courses (2 courses)COMS 260           Introduction to Communication
                   in Public Advocacy                   4

COMS 352           Political Rhetoric                   4 2   Research Methods Courses (1 course)COMS 300           Field Research Methods
                   in Communication                     4

COMS 301           Empirical Research
                   Applications in Comm.                4

COMS 303           Rhetorical Analysis and
                   Criticism                            4 3   Internship or Practicum (1 course)COMS 430           Communication and the
                   Campaign                             4

COMS 445           Senior Practicum                     4

COMS 496C          Communication and Public
                   Advocacy Internship                  4 4   Advanced Presentations Course (1 course)COMS 315           Advanced Argument and
                   Debate                               4

COMS 403           Advanced Presentations               4

COMS 421           Instructional Training and
                   Development in Communication         4 5   Elective Courses (3 courses)COMS 217           Advanced Forensics                   4

COMS 220           Oral Interpretation of
                   Literature                           4

COMS 240           Introduction to Health
                   Communication                        4

COMS 245           Introduction to Organizational 
                   Communication                        4

COMS 304           Principles and Techniques
                   of Interviewing                      4

COMS 306           Interpersonal Conflict
                   Management                           4

COMS 342           Communication and
                   Persuasion                           4

COMS 351           Courtroom Rhetoric                   4

COMS 353           Contemporary Culture and
                   Rhetoric                             4

COMS 405           Meeting and Conference
                   Planning                             4

COMS 406           Advanced Interpersonal 
                   Communication                        4

COMS 410           Cross-Cultural Communication         4

COMS 411           Communicating with People
                   with Disabilities                    4

COMS 420           Gender and Communication             4

COMS 422           Communication in the Family          4

COMS 442           Responsibility and Freedom
                   of Speech in Communication           4

COMS 448           Rhetoric and Electronic
                   Media                                4

COMS 480           Topics in Communication              4

Related Area Requirements

In addition to core courses and concentration requirements, all majors must complete a minimum of 28 hours in a related area. The related area is intended to complement and supplement the work of the concentration so as to increase the marketability of the student. Related areas should be selected early, but not until the concentration is identified. The related area must be approved by the student's faculty advisor. Each student must submit a Declaration of Related Area to the College of Communication office. The form is obtained from the student's faculty advisor and must be signd by the advisor.

The courses comprising the related area can come from one department or school or from several, but all must be outside the School of Communication Studies. Collectively, the related area course work should constitute a unified body of knowledge having a definite relationship with the concentration. At least 16 of the hours should be courses at the 300- and 400-level. The requirement can also be met through the completion of a minor or certificate program.

Language Requirement

All COMS majors are required to complete 12 credit hours (one acadmeic year) of a language other than their native language. Students may meet this requirement in three ways: first, complete at least three years of the same language in high school; second, take a language placement test and achieve a score sufficient for placement into at least the second year of language study; or third, complete three consecutive university courses in the same language.

Technology Requirement

Also beginning in the fall of 2003, all COMS students are required to complete two courses in technology. The list of acceptable courses is available from advisors in the School.

Minor in Communication Studies
Minor code ORCOMS

The minor in Communication Studies is available to students in all disciplines. A student dclaring the minor will not be permitted to substitute courses for those listed below and, if non-listed COMS courses are taken, will not be permitted to register for credits beyond 28 hours, even if that means the minor cannot be completed.

Required Courses (12 hrs)

INCO 101,103,235

Elective Courses (16 hrs)217 ,220, 240,245, 260, 304, 306, 310, 320, 342, 345, 351, 352, 353, 405, 410, 411, 420, 422, 442, 448, 480.

24-hour Rule

A student will be able to complete a maximum of 24 hours in the School of Communication Studies before either declaring a minor in COMS or undertaking a transfer request to become a major. No student will be permitted to complete more than 24 credit hours without becoming either a major or minor in the School.

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Ohio University Front Door - Undergraduate Catalogs - Graduate Catalogs

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