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Majors, Minors, and Certificate Programs

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University Front Door - Undergraduate Catalogs - Graduate Catalogs

This section outlines the specific requirements for every program in the College of Arts and Sciences: traditional majors, special curricula, minors, and certificate programs, so that you can investigate the full range of majors and degree options available in the college.

Special curricula are four-year degree programs structured to help you prepare for a specific application of your undergraduate program to a selected educational or career objective. To be recognized as having completed a special curriculum and to meet graduation requirements, you must complete the entire curriculum as listed, plus additional courses as necessary to reach a total of 192 hours and meet both University General Education Requirements and the Arts and Sciences degree requirements. Should you elect not to fulfill the special curriculum, you must complete all requirements for another major to graduate.

Majors are arranged alphabetically by department and are listed by complete name (e.g., Forensic Chemistry).

African American Studies

African American Studies Major (B.A.)
Major code BA4903

Students completing the major program receive a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in African American studies. Courses include communications, education, political science, psychology, social sciences, art, literature, and music as they reflect and provide insight into the African American experience.

Students can also work in close collaboration with their advisors in developing other focal areas in a range of fields including: Health and Human Services, Business Administration, African Studies, Latin American Studies, Environmental Studies, Social Work, Rural Sociology, Broadcasting, Journalism, and Multimedia Studies.

The minimum grade-point average for graduation is a 2.0 (C) in all courses attempted. A grade of C is also required in each major course.

Advising is an essential element in the African American Studies Program. Each student works closely with a faculty member whose expertise and interests are related to the student's academic pursuits.

The requirements for a major consist of 56 quarter hours, including:

AAS 101            African American History I          4 orAAS 202         African American History II         4 

AAS 106            Intro to Afr. Amer. Studies         4

One course from:

AAS 110            Intro to African Amer. Lit.         4

AAS 150            Intro to Black Media                5

AAS 180            Intro to Afr. Amer. Educ.           4

Within the 56 hours, at least 28 must be in one of two focal areas -- either social sciences or arts and humanities. The focal area must include at least one course from four of the groups below and at least 16 hours at or above the 300 level.

Social Sciences Groups

 HistoryAAS 225            Hist. of the Black Worker           4

AAS 235            Comp. Neocolonialism                4

AAS 254            History of Injustice in U.S.        5

AAS 340            The Black Community in Post-WWII    4                                 

AAS 364            Comp. Study of Injustice            4 Sociology/PsychologyAAS 341            African Amer. Personality           4

AAS 345            The Black Woman                     4

AAS 430            Social Theories 
                   of Underdevelopment                 4

AAS 440            The Black Child                     5

AAS 482            The Black Family                    4 Political ScienceAAS 360            Black Politics in U.S.              4 

AAS 368            Black Political Thought             4

AAS 370            Urban Violence                      4

AAS 430            Social Theories of 
                   Underdevelopment                    4 EconomicsAAS 432            Third World Natl. Mvts.             4

AAS 460            Social Processes: Third 
                   World Urbanization                  4 EducationAAS 380            Seminar in African 
                   American Education                  4

Arts and Humanities Groups

 Literature (African American)AAS 210            African Amer. Lit. I                4

AAS 211            African Amer. Lit. II               4

AAS 310            Contemporary African 
                   American Literature                 4

AAS 311            African American Lit.: 
                   Special topics                      4

AAS 411            Literature Seminar                  4 Literature (Intercultural)AAS 315            Literature of West Africa           4

AAS 316            Literature of South Africa          4

AAS 317            Caribbean Literature                4 ArtsAAS 250            Found. of African Amer. 
                   Arts and Culture                    4

AAS 350            African American Arts 
                   and Artists                         4 MusicAAS 355            History of African Amer. 
                   Music I: Slavery to 1926            4

AAS 356            History of African American 
                   Music II: 1926 to Present           4

AAS 357            Black Music Seminar I               3 MediaAAS 352            Blacks in Contemporary 
                   Cinema                              4

AAS 353            Survey of Black
                   Independent Cinema                  4

African American Studies Minor
Minor code OR4903

The minor in African American Studies is available to all undergraduate students regardless of major. The requirements consist of a minimum of 28 hours of coursework in one of two options: the minor concentration or the interdisciplinary minor. The minor concentration in either the social sciences or the arts and humanities consists of a minimum of 28 hours, including at least 20 hours in the chosen area, AAS 101 African American History I or AAS 202 African American History II, and AAS 106 Introduction to African American Studies.

The interdisciplinary concentration requires at least one course from each of the two focal areas, at least two additional courses at the junior or senior level, AAS 101 African American History I or AAS 202 African American History II, and AAS 106 Introduction to African American Studies.

African Studies

See International Studies.


Anthropology Major (B.A.)
Major Code BA4252

Anthropology may be defined broadly as the scientific study of humankind. This discipline has two major foci: humans as biological organisms and as cultural beings. This department concentrates on three of Anthropology's subfields: biological anthropology, cultural anthropology, and archaeology. Anthropology is a holistic, comparative, and functional discipline that provides a broad framework through which human activities, adaptations, and changes may be meaningfully interpreted in time and in space. Much of anthropology deals with non-Western cultures.

If you are interested in becoming a professional anthropologist, you can prepare for graduate school in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology. The anthropology major offers training in the methods and results of cultural anthropology, biological anthropology, and anthropological archaeology.

the B.A. in anthropology requires at least 55 hours of anthropology, including:

ANTH 101           Intro to Cultural Anth.             5

ANTH 201           Intro to Biological Anth.           5

ANTH 202           Intro to World Archaeology          5 4 hours of cultural anthropology selected fromANTH 345           Gender in Cross-Cultural 
                   Perspective                         4

ANTH 348           Education: Cross-Cultural 
                   Perspectives                        4

ANTH 349           Life History                        4

ANTH 350           Economic Anthropology               4

ANTH 351           Political Anthropology              4

ANTH 357           Anthroplogy of Religion             4

ANTH 366           Cultures of the Americas            4

ANTH 371           Ethnology                           4

ANTH 372           Cultures of the World               4

ANTH 373 * 
Perspectives in Anthropology        4

ANTH 375           Culture and Personality             4

ANTH 376           Culture Contact and Change          4

ANTH 377           Peasant Communities                 4

ANTH 381           Cultures of Sub-Saharan 
                   Africa                              4

ANTH 383           Cultures of Latin America           4

ANTH 385           Cultures of Southeast Asia          4

ANTH 386           Problems in Southeast 
                   Asian Anthropology                  4

ANTH 387           Pacific Island Cultures             4

ANTH 455   ( * 
)          Seminar in Methodology
                   and Field Research                  4

ANTH 460           Kinship                             4

ANTH 472           History of Anthropological 
                   Thought                             4

ANTH 494A          Seminar in Cultural 
                   Anthropology                        4

ANTH 494D ( * 
)      Seminar in Human Ecology            4

ANTH 499  ( * 
)      Anth. Internship                  1-4 4 hours of biological anthropology selected fromANTH 346           Intro. to Human Osteology           4

ANTH 355           Medical Anthropology                4

ANTH 373( * 
)        Perspectives in Anth.               4

ANTH 391           Primate Social Org.                 4

ANTH 447           Forensic Anth.                      4

ANTH 448           Blood, Bones, and Violence          4

ANTH 492           Human Evolution                     4

ANTH 494B          Seminar in Biological 
                   Anthropology                        4

ANTH 496           Human Diversity                     4

ANTH 499( * 
)        Anth. Internship                  1-4 4 hours of archaeological anthropology fromANTH 361           North American Prehistory           4

ANTH 363           Gender in Prehistory                4

ANTH 364           Near East Prehistory                4

ANTH 367           South American Prehistory           4

ANTH 370           Mexican/Central American 
                   Prehistory                          4

ANTH 373( * 
)        Perspectives in Anth.               4

ANTH 378           Human Ecology                       4

ANTH 452           Anthropological Archeology          4 

ANTH 455 ( * 
)       Seminar in Methodolgoy
                   and Field Research                  4
ANTH 465           Field School in Ohio 
                   Archeology                       5-10

ANTH 494C          Seminar in Archeological 
                   Anthropology                        4

ANTH 494D( * 
)       Seminar in Human Ecology            4

ANTH 499( * 
)        Anth. Internship                  1-4

28 additional hours in anthropology, of which 8 hours must be at the 400 level divided between two of the three main areas above

* when topic is appropriate

You are required to select an advisor from the anthropology faculty; your advisor will help you design an individualized course of study. As your interest shifts, you may change advisors. Nonanthropology courses can be declared as anthropology credit toward the major with your advisor's permission; for example, an interest in ethnoenvironmental and plant biology may lead to environmental and plant biology courses counting as part of an anthropology major. At least 43 hours must be in departmental anthropology courses. You are encouraged to take courses in fields related to anthropology. Courses in environmental and plant biology, biological sciences, geology, geography, history, linguistics, international studies, mathematics, psychology, and sociology may be recommended for students interested in particular specialties.

Anthropology Minor
Minor Code OR4252

A minor in anthropology is available if you wish to add a dimension of non-Western cultures to your education.

Requirements for a minor in anthropology are

ANTH 101           Intro to Cultural Anth.             5

ANTH 201           Intro to Biological Anth.           5 orANTH 202        Intro to World 
                   Archaeology                         5
(Both ANTH 201 and 202 are recommended.)

and 16 additional hours in anthropology (including 4 hours at 400 level and 4 additional hours at the 300 or 400 level)


See School of Art in the College of Fine Arts section for information about selective admission requirements. To earn the B.A. degree in art from the College of Arts and Sciences requires special permission. Inquire at the College of Arts and Sciences Student Affairs Office.

Asian Studies

See International Studies or East Asian Studies Certificate Program.


See Physics and Astronomy.

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University Front Door - Undergraduate Catalogs - Graduate Catalogs

University Publications staff and Computer Services revised this file
(https://www.ohio.edu/catalog/04-05/colleges/majors.htm) on August 17, 2004.
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