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Ohio University Front Door - Undergraduate Catalogs - Graduate Catalogs

Precollege Orientation

Incoming first-year and transfer students at Ohio University must participate in Precollege Orientation. You will meet with faculty, administrators, and other students who will inform you about University policies, academic requirements, and student services, as well as help you register for your first quarter classes. Precollege Orientation for fall quarter first-year students is held in one-and-a-half-day sessions during the summer. Transfer students attend one of two one-day sessions in mid-summer. A one-day session is held in September for both transfer and first-year students who cannot attend during the summer. Your parents or spouse are also encouraged to attend. Information will be mailed to you in early May.

In addition to Precollege, you will complete the online alcohol education course, "AlcoholEdu for College," and will participate in a series of additional orientation activities during the weekend preceding the beginning of fall quarter. Detailed information about both will be provided at Precollege. Failure to successfully complete "AlcoholEdu for College" may result in withholding of future course registration.

If you are entering the University in a quarter other than fall, a mandatory Precollege orientation and registration program will be conducted before the beginning of that quarter. Information will be sent to you from University College.

Further information about Precollege Orientation is available from University College, Chubb Hall 140, telephone 740-593-1951 or by visiting https://www.ohio.edu/precollege/ .

Registration Information

RegistrationAs noted above, if you are an incoming first-year or transfer student, you will receive assistance with class registration along with other information during Precollege Orientation.

If you are a current or re-enrolling student at Ohio University, you should follow procedures for using either the Web Registration system. The procedures appear in the Schedule of Classes, available online at https://www.ohio.edu/registrar/ or in the registrar's office approximately two weeks before the beginning of preregistration each quarter.

You must obtain your Registration Access Code (RAC) prior to registering for classes. Your RAC changes quarterly. Continuing students can obtain registration materials from their college, department, school, or advisor, depending upon student's college. See the quarterly Schedule of Classesfor specific location of registration materials. Re-enrolling students should contact the Office of the University Registrar.

Late RegistrationRegistration is not permitted after the first 15 calendar days of the quarter (in the case of some individual classes, after the first day). All registration procedures should be completed by the 15th calendar day of the quarter.

In cases where late registration is necessary, you will be charged a retroactive registration correction fee beginning with the third calendar week of each quarter unless late changes are the result of the University delays as judged by the registrar. The fees are: third week, $40; fourth week, $60; fifth week, $80; and sixth week, $100.

Identification CardWhen you register, you will be given information about obtaining an identification card, issued by Computer and Network Services (CNS), located in HDL Center room 154. This card, which is validated by your registration, gives you access to campus services including the meal plan, athletic events, library privileges, and the Student Health Service.

The card is issued free of charge according to these guidelines:

  1. If you are a new student, you are issued a card free of charge.
  2. If you are a re-enrolling student returning after one year or more, your old card will be valid upon registration. If you no longer have your old card, you will be issued a new card free of charge.
  3. If your name or Social Security number has changed, you will be issued a new card free of charge provided you return your old card when the new one is issued.

Ohio University charges a card replacement fee under these circumstances:

a.You will be charged $10 to replace a card that is lost, stolen, or damaged within one year of your last quarter of enrollment. (A $5 refund will be issued if you find your old card and return it to CNS, during the same quarter in which it was replaced.)

b.If your name or Social Security number has changed, you will be charged $10 for a new card only if you do not return the old card. If you return the old card when the new one is issued, you will not be charged.

E-mail (your Oak account)

Your free Ohio University Oak e-mail account will be activated for you when you pick up your University ID Card at Computer and Network Services (CNS), 154 HDL Center.

It is imperative that you know your Oak ID and password, as many Ohio University services use this to authenticate access.

Your Oak account includes the following features:

    Free software
    Spam and virus filtering
    Web-based access
    Newtork file storage
    Personal Web page capabilities

Please check your Oak e-mail regularly for official University correspondence. Quarterly grades, schedules, billing notification, and other University communications are sent to your Oak account. Many Ohio University departments and professors depend on Oak e-mail for both announcements and assignments. We do not recommend forwarding your Oak account.

If you have problems accessing your e-mail, or have questions, call the University Support Center, 740.593.1222.

Updating Personal Information

You must report any changes in your personal data to the Office of the University Registrar. This includes changes in name, social security number, birthdate, address, telephone number, or emergency contact information. Requests for changes in name, social security number, or birthdate must be accompanied by documentation verifying the correct information as required by the registrar's office. These requests should be sent to Registrar Services windows, First Floor, Chubb Hall.

Address, telephone number, and emergency contact information may be updated online at https://www.ohio.edu/registrar/ by selecting "Update My Address" under Quick Links to Online Services (Oak ID and password are required to use this service).    Note: International students in F-1 or J-1 status are requiredto use the online address service to update their addresses with Ohio University and to meet immigration reporting requirements and should use the online "Update My Address" service.

You are responsible for any University communication sent to you at your official University e-mail address (Oak account) and/or mailing address on file with the Office of the University Registrar.

Enrollment Information

All course credit earned at Ohio University is designated in quarter hours. Normally a quarter hour is the equivalent of one lecture or two laboratory periods a week throughout the quarter.

Student Standing (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior)Your student standing--or year in college--is determined by your total number of quarter hours earned. Freshmen have completed 0 to 44.9 hours; sophomores, 45 to 89.9; juniors, 90 to 134.9; and seniors, 135 and over.

Course LoadAs an undergraduate student, you will usually carry a course load of 16-20 quarter hours, even if you are on academic probation. For tuition purposes, a course load of 11-20 quarter hours is assessed full-time fees by the University. If you receive financial aid or veterans educational benefits, or are a student athlete, you must carry a minimum of 12 quarter hours to be considered eligible. If you receive a scholarship you must carry a minimum of 12-16 quarter hours, depending on scholarship criteria. Note that completing 16 hours per quarter for three quarters per year for four years makes a total of 192 quarter hours--the minimum total required for a bachelor's degree from Ohio University.

If you schedule fewer than 11 credit hours, you will be assessed part-time fees for the quarter. If you register for more than 20 hours, you will be charged an additional fee for each hour over 20. Web registration will not allow you to register for a course which causes the total hours to exceed the maximum. You must receive permission from your college or regional campus student services office to register for more than 20 hours in a quarter. If you are granted permission to exceed the maximum hours you will receive a Permission to Exceed Maximum Credit Hours form that should be returned to one of the Registrar Services Window, 1st floor, Chubb Hall.

Veterans Educational Benefits.If you are an undergraduate planning to receive Veterans Education Assistance, you must register for at least 12 quarter hours for full benefits to be awarded. For more information about veterans benefits, contact the Veterans Coordinator, Registrar Staff Offices, First floor, Chubb Hall 108, 740-593-4186.

Student Athletes--Maintaining Eligibility.As a student athlete, after your first academic year in residence or after one season of eligibility in a sport, eligibility for competition shall be determined by your academic record in existence at the beginning of the fall quarter or at the beginning of any other regular quarter of that academic year, based on satisfactory completion of at least (a) 36 quarter hours of academic credit prior to the start of the institution's fourth quarter following your initial quarter of full-time enrollment, with no more than 9 of the 36 quarter hours being earned during the summer term; (b) 27 quarter hours of academic credit since the beginning of the previous fall term or since the beginning of the certifying instituion's preceding regular three quarters (hours earned during the summer may not be used to fulfill this requirement(s); and (c) 6 quarter hours of academic credit the preceding regular academic quarter in which you have been enrolled at any collegiate institution.

You must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 quarter hours to be eligible for practice or competition. Additionally, freshmen and sophomores must maintain a minimum accumulative grade point average of 1.8, while juniors and seniors must maintain a minimum accumulative grade point average of 2.0 to be eligible for competition.

You must declare a major by the beginning of your third academic year and have completed at least 40 percent of the specific degree program requirements. By the beginning of your fourth year, 60 percent, and by the beginning of your fifth year, 80 percent of the specific degree program requirements must be met.

Declaring a MajorNormally you will declare a major when you apply as a freshman or transfer student by indicating the name and the six-character major code number on the application form. If you are unsure about a major, Ohio University allows you to enroll as an undecided major in University College or many other colleges.

Some programs of study have higher admission requirements than those set by the University in general, and admission to the University does not automatically grant admission into those programs. Consult the college in which the major is offered or the Office of Undergraduate Admissions for further information on limited or selective admissions policies for specific programs.

Changing Your Major or CollegeIf you are classified as undecided and wish to declare a major, or if you would like to change your major, contact the college in which the major is offered to see if you meet the entry requirements.

Sometimes a change in major will necessitate transferring to another college (e.g., from Arts and Sciences to Communication). You then make application for transfer in the student services office of the college to which you would like to be admitted. If you are an Honors Tutorial or University College student, go to your current college before applying to the student services office of the college to which you would like to be admitted. The change must be processed through the student services office of both colleges within the first 15 calendar days of the quarter (the specific date is published in each quarter's Schedule of Classes), or you will remain enrolled in the initial college for that quarter. You must fulfill degree requirements of the college into which you transfer. You may, however, pursue programs in more than one college simultaneously. Consult your college's student services office about double degrees and dual major opportunities.

Changing Your Class Schedule After Classes Begin

Note the terminology used in explanations of the deadlines that follow:

    Quarter:any quarter, including the 10-week summer quarter

    Sub-term:any five week summer session

In the case of flexibly scheduled classes (classes that meet for fewer days than a quarter or sub-term), the deadlines are pro-rated. Contact the registrar for deadline dates.

You may add a class, drop a class, or correct your registration using the Web Registration system before the quarter or sub-term begins. However, adding certain classes after classes begin requires special permission from the instructor, and is prohibited after the 15th calendar day. Dropping any class after the 35th calendar day of a term or 17th calendar day of a sub-term is generally prohibited except by petition through your college's student services office. (See "Drops" below.)

Adds.You may add a class via Web Registration only during the first 8 calendar days of any quarter or sub-term. However, please note that departments or individual instructors may close registration for their courses prior to the 8th calendar day. After the 8th calendar day and through the 15th calendar day of any quarter, you may add a class only with instructor permission. For classes requiring the instructor's permission, you will need to obtain a permission slip from the instructor or departmental representative and then return the slip to the office indicated on the slip for final processing. You may add a class for which you have not met the prerequisite only by receiving the instructor's permission to take the class.

After the first 15 calendar days of the quarter (8 calendar days of the sub-term), your schedule becomes official. Your final tuition charges are based on your enrollment as of the deadline.

Drops.You may use Web Registration to drop any class except your last class (see Cancelling Registration or Withdrawing from the University, below) through the 35th calendar day of the quarter or the 17th calendar day of a sub-term. Dropping a class is prohibited after these deadlines, but under very exceptional circumstances you may petition your college in writing to make an exception. Your reason must be substantial. Fear of earning a low grade in the class, for example, is not considered to be an exceptional circumstance.

If you drop a class during the first 15 calendar days of the quarter or 8 calendar days of a sub-term, there will be no record of that class on your academic record. When you drop a class after the 15th calendar day of the quarter (8th calendar day of a sub-term), your instructor will assign either a grade of Withdrawn Passing (WP) or Withdrawn Failing (WF), indicating your academic progress at the time the class was dropped. These grades will appear on your academic record, and subsequent DARS reports, in addition to your official transcript. They do not affect your g.p.a.

If you drop hours through the 15th day of the quarter (8th calendar day of a sub-term), you are entitled to a 100 percent refund of the reduction if the change results in a reduction of registration fees provided you are not dropping all hours (see Cancelling Registration or Withdrawing from the University, below). Changes made after the deadlines will result in no refund. If you are receiving financial aid, a change in enrollment status may result in your having to repay programs from which you received aid. (See "Refund of Fees" for more information.)

After the first 15 calendar days of the quarter (8 calendar days of a sub-term)pass, your schedule becomes official. Your final tuition charges are based on your enrollment as of the deadline. If you withdraw from the University or reduce your courseload after the deadline, you must still pay the full tuition fees and your class(es) will remain on your academic record with WP/WF grade(s). Withdrawal during the first 15 calendar days of a quarter or 8 calendar days of a sub-term results in an 80 percent tuition refund.

Only in extreme instances in which circumstances beyond your control make you unable to have your registration in order by the 15th or 8th day deadlines will the University consider making an exception to this policy. Even then, such decisions are made by a special review panel and require that formal documentation such as a doctor's statement be submitted to the Review Panel. The student services office in your college can help you present an appeal to the review panel.

Cancelling Registration or Withdrawing From the University (Dropping All Classes)
Cancellation Before Classes Have Begun.Cancellation of registration is defined as dropping all classes before the first day of classes. This includes all classes for which you are registered on all (one or more) campuses, but not distance learning courses in the Division of Lifelong Learning, for which students register and pay separately. You may cancel your registration by using Web registration, or you can call or visit the registrar's office or the student services office of your college to obtain a cancellation of registration form, which you then complete and return to the registrar's office. An adjustment of your registration fees is made according to the schedule in the Refund of Fees section. Cancelling registration for a term does not prevent a student from registering for a future term.

Withdrawing After Classes Have Begun.Withdrawing from the University is defined as dropping all classes on or after the first day of classes and no later than the day before the last day of classes for the quarter or summer sub-term. Note that this means all regular Ohio University classes for which a student is registered for a given term, whether on one campus or more than one. This does not prevent a student from registering for a future term. Withdrawl is not permitted on or after the last day of classes. This may not be done using Web Registration. Apply for withdrawal by completing a withdrawal request form obtained from the student services office of your college or regional campus. When the request has been approved by the college or regional campus student services office and housing, your withdrawal is processed by the registrar's office, which grants official withdrawal after determining that all obligations to the Uniersity have been met.

Tuition Issues.When changes in a student's registration affect the total registration in a way that changes the amount of tuition, the student will receive the appropriate fee adjustment or pay the appropriate forfeiture for the class(es) dropped, according to the deadlines for those classes, and the tuition for the remaining registration will be re-calculated.

Tuition for summer students who schedule a total of 11 or more hours in any combination of summer registration in the full term or the two sub-term will be calculated in the usual way (1-10 hours equal part-time, 11-20 hours equal full-time for undergraduates; 1-9 hours equal part-time, 10-18 hours equal full-time for gradutes). When dropping classes affects the total registration for the summer in a way that changes the basis for tuition, the tuition will be re-calculated for the remaining registration, and the student will receive the appropriate fee adjustment or pay the appropriate forfeiture for the class(es)dropped, according to the deadlines for those classes.

Your change in enrollment status may result in your having to repay programs from which you have received financial aid. See the Refund of Fees and Financial Aid sections for further information.

Multiple Consecutive Withdrawals.Two or more consecutive withdrawals can be cause for placement of a registration hold on your record by the registrar or your academic dean. A petition to release this hold would be considered by your academic dean.

Withdrawing for Medical Reasons.In the event of serious physical or mental illness, you may arrange for a medical withdrawal from the University. Your withdrawal will be effective on the date you sought treatment from the Student Health Service for your illness or injury, or the last date you attended classes, depending on your particular circumstances. If you were treated by an outside physician who has recommended a medical withdrawal, that recommendation must be sent to the medical director of the Student Health Service.

To arrange for a medical withdrawal, contact the medical director of the Student Health Service (for physical health problems) or the director of Counseling and Psychological Services (for mental health problems). The director will make a written recommendation to your academic dean for a medical withdrawal.

It is possible to withdraw for medical reasons through the day before the last day of classes for the quarter or the summer subterm. After that, the appropriate director and the dean of your college must agree on the withdrawal.

If you are granted a medical withdrawal, you will receive notification in the mail from the medical director. A fee adjustment, if applicable, will be based on the effective date of your withdrawal and will be made according to the schedule in the Refund of Fees section. A medical hold will be placed on your records, and to re-enroll you will have to request a medical clearance from the appropriate director. When the clearance is approved, the hold will be released.

Class Attendance Policy
The weight given to class attendance in determining your grade is an academic matter; thus, all instructors are responsible for their own attendance policies. Though your instructor will state specific attendance requirements during the first week of classes each quarter, the University does expect you to attend classes regularly.

Excused Absences.Although instructors' policies govern how excused absences will be handled in their classes, certain absences are considered legitimate by the University. These include illness, death in the immediate family, religious observance, jury duty, and involvement in University-sponsored activities.

If you are returning to class after a legitimate absence, you can expect your instructors' assistance (makeup work, excused absences, recalculation of the student's grade based on remaining work) within the limits of their established attendance policies. There are occasions when the size or the nature of the course makes it necessary to limit the number of excused absences or the availability of makeup work, particularly for examinations or such special events as field trips or outside speakers. Such limitations should be explained in the instructor's attendance policy at the beginning of each class. If you are involved in University activities that may conflict with your class schedule, check with your instructor as early as possible to make satisfactory arrangements.You may document reasons for your absence as follows:

If you are participating in an authorized University activity (departmental trip, music or debate activity, ROTC function, or athletic competition), you can obtain notification from the sponsoring office. If you are hospitalized at O'Bleness Memorial Hospital, you are not issued a notification of class absence. However, you may request that your instructor call the Student Health Service to verify your hospitalization. If you receive out-patient care at the Student Health Service, you will not be issued a notification of class absence. However, if you give written permission for the information to be released, you may request that your instructor call for verification that you received outpatient care. It is assumed that, whenever possible, you will visit the health service as an outpatient without missing class.

If you receive medical care from personnel or facilities other than the Student Health Service, you are required to provide verification of the dates you received care.

If your grade has been affected by a legitimate absence or absences that your instructor does not excuse, you may appeal through the normal grade appeal process (first through the instructor, then the department chair or school director, and then the dean of your college). If satisfaction is not achieved through this process, the dean will appoint a faculty committee of five members, including the chair or director of the department or school in question, to consider your case and render a decision. The decision of this committee is not subject to further appeal.

Two-Hour Rule.If you miss the first two contact hours of a class, the instructor has the option of not admitting you to the class whether or not you are registered for it. (This policy applies to the first two hoursof a class, not to the first two class meetings.) If you miss the first two contact hours, check with your instructor to verify your status in the class. If you have not been admitted, you will need to drop the class through Web Registration. (See "Change of Course Schedule.")

Note: If the instructor does not admit you to the class, you still must drop the class from your schedule using Web registration. Otherwise, you will receive an F, an FN (failure never attended), or an FS (failure stopped attending) for the class at the end of the quarter.

AuditingYou may register to audit classes, which allows you to preview or review courses without receiving a grade or credit hours, but the choice to audit must be made and identified at the time of registration. Changes from audit to credit or from credit to audit must be made during the first 15 calendar days of the quarter (first 8 days of summer sub-term). Audited classes count in calculating tuition, but they do not carry credit or count toward financial aid eligibility. Audited courses will appear on your official transcript but will not affect your g.p.a. or hours earned. Auditing a class is not the same as taking it on a pass/fail basis. (see Pass-Fail Grading Option)

Your instructor may set up specific requirements for auditing the class, and if you do not meet the requirements, you may be removed from the class at your instructor's discretion with a grade of WP or WF. Be sure to discuss your auditing status with your instructor at the first class meeting.

Senior Citizens Sixty Plus Program

Ohio State Law (Section 3345.27 of the Ohio Revised Code--House Bill 147--effective March 30, 1999) permits the qualifying student to attend any state college or university without paying "tuition or matriculation" fees. (Special course fees, technology fees, laboratory fees, etc., are the responsibility of the student and will not be waived.) This program is available only for regular classroom undergraduate courses offered on the Athens and regional campuses and only if space is available in the class. Registration will be processed only after priority registration for other students is completed. Qualifying student is defined as "any person who is sixty years of age or older and who has resided in the state for at least one year." Under this provision, the student has two options:

Option A--Non Credit.The qualifying student who wishes to participate in classes but not for credit asks permission of the instructor to sit in on the class. The student should complete the Applicatin for Sixty Plus Program, obtain appropriate signature(s), and return the application to the Office of the University Registrar or regional campus student services office with proof of age and Ohio residency.

Option B--For Credit.The Option B procedures are for the qualifying student who wishes to earn credit for the tuition-free courses. The academic load under this arrangement for a given quarter must be less than full time; i.e., less than 11 quarter hours. In addition to being a "qualified student" as described above, the student's family income must be "less that two hundred percent of the federal poverty guideline, as revised annually by the United States secretary of health and human services in accordance with Section 673 of the 'Community Services Block Grant Act,' 95 Stat. 511 (1981) 42 U.S.C.A. 9902, as amended, for a family size equal to the size of the family of the person whose income is being determined." The student should complete the Application for Sixty Plus Program and follow the instructions for processing as described on the application.

Applications for enrollment may be obtained at the Registrar Services Windows in Chubb Hall, First Floor.

Visiting.You must be a registered student or approved under Sixty Plus program in order to attend classes at Ohio University. If you are a full-time student, you also have the privilege of visiting classes for which you haven't specifically registered if you obtain the instructor's permission ahead of time.

Taking Graduate-Level CoursesAs an undergraduate student, you are not eligible to take graduate courses for credit unless you are in the Honors Tutorial College or participate in one of the following programs:

Honors Tutorial College.Students in Honors Tutorial College may complete graduate courses for credit. Graduate courses (courses numbered 500 or above) will automatically become part of their undergraduate record (transcript and DARS report). If the HTC student wants the graduate course(s) to become part of his/her graduate record then he/she must contact the Honors Tutorial College to complete the appropriate application form. This paperwork should be completed prior to the term in which graduate credit is sought.

Departmental Honors.Students in a recognized departmental honors program may take a maximum of three graduate courses in their major department during their senior year (i.e., after earning 135 or more hours of credit). Hours earned in these courses will count toward total hours required for the undergrduate degree only and the grades will be calculated into the undergraduate g.p.a. Registration in graduate courses requires written permission from the instructor. Participation in this option is at the discretion of the department or school. Students process this special registration by obtaining permission from the departmental honors coordinator and submitting the approval form to the Registrar's Office for processing.

Senior for Graduate Credit.If you are an Ohio University student, or a well qualified senior attending another university and within nine hours of completing all requirements for a bachelor's degree, you may be eligible for graduate study as a senior. You must have an overall g.p.a. of at least 2.5 and obtain written permission from the graduate chair of each department offering the graduate courses and from your college Student Services Office. Permission to take such courses does not grant admission to a graduate degree program. If you are admitted as a senior for graduate credit, you will pay undergraduate fees and will not be eligible for graduate assistant or graduate scholarship support. Generally, no more than two graduate courses may be taken in this way, and graduate courses will not fulfill any undergraduate requirements. The graduate credit becomes part of your graduate record only; it does not affect your undergraduate course requirements, hours earned or g.p.a.

Senior for Graduate Credit paperwork should be completed and submitted to the Graduate Studies Office prior to the start of the quarter for which that status is sought.

Request this option through the Office of Graduate Studies, McKee House, before registering. A $10 application fee is charged, and admission is granted for one quarter only.

Early Admission to a Graduate Program.Based on superior undergraduate performance, you may qualify for early admission to a graduate degree program. You must have an overall g.p.a. of at least 3.5 and must have completed all undergraduate requirements, except the total credit-hour requirements, by the time you enter the graduate degree program. You also must obtain written permission from your department, the department's graduate committee, and the Student Services Office of your undergraduate college. Once admitted, you may enroll in graduate classes for graduate credit. These classes can be used to satisfy both graduate degree requirements and undergraduate total credit hour requirements, but the hours and grades are part of your graduate record only. Apply through the Office of Graduate Studies, McKee House, before registering. If you qualify, you pay graduate fees only and are eligible for graduate assistant or scholarship support.

Final Examinations
Final examinations for classes are held during a formal examination period at the end of the academic term. You are required to take the examinations according to the schedule published by the registrar's office in the quarterly Schedule of Classes,which is available online at at https://www.ohio.edu/registrar/. .

Each final examination is scheduled for two hours. Final examinations are given in the regularly scheduled classroom unless the instructor is giving a combined sections examination. Instructors will notify students in courses having combined sections examinations of the time and location of the classroom where the examination will be given.

Students will not be required to sit for more than three final examinations in one day. Should a student be scheduled for more than three examinations in one day, the student may seek relief from the instructor with the examination scheduled latest in the day. This process must be initiated and completed by the ninth week of the quarter. The instructor will provide an examination for the student at a mutually agreed upon time during the examination week.

The final examination for departmental honors work must be taken before the opening of the regular examination period. Consult your departmental honors program coordinator for more information.


At the close of a session or upon completion of a class, the instructor reports a final grade indicating the quality of a student's work in the class. The University's Registrar's deadlines for submitting grades each quarter or session must be met. Failure to do so creates problems for students such as loss of employment, scholarships, financial aid, and opportunities for further study. Once grades are submitted to the University Registrar, they are final and cannot be changed unless evidence of an error can be presented or a formal grade appeal process is completed in accordance with Ohio University's official grade appeal policy (see "Grade Appeals" below). Grades cannot be changed by arranging to complete additional work.Grade point values are assigned for each quarter hour of credit completed according to the grading system below.

The basis for determining a student's scholastic standing is the grade-point average (g.p.a.). This average is determined by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the total number of quarter hours of credit attempted. For example, if a student earned a C (2.0) and a B (3.0) in each of two five-hour courses, first multiply the number of hours in each course by the grade point value for that grade (5 x 2 = 10 and 5 x 3 = 15) and add the grade points for each course together to find the total number of grade points (25). Then add the number of hours attempted (5 + 5 = 10) and divide the total number of grade points by the total hours attempted (25/10 = 2.5). The student's g.p.a. after completing the two courses would be 2.5. A student's g.p.a. is figured only on credit hours attempted--courses for which you receive letter grades (A-F), FN (failure never attended), or FS (failure stopped attending). FN and FS have the same value as an F. Grades of P (pass) and CR (credit) represent hours earned but are not used to calculate the g.p.a.

A course for which a grade has been assigned by a faculty member will not be removed from the student's academic record without approval of the Review Panel and the instructor (see Policy 12.050, "Student Class Drops and Withdrawals" and the Faculty Handbook).

A course for which graduation credit is not allowed or a course which has been retaken, will be identified on the student's academic record (transcript). Grades for these courses do not affect the grade point average, and credit hours do not count toward graduation.

Repeating a CourseRepeating a course is to complete a course more than once for credit. This can be done only with repeatable courses, which are designed to be taken multiple times (e.g., MUS 340, PSY 490). Some departments place a limit on the total number of credits that may be earned in a given repeatable course.

Retaking a CourseA regular course with fixed content can be retaken to affect the student's g.p.a. Retaking the course removes the hours and the effect of the earlier grades from the calculation of the g.p.a. However, all grades appear on the permanent academic record (transcript). The last grade earned is the one used to calculate the g.p.a., even if it is lower than the earlier grade(s), and only the last instance's credit hours are accepted toward any requirements for graduation. Some graduate and professional schools will include all grades in their own calculation of the g.p.a. when determining a student's eligibility for admission, even though Ohio University calculates the g.p.a. using only the last grade in a retaken course.

As a rule, a course designed as a prerequisite may not be retaken to affect the g.p.a. after completion of higher-level coursework in the same subject area. Courses taken at Ohio University and retaken at another university are not eligible for grade point adjustment under this policy. Some departments limit the number of times a course may be retaken. Students should check with their college student services office regarding restrictions.

Retaking a course after graduation will not change graduation g.p.a., honors status, or rank in class.

Pass/Fail Grading OptionTaking a course pass/fail is an option designed to encouraged you to explore areas of study in a way that will not negatively affect your g.p.a. See the description of the "P" grade for additional information and restrictions for use of this option.

Transfer Credit GradesGrades for all acceptable transfer courses in which grades of C- or better are earned are converted to "T" on the student's academic record and the Degree Audit (DARS) Report. Effective Fall Quarter 2005�2006, Ohio University will accept and apply transfer courses from Ohio public institutions in which grades of D+, D, or D- are earned. These courses will reflect a "TD" grade on the student's academic record and DARS report (per Ohio Board of Regents policy to ensure the equitable treatment of transfer students across Ohio's public institutions of higher education). The number of quarter hours of credit earned at each institution is recorded on the permanent record transcript, but no grades are recorded. Transfer students, therefore, enter Ohio University with no grade point average on their Ohio University academic records.

Prior to Fall Quarter 2005-06, D+, D, or D- grades are not transferable. However, if a student earned a D+, D, or D- in a course which was a specific prerequisite (as stated in the academic catalog of the prior school) to a course in which the student earned a grade of C- or better, then the course in which the D+, D, or D- was received was accepted for credit earned, and the T was recorded on the DARS report.

Segmented Transcript PolicyThe segmented transcript policy was developed as a way to allow students who leave the University with low grades and re-enroll after an absence of four or more years to begin coursework without the threat of academic probation. Under this policy, all of the student's courses will are reflected on the transcript, but the g.p.a. grades earned earlier are changed temporarily to CR (for any passing grade) and NC (for any failing grade), which removes them from the calculation of accumulative g.p.a., while the hours earned will be carried forward.

The new g.p.a. after segmentation will be used for determining your probationary status and liability of being academically dropped . The new g.p.a. also may be used, at the discretion of relevant officials or committees, to determine eligibility for entrance to academic programs or for scholarships and honor societies, although they also have the option of using the combined (true) g.p.a.

However, the g.p.a. for determining the 2.0 minimum overall g.p.a. for graduation and in the major, as well as honors status at graduation, is based on all hours attempted at Ohio University, including those attempted before segmentation. Upon graduation, the Registrar will return all grades to the originals and recalculate the g.p.a. Upon graduation, students may request a letter from their academic dean; this letter will explain the Segmented Transcript Policy and include the student's "Fresh Start" g.p.a. (the g.p.a. since segmentation).

Subsequent gaps of four or more years will not qualify students for further transcript segmentation.

The student must petition the student services office of the college dean to have the transcript segmented.

Grade AppealsThe instructor assigned to a class has full responsibility for grading, subject to the appeal process described in this section. A student may appeal a grade through the chairperson of the department to the dean of the college, provided that a concerted effort was made by the student to resolve the matter with the instructor. The burden of proof for a grade change is on the student, except in those cases involving charges of academic dishonesty. If the dean concludes that the student has insufficient grounds for an appeal, there can be no further appeal by the student. If the dean concludes that sufficient grounds do exist for an appeal, the dean shall appoint a faculty committee of five members, including the chairperson of the department in question, to consider the case. If a majority on the committee decide that the grade should be changed and the instructor does not accept the recommendation, the committee can authorize the registrar to change the grade. The decision of the committee is not subject to further appeal. In appeal cases in which the chairperson is the instructor, the dean is authorized to appoint an alternate member from the same department to the committee; if the dean is the instructor, the role of dean will be assumed by the provost. In appeal cases involving courses taught by faculty from more than one college, the dean of University College will review the appeal and, if necessary, appoint the appeals committee. In these cases, the appeals committee shall include the additional chairperson(s). In unusual circumstances (e.g., death, incapacity, or indefinite accessibility of the instructor), the departmental chairperson is responsible for the final grade, subject to appeal by the student to the dean as described in this section. Complete information on the rights and responsibilities of students and faculty relative to grade appeals is available at the Office of the Ombuds. If you need assistance in understanding the grade appeals process, or in preparing a grade appeal(s), contact the Ombuds, Crewson House 200, 593.2627. The office will be able to be of greatest assistance if you make contact early in the process.

I.  Grades Used in GPA Calculation

Numerical Equivalent
(Grade Point Value)
Assigned by
Faculty Member
Passing but Minimally Acceptable
Passing but Minimally Acceptable
Passing but Minimally Acceptable
Failure, Never Attended. This grade is given when the student does not officially drop a class for which he or she is officially registered but did not attend. FN counts as an F in the g.p.a. As with any other undergraduate grade in a nonrepeatable course, the FN may be replaced in the grade point average by the last grade earned if the course is retaken.
Failure, Stopped Attending. This grade is given when the student stops attending but does not officially drop a course for which he or she officially registered and attended at least once. It counts as an F in the g.p.a. In addition, the last date of attendance indicated is recorded on the student's academic record. As with any other undergraduate grade in a nonrepeatable course, the FS may be replaced in the grade point average by the last grade earned if the course is retaken.
Administrative Incomplete. Calculated as "F." Student either did not attend or stopped attending without officially withdrawing. Replaced with FN and FS Fall 1998-99.
Yes - Inactive

II.  Credit Only - Included in Hours Earned But Not Used in GPA Calculation

Numerical Equivalent
(Grade Point Value)
Assigned by
Faculty Member
Credit. A report of credit may be made for certain preapproved courses. Credit is to be used primarily for graduate level courses. Regardless of the level, using a CR grade for a specific course requires prior approval of the University Curriculum Council. Some colleges may limit the number of CRs applied to major and degree requirements
Pass. Conversion of grades A through D- under the pass/fail option. The pass/fail option is designed to encourage students to explore areas of study which they might otherwise hesitate to enter. To be eligible, the student must have a g.p.a. of 2.5 or better for his or her latest quarter of full-time enrollment, or have an accumulative g.p.a. of 2.0 or better. First-quarter freshmen automatically qualify. The pass/fail grading option is subject to the following restrictions:
  1. No course taken pass/fail may be used to fulfill any graduation requirement (college, school, or departmental) other than the total hours requirement. For example, courses taken pass/fail cannot be used to meet distribution requirements, minor or certificate requirements, requirements of courses above a specified level, a specific course established as a major requirement, or any other such requirements in the student's program. Colleges may refuse permission to use the pass/fail option for courses that are elibigle to meet any such requirements that have not already been met by the student; if they do grant permission in such a case, the student will have to meet that requirement with some other course. Such courses taken pass/fail prior to the student's entering a program cannot apply to program requirements other than total hours for graduation.
  2. The student may take no more than one class per quarter or sub-term by pass/fail.
  3. The student may complete no more than 20 quarter hours under this option.
  4. The instructor is not to know who elects his or her course on the pass/fail option. A letter grade will be turned in and then converted to a P or F on the student's academic record by the University Registrar. The original letter grade cannot be retrieved.

To initiate the pass/fail option the student should register for the class via Web Registration, and then contact his or her college or regional campus student services office ( during the first 15 calendar days of the quarter or first eight days of a sub-term only) to request that a class be taken pass/fail. Pass/fail requests by regional campus students are reviewed by the student's college student services office on the Athens campus, and may be denied if an inappropriate choice has been made. Pass/fail applications cannot be processed through Web Registration.

Satisfactory. Same value as "CR" grade. Became inactive Fall 1967-68.
Yes - Inactive
Transfer Credit.
Credit transferred with grade of C- or better.
Transfer Credit D
Credit transferred with grade of D-, D, or D+ from an Ohio public institution of higher education. Effective Fall 2005-2006.

III.  No Credit - Not Included in Hours Earned and Not Used in GPA Calculation

Numerical Equivalent
(Grade Point Value)
Assigned by
Faculty Member
Audit. Indicates formal participation in a class, but not for credit or a regular grade. The student who registers for an audit is expected to attend and participate in the class according to the instructor's policy. Failing to do so can result in removal of the Audit from the record. (If this action results in a change of fees, the university policy on refund of registration fees will apply.) Audited classes are calculated in the tuition fees.
Incomplete. Receiving an "I" means that the student has not completed the work required for a regular grade. The student must have the instructor's permission to receive the Incomplete. The student must complete the work within the first six weeks of his or her next quarter of enrollment or two years from the end of the term in which the grade of "I" was given, whichever comes first, or the "I" converts automatically to an "F." The instructor may request a one-time extension to the end of the quarter by completing a request for the extension through the Registrar's Office. When the student applies for graduation, any Incompletes on the record will be calculated as "F" grades for the purpose of determining eligibility for graduation and will be converted to "F" six weeks after graduation.
No Credit. Conversion of freshman D, I, and F grades from summer 1969-70 through Summer 1976-77 for courses taken under the ABC Grading System option. Also replaces all F grades under Segmented Transcript Policy (began Fall 1985-86).

NC grades are submitted by faculty to indicate non-passing performance by students in courses in the Ohio Program of Intensive English (OPIE).

No - except for OPIE
No Report. This grade is assigned when:
  1. The instructor does not report the grade;
  2. The instructor reports the grade too late for quarterly grade processing; or
  3. The instructor reports an ineligible grade for the grade eligibility code of the course.
Progress. This grade is primarily used at the graduate level and applies only to a few very specific pre-approved undergraduate courses that are designed to span more than one quarter. This grade indicates that the student has made progress in the course but has not finished the work required for a letter grade. It may extend longer than one quarter.
Withdrawal. Officially dropped class or withdrew from University. Became inactive Fall 1973-74.
No - Inactive Fall 1973-74
Withdrawn Passing. This grade designates classes dropped after the 15th day of the quarter (eighth day of a sub-term). It indicates that the student was passing at the time of withdrawal.
Withdrawn Failing. This grade designates classes dropped after the 15th day of the quarter (eighth day of a sub-term). It indicates that the student was failing at the time of withdrawal.

Academic Status

Dean's List
The Deans List, compiled quarterly, includes the names of all students whose g.p.a. for the quarter is at least 3.5 for a minimum of 16 quarter hours of credit earned, including at least 12 hours attempted for letter grades that are used to calculate your g.p.a.

Academic ProbationTo avoid academic probation, you must maintain an accumulative g.p.a. of at least 2.0. At the close of each quarter in which you are a full-time student, your record will be reviewed to verify your g.p.a. If you are a part-time student, the review will take place at the close of the quarter in which your accumulative number of hours of enrollment since your initial enrollment, or since your last review, exceeds 10.

Probation and Continuation.If at the time of the review you do not have the required 2.0 minimum g.p.a., you will be placed on academic probation. If you are already on probation, you may be allowed to continue at the University until the next review if, in the opinion of the dean, you are making adequate progress toward attaining a 2.0 g.p.a. A continuance can be granted a maximum of three times; thus, there is a limit of four consecutive quarters on academic probation if you are a full-time student.

Normally, adequate progress is based on reducing, or at least not increasing, the number of deficiency points you have, which is determined by multiplying your total number of hours attempted by two and subtracting grade points earned. For example, if you have attempted 40 hours and have earned 65 grade points for those hours, first multiply hours by 2 (40 x 2 = 80). Then subtract the number of grade points (80 - 65 = 15 deficiency points). Increasing your grade points for additional hours can decrease your deficiency points and show that you are making adequate progress. This can be done by earning grades of C+ and above in the hours you attempt.

Some colleges require higher standards of performance than the University's 2.0 minimum. If you have been dropped from a college because of failure to meet such additional standards but are not subject to dismissal according to the University rules below, you are still eligible for admission to other programs in the University.

Removal from Probation.Removal of probationary status is automatic at the close of the quarter of reviewfor both part-time and full-time students when your accumulative g.p.a. rises to 2.0 or above. Part-time students may be on probation betweenquarters of review even though their g.p.a. is 2.0 or higher.

Dismissal (Drop) and Reinstatement.If you are denied continuation of probation, you will be dropped from the University. A status of "Drop I" means you were dropped because of an increase in deficiency points. "Drop L" means you reached the limit of four probationary quarters. If you have been dropped, you are not able to enroll for regular courses on any Ohio University campus.

You may petition the dean of your college for reinstatement, but normally reinstatement will not be granted until at least 12 months after your dismissal. As a condition for reinstatement, the dean of your college may suggest remedial steps you can take, usually in the form of courses to be taken at other institutions or through Ohio University's Distance Learning courses in the Division of Lifelong Learning. Successful performance in this coursework may constitute sufficient grounds for waiving or shortening the waiting period for reinstatement.

If you have been dropped from the University for a second time, reinstatement is possible only under extraordinary circumstances and usually is not granted until at least 24 months after the second dismissal.

Academic Misconduct
All forms of academic misconduct are prohibited by the Student Code of Conduct ( https://www.ohio.edu/judiciaries/conduct.cfm ). Academic misconduct refers to dishonesty in assignments or examinations (cheating); presenting the ideas or the writing of someone else as your own (plagiarism); or knowingly furnishing false information to the University by forgery, alteration, or misuse of University documents, records, or identification. Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to, permitting another student to plagiarize or cheat from your work; submitting an academic exercise (written work, printing, sculpture, computer program) that has been prepared totally or in part by another; acquiring improper knowledge of the contents of an exam; using unauthorized material during an exam; submitting the same paper in two different courses without the consent of your professors; or submitting or causing to be submitted a forged grade change slip.

If you have committed any act of academic misconduct as determined by the judgment of a faculty member or by the procedures of the Office of University Judiciaries, serious action--which may include failure of work undertaken, failure in the course, and formal disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion--will be taken against you.

In cases of academic misconduct, a faculty member has the authority to administer a failing grade. If your course grade is lowered by an instructor who has accused you of plagiarism, you may appeal this grade first through the instructor, then the department chair or school director, and then the dean of your college. If satisfaction is not achieved through this process, the dean will appoint a faculty committee of five members, including the chair or director of the department or school in question, to consider your case and render a decision. The decision of this committee is not subject to further appeal. The faculty member also has the discretion to refer your case to the director of judiciaries. The director of judiciaries, the University Hearing Board, and the University Appeal Board have the authority to take formal action that includes, but is not limited to, suspension or expulsion from the University. However, the director of judiciaries, the University Hearing Board, and the University Appeal Board have no authority to modify a grade given by a faculty member.

If you wish to appeal an action of University Judiciaries or the University Hearing Board, such as suspension or expulsion, you can take the matter to the University Appeal Board. Details of appeal procedures are included in the Student Handbook.

Further information on academic misconduct is available from the Office of University Judiciaries, telephone 740-593-2629.

Student Records Information

Students Records PolicyConsistent with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, all of Ohio University's policies and practices governing the collection, maintenance, review, and release of student records will be based upon the principles of confidentiality and your individual right to privacy. The specific policy is detailed in the Appendix of this catalog.

Obtaining TranscriptsStudents may order official transcripts in one of these types:

  1. Comprehensive transcript, showing all coursework at Ohio University.
  2. Undergraduate transcript only
  3. Graduate (master's and Ph.D.) transcript only
  4. Medical transcript only

There is a $5.00 per transcript fee for regular processing (generally 2-3 business days). There is a $10.00 fee for each transcript processed on same day requested. The student is required to provide his/her signature authorizing release of his/her transcript. Transcripts may be ordered online, by mail with a signed letter of request including payment by check or credit card, by signed FAX with payment by credit card, or in person at the Registrar Services Windows. The student is required to provide his/her signature authorizing release of his/her transcript. Online orders may be "automatically authorized" without the student's signature. To find out more about the various processing, application, and delivery options available and to obtain a transcript request form, visit the Registrar Service Windows in Chubb Hall, go the registrar's Web site at https://www.ohio.edu/registrar/transcri.cfm , or phone the Registrar's Office, 740-593-4206, or send e-mail to transcripts@ohio.edu.

Replacement of Diploma
To obtain a replacement diploma, provide a notarized affidavit attesting that the original diploma has been lost or destroyed, or verification of a name change, to the registrar's office along with a request for a new diploma. In the case of a name change, you also must return the original diploma. Instructions for verifying a name change are available from the registrar's office. The fee for diploma replacement is $15. Visit https://www.ohio.edu/registrar/grd.cfm for more details.

The replacement diploma will be the same size as the current diploma, carry current titles and signatures of University officers and the notation "official replacement." Allow four to six weeks for delivery.

Official Notifications for Students

Various state and federal laws require Ohio University to provide information and notice to students on a variety of topics. In addition, Ohio University occasionally develops statements or policies on important matters and distributes them to all students. Below is a listing of official notifications that are currently provided to students.

Notices on these topics are provided via e-mail to all registered students as of the dealine for registration in each academic quarter. E-mail is sent to each student's official University e-mail address (Oak account). These notices are routinely available at the University's Web site at: https://www.ohio.edu/notifications/ .

Further, it is a student's responsibility to know and follow current requirements and procedures at the departmental, college, and University levels, including those described in the University's Undergraduate Catalog, Graduate Catalog, Guide for Residential Living, and University Policy and Procedures. All students are subject to the rules of behavior as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.

  • Student Code of Conduct
  • University Regulations Regarding Concealed Gun Law
  • Consequences for Involvement in Civil Disturbance
  • Graduation/Transfer-Out Rates (Student Right to Know Act of 1990)
  • Crime Awareness and Campus Security (Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act)
  • Drugs and Alcohol (Drug-Free School and Community Act of 1989)
  • Convictions for Certain Riot-related and Sexual Assault Offenses (Ohio House Bill 95)
  • Campus Disruption (Ohio House Bill 1219)
  • Voter Registration (Voter Registration Provision in Higher Education Amendments of 1998)
  • Student Privacy (The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 or FERPA)
  • Copyright Infringement and the Internet
  • Emergency Closing of the University
  • Statement on Hate-Motivated Behavior
  • Statement on Sexual Assault

Questions regarding notifications can be addressed to the Office of the Dean of Students, 202 Baker University Center, 740.593.1800, deanstu@ohio.edu.

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Ohio University Front Door - Undergraduate Catalogs - Graduate Catalogs

University Publications and Academic Technology staff revised this file (https://www.ohio.edu/catalog/06-08/general/policy.htm) on November 10, 2006.
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