School of Human and Consumer Sciences

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 Ohio University Front Door  Graduate Catalog - Undergraduate Catalog -

Tupper Hall

Judith Matthews, Director

The School of Human and Consumer Sciences, accredited by the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, offers programs in child and family studies, food and nutrition, interior design, and retail merchandising. There are nine professional curricula leading to the Bachelor of Science in Human and Consumer Sciences. In addition, University College and the school offer a two-year curriculum in child development leading to the A.A. degree. Graduate work leading to the M.S. degree also is offered (see the Graduate Catalog).

The school provides for a variety of activities and experiences, including the Child Development Center and the Nutrition Treatment Program.

Child Development Center

The Ohio University Child Development Center provides clinical opportunities for Ohio University students from the Schools of Human and Consumer Sciences, Hearing and Speech Sciences, and Recreation and Sport Sciences; the Department of Psychology; and the College of Edu- cation, as well as from other related disciplines throughout the university.

The philosophy of the Child Development Center is based on the belief that learning results from the dynamic interaction between children's emerging cognitive and affective systems and their environment. The primary commitment of the Child Development Center is to help children realize their fullest potential in their emotional, social, cognitive, and physical development.

A second responsibility of the Child Development Center is to play an active, coordinated role in preparing preschool and early childhood educators. In addition to serving as a training and observation site for Ohio University students, the center is committed to research that furthers knowledge of the growth and development of children, of family relations, and of educational curricula.

Finally, the center acts as an extension of and support to families in the Athens community, offering both developmental child care and professional knowledge of children's growth, development, and learning.

Nutrition Treatment Program

This program has four main objectives:
  1. To provide learning opportunities for senior and master's-level dietetic majors
  2. To offer a health care service to community residents
  3. To provide outreach educational efforts to improve the nutrition awareness of the community
  4. To foster research designed to promote client understanding and compliance and to maximize students' decision-making and problem-solving skills.

The American Dietetic Association-approved program in didactic dietetic education is charged with providing students with practice-related learning experience. Through working with clients, students gain experience in nutrition assessment, developing a plan of care to meet client needs, implementing and evaluating that plan, and documenting progress in the medical record. Nutrition counseling allows dietetic majors to synthesize and apply previously acquired knowledge in a practical ambulatory-care setting under the guidance of a registered and licensed dietitian.

The Nutrition Treatment Program provides a service to area residents who show some degree of cardiovascular or other disease risk. The goal is to help the at-risk individual prevent or attenuate any incident through adoption of eating behaviors appropriate to the client's individual health needs and lifestyle.

The Nutrition Treatment Program provides the community with educational programming on issues of current nutritional concern through newsletters, oral presentations to campus and community groups, panel discussions, and radio and television features. The goal is to increase public awareness, knowledge, and adoption of recommended nutritional practices.

The Nutrition Treatment Program fosters research designed better to serve clients and encourages research that helps future dietetic professionals develop conceptual and decision-making skills.

Degree Requirements for All Majors

Candidates for the Bachelor of Science in Human and Consumer Sciences must fulfill the university General Education Requirements and complete a minimum of 192 hours (see "General Education Requirements" in the Graduation Requirements-University Wide section). A of 2.0 (C) is required on all hours attempted (both overall and in your major) but includes only final hours and grade points on retaken courses. Some programs have additional criteria that must be met. In addition, you may be required to have a g.p.a. higher than 2.0 (C) to obtain certain field experiences or internships, to be admitted to teacher education, or to be admitted to graduate school or student teaching.

Note: most undergraduate courses offered through the School of Human and Consumer Sciences can be retaken up to two times (i.e., one initial registration and two retakes). Variable credit courses usually cannot be retaken (i.e., with the possibility of the initial grade being removed), but can be repeated for credit to count toward your degree.

Early Childhood Education

Major code BS6350

This program prepares you for teaching in nursery schools, child-care centers, Head Start programs, prekindergarten programs in public schools, and preschool programs for disabled children. You must meet the criteria for selective admission to and retention in teacher education as established by the College of Education (see "Admission to Professional Education" in the College of Education section), including a 2.75 g.p.a. in your major, in required professional education courses, and overall. Upon completion of this program and after passing the NTE core/battery and early childhood education specialty tests, you are eligible for a four-year provisional Ohio prekindergarten teaching certificate.

Required General Education Courses: 45 hours

Ohio requirements for teacher certification state that to apply for a teaching certificate you must complete 45 quarter hours of general education courses well distributed in the areas of science and mathematics, social sciences, English and/or foreign language, and comparative arts and/or philosophy.

You also must complete Ohio University's General Education Requirements (see "General Education Requirements" in the Graduation Requirements section). Work closely with your faculty advisor to make certain that both sets of requirements are met.

The breakdown of these teacher certification general education course requirements is:

Science and Mathematics

You are required to complete at least one course in science and one course in mathematics. Appropriate science courses are astronomy, chemistry, physical science, geological sciences, physics, plant biology, and biological sciences. Any Tier I quantitative skills course or any course in the Department of Mathematics except 101, 102, or 320 is acceptable for the mathematics requirement. Computer science courses, with the exception of CS 220, do not satisfy this requirement.

Comparative Arts and/or Philosophy

You are required to complete at least two courses in this area. The two courses need not be in the same field. Possibilities include any course in the Department of Philosophy; School of Comparative Arts; HUM 107, 108, 109, 307, 308, or 309; theater history courses; Art History; Art (except for ART 360, 461, 462); School of Music courses except for music education courses, music therapy courses, and the one- and two-hour participation courses. MUS 160 Music Fundamentals, or MUS 262 Music in Early Childhood, is required.

Social Sciences

You are required to complete at least two courses in social sciences. The two courses need not be in the same field. PSY 101, which is required, is included as one of the social sciences courses. Other possibilities include any course in anthropology, economics, economic education, history, political science, sociology, social work, geography, and psychology, except PSY 120, 221, 226, 275, 312, and 314.

English and/or Foreign Language

You are required to complete at least two courses in English and/or foreign language. The two courses need not be in the same field. Freshman and junior English composition courses taken to satisfy the university English composition requirement (see General Education Requirements in the Graduation Requirements section of this catalog) may be used toward completion of these hours. INCO 103 is a specific requirement in this area. Possibilities in this area include all English courses except ENG 451 and 452; any linguistics course; any foreign language course except ML 410 and 445; HUM 107, 108, 109, 307, 308, and 309. (These humanities courses may NOT count toward the General Education Requirements in both the English and/or foreign language field and the comparative arts and/or philosophy field.)

If two courses in each of the above fields do not add up to a total of 45 hours, you must select sufficient hours in one or a combination of the above areas to bring the total hours in general education courses to 45 hours.

Thirty-Hour Concentration

A 30-hour concentration is required in one of the following areas: anthropology, art, child and society, economics, English, family and society, geography, history, interpersonal communication, modern languages (French, German, Spanish), mathematics, music, political science, psychology, sociology, science, or social science. A concentration may contain ten quarter hours that are used to meet the General Education Requirements in English, science, mathematics, or social sciences. Courses for an area of concentration must be selected from an approved list available from Student Services in the College of Education. Many concentrations require at least ten quarter hours at the 300 level or above.

Major Requirements

ART 360 A, B    Art for Elementary Education 6
HCCF 160*     Intro to Child Development 4
or PSY 273*    Child & Adolescent Psych.
HCCF 299*     Soph. Practicum-Professional Assessment 3
HCCF 361*     Preschool Guidance 4
HCCF 363*     Creative Experiences w/Preschool Children 4
HCCF 364*     Premath and Science Exp. w/Young Children 4
HCCF 365*     Infant Education 4
HCCF 371*     Family Development 3
HCCF 399*     Junior Practicum-Professional Development 5
HCCF 463*     Preschool Administration 5
HCCF 465*     Parent Education 4
HCCF 467      Theories of Child Development 4
HCFN 128      Intro to Nutrition 4
HCID 18       Intro to Residential Design 3
HCRM 25      Consumer in Amer. Society 4
HLTH 227      First Aid 3
HSS 310       Language Development 5
or LING 270    The Nature of Language or 5
or PSY 307      Psycholinguistics or 4
PESS 485      Perceptual Motor Devel. in Children 3
PSY 332       Abnormal Psychology 4
PSY 304       Cognitive Processes 4
or PSY376     Psychological Disorders of Childhood

Select two HCCF 462 courses:

HCCF 462A    Pluralistic Life Styles 3
HCCF 462B    Parenthood 3
HCCF 462C    Middle Childhood 3

Required Professional Education Courses

EDCE 410    Human Relations 3
EDCI 203    Technological Appls. in Education 4
EDEL 306*   Kindergarten Theory and Methods 6
EDSP 270*   Classroom Management w/Problem Children I 3
EDSP 271*   Intro to Ed. of Except. Children and Youth 3
EDSP 272*   Intro to Ed. of MR Children and Youth 3
HCCF 400*  Senior Seminar 3
HCCF 464*  Early Childhood Practicum 6-12
PSY 275*    Educational Psychology 4

*C (2.0) or better required

Note:Because of changing state standards, additional or replacement courses are under development. Check with your advisor for current information.

Early Childhood Validation

The validation can be attached to an already existing kindergarten-primary, elementary, home economics, or special education certificate after completing a student teaching experience and passing the NTE early childhood specialty test. The validation will provide an opportunity for individuals working in a related field to develop skills necessary for working with children birth to six years of age.

HCCF 160      Intro to Child Dev. 4
or EDEL 200    Studies of Children & Lab
or PSY 273     Child & Adolescent Psych.
HCCF 361      Preschool Guidance 4
HCCF 363      Creative Exp. w/Preschool Children 4
HCCF 364      Premath and Science Exp. w/Preschool Children 4
HCCF 371      Family Development 3
HCCF 464      Early Childhood Pract. 6
HCCF 463      Preschool Administration 5
HCCF 465      Parent Education 4

Choose two HCCF 462 courses:

HCCF 462A    Pluralistic Life Styles 3
HCCF 462B    Parenthood 3
HCCF 462C    Middle Childhood 3

Early Childhood/Primary Education

Major code BS6353

This program prepares students for teaching in nursery schools, child-care centers, Head Start programs, prekindergarten, kindergarten, and primary grades (1-3) in public schools. You must meet the criteria for selective admission to and retention in teacher education as established by the College of Education (see "Admission to Professional Education" in the College of Education section) including a 2.75 g.p.a. in your major, in required professional education courses, and overall. To graduate in this major, you must complete all College of Education requirements. Upon completion of the program and after passing the NTE core/battery and two specialty tests-early childhood education and education in the elementary school-you are eligible for a four-year provisional teaching certificate in prekindergarten and kindergarten-primary education.

Required General Education Courses

Science and Mathematics

BIOL 101               Principles of Biology 5
or BIOS 103             Human Biology
                       Physical science course with lab component 4-5
MATH 120*, 121, 122    Elementary Topics in Math 10

NOTE: These math courses are recommended; however, any math courses numbered above 120 (except MATH 151) and totaling 10 hours will be acceptable.

Comparative Arts and/or Philosophy

MUS 160     Music Fundamentals 3
MUS 161     Music for Classroom Teachers 3
or MUS 262   Music for Early Childhood

Social Sciences

GEOG 121     Elements of Human Geography 4
PSY 101*      General Psychology 5
SOC 101      Intro to Sociology 5
SOC 201      Contemporary Social Problems 4
or SOC 223    American Society U.S. History or Political Science course 4

English and/or Foreign Language

ENG 151/152/153*   Freshman Composition 5
                  Tier I Junior Composition* 4
INCO 103*          Fundamentals of Public Speaking 4
LING 270           Nature of Language 5

Thirty Hour Concentration

A 30-hour concentration is required in one of the following areas: anthropology, art, child and society, economics, English, family and society, geography, history, interpersonal communication, modern languages (French, German, Spanish), mathematics, music, political science, psychology, sociology, science, or social science. (A social science concentration is not valid for certification above third grade.) A concentration may contain ten quarter hours that are used to meet the General Education Requirements in English, science, mathematics, or social sciences. Courses for an area of concentration must be selected from an approved list available from Student Services in the College of Education. Many concentrations require at least ten quarter hours at the 300 level or above.

Professional Requirements

HCCF 160*           Intro to Child Dev. 4
or PSY 273*          Child and Adol. Psych.
HCCF 361*          Principles of Preschool Guidance 4
HCCF 363*          Creative Experiences w/Preschool Children 4
HCCF 364*          Premath and Science Exp. w/Young Children 4
HCCF 371*          Family Development 3
HCCF 463*          Preschool Administration 5
HCCF 465*          Parent Education 4
PSY 275*           Educational Psychology 4
EDSP 271*          Intro to Educ. of Except. Children and Youth 4
EDCI 301*          Cultural Diversity and Education 3
EDCI 400*          School, Society, and the Professional Educator 4
EDEL 306*          Kindergarten Theory and Methods 6
EDEL 310*, 310L*   Teach Lang. Arts Elem. School and Lab 5
EDEL 311*, 311L*   Teach Reading Elem. School and Lab 5
EDEL 321*, 321L*   Children's Literature and Lab 4
EDEL 330*, 330L*   Teach Math Elem. School (K-3) and Lab 3
EDEL 340*, 340L*   Teach Science Elem. School and Lab 5
EDEL 350*, 350L*   Teach Social Studies Elem. School and Lab 4
EDEL 372*         Managing Elementary Classrooms 2

Related Requirements

ART 360A     Media for Elem. Teachers 3
ART 360B     Art for Elem. Teachers 3
EDCE 410     Human Relations 3
EDCI 203     Technological Applications in Education 4
HCCF 360    Human Sexuality 4
HCFN 128    Intro to Nutrition 4
HLTH 202    Health Sciences and Lifestyle Choices 4
or HLTH 227  First Aid or 3
PESS 270    Teaching of Phys. Educ. 3

Select two HCCF 462 courses:

HCCF 462A    Pluralistic Life Styles 3
HCCF 462B    Parenthood 3
HCCF 462C    Middle Childhood 3

Primary Student Teaching

EDPL 461, 462    Student Teaching 13EDPL 465        Student Teaching Seminar 3

Early Childhood Student Teaching

HCCF 400*   Senior Seminar 3
HCCF 464*   Early Childhood Practicum 6

*C (2.0) or better required

Note:Because of changing state standards, additional or replacement courses are under development. Check with your advisor for current information.

Family and Consumer Sciences Education

Major code BS6370

This program prepares you for teaching family and consumer sciences in junior and senior high schools. You must meet the criteria for selective admission to and retention in teacher education established by the College of Education (see "Admission to Professional Education" in the College of Education section), including a 2.75 g.p.a. in your major, in required professional education courses, and overall. Upon completion of this program and after passing the NTE core/battery and home economics education specialty tests, you are eligible for the four-year provisional Ohio vocational home economics-consumer and homemaking teaching certificate plus the Ohio general home economics teaching certificate.

Required General Education Courses: 45 hours

Ohio requirements for teacher certification state that to apply for a teaching certificate you must complete 45 quarter hours of general education courses well distributed in the areas of science and mathematics; social sciences; English and/or foreign language; and comparative arts and/or philosophy.

You also must complete Ohio University's General Education Requirements (see the Graduation Requirements section). Work closely with your faculty advisor to make certain that both sets of requirement are met.

Science and Mathematics

You are required to complete at least one course in science and one in mathematics. CHEM 121 Principles of Chemistry or CHEM 151 Fundamentals of Chemistry is required. Any Tier I quantitative skills course or any course in the Department of Mathematics except 101, 102, or 320 is acceptable for the mathematics requirement. Computer science courses, with the exception of CS 220, do not satisfy this requirement.

Comparative Arts and/or Philosophy

You are required to complete at least two courses in this area. The two courses need not be in one field. Possibilities include any course in the Department of Philosophy (except PHIL 120) or School of Comparative Arts; HUM 107, 108, 109, 307, 308, or 309; theater history courses; Art History; Art (except ART 360A, 360B, 461, 462); School of Music courses except music education, music therapy, and one- and two-hour participation courses.

Social Sciences

You are required to complete at least two courses in social sciences. The two courses need not be in the same field. PSY 101*, which is required, is included as one of the social sciences courses. Other possibilities include any course in anthropolgy, economics, economic education, history, political science, sociology, social work, geography, or psychology (except PSY 120, 221, 226, 275, 312, and 314).

English and/or Foreign Language

You are required to complete at least two courses in English and/or foreign language. The two courses need not be in the same field. Freshman and junior English composition courses taken to satisfy the Tier I requirement (see "General Education Requirements" in the Graduation Requirements section) may be used toward completion of these hours. In addition, INCO 103* is a specific requirement in this area. Possibilities in this area include all English courses except ENG 451 and 452; any linguistics course; any foreign language course except ML 410 and 445; HUM 107, 108, 109, 307, 308, and 309. (These humanities courses may NOT count toward the General Education Requirements in both the English and/or foreign language field and the comparative arts and/or philosophy field.)

If two courses in each of the above fields do not total 45 hours, you must complete sufficient hours in one or a combination of the above areas to bring the total hours in general education courses to 45.

Major Requirements

HCCF 160*     Intro. to Child Devel. 4
HCCF 270*     Family Living 3
HCCF 299*     Sophomore Practicum-Prof. Assessment 3
HCCF 360      Human Sexuality 4
HCCF 361      Prin. Preschool Guidance 4
HCCF 371*     Family Development 3
HCCF 399*     Junior Practicum-Prof. Development 5
HCCF 452      Management for the Disabled Homemaker 4
HCCF 462A     Pluralistic Lifestyles 3
HCCF 462B     Parenthood 3
or HCCF 462D   The One-Parent Family
HCCF 462C     Middle Childhood 3
HCCF 462E     Youth Identity Crisis 3
HCCF 462F     The Aged Family 3
HCCF 471*     Family Life Education 4
HCFN 120*     Meal Management 3
HCFN 128*     Intro. to Nutrition 4
HCFN 222*     Food Science Principles 4
HCFN 232*     Infant and Child Nutrition 4
HCGE 340*     Teaching of Family and Consumer Sciences Ed 4
HCID 180*      Intro to Resid. Design 3
HCRM 250*     The Consumer in Am. Soc. 4
HCRM 283*     The Apparel Process 4
HCRM 315      Textiles 4
HLTH 202*     Health Sciences and Lifestyle Choices 4
INCO 205       Group Discussion 4
or EDCE 410    Human Relations or 3

*C (2.0) or better required

Required Professional Education Courses

The following three courses are to be taken together as a block:

EDCI 200          Learning, Human Growth, and Development 6
EDCI 201          Characteristics of Learners with Exceptionalities 3
EDCI 202          Field Exp. in Typical and Exceptional Student Development 2
EDCI 203          Technological Applications in Education 4
EDCI 301          Educ. and Cultural Diversity 3
EDCI 371A or B    Instr. Adapt. for Learners with Exceptionalities and Diverse Needs 4
EDCI 400          School, Society, and the Professional Educator 4
EDPL 463, 464     Student Teaching 13
EDPL 465         Stu. Teaching Seminar 3
EDSE 351         Instructional Process and Curriculum 5
EDSE 420, 420L   Teaching of Reading and Lab 5

Because of changing state standards, additional or replacement courses are under development. Check with your advisor for current information.

Family Studies

Major code BS6351

This program prepares you to work with clients at various developmental stages, such as children, adolescents, and seniors. Employment opportunities include family services, children's services, adolescent group homes, rehabilitation centers, community programs for the developmentally disabled, senior citizen centers, planned parenthood centers, children's hospitals, mental health agencies, and probation services.

Major Requirements

HCCF 160*     Intro to Child Dev. 4
or EDEL 200*   Studies of Children
or PSY 273*    Child & Adolescent Psych.
HCCF 270     Family Living 3
HCCF 299*    Sophomore Practicum-Professional Assessment 3
HCCF 360      Human Sexuality 4
HCCF 361      Preschool Guidance 4
HCCF 371*    Family Development 3
HCCF 380      Death and Dying 4
HCCF 399*    Junior Practicum-Professional Development 5
HCCF 400      Senior Seminar 3
HCCF 444     Adult Education 4
or HCCF 471   Family Life Education
HCCF 452      Home Management for Disabled Homemakers 4
HCCF 462A    Pluralistic Life Styles 3
HCCF 462B    Parenthood 3
HCCF 462C    Middle Childhood 3
HCCF 462D    One-Parent Family 3
HCCF 462E    Youth Identity Crisis 3
HCCF 462F    The Aged Family 3
HCCF 499*    Field Experience-Family Studies 12

Required Related Courses

EDCE 410     Human Relations 3
HCFN 128     Intro to Nutrition 4
HCID 180     Intro to Residential Design 3
HCRM 250    Consumer in Amer. Society 4
HLTH 227     First Aid 3
HS 309       Microcomputer Appl. 4
or CS 120     Computer Science Survey or 4
or MIS 100    Intro to Microcomputers or 3
MGT 200     Intro to Management 4
or MGT 300   Management
PSY 101     General Psychology 5
PSY 120     Elem. Statistical Reasoning 4
PSY 332     Abnormal Psychology 4
or PSY 376   Psychological Disorders of Childhood
PSY 233     Psychology of Personality 4
SOC 101     Intro to Sociology 5
SOC        Any 200-level 4
SOC 361     Deviant Behavior 4
SW 101      Intro to Social Welfare and Social Work 3
SW 290      American Social Welfare System 4

Select one of the following SOC courses:

SOC 315    Individual in Mass Society 4
SOC 334    Sociology of Aging 4
SOC 363    Juvenile Delinquency 4
SOC 365    Sociology of Mental Illness 4
SOC 414    Contemporary Social Movements 4
SOC 416    Society and the Individual 4
SOC 467    Violence Against Women 4

Select two of the following SW courses:

SW 380    Child Abuse and Neglect 4
SW 382    Understanding Alcohol Problems and Alcoholism 4
SW 383    Intro to Social Work Practice Methods 4
SW 384    Social Work Law 4
SW 390    Social Policy 4

* C (2.0) or better required

Food and Nutrition

Program Standards

To remain active in any program option listed as Food and Nutrition, you must meet the following criteria:
  1. Maintain overall g.p.a. of 2.0 (C) or better in all hours attempted at Ohio University.
  2. Earn at least a C (2.0) or better in each course listed under Major Requirements and Related Requirements (both dietetics and nutrition with science majors).


Earn at least a 2.0 (C) in each course listed under Major Requirements (food service management majors).

You must successfully earn a C (2.0) in all required HCFN courses by the end of the third enrollment in each course. Other schools and departments may also limit the number of times you may retake a course. If, after their second enrollment in a HCFN course, you have not earned a C (2.0) or better, you will receive a letter from the food and nutrition coordinator informing you that you must obtain a satisfactory grade at the end of the next enrollment in that course or you will be dropped from the major.

Note: If you are applying for a post-graduation internship or preprofessional practice program, you should be aware that they generally require a minimum accumulative g.p.a. of 3.0 (B) or higher. Completing the graduation requirements of Ohio University and meeting requirements of the Food and Nutrition's American Dietetic Association (ADA) Approved Program does not guarantee that you will be accepted into post-baccalaureate programs for professional experience. You must apply to and be granted acceptance into such programs to pursue the experiential component toward becoming a Registered Dietitian (RD).


Major code BS6360

This didactic program in dietetics meets American Dietetic Association academic requirements, qualifying you to apply for a Dietetic Internship or Approved Pre-Professional Practice Program (AP4) in dietetics.

Major Requirements

HCFN 120*    Meal Management 3
HCFN 128     Intro to Nutrition 4
HCFN 222     Food Science and Prin. 4
HCFN 299     Sophomore Practicum-Professional Awareness 1
HCFN 334     Quantity Food Production 4
HCFN 335     Food Service Purchasing 4
HCFN 382     Intermediate Nutrition 4
HCFN 399A**  Field Experience 5
HCFN 400A    Senior Seminar 1
HCFN 422     Experimental Foods 4
HCFN 424     Nutrition Treatment in Outpatient Care 4
HCFN 426     World View of Nutrition 3
HCFN 428     Advanced Nutrition 4
HCFN 429     Community Nutrition 3
HCFN 430     Therapeutic Nutrition 4
HCFN 431     Studies of Science of Nutrition 1
HCFN 437     Food Service Systems I 5
HCFN 438     Food Service Systems II 4
HCFN 499A    Nutrition Counseling Practicum 3

*Must obtain a laboratory coat to be worn in foods labs (approx. $30)

**Must secure liability insurance (approx. $38)

Required Related Courses

ACCT 201             Financial Accounting 4
ANTH 101             Intro to Cultural Anthropology 5
BIOS 170, 171          Intro to Zoology 10
BIOS 300              Anatomy and Histology 6
BIOS 345              Human Physiology 4
BIOS 346              Human Physiology Lab 3
BIOS 445              Physiology of Exercise 4
or PESS 414            Physiology of Exercise
BIOS 463              Cell Chemistry 4
CHEM 121, 122, 123     Principles of Chemistry 12
or CHEM 151, 152, 153   Fund. of Chemistry or 15
CHEM 301, 302         Organic Chemistry 6
CS 120                Computer Science Survey 4
or HS 309              Microcomputer Appl. or 4
or MIS 100             Intro to Microcomputers or 3
ECON 103             Principles of Microeconomics 4
ECON 104             Principles of Macroeconomics 4
HCCF 371             Family Development 3
HCRM 250            Consumer in Amer. Society 4
or HCID 180           Intro to Residential Design or 3
HRM 420             Human Resource Management 4
INCO 101             Fund. of Human Communication 4
or INCO 103          Fund. of Public Speaking
JOUR 250            Advertising Principles 4
MGT 200             Intro to Management 4
or MGT 300           Management
MICR 211, 212        Environ. Microbiology and Lab 6
or MICR 311          General Microbiology
PSY 101             General Psychology 5
PSY 221             Statistics for Beh. Sciences 4
PSY 275             Educational Psychology 4

If your mathematics placement exam result is lower than MATH 263, you must complete one of the following:

MATH 113     Algebra 5
MATH 115     Precalculus 5MATH 163A   Intro to Calculus 4
MATH 263A   Calculus 4

Food Service Management

Major code BS6361

This program with a built-in business minor prepares you for a career in management and supervision in hotels, motels, restaurants, public schools, residence halls, and industry. It is strongly recommended that you have a part-time job in a hospitality establishment to be more marketable upon graduation.

Major Requirements

HCFN 110      Intro to Hospitality 4
HCFN 120*     Meal Management 3
HCFN 128      Intro to Nutrition 4
HCFN 222      Food Science and Prin. 4
HCFN 330      Food Sanitation and Safety 2
HCFN 334      Quantity Food Production 4
HCFN 335      Food Service Purchasing 4
HCFN 399B**   Field Experience 5
HCFN 400B     Senior Seminar 1
HCFN 437      Food Service Systems I 5
HCFN 438      Food Service Systems II 4
HCFN 439      International Cuisine 4
HCFN 440      Beverage Management 4
HCFN 498B     Food Service Professional Development 2
HCFN 499B     Food Service Practicum 3

*Must obtain a laboratory coat to be worn in foods labs (approx. $30)

**Must secure liability insurance (approx. $38)

Required Related Courses

ACCT 201      Financial Accounting 4
ACCT 202      Managerial Accounting 4
BUSL 255      Law and Society 4
CHEM 121     Principles of Chemistry 4
CS 120        Computer Science Survey 4
or HS 309      Microcomputer Appl. or 4
or MIS 100     Intro to Microcomputers or 3
ECON 103     Prin. Microeconomics 4
ECON 104     Prin. Macroeconomics 4
ECON 381     Intro to Economic Statistics 4
or PSY 221    Statistics for Beh. Sciences
HCCF 371     Family Development 3
HCCF 444     Adult Ed. in Human and Consumer Sciences 4
or HCRM 250  Consumer in Amer. Society
HCID 180     Intro to Residential Design 3
HRM 420     Human Resource Management 4
HRM 425     Labor Relations 4
INCO 101     Fund. of Human Communication 4
or INCO 103   Fund. of Public Speaking
JOUR 250    Advertising Principles 4
MGT 300     Management 4
or MGT 200   Intro to Management
MIS 300;      Business Information Systems 4
MKT 301     Marketing Principles 4
PSY 101      General Psychology 5
PSY 275      Educational Psychology 4
SOC 101      Intro to Sociology 5

Nutrition with Science (Biological Sciences)

Major code BS6363

This didactic program in dietetics meets American Dietetic Association academic requirements qualifying you for an internship or Approved Pre-Professional Practice Programs (AP4). It also provides a basis for graduate study and research in nutrition and/or biological sciences. Certain other preprofessional undergraduates with a strong interest in nutrition, such as those in premedicine, will find the program satisfies requirements for admission to professional schools.

Major Requirements

HCFN 120*    Meal Management 3
HCFN 128     Intro to Nutrition 4
HCFN 222     Food Science and Prin. 4
HCFN 299     Sophomore Practicum-Professional Awareness 1
HCFN 334     Quantity Food Production 4
HCFN 335     Food Service Purchasing 4
HCFN 382     Intermediate Nutrition 4
HCFN 399A**  Field Experience 5
HCFN 400A    Senior Seminar 1
HCFN 422     Experimental Foods 4
HCFN 424     Nutrition Treatment in Outpatient Care 4
HCFN 426     World View of Nutrition 3
HCFN 428     Advanced Nutrition 4
HCFN 429     Community Nutrition 3
HCFN 430     Therapeutic Nutrition 4
HCFN 431     Studies of Science of Nutrition 1
HCFN 437     Food Service Systems I 5
HCFN 438     Food Service Systems II 4
HCFN 499A    Nutrition Counseling Pract. 3

*Must obtain a laboratory coat to be worn in foods labs (approx. $30)**Must secure liability insurance (approx. $38)

Required Related Courses

ACCT 201               Financial Accounting 4
ANTH 101               Intro to Cultural Anthropology 5
BIOS 170, 171, 172, 173   Intro to Zoology 14
BIOS 300               Anatomy and Histology 6
or BIOS 303             Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy or 5
BIOS 325               General Genetics 5
BIOS 342, 343           Principles of Physiology 6
or BIOS 345, 345         Human Phys. & Lab or 7
BIOS 445               Physiology of Exercise 4
or PESS 414             Physiology of Exercise
BIOS 446               Physiology of Exercise Lab 3
or PESS 415             Physiology of Exercise Lab
BIOS 463               Cell Chemistry 4
BIOS 464               Physiological Chem. Lab 3
CHEM 151, 152, 153      Fund. of Chemistry 15
CHEM 301, 302          Organic Chemistry 6
ECON 103              Principles of Microeconomics 4
ECON 104              Principles of Macroeconomics 4
HCCF 371              Family Development 3
HCRM 250              Consumer in Amer. Society 4
or HCID 180             Intro to Residential Design or 3
HRM 420               Human Resource Management 4
INCO 101               Fund. of Human Comm. 4
or INCO 103             Fund. of Public Speaking
JOUR 250               Advertising Principles 4
MATH 163A&B          Intro to Calculus 7
or MATH 263A&B        Calculus or 8
MGT 200                Intro to Management 4
or MGT 300              Management
MICR 211, 212           Environ. Microbiology and Lab 6
or MICR 311             General Microbiology
PHYS 201, 202           Intro to Physics 10
PSY 101                General Psychology 5
PSY 221                Statistics for Beh. Sciences 4
PSY 275                Educational Psychology 4

Select one of the following three:

CS 120    Computer Science Survey 4
HS 309    Microcomputer Appl. 4
MIS 100   Intro to Microcomputers 3

Minor in Basic and Applied Nutrition

Minor code OR6360

This minor gives you the opportunity to strengthen your knowledge of nutrition principles and applications. After completing this minor, you possess basic information concerning nutrition and diet to help others identify reliable nutrition resources in the community. A minimum of 29 to 31 hours plus any necessary prerequisites are required.

Supporting Sciences

(These courses are prerequisites to upper-level HCFN courses. Twelve hours can be applied to the minor.)

BIOS 345              Human Physiology 4
BIOS 463              Cell Chemistry 4
CHEM 121, 122, 123     Principles of Chemistry 12
or CHEM 151, 152, 153   Fund. of Chemistry or 15
CHEM 301, 302         Organic Chemistry 6

Nutrition Courses

HCFN 128   Intro to Nutrition 4
HCFN 382   Intermediate Nutrition 4
HCFN 426   World View of Nutrition 3
HCFN 428   Advanced Nutrition 4
HCFN 429   Community Nutrition 3
HCFN 430   Therapeutic Nutrition 4

Interior Design

Major code BS6383

The interior design program is accredited by the Foundation for Interior Design Education and Research (FIDER). The pro-gram prepares you for a career position in residential and nonresidential design, as well as related areas such as lighting, visual display, sales, and professional showroom management.

Program Standards

To remain active as an interior design major, you must meet the following criteria:
  1. Submit and pass a portfolio review that includes all work from ART 110, 113, 116; HCID 180, 180A, 181, 299; and IT 104.
  2. Earn at least a C (2.0) in each studio course marked with an asterisk (*).
  3. Enroll in an advanced studio course during senior year.

During your senior year you will be required to complete a portfolio of your work.

Major Requirements

HCID 180     Intro to Residential Design 3
HCID 180A    Intro to Residential Design Studio 1
HCID 181     Color Theory 4
HCID 279     Rendering and Presentation Tech. 4
HCID 280*    Interior Design Studio I 4
HCID 281*    Interior Design Studio II 4
HCID 285     Contemporary Interior Design 3
HCID 288     Lighting Fundamentals 3
HCID 299     Professional Practices 2
HCID 340     Interior Design Computer-Aided Design 3
HCID 350     Principles, Materials, and Methods of Inter Construction I 3
HCID 350A*   Interior Constr. Studio 2
HCID 351     Principles, Materials, and Methods of Interior Con. II 3
HCID 352     Business Procedures and Contract Documents 3
HCID 384     Interior Design Programming 3
HCID 400     Senior Seminar-Professional Evaluation 1
HCID 480     History of Furniture and Interiors 3
HCID 481     Contemporary Design in Furnishings 3
HCID 482     The Decorative Arts 3
HCID 483*    Advanced Interior Design Studio I 4
HCID 484*    Advanced Interior Design Studio II 4
HCID 485*    Advanced Interior Design Studio III 4
HCID 499     Field Work-Interior Des. 5-12

Required Related Courses

AH 211, 212, 213   History of Art 12
ART 110          Seeing and Knowing Visual Arts 4
ART 113          Three-Dimensional Design 4
ART 116          Drawing I 4
HCCF 371         Family Development 3
HCFN 128         Intro to Nutrition 4
HCRM 250        Consumer in Amer. Society 4
HCRM 315        Elementary Textiles 4
INCO 103         Fund. of Public Speaking 4
IT 104            Architectural Drawing I 5
JOUR 250         Advertising Principles 4

Business (select a minimum of 12 hours)

ACCT 201     Financial Accounting 4
BUSL 255     Law and Society 4
HCRM 201    Intro to Retailing 4
HCRM 417    Retail Merchandising-Management 4
HCRM 437    Strategic Merchandise Planning 4
MGT 200     Intro to Management 4
or MGT 300   Management
REAL 101    Real Estate Principles & Practices 4
REAL 103;    Real Estate Law 4
REAL 201    Real Estate Appraising I 4
REAL 204    Real Estate Finance 4

Select one of the following three:

CS 120    Computer Science Survey 4
HS 309    Microcomputer Appl. 4
MIS 100   Intro to Microcomputers 3

Retail Merchandising

Major code BS6380

Program Standards

To remain active in retail merchandising, you must meet the following criteria:
  1. Maintain overall g.p.a. of 2.0 (C) or better in all hours attempted at Ohio University.
  2. Maintain a g.p.a. of 2.0 (C) or better in all courses listed under Major Requirements.
  3. Complete any courses identified by an asterisk (*) in the option listing for your program with a grade of C or better.

You must succeed in a required program course by the third time you enroll in the course. If you do not meet this requirement, you will be dropped from the program. Success is a passing grade, or a grade of C in those courses where a minimum grade of C is required.

This program prepares you for retail management, marketing, distribution, and product development positions such as buyer, store or corporate manager, visual merchandiser, manufacturer's sales representative, and fashion coordinator.

Major Requirements

HCRM 150    Design and Illustration Techniques 4
HCRM 201    Intro to Retailing 4
HCRM 250    Consumer in Am. Society 4
HCRM 283*    Apparel Production Process 4
HCRM 299*   Sophomore Practicum-Professional Assessment 4
HCRM 315*   Elementary Textiles 4
HCRM 318    Retail Merchandising-Promotional Strategy 4
HCRM 383    Product Eval. and Dev. 4
HCRM 399*   Junior Practicum-Professional Development 3
HCRM 407    Textiles and Fashion Industry 4
HCRM 405A   History of Costume 4
HCRM 417*   Retail Merchandising-Management 4
HCRM 418    Quality Control 4
HCRM 437    Strategic Merchandise Planning 4
HCRM 480*   Strategic Retail Policy 4
HCRM 499*   Field Work-Fashion and Retail Merch. 12

Required Related Courses

ACCT 201        Financial Accounting 4
HCID 181        Color Theory 4
                Comparative arts (one course) 4
CS 120          Computer Science Survey 4
or HS 309        Microcomputer Appl. or 4
or MIS 100       Intro to Microcomputers or 3
ECON 103       Principles of Microeconomics 4
ECON 104       Principles of Macroeconomics 4
ENG 305J       Technical Writing 4
or ENG 308J     Advanced Composition
or HCGE 345J    Writing in Human and Consumer Sciences
or MGT 325J     Business Communication
HCCF 371       Family Development 3
INCO 103       Fund. of Public Speaking 4
JOUR 250       Advertising Principles 4
MGT 200       Intro to Management 4
or MGT 300     Management
MKT 301       Marketing Principles 4
PSY 101       General Psychology 5
PSY 221       Statistics for Beh. Sciences 4
SOC 101       Intro to Sociology 5

Select one of the following:

HCCF 160   Intro to Child Development 4
HCFN 128   Intro to Nutrition 4
HCID 180   Intro to Residential Design 3

If your mathematics placement exam result is lower than MATH 263, you must complete one of the following:

MATH 113    Algebra 5
MATH 115    Precalculus 5MATH 163A   Intro to Calculus 4
MATH 263A   Calculus 4

Business electives

Select 12 hours at the 300 or 400 level from ACCT, BA, BUSL, ECON, FIN, HRM, MGT, MKT, MIS, OPN, or QBA.

Minor in Retail Merchandising

Minor code OR6380

CS 120       Computer Science Survey 4
or HS 309     Microcomputer Appl. or 4
or MIS 100    Intro to Microcomputers or 3
HCRM 201    Intro to Retailing 4
HCRM 299    Sophomore Practicum-Professional Assessment 4
HCRM 318    Retail Merchandising-Promotional Strategy 4
HCRM 407    Textile and Fashion Industries 4
HCRM 417    Retail Merchandising-Management 4
HCRM 437    Strategic Merchandise Planning 4
JOUR 250     Advertising Principles 4

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