E. Todd Eisworth

E. Todd Eisworth, portrait
Morton 315E


Ph.D. University of Michigan

B.S. Louisiana State University

Professional Experience

2023-present Professor, Ohio University

2008-2023 Associate Professor, Ohio University

2013-2020 Chair, Department of Mathematics

2004-2008 Assistant Professor, Ohio University

2001-2004 Assistant Professor, University of Northern Iowa.

2000-2001 Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Northern Iowa

1999-2000 Visiting Assistant Professor, Ohio University

1997-1999 Post-doctoral researcher (under Saharon Shelah), Hebrew University of Jerusalem

1994-1997 Temporary Assistant Professor, University of Kansas


2023-2024 Presidential Research Scholar, Ohio University

2019-2020 MAC-ALDP Fellow

2007-2008 Grasselli Faculty Teaching Award, College of Arts and Sciences, Ohio University

2004 University Book and Supply Outstanding Teaching Award, University of Northern Iowa

1994 Sumner Myers Prize, University of Michigan

Research Interests

Dr. Eisworth’s research focuses on set theory and set-theoretic topology. He has particular interest in iterated forcing and combinatorial set theory.

Doctoral Students

Laura Dolph-Bosley (Ph.D. awarded 2009)  Applications of elementary submodels in topology

Douglas Hoffman (Ph.D. awarded 2013)  A coloring theorem for inaccessible cardinals

Frank Ballone (Ph.D. awarded 2017) -sets and the  selection principle

Michael Perron (Ph.D. awarded 2017) On the structure of independent families

Shehzad Ahmed (Ph.D. awarded 2019) Progressive ideals in combinatorial set theory

Recent Journal Publications

Eisworth, T.(2023) The pseudopower dichotomy, Journal of Symbolic Logic .

Eisworth, T.(2023) A note on the Revised GCH , Topology Appl.

Eisworth, T.(2022) Representability and compactness for pseudopowers, Archive for Mathematical Logic 61, no. 1-2, 55-80.

Dow, A. & Eisworth, T.(2015) CH and the Moore-Mrowka problem, Topology Appl. 195, 226-238.

Book Chapters

Eisworth, T.(2010) Successors of Singular Cardinals. In  Handbook of Set Theory , Matthew Foreman and Akihiro Kanamori eds., Chapter 15 1229-1350, Springer, 2010. ISBN 978-1-4020-4843-2. 

Eisworth, T. (2007) On D-spaces. In  Open Problems in Topology II, Elliott Pearl ed., Chapter 13, 129- 134, Elsevier Publishing, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2007. ISBN 0-444-52208-5. 

Eisworth, T., Moore, J.T., & Milovich, D. (2013) Iterated forcing and the Continuum Hypothesis, In Appalachian Set Theory: 2006-2012 James Cummings and Ernest Schimmerling eds., Chapter 7 207-244, Cambridge University Press (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series v. 406) 2013. ISBN:9781107608504.

Recent Presentations

Galvin’s Conjecture and Weakly Precipitous Ideals Workshop on Set- theoretic Topology, Casa Matematica Oaxaca, Mexico 2023

What ELSE is PCF theory good for ? New Directions in Set Theoretic Topology, University of Pittsburgh 2022

On club and its relatives , Advances in Set Theory, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel 2022

Representability and Pseudopowers, European Set Theory Conference, Vienna, Austria 2019

Invited External Colloquia and Seminars         

New Minimal Linear Orderings, Notre Dame Logic Seminar, October 4, 2022

Three Lectures on Totally Proper Forcing, Carolina Topology Seminar (virtual) Summer 2022.

The Revised GCH , Cornell Logic Seminar, Ithaca NY, September 2021.

Some new(?) useless(?) results in cardinal arithmetic , Carolina Topology Seminar, Charlotte (virtual), October 16, 2020. 

Representability and Pseudopowers , Toronto Set Theory Seminar, Toronto (virtual) April 24, 2020. 

An Introduction to cov vs. pp , Cornell Logic Seminar, Ithaca NY, 2019 

A proof of cov vs. pp , Toronto Set Theory and Topology Seminar, Toronto, November 23, 2012. 

On Jonsson Cardinals, Miami University Set Theory/Topology Seminar, Oxford, OH April 20, 2006. 

Coloring Theorems , Carnegie - Mellon Mathematical Logic Seminar ,  Pittsburgh, PA, October 28, 2004. 

CH and the Moore-Mrowka problem (2 lectures), University of Toronto Set Theory Seminar, Toronto, ON Canada, August 2-3, 2000. 

CH, wD, and the Moore-Mrowka problem (2 lectures), University of Toronto Set Theory Seminar, Toronto, ON, Canada July 28 and August 4, 1999.

Gently Killing S-spaces, University of Toronto Set Theory Seminar, March 24, 1999 

How Strong is the Continuum Hypothesis?, Mathematics Department Ohio University, Athens, OH. October 1998.

How Strong is the Continuum Hypothesis?, Mathematics Department University of South Carolina,  Columbia, South Carolina, October 1997

Funded Grants

NSF Grant DMS 0506063“Problems on Homogeneous Compacta” (co. PI with A. Arhangelskii) $147,963  2005-2007.

US-Israel Binational Science Foundation Grant No. 2002323  “Forcing for Set Theory of the Reals” (co-PI with A. Blass, A. Roslanowski, and S. Shelah) 2003-2006.

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