A&S Policy Regarding Form CAS #5

Clarification on the role of the Dean ’s Representative on doctoral committees

The purpose of the Dean’s Representative is to serve as an independent observer on the advisory committee. Their role is to see that the student is treated fairly and that the policies, procedures, and standards of the college are upheld. For these reasons, and to reduce any perception of a conflict of interest, the Dean’s Representative shall be selected from a department or program that is distinct from the degree granting program and shall not have a familial or business relation to any other member of the committee. The Dean’s Representative need not function as a scholarly contributor to the dissertation.  Preferably, the representative should be from within CAS, but exceptions can be made with permission of the Dean’s office, who holds sole right of approval. Appointment of the Dean’s Representative, and assignment of committee members must be submitted to the Dean’s office no less than 30 days prior to the dissertation committee’s first meeting.

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