Christine Mattley

Dr. Christine Mattley, portrait
Associate Professor Emerita of Sociology
Bentley Annex 157

Recent News


Ph.D., Washington State University, 1984

Research & Specialization

Social Psychology with an emphasis on self and identities, Gender, Gender Performance, Sociology of the Body and Embodiment, Sociology of Emotion, Sex Work; Research Methods


Eric A. Wagner Teaching Professorship 2011-14

Courses Taught

  • Soc 2100: Introduction to Social Psychology
  • Soc 3150: Social Identities
  • Soc 3500: Elementary Research Techniques
  • Soc 4160/5160: Society & the Individual
  • Soc 4700/5700: Sociology of Gender
  • Soc 6150: Seminar in Social Psychology
  • Soc 6910: Seminar in Teaching Sociology

Selected Publications

Mattley, Christine, Thomas Vander Ven, Kelly Faust. 2015. “We Get a Lot of Crack Whores”: Official Perceptions of Rural Prostitution in Four Rural Counties.” Journal of Sociology and Social Work . Vol 3, No. 1.

Anderson Cynthia D., Christine Mattley, Valerie Martin Conley, David A. Koonce. 2014. “Community Colleges and the Reproduction of Gender in the Academy: Experiences of Women STEM Faculty.” Advances in Gender Research. Advances in Gender Research: Gender Transformation in the Academy . Vasilikie Demos, Catherine White Berheide, Marcia Texler Segal editors. Bingley, United Kingdom Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Mattley, Christine. 2014. "Phone Sex." Pp 508-5 10 in Encyclopedia of Social Deviance. Heith Copes and Craig Forsyth editors. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Mattley, Christine and Karin Sandell. 2009. "Bodies and Blogs: How Online Users Understand Messages from The Biggest Loser." Invited piece for North Central Sociological Association annual newsletter.

Mattley, Christine. 2005. "Aural Sex: The Politics and Moral Dilemmas of Studying the Social Construction of Fantasy." Pp. 141-156 In The Handbook of Fieldwork . Richard T. Wright and Dick Hobbs (eds.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Mattley, Christine. 2002. "Voicing Gender: The Performance of Gender in the Context of Phone Sex Lines" in Gendered Sexualities: Advances in Gender Research , Vol. 6, ed. Patricia Gagne and Richard Tewskbury (London, JAI/ Elsevier Science Ltd) pp. 79-102.

Mattley, Christine. 2002. "The Temporality of Emotion: Constructing Past Emotions." Symbolic Interaction: Special Issue on Temporality . Michael A. Katovich editor. Volume 25, (2002), pp 363-378.

Mattley, Christine. 2000. "Seeing Sociologically: Show and Tell Comes to College." In Professing Humanist Sociology . Eds. Glenn A. Goodwin and Martin D. Schwartz. ASA Resource Material for Teaching, Washington D.C.: American Sociological Association.

Mattley, Christine. 2000. "Using Student Journals." In Professing Humanist Sociology. Eds. Glenn A. Goodwin and Martin D. Schwartz. ASA Resource Material for Teaching, Washington D.C.: American Sociological Association.

Mattley, Christine. 1998. "Field Research With Phone Fantasy Workers: Managing The Researcher's Emotions." In Researching Sexual Violence Against Women: Methodological and Personal Considerations . Martin D. Schwartz (ed) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Mattley, Christine and Martin Schwartz. 1998. "The Battered Woman Scale." Invited chapter in Sexuality-Related Measures: A Compendium . Clive Davis, William Yarber, George E. Schreer, Robert Bauserman, and Sandra L. Davis (eds.) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Mattley, Christine. 1997. "(Dis) Courtesy Stigma: Fieldwork Among Phone Fantasy Workers." Chapter in Ethnography at the Edge . Jeff Farrell and Mark Hamm (eds) Northeastern University Press.

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