Joseph McLaughlin

Joseph McLaughlin, portrait
Associate Professor
Ellis 357, Athens Campus

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Ph.D., Duke University

M.A., Duke University

A.B., Georgetown University

Scholarly Focus

  • 19th-Century British Literature
  • Modernism
  • Postcolonial



Writing the Urban Jungle: Reading Empire in London from Doyle to Eliot , Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 2000.


“London’s Burning: The Japanese Village and the Metropolitan Construction of Modernity,” Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net (February 2008).

“Holmes and the Range: Frontiers Old and New in A Study in Scarlet”, Genre 25:1 (spring 1992), 113-35.


Nalin Jayasena, Contested Masculinities: Crises in Colonial Male Identity from Joseph Conrad to Satyajit Ray, in Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies 5:1 (Spring 2009).

John Clement Ball, Imagining London: Postcolonial Fiction and the Transnational Metropolis, in Modern Fiction Studies 52:1 (Spring 2006), 238-42.

John Marriott, The Other Empire: Metropolis, India and Progress in the Colonial Imagination, in The London Journal 29:2 (2004).

Edward Ziter, The Orient on the Victorian Stage, in Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film 30:2 (Winter 2003).

Felix Driver, Militant Geography: Cultures of Exploration and Empire, in Victorian Review 29:2 (Winter 2003), 100-104.

Jonathan Schneer, London 1900: The Imperial Metropolis, in The Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History 2:2 (Fall 2001).

Chris Bongie, Exotic Memories: Literature, Colonialism, and the Fin de Siecle, in Conradiana 26: 2-3 (Autumn 1994), 225-229.

Select Conference Presentations

“Mitford’s Medievalism”, Medievalizing Britiain: The Twenty-First DeBartolo Conference on Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Studies, University of South Florida, April 2, 2010.

“London’s Burning: The Japanese Village and the Metropolitan Construction of Modernity,” North American Victorian Studies Conference, Purdue University, September 2006.

“From Romance to Ritual: A.B. Mitford and the Hara-Kiri,” Interdisciplinary Nineteenth Century Studies Conference, Rutgers University, April 2006.

“Imperial Paint: Cosmetic London and the Madame Rachel Trial,” Monuments and Dust Conference, Tate Britain, June 2004.

“Follow the Flowers: Eliza Doolittle, Japan, and Metropolitan Transplantings,” Modernist Studies Association Conference, University of Wisconsin, Madison. November 2002.

“Old Japan and the Tower of London: Mitford’s Medievalism,” Monuments and Dust Conference, Institute for Historical Research, University College, London. July 2002.

“Mitford’s Medievalism: The Invention of ‘Old Japan’,” 37th International Conference on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University. May 2002.

“Japanese London from Exhibition to Stage,” Monuments and Dust Conference, Institute for Historical Research, London. July 2001.

Yellowface Minstrelsy: The Mikado, Blackface, and the Victorian Culture Market,” Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies Conference, University of Oregon, April 2001.

“Modernist and Postmodernist Conceptions of Race,” New Modernisms Conference, University of Pennsylvania, October 2000.

“Re-Gendering the Harem: James Greenwood’s “A Night in the Workhouse,” Monuments and Dust Conference, Institute for Historical Research, University College, London. July 1999.

“‘Beautiful For Ever’: Madame Rachel and the Painted Faces of Imperial London,” Cultural Studies Symposium, Kansas State University. March 1999.

“Out of Egypt: Moses, Belzoni, Boz.” Monuments and Dust Conference, Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities, University of Virginia. April 1998.

“Fear in a Handful of Soap: Commodity Imperialism in Shaw’s Pygmalion.” Cultural Studies Symposium, Kansas State University. March 1998.

“Penelope Lively meets Margaret Thatcher; or, Literary Multiculturalism and Urban Gentrification.” College English Association of Ohio, Columbus, OH. April 1997.

“Empire and East End Gentrification.” Cultural Studies Symposium, Kansas State University. March 1997.

Courses Taught

  • ENG 397T: Reading 1859
  • ENG 570N/727: Twentieth-Century British Literature
  • ENG 526: Money and Character in Victorian Prose
  • ENG 464: Victorian Serials
  • ENG 252: British Literature 1688-Present
  • ENG 201: Critical Approaches to Fiction
  • ENG 515/773A: "Victorientalism; or Turning Japanese"
  • ENG 515/773B: "Victorian Dirt" Tier III: Darwin Among the Poets: England in 1859
  • ENG 460: Realism and Its Discontents
  • ENG 399: Literary Theory
  • ENG 307J: Writing and Research in English Studies
  • ENG 314: Nineteenth-Century British Literature
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