Albert Rouzie

Associate Professor Emeritus

Recent News


Ph.D., English, The University of Texas at Austin

M.A., English, Portland State University

B.A., English, Portland State University

A.A.S., Music, Portland Community College

Scholarly Focus

  • Rhetoric and Composition: Computers and Writing
  • Electronic Discourse
  • Composition Theory
  • Eco-criticism, Eco-rhetoric, Eco-composition


At Play in the Fields of Writing: A Serio-Ludic Rhetoric . Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2005. (with Ray Watkins). ” A Sustainable Culture: John Slatin’s Ludic Pedagogy ” Currents in Electronic Literacy: Special John Slatin Memorial Issue May 2009. Invited article.

Rouzie, Albert and Mara Holt. “Electronic Versions of Collaborative Pedagogy: A Brief Survey.” Rhetorical Agendas: Political, Ethical, Spiritual . Ed. Patricia Bizzell. Erlbaum, 2005.

Holt, Mara and Albert Rouzie. “Collaboration and Conflict in a Faculty Mentoring Relationship.” Dialogue , 8.2, (2005) : 75-95.

Holt, Mara, Leon Anderson, and Albert Rouzie. “Making Emotion Work Visible in Writing Program Administration.” A Way to Move: Rhetorics of Emotion and Composition Studies . Eds. Laura Micciche and Dale Jacobs. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook, 2003.

Davis, Michael and Albert Rouzie. “ Cooperation vs. Deliberation: Computer Mediated Conferencing and the Problem of Argument in International Distance Education .” International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning : 3, 1. (April, 2002).

“Conversation and Carrying-on: Play, Conflict, and Serio-Ludic Discourse in Synchronous Computer Conferencing.” CCC, Dec. 2001.

“The Dialectic of Work and Play: A Serio-Ludic Rhetoric for Composition Studies.” JAC. 20.3 (Summer 2000): 627-658.

“The Composition of Dramatic Experience: Play as Symbolic Action in Student Electronic Projects.” Computers and Composition , 17, (2000): 139-160.

“"The Dangers of (D)alliance: Power, Homosexual Desire, and Homophobia in Marlowe’s Edward II.” Genders 21: Forming and Reforming Identity , August 1995.

Creative Writing

Poem, “A Life or Two.” The Rag, Albuquerque, NM. Issue # 179, May 2013.

Invited Essay, “My First Avocado.” Writers for Dinner. Aug. 4, 2013.

“Water Music” The Rag, #164 Feb. 2012

“Where I Am” The Rag, #168 June 2012

“Let Me Read Your Map” The Rag, #170 Aug. 2012

“The Little Things” The Rag,#174 Dec. 2012

“The Opposite of Sleep” (poem) The Rag,Jan. 2011

“Never” (poem) The Rag, April 2011

“The Whistler” (poem) The Rag, Oct. 2011

“Aphasia” (poem) The Rag, Nov., 2009

“Ancient Pueblo Bonito” (poem) The Rag, Sept. 2009

“Stiff Upper Lip.” (Fiction). Hackwriters, Oct., 2008.

“Before and After” poem, The Rag, Sept. 2008, #223

“Death Sentence” poem, The Rag, Oct. 2008, #224

Conference Presentations

“Conflict and Compromise: Reforming a Common Reader Program from Whole Book to Distributed Theme,” Panel Talk for Conference of the Council of Writing Program Administrators, Albuquerque, NM, July 20, 2012.

“The Green Glob Man Could Save the Earth—But Could Leonardo DiCaprio?: Comparing Rhetorical Strategies of YouTube Global Warming Videos” presentation at Conference on College Composition and Communication, Louisville, KY, March 20, 2010.

“Serious or Serio-Ludic?: Aesthetic and Rhetorical strategies of You Tube Global Warming Videos” Presentation at the International Conference of the Arts in Society, Venice, Italy, July 31, 2009.

“Using You Tube Global warming Videos to Teach Environmental Literacy.” Invited presentation, Kanawha Environmental Literacy Project, Athens, OH, March 18, 2009.

“‘And We Laughed, You Know, Because Sometimes You’d Rather Cry’: Sherman Alexie’s Strategic Dialectic of Humor.” Work, Play and Humor in English Studies Conference, Ohio University, Athens, OH, Oct. 4, 2008.

“Writing in/Through Grief: Katrina and Other Disasters.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. New Orleans, LA. April 2, 2008.

“No Mere Metaphor: Play and Games in English Studies.” Invited keynote address at Work, Play and Humor in English Studies Conference, Athens, OH, OCt. 14, 2006.

“Negotiating Resistance, Knowledge, and Identity in a Brain Cancer Web Discussion Board.” Computers and Writing Conference, Lubbock, TX, May 27, 2006.

“Electronic Versions of Collaborative Pedagogy.” With Mara Holt, at the Rhetoric Society of America Conference in Austin, Texas, May 29, 2004.

“Two Heads are Better Than One: The Promise of Collaborative Teaching.” With Mara Holt, at the Spotlight on Learning Conference in Athens, Ohio, March 6, 2003.

“A Serio-Ludic Rhetoric of Electronic Discourse.” Invited paper at the 2003 Conference of the Association for the Study of Play in Charleston, South Carolina, February 20, 2003.

“Exploring the Liminal Qualities of MOO Sessions in Graduate Computers and Composition Seminars.” With Mara Holt, at Computers and Writing Conference in Normal, Illinois,, May 16, 2002.

“Making Play Work for you in the Classroom.” Saturday, April 27, the Computers and Writing 2002 Online Conference. Nouspace. (First Place winner of the Nouspace Best Topica Presentation Award for Tenure-Track and Tenured Faculty)

Collaboration and Emotional Conflict in a Faculty Mentoring Relationship.” With Mara Holt, on panel, Professional Life, Emotion, and Rhetorical Agency at CCCC, Chicago, ILL., March 22, 2002.

“Listening to Disorder: Liminal Qualities of Electronic Conferencing Venues in a Graduate Computers and Composition Seminar.” Panel presentation, Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC). Denver, CO. March 15, 2001.

“Electronic Discourses in a Graduate Seminar: Synchronous and Asynchronous Conferences as Limin(al)/(oid) Discursive Spaces.” Invited presentation at symposium, Of One Mind: Reconfiguring Humanities in the Age of IT. Karlskrona, Sweden, University of Karlskrona/Ronneby. March 27, 2000

“Applying Play Theory to the Emergent Traditions of the CMC Composition Course.” Fifteenth Computers and Writing Conference. Rapid City, South Dakota. May 28, 1999.

“Textual (In)visibility: A Comparison of Electronic Venues and Argument Styles in a Series of International Student Forums.” Panel presentation, Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC). Atlanta, GA. March 25, 1999.

“Cultural Contact and Conflict: Teaching Argumentation through International Internet Conferencing.” 14th Computers and Writing Conference. Gainsville, Florida. May 30, 1998.

“Play as Symbolic Action in Student-Composed Hypertext.” Panel presentation, Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC). April 2, 1998, Chicago, Illinois.’

Editing and Reviewing

Editor, Readings on Writing , 2nd Edition (ENG 1510 reader, Van Griner, 2013)

Reviewer of submitted article for refereed journal, Computers and Composition , (print) 2012

Reviewer of submitted article for refereed journal, Computers and Composition , (print) 2013

Editor, Readings on Writing (ENG 1510 reader, Van Griner, 2012)

Textbook reviewer for Bedford, 2013

Textbook reviewer for Norton, 2012

Textbook reviewer for Bedford, 2012


Ohio University Office of Institutional Research Grant for Research Project: Writing and Rhetoric I (ENG 1510) Course Portfolio Assessment, Spring -–Fall 2013. ($4500.00 for paying Teaching Associate assistant researchers)

College of Arts & Sciences Faculty Development Award, Spring 2012 (for attending Council of Writing Program Administrators workshop, July 15-19. Albuquerque, NM, $2,227.00)

College of Arts &Sciences Faculty Development Award. Spring 2010 (for attending Digital Media and Composition Institute, June 3-14, 2010, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH)

College of Arts &Sciences Humanities Research Fund Award. Spring 2010 (for attending Digital Media and Composition Institute, June 3-14, 2010, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH)

Professional Affiliations

National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE, CCCC)

Professional Outreach

Co-host, monthly radio show on WOUB-AM and streaming online at Conversations from Studio B, Poetry. This 30 minute show (with two co-hosts) features reading and discussion of select, published poems

Courses Taught

  • ENG 3070J Writing and Research in English Studies
  • ENG 3080J Writing and Rhetoric II
  • ENG 792E Computers and Composition Pedagogy
  • ENG 792A Rhetorical Theories and the Teaching of Writing
  • ENG 7800 Special Topics in Rhetoric and Composition
  • ENG 5890 Teaching College Composition
  • ENG 1510 Writing and Rhetoric
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