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Liberal Arts Education and Marketable Skills for Employment

In preparation to enter the workforce after graduation, it is crucial that you devote time outside of the classroom developing transferable skills. To do this, you should engage in internships, co-ops, shadowing, research, etc.

The good news is that many employers greatly value the skills that recent Arts & Sciences graduates bring with them to their jobs. Research performed by Burning Glass (2016) determined that job prospects for Liberal Arts graduates significantly increases for those students who gained some of the following skill sets:

  • IT Networking & Support
  • Sales
  • General Business
  • Marketing
  • Graphic Design
  • Computer Programming
  • Social Media
  • Data Analysis & Management

You should consider adding one or more of these technical skill sets to dramatically increase your career opportunities!

Additionally, Burning Glass (2016) found that regardless of type of job, "one in every three skills cited in job ads is a baseline skill, that is, skills that aren't specific to any particular kind of job." (Sigelman, 2016) Here are the top 10 baseline skills:

  1. Communication Skills
  2. Organizational Skills
  3. Writing
  4. Customer Service
  5. Microsoft Excel
  6. Microsoft Word
  7. Problem Solving
  8. Planning
  9. Computer Literacy
  10. Research

You should think about improving these baseline skills by enrolling courses in these areas and practicing these skills by volunteering, holding student leadership positions, participating in an internship program and engaging in part-time and full-time employment. To determine the specific skills employers are looking for in your field, go to O*Net and type in your major or the major you are interested in studying. A list of jobs will be available for your review. Click on the jobs you are most interested in to find the education, knowledge, and skills required or preferred for that type of position.

Ohio University also has great resources to help you get better prepared for your career. The Career Services  is your one-stop source for career and leadership information.


Bittle, S. (2016, June 9). Retrieved July 25, 2016, from Specific Skills Make Liberal Arts Graduates More Marketable .

Sigelman, M. (2016, March 21). Retrieved July 25, 2016, from The Top 10 Soft Skills Employers Look for Most .

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