According to OHIO Faculty Senate Handbook, the information on this web page is required to be listed in your course syllabus.
Course Information
- Call number
- Descriptive title (e.g., course name)
- Catalog number
- Course description: objectives
- Intended learning outcomes or objectives upon successful completion of the class
Instructor Information
- Instructor's name
Grading Information
- Basis for grading in the course
Policy Information
- Attendance policy [ Section IV.B.3 ]
- Absence policy [ Section VIII.C ]
- Intellectual copyright [ Section IV.A.3
- In order to protect the instructor’s intellectual property, the following statement should appear in the syllabus: “The lectures, classroom activities and all materials associated with this class and developed by the instructor are copyrighted in the name of [instructor’s name] on this date [give date].”
- Alternatively, the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment recommends considering the Creative Commons approval model for materials used in your course.
- This sample statement about accommodations, for course work and assessment for students with a disability. Available resources offered by the Office of Student Accessibility Services should also be mentioned.
- Academic misconductthat either refers to a policy approved by the academic unit or college, or that includes the following:
- A definition of academic misconductif the field requires a more specific definition than the one found in the Student Code of Conduct (For example: “You may receive solicitations from individuals or companies that offer to write your assignments or papers. Their services are not permitted. Any student found to be paying another person to complete their course work will be referred to the Office of Community Standards and Student Responsibility.”
- A list of the range of sanctionsthat the instructor might implement in the case of academic misconduct
- A statement that students may appeal academic sanctionsthrough the grade appeal process
- A statement that the Office of Community Standards and Student Responsibility may impose additional sanctions
- Interim policy on reasonable religious accommodations. [ 40.003
] Items in italics may be edited to accommodate syllabus content and tone.
- In addition to participation/attendance/absence policies already listed , students/you may be absent for up to three (3) days each academic semester, without penalty, to take time off for reasons of faith or religious or spiritual belief system or to participate in organized activities conducted under the auspices of a religious denomination, church, or other religious or spiritual organization. Students/You are required to notify the instructor/me in writing of specific dates requested for alternative accommodations no later than fourteen (14) days after the first day of instruction. These requests will remain confidential. For more information about this policy, students/you may contact the Director and Title IX Coordinator, Equity and Civil Rights Compliance, Lindley Hall, 006, 740-593-9140, .