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Dr. Kevin Spiker

Dr. Kevin Spiker headshot
Associate Professor of Political Science


Ph.D. West Virginia University
M.A. West Virginia University
B.A. The Pennsylvania State University

Research Interests

American Government and Politics (presidency, elections and campaigns); American political history; political theory; quantitative political analysis.


Recent publications:

2022. "International Extradition and Interstate Rendition." With Jim Whisker. Nova Science Publishers: Hauppauge: NY.

2021. "Asylum and Sanctuary in History and Law: A Social and Political Approach toTemporary Protections Around the World." With Jim Whisker. Brown-Walker Press:

2020. "Capital Punishment in American Courts." With Jim Whisker. Academica Press: Washington D.C.

2020. "Command Responsibility: Holding Military Leaders Accountable for Their Troops." With Jim Whisker. Academica Press: Washington D.C.

2019. "Capital Punishment in Religious and Philosophical Thought." With Jim Whisker. Edwin Mellen Press. Lewiston: NY.

2019. "The Alien Tort Claims Act." With Jim Whisker. Nova Science Publishers: Hauppauge: NY.

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