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Academic Advising
To make an advising appointment on Handshake, click the link below, then choose "Career Center" and navigate to the "Appointments" button.

Academic Advising

We offer a network of advisors to support you in your academic and professional goals. Meet our advisors below to learn about which majors they support. Additionally, all students are assigned to a faculty mentor within their major. You’ll meet at least once a semester to discuss course registration, academic progress and career development. The Student Services team provides additional advising for all students, especially undecided and transfer students, to help with academic and career concerns. To learn more, explore our  FAQs .

Meet our Team

Delehantz headshot

Eileen Delehanty-Schulz

Success Advisor for Computer Science, Chemical Engineering and Electrical Engineering
Dean's Office
Office Address
Stocker Center 138
Dilley headshot

Gertrude Dilley

Assistant Professor of Instruction
Engineering Technology and Management
Office Address
Stocker Center 130A
Stephanie Eggers

Stephanie Eggers

Success Advisor for Mechanical Engineering
Dean's Office
Office Address
Stocker Center 139
Faiz Ahmed headshot 2025

Syed Faiz Ahmed

Assistant Professor of Instruction
Engineering Technology and Management
Office Address
Fairfield County Workforce Center
Lisa Fauber

Lisa Fauber

Success Advisor for Engineering Technology and Management, Exploring Engineering and Chemical Engineering
Dean's Office
Office Address
Stocker Center 135
David Juedes

David Juedes

Associate Dean for Academics, Professor Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Director of Avionics Engineering Center
Avionics Engineering Center
Center for Scientific Computing and Immersive Technologies
Dean's Office
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Office Address
Stocker Center 119
Paula Linscott

Paula Linscott

Assistant Dean for Student Services
Dean's Office
Office Address
Stocker Center 121
Mohr headshot

Joseph Mohr

Success Advisor
Dean's Office
Office Address
Stocker Center 137
No profile image available

Gregory Schwab

Associate Professor of Instruction
Office Address
McFarland 115
Indu Sharma

Indu Sharma

Success Advisor for Civil Engineering and Probation Students
Office Address
Stocker Center 116
Michael Wickham

Michael Wickham

Success Advisor for Computer Science and Industrial and Systems Engineering
Dean's Office
Office Address
Stocker Center 137

Departmental Mentoring Contacts

Each department manages mentoring for students in their major programs. You can always request a new mentor by contacting the appropriate individual listed below.

Course Registration

Prior to registering for classes each semester, you’ll meet with your advisor to discuss your academic goals and progress, and determine what classes to take. Your advisor is listed on the main page of your MyOHIO Student Center .

You can consult your DARS or the  undergraduate catalog to plan your courses. Each department also provides four-year course plans. We recommend that students take at least 15 credits every term to stay on track for graduation.

Register for classes

Check your MyOHIO Student Center to determine your enrollment appointment time (when you may start registering for classes) and to ensure you have no registration holds. Click on the “Enroll” tab to access your shopping cart. Check out this video for detailed instructions on the enrollment process.

Try the schedule planner to help you choose course times and design a schedule that works for you. This page  has several tutorials.

Wait lists

If a course is full, you may be able to enroll on the wait list. Please note: Wait list enrollment isn’t automatic – you must select the wait list option when adding the course to your shopping cart. Watch this video for instructions, or visit or this page for FAQs.

Request permission to add a class

If a course is full or you don’t meet the pre-requisites, you can request permission via your MyOHIO Student Center to add it. Please note: This is a request, and faculty are not required to grant permission. If you’re granted permission, you’ll receive an email reminding you to confirm your registration. Follow this video for step-by-step instructions to request permission.

After the first week of class, you must receive instructor permission to enroll in a course. In rare circumstances, instructors may grant permission to enroll in a course past the second week of class, which requires a separate form .

If you need to enroll late, be sure to attend all classes, and discuss the situation with the instructor.

Exceeding 20 credit hours

You can request permission to take more than 20 credit hours by requesting permission from the Russ College . Please be aware that you’ll be charged for each additional credit over 20 hours.

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