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Using Ad Hoc Tasks in Proposal or Award Records

Using Ad Hoc Tasks in Proposal or Award Records

Anyone with viewing access can create a task within proposal and award records or subaward records, however, only certain users (specified below) can edit tasks after creation.

Prior to creating and assigning a task for someone, please note the following:

  • Being assigned a task on a record does not automatically grant the assignee viewing access for that entire proposal or award record

Creating a Task

  • From the Sponsored Projects (SP) landing page, click on the proposal or award you would like to open
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  • Click on the Taskstab.
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  • Click on the New Taskbutton.
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  • Complete the details of the new task
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  • Add attachments, if desired. Any user with edit access to the task can add attachments (see below for more information). Attachments can be dragged and dropped or uploaded using the file uploader. The following attachment parameters apply:
    • Up to 9 attachments may be uploaded per task
  • 75 MB maximum file size per uploaded attachment
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  • Select Assign and Sendonce the details of the task are complete
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The assignee will receive an email notification alerting them to the task for completion.

Viewing All Tasks in a Record

If you want to view all of the open and closed tasks in a proposal or award record, navigate to the Taskstab and click on All.A list of all tasks will be displayed.

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Editing Tasks

The following users are able to edit a SP Ad Hoc task after it has been created:

  • User that created the task
  • User that is assigned to the task
  • Users with Admin level privileges on the associated SP record (For example, if a SP proposal has an ad hoc task, any user with SP System Administrator role or SP Proposal Administrator role for that record will be able to edit that task's content)

To update a Task, open it and make necessary changes. Once complete, click Save Changes.

Deleting a Task Attachment

In order to delete an attachment, open the task and select the trash can icon to the right of the file you wish to delete. Confirmation pop-up will ask you to confirm the action.

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Please note:Uploaded attachments can be deleted by the same users with edit access mentioned above, however, there are some additional restrictions for consideration:

  • Once a task is closed, the attachments cannot be deleted by any user
  • Users with an admin level access to the SP record (i.e. SP Proposal Administrator or SP System Administrator access on a proposal) can delete all attachments on any open tasks

Users that are the task creator or the user assigned to the task without an admin level access to the SP record can only delete attachments they added to an open task.

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