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Ohio University Front Door - Undergraduate Catalogs - Graduate Catalogs

Josep Rota,

The Center for International Studies is the nexus for global and area studies and activities at Ohio University. The center's interdisciplinary teaching, research, publications, service, and outreach programs bring together faculty and students from all parts of the university--the social sciences, humanities, sciences and professional schools--in Athens and on the regional campuses. Ohio University established the Center for International Studies in 1964; it was founded on the broad belief that an appreciation of others' values and institutions increases mutual understanding, enriches individual lives, and prepares citizens and students for work in the global environment.

The Center for International Studies embodies Ohio University's commitment to international understanding and solidarity and to the development of knowledge and skills necessary for competition in a global marketplace of ideas and jobs. The Center seeks to advance its mission through interdisciplinary academic programs and activities; faculty development; the encouragement and promotion of research; the development of library resources; outreach to the community; the cultivation of solidarity with other peoples and cultures, particularly with the developing regions of the world; and the maintaining and strengthening of faculty area and international expertise in collaboration with other academic units. Through the Office of the Associate Provost for International Programs, the Center for International Studies coordinates Ohio University's international programs and activities.

The Center's African Studies Program has been designated a U.S. Department of Education National Resource Center since 1994. Both Africa and Southeast Asia Studies Program are the recipients of other federal and foundation grants that support program activities. The Center's nationally known Monograph in International Studies series makes available more than 100 scholarly titles relating to Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia.

M.A. Program in International Affairs

The Center's goal is to maintain and strengthen national benchmarks of excellence in area studies and studies of development policy and practice, while promoting the synergy that results from our unique combination of the two. Programs are centered on an interdisciplinary curriculum that combines the traditional foundations of the social sciences and the humanities with strategic linkages to the natural sciences and all of Ohio University's professional colleges. In support of the curriculum, programs emphasize utilization of new information technologies, the acquisition of professional skills, the development of language competency, and the cultivation of abilities that lead to good professional practice. Upon graduation students receive a Master of Arts awarded by the Center for International Studies.

General Requirements

Students must complete a minimum of 70 credit hours (70 credit hours in Latin American Studies). At least 40 credit hours must be devoted to core courses. The remainder is used to build an individualized, professional skills minor. A mandatory two-hour course requirement for all programs, International Studies (INST) 500: Introduction to Graduate Study, is offered in the fall quarter.

Depending on the program, one of the following is required to complete the degree: a comprehensive written exam, a comprehensive oral exam, or a project/research/grant proposal. This ordinarily takes place in the last quarter of study excluding summer. Guidelines are available from individual programs.

A thesis option also is available. The number of credits granted for the thesis (up to a maximum of 10) is determined by the student's advisory committee. Theses Guidelines are available on the Center's Web site.

All students in the M.A. program must maintain a minimum grade-point average (g.p.a.) of 3.0. If the g.p.a. falls below this level, students will be placed on academic probation. If the g.p.a. is not raised by the end of the following term, the student will not be permitted to continue in the program. University policy prohibits awarding any type of financial assistance to students on academic probation. Should a student receive more than two grades below a "B", the director reserves the right to drop him or her from the program. A grade below "C" will not count toward the degree requirement.

Language Proficiency

Each student is required to demonstrate an acceptable level of achievement in a foreign language appropriate to the area of concentration. For non-European languages, this may be accomplished either by (a) satisfactorily completing a minimum of one academic year in one of the following languages: Gikuyu, Arabic, Indonesian/Malay, Khmer, Siswati, Somali, Swahili, Thai, Twi, or Vietnamese, or (b) taking an examination in a language not taught at Ohio University or demonstrating an acceptable level of achievement on an examination administered by other recognized testing agencies. For students in concentrations offering a European language, an intermediate level of proficiency is required.

Note:Latin American Studies offers Portuguese through the enhanced language skills option. Southeast Asian Studies requires two years of coursework or its equivalent in a Southeast Asian language.


Persons interested in applying for admission must have a bachelor's degree from an accredited university and a minimum grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale or its equivalent, plus the following requirements:
  1. Two completed graduate applications
  2. Two official college transcripts from an accredited college
  3. $30 non-refundable application fee (applications will not be processed without fee)
  4. Affidavit of support with supporting documentation (international applicants only)
  5. Three letters of recommendation (at least two from people who can judge academic abilities)
  6. Autobiographical sketch
  7. Statement of purpose (a two-page statement indicating career goals and how the program of study chosen will help meet those goals. Be specific in discussing the aspects of your personal and academic background that may lead to success in the area of study chosen)
  8. A curriculum vita
  9. TOEFL scores (international applicants nly)

Things to keep in mind:

  1. Each program has its own admission committee. Be sure to specify on the application the program for which you are applying
  2. Individual files will not be reviewed until all relevant documents have been received.
  3. January 1 deadline:We request applicants submit their completed application and supporting documents so that they are receivedby the January 1 deadline. Admission and funding review will begin shortly thereafter. Later applications will be considered but decisions will be contingent upon availability.
  4. Most programs admit only in fall quarter. For programs that admit students in other quarters, the standard deadline is June 1 for winter; September 1 for spring: December 1 for summer.
  5. All International students will be required to take an English proficiency test (which includes composition) when they arrive on campus. The test can be waived if you hold a degree from an American university. If the level of proficiency is not at the 550 (paper test) or 213 (computer test) level you must enroll in the Ohio Program of Intensive English until you reach the required level. Financial aid cannot be used to pay for English language courses.

Financial Aid

The five programs under the Center for International Studies annually offer some financial assistance to students. Aid is awarded competitively on the basis of merit including previous academic performance or post-graduation professional or other work experience. Programs also look for geographical, cultural, linguistic and other forms of diversity so that the group of students collectively strengthens the program. The deadline is March 1. The criteria used to award aid are:
  • A good undergraduate record
  • Strong letters of recommendation
  • Appropriateness of background to program of study
  • Work experience
  • Special skills

Curricula and Courses

Degree programs are interdisciplinary and designed to give students freedom to choose courses from a number of fields that best fulfill their academic and professional objectives. Following are brief descriptions of the individual program requirements and a list of core courses appropriate to each area of concentration.

African Studies


The African Studies Program at Ohio University is a U.S. Department of Education Title VI National Resource Center for Africa. The African Studies Program provides students, scholars, and members of the broader community with opportunities to develop their understanding of this important world region. Facilities for research and language instruction, as well as formal degree studies, are available through the program. Students may earn a Master of Arts in International Affairs degree with a major in African Studies awarded through the Center for International Studies.

The African Studies Program grew out of the excitement emanating from the decolonization of the continent in the mid-1960s and the awareness of the important role Africa could play in U.S. and world affairs. Today the multi-disciplinary nature of the program allows students to build a course of study reflecting Africa's contemporary reality. Themes include the socioeconomic development of the continent in the context of Africa's grand cultural and historical traditions, ecological sustainability, and the African family. Students may also view the study of Africa as an excellent case-study of the process of social change in the modern world.

The Institute for the African Childpromotes and coordinates research and advocacy for the world's most marginalized of population groups--the children and youth of the African continent.

The Ohio University Board of Trustees established the Institute for the African Child in 1998. This new initiative is designed to expand the conversation among African Studies scholars, to include those in the professional fields of communication, education, health and human services, and medicine, to work together on issues that affect Africa's children. Clearly there are no one-dimensional problems in the field of children and youth issues in Africa. Our intent is to provide a new cross-disciplinary venue for conferences, fellowships, and collaborative research that will lead to improvement in the living conditions of this important population. The establishment of the Institute for the African Child is also a new opportunity to raise awareness of the impact of the health-education-information nexus on minority children in Africa's Diasporas.

Degree Requirements

Students are required to complete a minimum of 70 quarter hours of course work. Ohio University departments offering African Studies core courses include Anthropology, African American Studies, Biological Sciences, Business, Communication, Economics, Education, English, Film, Philosophy, Theater, Environmental and Plant Biology, Geography, History, International Studies, Linguistics, Nutrition, Philosophy, Political Science, and Women's Studies.

Proficiency in an African language is an important element of the African Studies degree and is seen as an essential tool for understanding the culture and working on the continent. The requirement can be fulfilled through a satisfactory FSI score, completion of the proper course work, or evidence of fluency in an African language.

African languages offered at Ohio University include Kikuyu, Siswati, Somali, Swahili and Twi. A wide variety of languages also are available through Ohio University's participation in the Summer Cooperative African Language Institute (SCALI), a seven-week intensive summer language program.

FLAS Fellowships

The African Studies Program is pleased to offer Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) fellowships. FLAS fellowships are open to new and continuing graduate students. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Fellows receive a stipend of $14,000 plus tuition and fees. FLAS fellows are required to study an African language and carry a full-time academic load of 15-18 graduate units per quarter. Competitive applicants demonstrate a strong Africa career and/or research interest. Applicants should indicate in their "statements of purpose" how the African language study would enhance their research/career goals.

Core Courses

ANTH 550          Economic Anthropology

ANTH 551          Political Anthropology

ANTH 557          Anthropology of Religion

ANTH 581          Cultures of Sub-Saharan Africa

CLWR 511          Islam

ECON 551          Agricultural Development

ECON 555          African Economic Development

EDAD 703          Administration of Education 
                  in Other Countries

EDCI 505          Comparative Cultures and 

EDCI 506A         Education and Development in 

EDCI 508          Poverty, Education, and 
                  International Development

EDLE 710          Cultural and Contextual 
                  Foundations of Leadership

EDLE 793          Field Research in Africa

GEOG 531          African Thematic Geography

GEOG 532          Africa: Regional Approaches

GEOG 684C         Seminar in Regional 
                  Geography: Africa

HIST 532          History of Women in the 
                  Middle East 

HIST 535A         Middle East to 1800

HIST 535B         Middle East Since 1800

HIST 536B         North Africa Since 1914

HIST 538          History of West Africa

HIST 541          Colloquium: African History

HIST 541A         Early Africa

HIST 541B         Traditional Africa

HIST 541C         Modern Africa: 1890 to Present

HIST 542A         South Africa to 1899 

HIST 542B         South Africa Since 1899

HIST 640          Seminar in African History

HCFN 525          Readings in Food and Nutrition

HCFN 526          World View of Nutrition

INST 610A         Pan Africanism

PHIL 578          African Philosophy

POLS 541          African Politics

POLS 563          The United States and Africa

SISW 571          Elementary-Intermediate

SWAH 571          Elementary-Intermediate

Check with departments for more offerings.

Communication and Development Studies

Communication and Development Studies is jointly administered by the School of Telecommunications and the Center for International Studies. Study in Communication and Development stresses the use of communication to promote and support positive social development. The curriculum includes interdisciplinary perspectives on national development, area studies, and training in applied research methods, as described below. Students select an area of specialization from a variety of options such as campaign design, conflict resolution, social marketing, distance education, entertainment-education, environmental studies, new information technologies, participatory research for development, tropical public health, and radio, television and multi-media production. Students must also demonstrate proficiency in a language other than English.

Degree Requirements

The Communications and Development Studies Program has a curriculum that allows students to enroll in courses offered by a variety of disciplines across the University. The curriculum requires each student to select courses in: Telecommunications; Area Studies such as African, Latin American, or Southeast Asis; individual professional specializations such as public relations, management, or media production; development theory and applications, and research and information tools.

Students have the option of choosing one of two coursework tracks, Language Track (LT) including foreign language study or Non Language Track (NLT) if the student comes into the program with demonstrble proficiency in a language applicable to his or her geographical area of specialization. Tracks do not differ significantly, but rather take into consideration the added coursework for those following the langage track.

In the second year, students work in teams to design and execute a formal communication campaign. Each student must also complete a field study or internship. All demonstrate proficiency in a language applicable to the geographic area of study. Normally, two years are required to complete the 70 credit-hour minimum required for both coursework tracks.

Course Concentration

  • All first year students must enroll in Introduction to Graduate Studies (INST 500) in the fall quarter
  • Communictions Core: Five courses
  • Development Theory: colloquium and one course (LT) or two courses (NLT)
  • Area Studies: Three courses
  • Development Specialization: Three courses (LT) or four courses (NLT)
  • Capstone Project (2nd Year): 4 credit hours
  • Intership/field Study: 0-5 credit hours
  • Foreign Language: Three courses (LT only)
  • Demonstrated proficiency in a second language (NLT)
Communications Components
TCOM 582          Communication and National

TCOM 601          Introduction to Mass 
                  Communication Research

TCOM 602          Quantitative ResearchMethods orTCOM 603          Quantitative Research Methods

TCOM 770          Mass Communication Theory

Development Theory ComponentIn addition to attending colloquium, students select courses that directly or indirectly focus on development and social change. Courses must be approved by the director before enrollment. You may refer to the Development Studies core course list for possible options.

Area StudiesRegional area studies courses concentrating in Africa, Southeast Asis, or Latin American can be chosen from course lists available from each area studies program. Programs may also be developed in other geographical areas such as South Asia, Eastern Europe, Middle East, etc. in consultation with the director.

Develpment SpecializationThe development specialization is conceived as a professional skills component. Selection of courses depends upon each person's goals and objectives. These goals are to be formulated during the first quarter of study. Examples of possible specialization areas include: Tropical Public Health, Communication and Campaigns, Development Planning, Urban Development, International Development Administration, International Journalism, Film Production, Multimedia Production, and Economic Development. Please bear in mind that these are only a few examples. Students are encouraged to work with the director in planning their specializtion.

Proficiency in a Second LanguagePlease see Center for International Studies criteria to meet this requirement.

Admission is in the fall quarter only (September).

International Development Studies


Through the Center for International Studies, Ohio University offers a program leading to the Master of Arts degree awarded by the Center for International Studies. The program is designed for those who have background and interest in the Natural Sciences (including Biological, Health, and Environmental) or Social Sciences, and who wish to incorporate one of these disciplines into the field of international development.

The program provides a broad perspective examination of issues related to growth, change, and globalization in developing countries. A multi-disciplinary approach focuses on combining theory, practical application, research, and implementation skills to produce graduates who are catalysts for international development.

International Development Studies emphasizes flexibility with opportunities to build a progrm tailored to individual needs and interests. Students build upon a core curriculum by specializing in one of three disciplinary concentrations.

International Development and Social Sciences

There are numerous economic, environmental, social, and political challenges facing developing countries today. International development becomes a vast multidisciplinary area of concern and action and embraces a multitude of approaches. The International Development and Social Sciences concentration prepares students to study and analyze a broad scope of issues facing developing nations and poor communities today within the conceptual framework of economics, political science, sociology, anthropology, and geography. Particular attention is paid to courses and development approaches that are designed to serve and enhance the capability of communities to further their own social, political, and economic goals.

International Development and Health

As expressed in the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, health is a basic human right that resides within the context of human and social development. Because it reflects wider social, economic, and political influences, health should be approached in an integrated manner. The concentration in International Development and Health explores global health problems that affect developing nations. It provides students with an understanding of the field of health and international development while considering the important contribution that a healthy population makes to its own social and economic development process.

International Development and the Environment

Environmental problems and degradation pose a growing threat to the well being of people throughout the world. Workable solutions must focus on how humans and their social and economic interests interact with the resources of the natural environment. The concentration in International Development and the Environment is designed to provide students with an understanding of how people perceive and utilize the environment and how various processes involving the relationship between human beings and their surroundings either damage or protect the environment. This program challenges and prepares professionals to take action in response to environmental issues facing developing countries.

Degree Requirements

  1. 70 hours approved coursework including:
    20 hours core courses
              10 hours methods
              15 hours development electives
              25 hours disciplinary concentration
  2. Language proficiency
  3. Preparation of grant proposal or thesis. Each student is required to complete either a grant proposal or thesis. Candidates choosing the proposal option will develop a grant proposal addressing a need in a particular developing region of the world. Candidates who choose the thesis option are expected to complete a course of study that culminates in a scholarly work of publishable quality.

Core Courses

The program core is structured around a progressive series of pro-seminars, colloquia, and courses in development for 20 credit hours. These courses deal with concepts, issues, and methods of development and draw on the worldwide interests and experiences of students, expert faculty, and visiting scholars and specialists. The courses listed under "methods" and "development" reflect the spirit of the requirements; other courses may apply as well.

INST 500          Introduction to Graduate Study

GEOG 529          World Economic Geography orGEOG 539          Geographic Patterns of 
                  Developing Nations 
INST 610          Pro Seminars and Colloquia in 
                  Development Methods Courses (minimum 10 credit hours or 2 courses)CS 590            Computer Science for Non-Majors 	
EDRE 501          Introduction to Research 
ECON 501          Statistical Foundations 

ECON 502          Microeconomics

ECON 503          Macroeconomics

GEOG 570          GIS Applications

GEOG 571          Quantitative Methods 

GEOG 578          Principles of GIS

INCO 701          Research Designs in

POLS 582          Quantitative Political Analysis 

PSY 520           Elementary Statistics 

SOC 654           Social Research Methods 

TCOM 602          Quantitative Research 

TCOM 603          Qualitative Research Development Courses (minimum 15 credit hours)AAS 530           Social Theories of 
ANTH 571          Ethnology

ECON 550          Economics of Development

EDCI 508          Poverty, Education, and 
                  International Development
GEOG 680          Third World Development and 
                  the Environment
POLS 540          Politics of Developing Areas

SOC 518           Third World Development

SOC 565           Social Change

SOC 600           Work and Gender in Global
                  Perspectives Disciplinary Concentrations (minimum of 25 credit hours) HealthHCFN 525          Readings in Food and 

HCFN 526          World View of Nutrition

HCFN 529          Community Nutrition

HCFN 533          Food Sanitation and Safety

HCFN 590          Human Nutrition 	

HCFN 610          Maternal and Child Nutrition 

HLTH 512          International Health Programs

HLTH 527          Health of Women

HLTH 620          Bioethics in Health Care 

HLTH 630          Epidemiology in Health 
MICR 511          General Microbiology

MICR 518          Epidemiology

MICR 544          Tropical Disease Biology

MICR 682          Medical Entomology

MICR 541A         Parasitology

PSY 715           Psychology of Human 
SOC 525           Sociology of Food Production EnvironmentANTH 579          Human Ecology 

BIOS 581          Conservation Biology

BUSL 570          Environmental Law 

ECON 513          Economics of the Environment 

ECON 514          Natural Resource Economics 

GEOG 517          Landscape Ecology 

GEOG 521          Population Geography 

GEOG 538          Geography of Southeast Asia 

GEOG 540          Environmental Impact Analysis

GEOG 544          Agricultural Ecosystems

GEOG 547          Resource Management

GEOG 550          Land Use Planning

GEOG 553          Environmental Planning

GEOG 555          Geography of Latin America

GEOG 680          Third World Development and 
                  the Environment
PBIO 521          Agricultural Ecology

PBIO 522          Tropical Ecology

PBIO 525          Plant Ecology

POLS 555          Environment and Natural 
                  Resource Policy
POLS 556          International Organizations

SOC 525           Sociology of Food Production

Social Sciences

A very large number of courses in diverse areas fall within this disciplinary concentration. Many thematic groups of courses are possible: Business, Culture, Communication, Economic Policy, Education, Gender, Politics/Public Policy, as well as area studies in Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia.

Certificate Programs

While pursuing the MA degree in International Studies, it may be possible to fulfill the requirements of one or more of the available certificate programs which include Conservation Biology, Contemporary History, Gerontology, Health Policy, and Women's Studies.


Internships are strongly encouraged. Such an experience with a domestic or international development organization allows the student to put into practice what has been learned from the program. Modest funds are available, on a competitive basis, to support local internships and research travel.

Entry is only available in the FALL Quarter (September).

Latin American Studies


The interdisciplinary program allows the student to explore the cultural, institutional and structural realities of Latin America in depth and is designed for individuals who wish to expand their expertise regarding this important world region.

The program maintains solid teaching and library strength concerning both South and Central America. In regard to South America, it has strong institutional relations with--and faculty interest in--Brazil and Ecuador, and excellent library holdings for the whole region. It is especially known, however, for its strength in the area of Central America, where strong faculty interests and numerous publications are informed and enriched by an outstanding library collection. Among other things, the library features a large and varied microfilm/fiche collection of U.S. diplomatic records.

The Latin American Studies Program is actively career oriented. Over four-fifths of its graduates find careers in or related to Latin America in areas such as teaching, non-governmental organizations, government service, business, and communication. The special, second Iberian language option, as well as the skills minor, greatly enhances graduate's employment options. In addition, the program works to find its candidates Latin America-related internships in Washington, other cities in the United States, and in Latin America. Participation in internships is encouraged and earns academic credit towards the 73-hour graduation requirement.

Degree Requirements

The program is designed to allow students to acquire or expand multidisciplinary knowledge, expertise and language skills concerning Latin America. Students must complete seventy-three credit hours of course work including forty in explicitly Latin American-focussed material, twenty-five in a "skills minor" (a non-Latin American theme or discipline), two three-hour seminars, and one two-hour introduction to graduate studies. In addition, students must be competent in at least one of the region's Iberian languages.

Enhanced Language Skills Option: To compliment the program's stress on both Spanish and Portuguese Latin America--and since over eighty percent of our students enter with competency in one of the two Iberian languages--students are urged to acquire competency in the other language by taking either second year Spanish or accelerated Portuguese. No credit towards degree requirements is given for coursework taken in the first liberian language (Spanish or Portugese). Credit is given for course work in acquiring a second liberian language provided the student has reached certified competency.

Core Courses

AH 531            Pre-Columbian Art

ANTH 545          Gender in Cross-Cultural

ANTH 566          Cultures of the Amazon
                  (The Amazon)

ANTH 567          South American Prehistory

ANTH 570          Mexican/Central American

ECON 554          Latin American Economic 

ECON 574          Economics of Latin America

GEOG 535          Geography of Latin America

GEOG 684A         Seminar in Regional 
                  Geography: Latin America

HIST 523A         Latin America: The Colonial 

HIST 523B         Latin America: The 19th 

HIST 523C         Latin America: The 20th 

HIST 524          Seminar U.S./Latin America 

HIST 525          Lecture U.S./Latin America

HIST 526          Dictatorship in Latin America

INST 525          Seminar on Modern Brazil

INST 601          Seminar in Development

INST 610B         Seminar on Latin America

INST 695          Thesis

POLS 534          Government & Politics of Latin 

POLS 535          Revolution in Latin America

POLS              The Politics of Brazil

POLS 579          Latin American Political 

POLS 590          Studies in Government: U.S. 
                  Policy in Latin America

SOC 508           Latin American Society

SOC 518           Third-World Development

SPAN 539          Modern Spanish Usage

SPAN 543          Survey of Spanish American 
                  Colonial Literature

SPAN 544          Survey of Spanish American
                  20th Century Literature

SPAN 547          Themes from Spanish 
                  American Prose

SPAN 548          Contemporary Spanish 
                  American Literature

SPAN 560          Spanish American Civilization
                  and Culture

SPAN 601          Seminar on Spanish American

TCOM 765          Communication and National 

Southeast Asian Studies


Established in 1967, the Southeast Asian Studies Program at Ohio University has been recognized as one of the leading programs of its kind in the U.S. The rich cultures, traditions and opportunities of Southeast Asia are the focus of an interdisciplinary program that offers a master's degree and supports doctoral studies in disciplinesthat include an emphasis on Southeast Asia. Courses in professional fields such as development studies, communication, education, international business and management enrich the options. Dual degrees are available in some areas, including the MBA.

The graduate program benefits from a dedicated faculty with expertise in anthropology, communications, economics, geography, history, linguistics, management, political science, sociology, music, and world religions. The Southeast Asian collection offers extensive library holdings and houses the Overseas Chinese Documentation and Research Center. The library has special strengths in the insular nations of Southeast Asis.

Students entering the program often seek careers in Foreign Service, government, non-governmental organizations, business, and international development agencies, as well as scholarly careers in teaching and research.

Degree Requirements

The Southeast Asia Studies Program has a flexible curriculum which allows students to enroll in courses offered by various schools and departments across the University. The curriculum is divided into concentrations such as anthropology, business, geography, history, international studies, literature, philosophy, political science and telecommunications.

The Master's Program consists of a minimum of seventy credit hours in at least three disciplines. Forty-five credit hours come from core Southeast Asia courses, the remainder from such disciplines as education, journalism, plant biology, and TOEFL.

An important element within the Southeast Asia program is proficiency in one or more Southeast Asian languages. Two years of course work or its equivalent in a vernacular language is required. Presently, Ohio University offers classroom instruction in Khmer, Indonesian, Thai, and Vietnamese. A number of additional languages courses are available through Ohio University's participation in the Southeast Asian Studies Summer Institute (SEASSI), a nine-week intensive summer language program.

The course work may be completed in fifteen months. The course of study concludes with a comprehensive written examination given during the last term of the student's program. Thesis and project option is available in lieu of the comprehensive examination.

Core Courses

ANTH 585          Cultures of SEA

ANTH 586          Problems in SEA

CLWR 511          Islam in SEA

CLWR 521          Hinduism in SEA

CLWR 531          Seminar on Buddhism in

ECON 573          Economics of SEA

GEOG 529          World Economic Geography

GEOG 538          Geography of SEA

GEOG 539          Geographic Patterns in 
                  Developing Countries

HIST 544A         History of the Malay World

HIST 544B         History of Burma and 

HIST 544C         History of Vietnam

HIST 545A         History of SEA to 1750: The 
                  Creative Synthesis

HIST 545B         SEA 1750-1942: Change
                  and Conflict

HIST 545C         SEA 1942-present

HIST 645          Colloquium in History of 

ILL 540           Traditional Literature of SEA

INDO 540          Traditional Literature of SEA

INDO 545          Modern Literature of SEA

INST 550          Focus on Malaysia

INST 590          Tun Razak Seminar

INST 610C         Overseas Chinese in SEA

MGT 584           International Management

MGT 586           Business World of Asia

MGT 691           Seminar in SEA Business

PBIO 569E         Tropical Plant Biology

PBIO 569F         Agricultural Plant Ecology

POLS 547A/B       Government and Politics
                  of SEA

POLS 648          Seminar on Politics in SEA

TCOM 569P         Media and Popular Culture 
                  of SEA

Additional courses are available in anthropology, business and management, education, gender studies, geography, interpersonal communication, journalism, music, sociology, telecommunications and world religions.

FLAS Fellowships

The Southeast Asian Studies Program is pleased to offer Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowships. FLAS Fellowships are open to new and continuing graduate students. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Fellows receive a stipend of $11,000 plus tuition and fees. FLAS Fellows are required to study a Southeast Asian language and carry a full-time academic load of 15-18 graduate credits per quarter. Competitive applicants demonstrate a strong Southeast Asian career and/or research interest. Applicants should indicate in their "statements of purpose" how Southeast Asian language study would enhance their research/career goals.

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Ohio University Front Door - Undergraduate Catalogs - Graduate Catalogs

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