511 General Microbiology (5)
Properties of microorganisms and their importance in our environment. Lab
training in common microbiological methods. 3 lec, 4 lab. Not for microbiology
Staff; F, W, Sp; A.
512 Microbiological Techniques (4)
Prereq: 511. Semi-independent course gives extensive experience in use of
bacteriological techniques and equipment; information retrieval. 2 lec,
8 lab. Not for microbiology majors.
Staff; W; Y.
513 Pathogenic Bacteriology (5)
Prereq: 311. Microorganisms in relation to disease. Disease manifestations,
diagnostic and control methods; some aspects of immunity. 3 lec, 4 lab.
Modrzakowski; Sp; A.
515 Immunology (5)
Prereq: 311. Basic principles and key concepts of immunity. The cells, molecules,
and tissues involved in immune recognition and response mechanisms that
allow an individual to mount a dynamically protective defense barrier against
cancer and a wide variety of foreign pathogens. 4 lec, 2 and arr lab.
Dimayuga; W; Y.
516 Immunochemistry (5)
Prereq: 311. In-depth study of the receptor molecules and cytokines involved
in generating an immune response. Emphasis will be on antigen-antibody interactions
and T cell receptor molecules. Demonstration of immunochemical techniques
such as ELISA, immunofluorescence, affinity chromatography, cytokine assays,
and western blotting. 2 lec, 6 and arr lab.
Dimayuga; F; Y.
517 Cellular Immunology (4)
Course presents the production of and interactions among immune cells within lymphoid organs and tissues such as maturation, development, and differentiation of B and T lymphocytes, antigen presentation, T cell recognition and activation into effector cells, immune regulation, tolerance, and hypersensitivity.
Discussion of these immune phenomena as they relate to infectious diseases, cancer and transplantation immunity, immunodeficiency, autoimmune diseases, and vaccine development. 4 lec.
Dimayuga; Sp; Y.
518 Epidemiology (4)
Dynamics of spread, methods of treatment, and prevention of infectious diseases
in humans. 4 lec.
Romoser; F; Y.
525 Microbial Genetics (3)
For students majoring in microbiology, molecular biology, or applied biotechnology.
In-depth study of the genetics of selected procaryotes and their viruses.
Topics include genetic elements of bacteria, mutations and mutagenesis,
lysogeny and phage conversion, mechanisms of gene transfer and recombinations, regulation of gene expression and recombinant DNA.
Jollick; W; A.
541 Parasitology (6)
Etiology of human parasites, their transmission, diagnosis, and prevention.
3 lec, 6 lab.
Heck; Sp; Y.
544 Tropical Disease Biology (4)
This team-taught lecture/seminar course is designed to provide an overview
of the nature, impact, and management of tropical diseases on our planet
and takes a holistic approach in the examination of tropical diseases as
systems. 4 lec.
Staff; W; Y.
611A Advanced Microbiology (4)
Intensive treatment of bacteria, viruses, and eucaryotic protists.
Staff; F; Y.
611B Advanced Microbiology (3)
Prereq: 611A. Continuation of 611A. 3 lec.
Staff; W; Y.
613 Advanced Pathogenic Microbiology (3)
Mechanisms by which microorganisms cause disease. Biochemical determinants
of virulence factors. Selected topics on antagonism of host defense mechanisms.
3 lec.
Modrzakowski; W; Y.
614 Animal Virology (4)
Covers molecular and medical aspects of animal virology. Emphasis on various
mechanisms of virus replication and oncogenic transformation. Viral diseases,
pathogenic mechanisms, interferon, and antiviral drugs also covered. Lab
includes exercises in propagation of tissue culture and animal viruses.
3 lec.
Staff; F; Y.
615 Advanced Immunology (4)
Advanced-level instruction on genetic and molecular mechanisms controlling
humoral and cellular immune responses. Current research topics and immunological
research techniques will be overviewed via readings of research periodicals.
3 lec.
Goodrum; F; Y.
619 Microbial Physiology (4)
Prereq: 611, CHEM 590, 591. Intensive treatment of structure and function
in representative microorganisms. Emphasis on energetics, transport, biosynthesis,
regulatory systems, and cell behavior including chemotaxis and thermophily.
2 lec.
Staff; Sp; Y.
640 Research Techniques in Microbiology I (6)
Basic theory and applications of specific research procedures used in microbiology.
Special techniques are introduced for the study of microbial cells and their
components. Concentration on microbial cell systems, tissue culture, and
monoclonal antibody techniques. 3 lec, 6 lab.
Staff; F; Y.
641 Research Techniques in Microbiology II (6)
Prereq: 640. Advanced analytical techniques introduced for application of
research procedures in microbiology. Theory and practice of gas-liquid chromatography,
density gradient centrifugation, gel electrophoresis, autoradiography, radioisotope
tracer techniques, and special immunological procedures. 3 lec, 6 lab.
Staff; W; Y.
682 Advanced Topics (1-3)
Specialized topics not otherwise available to advanced students.
Graduate faculty; F, W, Sp; Y.
685 Research in Microbiology (1-15)
Unspecified research, not directly applicable to thesis.
Graduate faculty; F, W, Sp, Su; Y.
695 Master's Thesis (1-15)
Research directly applicable to thesis.
Graduate faculty; F, W, Sp, Su; Y.
895 Doctoral Dissertation (1-15)
Research directed toward doctoral degree.
Graduate faculty; F, W, Sp, Su; Y.
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) April 13, 1998.
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