Ohio University
Graduate Catalog

Finance (FIN)



525 Managerial Finance (4)
Role of financial management in business enterprise; financial analysis; planning needs for short-term and long-term funds; planning for profits; capital budgeting; internal management of working capital and income; raising funds to finance growth of business enterprises.
Staff; Sp.

527 Banking and the Financial System (4)
Functions of commercial banking system and other financial institutions. Flow of funds and interest-price movements in money and capital markets. Supply of loanable funds and demand for funds in mortgage loan market, consumer credit market, corporate securities and municipal obligations. Considers effects on financial markets of Federal Reserve and Treasury policies.
Staff; F, Sp; Y.

528 Management of Financial Institutions (4)
Analysis of objectives, functions, practices, and problems of financial institutions as viewed by management of these institutions.
Staff; Sp; Y.

536 Life Insurance (4)
Fundamental economics of life insurance. Principles and practices of life insurance, including types of contracts, group and industrial insurance, and annuities.
Staff; W; Y.

542 Security Analysis (4)
Selection and evaluation of individual securities and industries. Fundamental analysis and determination of intrinsic value based on estimates of payment streams, capitalization rates, and rapidity of price convergence. Technical analysis and study of price-volume, trend following, and crowd psychology.
Staff; Sp.

545 Portfolio Management (4)
Decision-making processes in management of individual and institutional securities portfolios. Theoretical foundations of portfolio selection and construction. Model building and other criteria applicable to selection, risk-return trade-offs, revision, and evaluation of portfolio performance. Applications of computer technology and other quantitative techniques to different aspects of portfolio management.
Staff; Sp; Y.

555 International Finance (4)
Developing skills to deal with variables influencing financial decision making for multinational firm and international business. Foreign exchange rate determination, measurement of exposure, and exchange risk management. Study of strategies of entry in foreign markets and investment analysis of foreign projects. Study of working capital management. Study of institutions, practices, and problems related to financing foreign trade.
Staff; F; Y.

561 Problems in Business Finance (4)
Case study of financial management in business enterprises. Planning current and long-term financial needs, profit planning, allocation of funds, raising funds, dividend policies, expansion and combination, recapitalization and reorganization.
Staff F, Sp; Y.

563 Capital Allocation (4)
Planning capital outlays, ranking investment proposals, theories of financial structure and cost of capital, and approaching investment decisions under conditions of uncertainty.
Staff; W.

565 Mathematical Analysis of Financial Decisions (4)
Application of quantitative methods to financial management, with special emphasis on systems approach to evaluating proposed financial decisions.
Staff; D.

620 Financial Management I (4)
Prereq: M.B.A. student. Covers financial analysis, planning, control, and various aspects of long-term financing, including equity versus debt, refunding, leasing, and convertibility.
Staff; W; Y.

621 Financial Management II (4)
Prereq: M.B.A. student. Involves the application of financial theory and analysis techniques to the major financial decisions facing managers. Topics include financing current operations, capital structure, cost of capital, dividend policy, investment decisions.
Staff; Sp; Y.

650 Seminar in Money and Capital Markets (4)
Analysis of conditions in money and capital markets as they affect business decisions; flow of funds in the U.S.; states; structures of interest rates; role of monetary policy and its effects on financial markets; principal instruments and intermediaries in money and capital markets; analysis of important segments of financial markets.
Staff; D.

651 Seminar in International Finance (4)
Prereq: BA 685. Addresses advanced topics in international finance from both conceptual and practical viewpoints. Topics include foreign exchange risk management, long-term investment decisions for the multinational firm, home and host country sources of financing (including Eurocurrency and Eurobond markets).
Staff; D.

690 Research (3-5)
Methodology, data analysis, and preparation of research findings.
Staff; D.

691 Seminar (1-5)
Selected topics of current interest.
Staff; F, W, Sp; D.

693 Readings (1-5)
Readings on topics selected in consultation with faculty member.
Staff; F, W, Sp, Su; D.

697 Independent Research (1-5)
Research under direction of faculty member.
Staff; F, W, Sp, Su; D.

698 Internship (1-5) Staff; F, W, Sp; Y.

Ohio University Front Door

University Publications and the Computer Services Center revised this file ( https://www.ohio.edu/~gcat/95-97/areas/busn/fin.html ) April 13, 1998.

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