Ohio University
Graduate Catalog

Marketing (MKT)



501 Marketing Principles (4)
Emphasis on practices and problems of marketing manager and environment in which he or she operates, supplemented with business cases.
Staff; W; Y.

504 Management of Distribution (4)
Problems encountered by manufacturer in establishing and maintaining effective distribution system, concentrating on channel design and strategies.
Staff; W; Y.

520 Services Marketing (4)
Prereq: 501. Reflects the increasing proportion of GNP taken up by the service sector. Included are the recreation industry, government agencies, financial institutions, professional services, and industries which do not sell physical goods as their main offering to the public. Consists of lecture, case analysis, and outside assignments. Students analyze materials and write short reports.
Staff; D.

525 Industrial Marketing (4)
Investigation and analysis of problems involved in marketing of industrial products.
Staff; D.

541 International Marketing (4)
Marketing problems, opportunities, and organization of multinational firms to serve overseas markets. Government aids and impediments, and a comparison of markets and marketing techniques in U.S. and foreign countries.
Staff; Sp; Y.

544 Consumer Behavior (4)
Individual, social, and cultural influences that affect consumer behavior. Consideration of explanatory and predictive models.
Staff; F, W, Sp; Y.

546 Sales Forecasting (4)
Forecasting techniques and methodologies applied to estimation of future environments in which business and marketing managers will have to operate.
Staff; Sp; D.

550 Management of Promotion (4)
Problem-solving course leading to development and management of firm's promotional mix with emphasis on use of mass media and on stimulation of reseller's cooperation.
Staff; W; Y.

558 Sales Management (4)
Principles and practices in planning, organizing, and controlling sales force. Selection, training, compensating, supervising, and stimulating salesmen. Analysis of sales potentials and costs.
Staff; W; A.

560 Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations (4)
Prereq: 501. Applies basic marketing principles to organizations which have objectives other than profit. Topics include orienting products and services to clients; identifying internal and external publics, motivating them, and building communication flows with them; and applying marketing research and segmentation analysis.
Staff; D.

561 Social Issues of Marketing (4)
Designed to increase awareness of future marketing managers of contemporary social issues and legal requirements of marketplace. Areas include social critics, past and present, and their criticisms, including excessive promotion, unsafe and unnecessary products, high prices, and possible societal and governmental response to these criticisms.
Staff; A.

562 Product Development (4) Examination of new product development activities to identify significant factors to be studied and decisions required in researching, manufacturing, and marketing new products.

579 Marketing Research (4)
Techniques involved in collection, tabulation, and analysis of marketing information.
Staff; F; Y.

580 Mathematical Models of Marketing Analysis (4)
Quantitative techniques that can be used in analysis of marketing problems and application of these methods to problem situations.
Staff; W; Y.

585 Advanced Marketing Research (4)
Prereq: 579. Continuation of marketing research with emphasis on topics not covered in 579. Examples of topics which might be covered: statistical procedures and their marketing applications; brand positioning and market segmentation using marketing research techniques; and managerial cases which use marketing research as a focus.
Staff; D.

635 Managing and Developing New Products (4)
Prereq: Phase II M.B.A. student; phase I completed. Focus on nurturing innovation, introducing new products, strategic planning for new products, and managing the entrepreneurial firm.
Staff; D, Sp; Y.

641 International Marketing (4)
Prereq: M.B.A. student; phase I completed. Not open to students who have taken MKT 541. Students develop skills to make marketing decisions in a global context, such as finding new markets, customizing products for the demands of new markets, discovering which products are wanted by world customers, learning how to reach them, determining appropriate pricing strategies and distribution channels.
Staff; D.

645 Seminar in Consumer Behavior (4)
Behavioral science research as it applies to marketing process.
Staff; D.

663 Marketing Strategy (4)
Prereq: M.B.A. student; phase I completed. Analysis of preparation and organization of overall marketing plans, and elements of marketing mix. Also developed are merchandising analyses, objectives, and strategies that take into consideration the ever-changing consumer, trade, and legal environment, as well as firm's costs.
Staff; W.

690 Research (1-4)
Methodology, data analysis, and preparation of research findings.

691 Seminar (1-5)
Selected topics of current interest in marketing area.
Staff; D.

693 Readings (1-5)
Readings on topics selected in consultation with faculty member.
Staff; F, W, Sp, Su; Y.

697 Independent Research (1-5)
Research under direction of faculty member.
Staff; F, W, Sp, Su; Y.

698 Internship (1-5) Staff; F; Y.

Ohio University Front Door

University Publications and the Computer Services Center revised this file ( https://www.ohio.edu/~gcat/95-97/areas/busn/mkt.html ) April 13, 1998.

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