Ohio University
Graduate Catalog

Mechanical Engineering

Graduate work leading to a Master of Science degree in mechanical engineering can be formulated with specialization in mechanical systems, manufacturing, or thermo-fluid sciences. Areas of interest include computer-aided design and manufacturing, microcomputer control and data acquisition systems, automated manufacturing systems, finite element analysis, materials processing, robotics, combustion, energy engineering and management, silicon production, thermo-fluid systems, ceramic powder processing, heat transfer, fluid mechanics, and mechanical design.

A Ph.D. is offered in the areas of materials processing and intelligent systems; these areas include such topics as materials synthesis, solidification processing, extrusion, rolling, computer-aided design/manufacturing, robotics, mechanisms, mechanics, and control systems. For additional description of the Ph.D. program, see the Integrated Engineering listing.

The basic requirement for admission is a B.S. degree in mechanical engineering. Applicants holding degrees in other fields of engineering or from nonaccredited engineering colleges may be required to make up deficiencies prescribed by the department. The GRE is required except in extenuating circumstances. Special programs of study leading to the M.S. degree in mechanical engineering are available for students who have earned a B.S. in science with a major in physics or mathematics. These special programs are designed to make up for deficiencies and prepare you for graduate study in a time span of one to three quarters.

Both thesis and nonthesis options are available for the M.S. program. The minimum requirements for the thesis program are 33 credits of coursework, including 20 credits in the area of specialization, and 12 credits of thesis work which includes attending the graduate seminar. For the nonthesis program, the minimum requirements are 42 credits of coursework, including 27 credits in the area of specialization and six credits of special investigation. The program of study must include fundamental courses in areas of design and thermo-fluids. ME 545, ME 596, and ME 597 are required core courses. If you have not taken the Engineering Training Exam, you will be requested to take a diagnostic examination at the end of the first quarter to assist in establishing an appropriate curriculum. All students are required to attend the graduate seminar.

Financial assistance is available in the form of graduate fellowships, research associateships, and graduate associateships.

The department recommends that you enter the program in the fall quarter. Contact the department for details on graduate programs of study.

International students whose proficiency in English is inadequate are encouraged to enroll in the Ohio Program of Intensive English (OPIE) at Ohio University in the summer quarter preceding their first quarter of study in the department.


Mechanical Engineering (ME) Courses

503 Machine Design I (4)
Prereq: 313, CHE 331. Applications of mechanics, mechanisms, materials, and mechanical processes to the design and selection of machine members and units of power transmission.
Halliday, Dehghani; Sp; D.

504 Machine Design II (4)
Prereq: 403. Morphology and anatomy of engineering design. Inventiveness, engineering analysis, optimization, statistics, and decision making. Engineering design project. Graduate credit for non-mechanical engineering majors only.
Staff; W.

506 Analysis and Design of Mechanisms (4)
Analysis and synthesis of planar and three-dimensional mechanisms using classical and modern analytical approaches. Structural synthesis of mechanisms and dimensional synthesis of linkages for function generation, path generation, and rigid-body guidance. Applications of matrix methods, optimization techniques, and computer solutions.
Williams; D.

507 Fundamentals of Nuclear Engineering (4)
Nuclear engineering, including nuclear reactions, radiation detection and measurement, reactor control, radiation shielding, effects of radiation on materials, uses of radioactive materials.
Lawrence; D.

508 Nonlinear Vibrations (3)
Qualitative and numerical study of mathematics and physics of nonlinear systems. Formulations of nonlinear engineering problems, solutions techniques, and stability analysis.
Halliday, Pasic; Sp; D.

509 Advanced Machine Dynamics (3)
Theoretical analysis and applications of dynamical aspects and problems in machines and their components.
Adams; D.

510 Advanced Vibrations Analysis (4)
Prereq: 592. Vibrations of multi-degree-of-freedom, lumped, parameter systems and of continuous systems such as bars, beams, and plates; numerical methods of solution; use of Rayleigh-Ritz and Galerkin procedures.
Halliday, Pasic; F; D.

512 Heat Transfer (4)
Prereq: 321, CE 340. Basic concepts of conduction in one or more dimensions, steady and transient modes. Radiation, dimensional analysis, fundamentals of convection in various modes, heat exchanger design. 4 lec. Graduate credit for non-mechanical engineering majors only.
Staff; Sp; Y.

513 Conduction and Radiation Heat Transfer (4)
Advanced analytical treatment of conduction and radiation heat transfer. Boundary value problems, orthogonal expansions, moving heat sources, multidimensional problems with varying boundary conditions, finite difference analysis, conformal transformations, radiation network matrix analysis, diffuse-specular exchange, Monte Carlo techniques, etc.
Alam, Lawrence; D.

514 Convection Heat Transfer (3)
Prereq: CE 546. Convection heat transfer. Hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layers in forced and free conversion. 3 lec.
Staff; Sp.

515 Thermal Stress Analysis (3)
Prereq: CE 528. Thermal stresses developed in machine and structural components. Procedures for solving stress problems associated with elevated temperatures in such components as tubes, rods, and plates as encountered in nuclear reactors, engines, and airplane and missile structures.
Dehghani; D.

516 Combustion (3)
Kinetic theory and properties of gases, chemical reactions in gases, diffusion flames, detonation, combustion of atomized sprays, combustion diagnostic techniques, combustion and air pollution.
Alam, Bayless; D.

517 Design of Thermal Systems (4)
Design of systems in which thermodynamics and heat and mass transfer are major considerations. Emphasis on total design approach incorporating economic considerations and optimization techniques. Typical systems include power, propulsion, environmental, cryogenic.
Lawrence; W; Y.

518 Mechanical Engineering Experimentation (1)
Instruction in experimental procedure and experience in designing and executing laboratory experiments. Planning and execution of experiments to acquire answers to assigned problems. Variety of areas covered including control systems, energy conversion, fluid flow, heat transfer, motion measurements, stress-strain. Instructional guidance provided by entire mechanical engineering staff. Provides familiarity with variety of instrumentation and procedures. Three-quarter sequence with experimental subjects phased with prerequisites.
Staff; F; Y.

519 Mechanical Engineering Experimentation (1)
Continuation of 518. See 518 for description.
Staff; W; Y.

520 Mechanical Engineering Experimentation (1)
Continuation of 519. See 518 for description.
Staff; Sp; Y.

522 Stirling Cycle Machine Analysis (3)
Prereq: 328, ET 240, CE 340, and concurrent with ME 412. Analysis and simulation of Stirling cycle engines, in which the single phase working gas operates in a closed thermal power cycle. Development and use of computer simulation techniques to model the nonsteady flow conditions including thermodynamics, heat transfer, and fluid flow friction effects.
Urieli; W; Y.

524 Gas Dynamics I (3)
Prereq: CE 340. One- and two-dimensional gas dynamics isentropic flow, flow with heat transfer, friction, shocks, generalized one-dimensional flow. Applications to propulsions systems. 3 lec.
Staff; D.

525 Vehicle Propulsion Systems (4)
Prereq: 524. Applications of basic engineering disciplines to design and analysis of ground vehicle propulsion systems. Emphasis on new concepts. Extensive use of computer modeling. Term report required.
Staff; D.

526 Stirling Machine Design Colloquium (2)
Unstructured lecture, roundtable discussion, project and model presentation, laboratory. Topics include various practical problems and issues related to the design, development, and testing of Stirling cycle machines and components. Participation of all students is required in terms of podium presentations, projects, and models, as well as a final report.
Beale; D.

534 Fundamentals of Aerosol Behavior (3)
Prereq: 321, 412. Aerosol characterization transport properties, convective and inertial deposition, light scattering and visibility, experimental methods, coagulation, gas to particle conversion, general dynamic equation for aerosols.
Alam, Bayless; D.

535 Energy Engineering and Management (3)
Basic concepts and objectives of energy management, energy audit, engineering evaluation of several energy systems, availability analysis, second law efficiency, economic evaluation, and application of these principles to case studies.
Staff; D.

540 Direct Energy Conversion (4)
Coupled flows, irreversible thermodynamics, behavior of ionized gases, general principles of unconventional thermodynamics cycles; thermoelectricity, thermionics MHD, fuel cells.
Lawrence; D.

545 Advanced Numerical Methods (4)
Prereq: 597 or equiv. Numerical methods for solution of ordinary and partial differential equations, stability considerations and error estimates, application to variety of engineering problems, numerical method of lines and integration procedures for stiff ODE systems.
Staff; W; Y.

546 Potential Flow Theory (3)
Inviscid flow theory. General equations of fluid mechanics, study of potential flows. 3 lec.
Graham; F; Y.

547 Viscous Flow Theory (3)
Mechanics of fluid resistance, laminar and turbulent flow, applications to external boundary layer flow and to flow in ducts. 3 lec.
Graham; W; Y.

550 Computer-Aided Design I (4)
Applications of contemporary computer modeling techniques to solve complex problems in stress, heat transfer, dynamic systems, and fluid flow. Emphasis given to applications of these techniques to solve specific problems in mechanical engineering design.
Gunasekera; W; Y.

551 Computer-Aided Design II (4)
Prereq: 550. Existing CAD techniques, graphics input and output of data, advanced CAD system, requirements for a general CAD system, graphical and utility functions, filing facilities, editors, software designs and organization, solid modeling, 3-D display, facilities, application of CAD techniques for finite element data preparation and display, automated mesh generation.
Gunasekera; D.

552 Mathematical Methods in Computer Graphics (4)
Introduction to computer graphics technology, points and lines in 2-D, transformations and projects in 2-D and 3-D, scaling, shearing, rotation, reflections, translations, perspective geometry, stereographic projection, parametric curves, conic sections, interpolations, space curves, cubic splines, Bezier curves, B-splines, surface description and generation, bi-cubic surface patch, Coons surfaces.
Gunasekera; D.

553 Advanced Computer Graphics (3)
Interactive computer graphics as aid to engineer; advanced hardware devices; Raster graphics systems, color graphics, 3-D transformations and perspectives; use of matrices, perspective depth, hidden surface elimination, and various algorithms; shading and special effects, advanced graphics systems, device independent graphics systems; user interface design, fundamentals of geometric modeling, and use of Boolean operations.
Gunasekera; D.

555 Mechatronics I (4)
Design of intelligent devices. Interfacing of micro- and minicomputers with machines. Microprocessor characteristics, actuator characteristics, visual pattern recognition, design of devices. Theory and laboratory.
Lawrence; W; Y.

556 Robotics II (3)
Prereq: 455. Continuation of 550. Kinematics and dynamics of computer-controlled machines, robot sensors, and robot-control language concepts. Short laboratory exercises and major robotics project on subjects mentioned above required.
Lawrence; Sp.

557 CAD/CAM I (4)
Emphasis on teaching computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing with following topics covered: menu basis, training files, interactive graphics design system, mechanical design system, system interfaces with other software, data base management retrieval system, EDG-graphics editor, EDT-VAX/VMS editor and VI UNIX editor; VAX/VMS-based DCL commands, introduction to UNIX and "C," and other topics as needed. Successful completion of an approved minor project also required.
Gunasekera, Mehta; D.

558 CAD/CAM II (5)
Prereq: 557. Continuation of 557; emphasis on advanced application in (a) programming, (b) finite element pre/post processing and analysis, (c) B-Spline and sculptured surfaces, and (d) computer and direct numerical controls (CNC/DNC). Introduction to usage of third-party finite-element analysis software for metals, polymers, and composites, e.g., ALPID, NIKE, DYNA, TOPAZ, ABAQUS, POLY-CON, NASTRAN, etc. Successful completion of an approved major project also required.
Gunasekera, Mehta; D.

560 Computer-Integrated Manufacturing/Processes (4)
Prereq: 450. Introduction to numerical control; control systems for NC; communication media; NC programming languages--SPPL and APT; mathematics for NC; Parametric Splines, Bezier Curves and B-Splines; sculptured surfaces, including Coons bi-cubic patch and B-surf.
Gunasekera; D.

561 Design for Manufacture (4)
Interrelationship of design parameters and manufacturing processes. Special emphasis on design for machining, assembly, and automated manufacturing. Computer-aided design techniques and design with nonmetallic materials also discussed.
Halliday; Sp; Y.

562 Manufacturing Processes (4)
Prereq: grad in ME, CHE, or ISE. The basic theory of plasticity and its application to manufacturing processes. Applied theories of metal working processes such as forging, extrusion, rolling, and some aspects of machining; theories of polymer processing, composite and reinforced materials processing, use of application of materials information systems, and mapping techniques.
Gunasekera; W; Y; 1988.

563 Mechanical Metallurgy (3)
Origin and control of mechanical properties of metals. Elasticity, plasticity, fatigue behavior, corrosion, and wear. Introduction to fracture mechanics. Thermal, mechanical, and chemical strengthening techniques.
Halliday; D.

566 Analytical Modeling of Manufacturing Processes (4)
Modeling of hot forging and extrusion, sheet metal forming modeling using computer, geometric modeling, basis of rigid visco-plastic finite element method, variational theorems, complex boundary condition, typical case studies in manufacture of aero-engine and structural parts, computer simulation of production processes, use of graphics in display of data.
Gunasekera; D.

568 Advanced NC and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (4)
NC systems, control system concepts, feedback control system elements, Laplace transforms, system stability and dynamic response of NC systems, NC machine control systems, information interface, input and output media, symbolic codes, verification of input, graphic proofing, advanced APT programming, mathematics for NC, complex surfaces, quadrics, sculptured surfaces, bi-cubic patch, B-surfaces, process optimization, CAM data base.
Gunasekera; D.

570 Energy and the Environment (3)
Examination of ramifications of energy in contemporary society. Basic energy concepts; technical considerations of production of energy; conservation strategies; environmental and economic considerations; emerging energy technologies including nuclear, fusion, solar, and wind power. Course designed to prepare individual for effective participation in societal actions related to energy and power.

580 Graduate Colloquium (1)
Structured as an open graduate colloquium for discussion of present research topics as well as possible future areas of interest. Guest speakers, faculty, and graduate students presenting the results of their investigations, with discussion moderated by speakers.
Dehghani; F, W, Sp; Y.

584 Problems in Thermal Machinery I (3)
Prereq: good academic record. Supervised research in thermal machines. Individual work on experimental or analytical project involving current problems. Elect two-term sequence to allow adequate time for completion of meaningful project.
Staff; D.

585 Problems in Thermal Machinery II (3)
Continuation of 584. See 584 for description.
Staff; D.

586 Problems in Thermal Machinery III (3)
Continuation of 584 and 585. See 584 for description.
Staff; D.

589 Special Investigation (1-6) Staff; F, W, Sp; Y.

591 Mechanical Vibrations I (3)
Characteristic phenomena of mechanical vibrations encountered in machines and structures (of one-degree-of-freedom) in their quantitative investigation. Simple harmonic motion; free, transient, and forced vibrations; damping effects; demonstrations; computer applications. Graduate credit for non-mechanical engineering majors only.
Adams, Halliday; F; Y.

592 Mechanical Vibrations II (4)
Prereq: 591. Application of matrix methods; two-degree-of-freedom systems; lumped mass systems with several degrees of freedom; and methods for normal mode determination. 3 lec, 1 computation session.
Adams, Halliday; W.

593 Lubrication and Bearing Analysis (3)
Concepts of boundary, hydrostatic, and hydrodynamic lubrication and their application to different bearing geometries. McKee and McKee, Boyd, and Raimondi methods of bearing design and their optimization. Solid lubrication, porous, and gas bearings. Lubrication and wear in living and artificial human joints and human hipjoint prostheses.
Halliday; D.

594 Advanced Machine Design (3)
Prereq: 403. Advanced considerations in design and analysis of machine members, pressure vessels, impact loading, thermal stress analysis, fatigue in metals. 3 lec.
Adams; D.

595 Introduction to Kinetic Theory and Statistical Thermodynamics (4)
Kinetic theory, classical and quantum statistical mechanics with application to engineering devices. 3 lec.
Lawrence; D.

596 Experimental Methods in Design (3)
Investigation and evaluation of experimental methods used to obtain design and performance data. Techniques of photoelasticity, strain measurements, and vibration measurement.
Halliday; F; Y.

597 Methods of Engineering Analysis I (4)
Prereq: MATH 340. Methods of analyzing equilibrium and eigenvalue problems in mechanical engineering and engineering mechanics; matrix methods; variational methods; numerical methods.
Adams; F; Y.

601 Advanced System Analysis and Control (3)
Prereq: 401, MATH 211 or 410 or 411. The application of modern control theories to the synthesis of dynamical systems. Topics include the analysis of the behavior of linear systems, controllability and observability. Synthesis in the eigenvalue domain: modal control. Synthesis of stable systems and optimal linear systems in the time domain.

604 Mechanics and Control of Multi-Degree-of-Freedom-Systems I (3)
Techniques of analysis and design of multi-degree of freedom planar and spatial mechanical systems: kinematic structure, coordinate transformations, inverse solutions, workspace, path selection, dynamics, and control.

605 Dynamics: Theory and Applications I (3)
Partial differentiation of vector functions in a reference frame, configuration constraints, generalized speeds, motion constraints, partial angular velocities, and partial linear velocities, inertia scalars, vectors, matrices, and dyadics, principal moments of inertia.

606 Dynamics: Theory and Applications II (3)
Prereq: 605. Generalized active forces, contributing and noncontributing forces, generalized inertia forces, relationships between generalized active forces and potential energy, generalized inertia forces and kinetic energy. A continuation of 605.

607 Optimal Control of Dynamic Systems (3)
Optimization problems for dynamic systems: functional and extremums; continuous systems with terminal and path constraints; integral constraints; multistage systems; feedback control for linear systems with quadratic costs; neighborhood extremal paths and second variation.
Agrawal; D.

620 Free-Piston Stirling Machines (3)
Prereq: 509 or 592, with 522. Analysis of free-piston Stirling cycle machines. Covers applications to power production, heat pumping, cryocooling, and refrigeration. Analytical solutions to multibody dynamics and mechanical oscillators. Transient performance and stability.

622 Design of Stirling Machines (3)
Prereq: 522, with 620. Introduction to the design process. Stirling machine design procedures--scaling, heat exchanger sizing, pV sizing; configurations--crank, hybrid and free piston machines; examination and comparison of existing designs; general issues--materials, stress (fatigue, creep, rupture), seals and bearings, balancing; heat exchanger design, heat transport systems and burners. Group design projects may typically be one of the following: appropriate technology FPSE, regenerator test rig, free cylinder engine with linear alternator, simple crank engine, cooler, free-piston alpha engine, Ringbom engine, Rallis engine.
Staff; D.

625 Stirling Machine Design Project (1-15)
Prereq: 526, 514, 622. The capstone design project for the Stirling cycle machines--design option; students choose a mentor from the Stirling machine design specialists involved in the Stirling machine industry.
Staff; D.

633 Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow (4)
Prereq: 513, 546, or 547. Numerical solution techniques in heat and mass transfer, fluid flow, and related processes. Includes governing conservation equations, discretization methods, heat conduction, convection, diffusion, and calculation of flow field.
Alam; D.

636 Applications of Engineering Analysis in Mechanical Design (4)
Prereq: CE 520/ME 557, ME 633, MATH 545/ME 545. Application of engineering analysis and boundary element method to solve linear and nonlinear problems in engineering related to fluid flow, heat transfer, dynamics, plasticity, and convection. Selection and application of appropriate numerical technique. Other advanced topics related to Gaussian integration, frontal solutions, and algorithms for parallel processing will be introduced as needed.
Alam, Mehta; W.

657 Seminar in Biotechnology (3)
Discussion of advanced topics in the field of biotechnology. Includes such subjects as bioequipment design (mechanical and process), protein engineering, computer-aided biomolecular modeling, energetics and kinetics, and drug design. Recovery and purification of products and bioprocess consideration in using plant and animal cell cultures may be discussed depending on interest.
Mehta; Sp.

659 Finite Element Applications in Bioengineering (5)
Includes review of finite element technique (FEM); introduction to boundary element method (BEM); the biology and composition of bone; mechanical properties of bone and tissue; stress analysis of the femur, tibia, skull, spinal cord, and joints using finite element method; application of FE and BE techniques in bone prostheses and implants; composite material modeling of bones using Abaqus; analysis of blood flow in arteries treating it as a non-Newtonian fluid. Finite element packages such as I/FEM, Patran, Abaqus, BET, FIDNAP, NIKE, DYNA, and TOPAZ will be used.
Mehta; Su; Y.

675 Destructive Testing of Materials (3)
Prereq: CE 524. Testing and analytical considerations in destructive testing of materials; interpretation of results and sources of errors in hardness, tensility, impact, fatigue, and pressure testing of materials; residual stress determination in formed metallic parts.

681 Research (1-15) Staff; F, W, Sp, Su; Y.

695 Thesis (1-15) Staff; F, W, Sp, Su; Y.

704 Mechanics and Control of Multi-Degree-of-Freedom-Systems II (3)
Prereq: 604. Advanced analysis and control techniques for multi-degree-of-freedom mechanical systems: closed-chain mechanisms, space manipulators and structures, redundant mechanisms, dynamic characterization, advanced strategies of control.

705 Dynamics: Theory and Applications III (3)
Prereq: 606. Dynamical equations of motion, linearization, steady motions, and motions resembling state of rest, integrals of equations of motion, exact closed form solutions, numerical integration of differential equations of motion, determination of constraint forces and constraint torques, collisions, and small vibrations. A continuation of 605, 606.

712 Advanced Heat Transfer (5)
Prereq: 513 or 514. Advanced analysis of heat transfer, with emphasis on mechanical engineering processes. Lumped, integral, and differential formulations, time dependent boundary conditions, steady periodic problems. Combined conduction, convection, and mass transfer in complex heat transfer processes.
Alam, Graham.

720 Advanced Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis (5)
Prereq: 551 or CE 520. Advanced study in finite element analysis of solids and fluids, with emphasis on methodologies for nonlinear problems. Fundamental theory and computer implementations of various techniques will be examined. Restricted to small groups, with extensive student participation required.
Dehghani, Graham, Gunasekera, Sargand; F; Y; 1988.

751 Advanced Computer-Aided Design (4)
Prereq: CE 520 or ME 550N and ME 557. Application of advanced CAD techniques to mechanical design problems. Interactive computer programming, mechanical tolerancing. Solid modeling and finite element applications. Pre- and post-processing of FEM data. Automated mesh generation techniques. Cubic splines, B-splines, and sculptured surfaces.
Gunasekera; D.

760 Advanced CAD/CAM/CAE of Dies and Molds (4)
Prereq: 551 or 557. Formulation of the design basis for dies and molds; analysis of material flow through dies; development of criteria for design optimization, heat transfer, and die stress analysis. Theoretical basis for describing 3-D die geometry of complex dies for computer-aided manufacture. Applications in extrusion, forging die casting, and injection molding dies. Development and use of computer software in CAD/CAM/CAE of dies.
Gunasekera; D.

775 Advanced Materials Processing (5)
Prereq: 563 or CHE 520. Uses principles of materials processing technology to study the processing of advanced materials. Casting, rolling, forging, and vapor deposition of advanced materials. Processing of ceramics, composites, high temperature alloys.
Alam, Dehghani, Gulino.

776 Special Topics in Materials Processing (4)
Prereq: 563 or CHE 620. Advanced topics in selected areas of materials processing technology. Processing by deformation, solidification, and deposition are possible areas of study.
Alam, Dehghani, Gulino; D.

785 Plasticity: Theory and Application (4)
Prereq: CE 523, CE 529, or ME 597. Theory of plasticity, stress-strain relations for perfectly plastic and strain hardening materials, yield criteria and constitutive equations of plastic bodies, boundary value problems of plasticity, the slip-line theory and applications.

889 Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering (1-4)
Special advanced topics in mechanical engineering. Course content is determined at the discretion of the instructor. Examples include tribology, spacecraft dynamics, continuum biomechanics, rarefied gas dynamics, plasma heat transfer, surface mechanics, and synthesis of spatial mechanisms.
Staff; D.

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