Ohio University
Graduate Catalog

Health Sciences

Master of Health Administration

The Health Administration Program consists of three different concentrations: Acute Care Administration, Long-Term Care Administration, and Community Health/Health Promotion. The Ohio Board of Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators has approved the Long-Term Care Administration concentration as meeting the academic and experiential prerequisites for admission to the licensure examination.

Admission is on a competitive basis. Minimum criteria you must meet to be considered for unconditional selection are:

  • Earned bachelor's degree from an accredited institution (or indication that degree will be completed prior to begin-ning graduate program)
  • Overall undergraduate g.p.a. of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale on last 90 quarter hours or last 60 semester hours
  • Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) score of 450 or Graduate Record Exam (GRE) of 800

You must submit the following documentation: application , three letters of recommendation , a personal essay identifying your career goals and objectives; GMAT or GRE scores, and official transcript(s) of all undergraduate work.

Upon receipt of all of the above information, we will contact you to schedule an on-campus or phone interview. All documentation must be submitted and interviews completed prior to admission. Full-time students will be admitted only for fall quarter; part-time students will be admitted for any quarter, but you must complete the application process by August 1 for fall quarter, November 1 for winter quarter, and February 1 for spring quarter. Full and partial associateships are available, as well as tuition scholarships. Awards are made to the limit of available funds.

The minimum hour requirement for the master's degree is 88 hours including the following core courses:

PSY 520 Elementary Statistics (5)
MGT 500 Management (4)
ACCT 501 Accounting Principles (4)
INCO 630 Communication in Organizations (5)

NOTE: If you have completed equivalend courses at the undergraduate level with at least a grade of B (3.0), you will not have to take the courses at the graduate level, and the hours needed for graduation will be reduced accordingly.

Foundation Courses Required for All Majors:

HLTH 603 Administration of Health Organizations (4)
HLTH 620 Bioethics in Health Care Administration (4)
HLTH 621 Health Care Finance (4)
HLTH 630 Epidemiology in Health Planning (4)
HLTH 635 Human Resource Management Within Health Care (4)
HLTH 691 Seminar (4)
HLTH 698 Needs Assessment & Program Evaluation (5)

Specific concentration requirements are:

Acute Care Administration:

HLTH 612 Management Applications (5)
HLTH 622 Health Care Reimbursement (4)
HLTH 623 Management in Acute Care Facilities (4)
HLTH 692 Comprehensive Health Planning (4)
HLTH 697 Thesis (1-8)
or HLTH 699 Internship (15)

Community Health/Health Promotion:

HLTH 510 Health Issues: U.S. Underserved Populations (4)
HLTH 512 International Health Programming (4)
HLTH 518A Instructional Experience (1-8)
HLTH 530 Worksite Health Promotion (4)
HLTH 607 Health Promotion & Health Behavior (4)
HLTH 624 Community Health Programs (4)
HLTH 697 Thesis (1-8)
or HLTH 699Internship (15)

Plus three or more from:

EDCE 685 Multicultural Education (4)
or INCO 510 Cross-Cultural Communications (4)
HCFN 529 Community Nutrition (3)
or HCFN 660 Nutrition for Sports & Fitness (3)
HLTH 519 Health Education for the Elementary School (4)
HLTH 527 Health of Women (4)
HLTH 595 School Health Problems (4)
HLTH 605Public Health & Aging (4)
or HLTH 613Aging & Health (4)
PESS 514, 515 Physiology of Exercise & Lab (7)
or PESS 616 Intro to Sport Physiology & Adult Fitness (4)

Long-Term Care Administration:

HLTH 605 Public Health & Aging (4)
HLTH 612 Management Applications in Health Care (5)
HLTH 613 Aging & Health (4)
HLTH 622 Health Care Reimbursement (4)
HLTH 640 Administration of Long-Term Care Facilities (4)
HLTH 692 Comprehensive Health Planning (4)
HLTH 697 Thesis (1-8)
or HLTH 699 Internship (15)


Electives may be chosen from courses offered by a variety of disciplines to complement your interests. These courses will be selected and included in your plan of study in consultation with your advisor.


Health Sciences (HLTH) Courses

510 Health Issues: U.S. Underserved Populations (4) In-depth analysis of critical health issues germane to underserved populations in the United States. Emphasis on those groups suffering the most profound consequences of health problems and disease.

512 International Health Programming (4) Addresses diverse, rapidly changing health problems in developing countries while exploring roles of community health professionals. Surveys program interventions and solutions that are available or under development.

518A Instructional Experiences (1-15) Prereq: perm. Supervised practice in organizing and teaching activities in college and health related settings.

519 Health Education for the Elementary School (4) Application of principles of curriculum development, identification of appropriate concepts and practices, and use of teaching methods and resources at elementary school level.

527 Health of Women (4) Health needs and concerns of women within the physical, mental-emotional, and social dimensions of functioning are examined. Emphasis on women as health care and product consumers.

530 Worksite Health Promotion (4) Examination of worksite health promotion programs. Guidelines for development of health promotion programs in corporate settings discussed.

595 School Health Problems (5) Prereq: major/minor. Organization and administration of school health programs including school and community relationships.

600 Guided Independent Study (1-2, max 2) Prereq: perm. Selected areas of study with written report based on research.

603 Administration of Health Organizations (4) Prereq: MGT 500. Structure, organization, and function of contemporary health care delivery systems with emphasis on rural health services components, changing characteristics, and interrelationships with implications for the future.

605 Public Health and Aging (4) Critical assessment of the social, behavioral, and health research on the aging population with a concern for improving the elderly's quality of life.

607 Health Promotion and Health Behavior (4) Theory and application of health promotion/education planning, implementation, and evaluation by health professions in a variety of settings. Emphasis on research related to determinants of health behavior, plus strategies and techniques used by professionals to foster human health.

611 Special Problems (1-6) Prereq: perm. Individual research and experimentation of professional issues. Identifies pertinent problems and plans effective attack toward potential solution.

612 Management Applications in Health Care (4) Prereq: 603, MGT 500. Integration of various elements of medical care and aspects of health services administration with concentration on human resource management in health administration, labor relations, medical care appraisal, quality assurance, and application of administrative skills and concepts.

613 Aging and Health (4) Theories of aging involving changes in structure and performance presented. Emphasis on normal aging changes, positive mental health and aging, health promotion and maintenance of wellness, and community health.

620 Bioethics in Health Care (4) Examines social, cultural, and environmental influences that determine or affect how persons define health problems, participate in health maintenance programs, and utilize medical and other health services.

621 Health Care Finance (4) Prereq: ACCT 501. Explores financial administration processes within the various delivery systems and permits construction of the many financial reports.

622 Health Care Reimbursement (4) Examines each of the payment systems in effect within each of the major groups of health care delivery systems, e.g., hospitals, nursing homes, home health programs, and so forth.

623 Management in Acute Care Facilities (4) Prereq: MGT 500. Examines the administrative problems that are unique to the delivery of health care in acute care systems. Primary focus is on hospital administration.

624 Community Health Programs (4) Institutional framework and activities of various agencies promoting and maintaining health of people of community, state, and nation.

630 Epidemiology in Health Planning (4) Constructs rational basis for setting priorities and allocating scarce health care resources. Examines ways in which methodologically sound health statistics can be introduced into practical arena of planning health services.

635 Human Resource Management Within Health Care (4) Practical aspects of human resource management within various health care settings. Helps prepare students to handle human resource management and development issues.

640 Administration of Long-Term Care Facilities (4) Overview of basic operational components and general administrative functions encountered in the management of nursing homes and other long-term care facilities.

650 Practicum (1-5, max 5) Prereq: perm. Supervised work experience in various aspects of administration and operation of health and health related programs.

690 Independent Study (1-6, max 6) Prereq: perm. Advanced individual creative and scholarly work in health services administration and closely related fields.

691 Seminar (4) Prereq: major/minor. Research and investigation in health and health care. Topics and problems suitable for thesis writing, methods of research, writing practice, and critical analysis of outlines for research study.

692 Comprehensive Health Planning (4) Prereq: 630, 691. Techniques and methods essential for planning with emphasis on application in social technical systems and special emphasis on planning in rural health care delivery systems.

693 Special Topics Seminars (1-3, max 5) Selected topics not covered in regular offerings in health administration and closely related fields.

697 Thesis (1-5, max 8) Application of principles and practices to selected problems of study in the field.

698 Program Evaluation and Assessment in Health Care (5) Prereq: PSY 520. Application of socio-behavioral research design and methodology to selected health administration topics and analysis of component of program evaluation. Quality assurance law, audits, PSRO, and accreditation standards studied.

699 Administrative Internship (15) Application of skills and principles of health administration within selected institutions or agencies facilitated in this residency program.

Industrial Hygiene (IH) Courses

500 Industrial Hygiene Sampling and Analysis (5) Lectures and lab to introduce field sampling and lab instrumentation and analytical methods common to industrial hygiene. Students are required to interpret readings, analyze samples, and prepare appropriate reports.

501 Hazardous Materials in the Workplace (4) Lectures on gases, vapors, dusts, liquids, and solids and their physical and chemical characteristics. Emphasis on sampling, evaluation, and control methods. Technical reports required, including design requirements as specified by regulatory agencies.

505 Ventilation for Contaminant Control (4) Designed to impart a working knowledge of the principles, methods, and practices of controlling worker exposure to hazardous concentrations of air contaminants and to present logical methods of design, evaluation, and maintenance of such systems.

510 Physical Hazards: Evaluation and Control (4) Designed to provide a functional knowledge of methods used to evaluate and control noise, vibration, heat, light, and other factors affecting the health and well-being of the worker.

515 Introduction to Radiological Health: Evaluation and Control (5) Introduction and overview of health effects of various sources of radiation including sources, evaluation, safety, and control factors.

520 Hazardous Material: Management and Control (4) Lectures on gases, vapors, dusts, liquids, and solids and their physical and chemical properties. Emphasis upon evaluation and control methods. Develop controls for specific cases and present them in technical reports.

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