Ohio University
Graduate Catalog

Departmental Faculty

The following listings were submitted by the dean's office in each college in May 1995 and verified in the Provost's Office . The regional campus faculties are listed after the main campus faculty.

B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | V | Regional Campuses |


O'Bleness Prof: Florence C. Sharp, Ph.D., U. of Illinois, C.P.A.
Prof: Ted R. Compton, Ph.D., U. of Cincinnati, C.M.A., C.S.P.; Charles H. D'Augustine (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Florida State U., C.P.A.; Robert W. Jamison, Ph.D., U. of Texas ; E. James Meddaugh, Ph.D., Penn State U., C.P.A.
Assoc. Prof: James S. Cox, Ph.D., U. of Pittsburgh, C.P.A.; Leon B. Hoshower, Ph.D., Michigan State U., C.P.A.; David P. Kirch, Penn State U., C.P.A.; Robert F. Sharp (director), Ph.D., U. of Texas, Austin, C.P.A.; Donald V. Stuchell (emeritus, part-time), M.A.S., U. of Illinois, C.P.A.
Asst. Prof: Yining Chen, Ph.D., U. of South Carolina; Carol A. Hilton, Ph.D., U. of Arkansas; Joseph N. Hilton, Ph.D., U. of Arkansas; David L. Senteney, Ph.D., U. of Illinois.
Instr: Olin Adams III, M.B.A., Mount St. Mary's College, C.P.A.; William Hoops, M.B.A., Ohio U., C.P.A.

Aerospace Studies

Prof: Randy E. Morris (chair), M.A., Central Michigan U.
Asst. Prof: David R. Guio, M.A., Webster U. ; David E. Saville, M.A., Embry-Riddle U. ; Darrell D. Slone, M.B.A., Webster U.

African American Studies

Prof: Francine C. Childs, Ed.D., East Texas State U.
Assoc. Prof: Robert Rhodes, M.A., U. of Cincinnati and M.S., Atlanta U. ; Vattel T. Rose (chair), Ph.D., U. of Minnesota.
Instr: Jeffrey C. Wray, M.F.A., Ohio U.


Prof: Joseph Bova (director), M.A., U. of New Mexico ; Abner Jonas (part-time), M.F.A., U. of Iowa ; David R. Klahn, M.F.A., U. of Wisconsin, Madison ; Ronald Kroutel (part-time), M.F.A., U. of Michigan ; Mary Manusos, M.F.A., U. of Wisconsin ; Karen Nulf, M.A., Michigan State U. ; Gary Pettigrew (part-time), M.F.A., Ohio U. ; Daniel Williams, M.A., U. of Oregon.
Assoc. Prof: Marilyn Bradshaw, Ph.D., Indiana U. ; Robert Borchard (emeritus, part-time), M.S., U. of Wisconsin ; Aethelred Eldridge, M.S.D., U. of Michigan ; Michael Harper, Ph.D., U. of North Carolina ; Charles McWeeny, M.F.A., Oklahoma U. ; Robert Peppers, M.F.A., Ohio U. ; Judith Perani, Ph.D., Indiana U. ; Marilyn Poeppelmeyer, M.F.A., SUNY, Buffalo ; Brad Schwieger, M.F.A., Utah State U. ; Gary Schwindler, Ph.D., U. of California, Los Angeles.
Asst. Prof: Mary Campbell, M.F.A., U. of California, Davis ; Carolyn Cardenas, M.F.A., Drake U. ; Eva Enderlein, M.F.A., Indiana U. ; G. Gofbarg, M.F.A., U. of New Mexico ; T. Hipp, M.F.A., U. of North Carolina, Greensboro ; Joseph Lamb, Ph.D., U. of California, Santa Barbara ; Robert Lazuka, M.F.A., Arizona State U. ; Daniel Loewenstein, M.F.A., U. of California, San Diego ; Duane McDiarmid, M.F.A., Florida State U. ; Arlyn Simon, M.F.A., Yale U.


Prof: C. Elaine McCoy (chair), Ph.D., Ohio U.
Asst. Prof: Ronald J. Faliszek, B.B.A., Ohio U.
Instr: Brad Thompson (part-time), B.S.A.S., Ohio U. ; David E. Samuels (part-time), B.S.A.S., Ohio U. ; Amy Van Horn (part-time), B.S.A.S., Ohio U. ; Charles Wentz (part-time), M.S.E., Catholic U. of America.

Biological Sciences

Goll Ohio Eminent Research Scholar: John Kopchick, Ph.D., U. of Texas, Houston.
Prof: Joseph Eastman, Ph.D., U. of Minnesota ; Fredrick Hagerman, Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Robert Hikida, Ph.D., U. of Illinois ; William Hummon, Ph.D., U. of Massachusetts, Amherst ; Joseph Jollick, Ph.D., West Virginia U. ; Ellengene Peterson, Ph.D., U. of California, Riverside ; William Romoser, Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Jerome Rovner, Ph.D., U. of Maryland ; Michael Rowe, Ph.D., U. of California, Riverside ; Gerald Svendsen, Ph.D., U. of Kansas ; John Zook, Ph.D., Duke U.
Assoc. Prof: Huzoor Akbar, Ph.D., Australian National U. ; Charles Atkins, Ph.D., North Carolina State U. ; Dennis Bazylinski, Ph.D., U. of New Hampshire ; Mary Chamberlin, Ph.D., U. of British Columbia ; Robert Colvin, Ph.D., Rutgers U. ; Walter Costello, Ph.D., Boston U. ; Ralph DiCaprio, Ph.D., U. of Alberta, Edmonton ; Kenneth Goodrum, Ph.D., U. of Texas, Austin ; Oscar Heck, Ph.D., Washington State U. ; William Henley, Ph.D., Colorado State U. ; John Howell, Ph.D., U. of California, Los Angeles ; Patricia Humphrey, Ph.D., Purdue U. ; Anne Loucks, Ph.D., U. of California, Santa Barbara ; Louise Luckenbill, Ph.D., Brown U. ; Donald Miles, Ph.D., U. of Pennsylvania ; Malcolm Modrzakowski, Ph.D., U. of Georgia ; Scott Moody, Ph.D., U. of Michigan ; Finnie Murray (chair), Ph.D., U. of Florida ; Ronald Portanova, Ph.D., Case Western Reserve U. ; Edwin Rowland, Ph.D., Wake Forest U. ; Robert Staron, Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Matthew White, Ph.D., Virginia Tech ; Leon Wince, Ph.D., West Virginia U.
Asst. Prof: Bonita Biegalke, Ph.D., U. of Washington ; Audrone Biknevicius, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins U. ; Anthony Brown, Ph.D., King's College, U. of London ; Elizabeth Crockett, Ph.D., U. of Maine ; Filomena Dimayuga, Ph.D., U. of South Alabama ; William Holmes, Ph.D., U. of California, Los Angeles ; Scott Hooper, Ph.D., Brandeis U. ; Frank Horodyski, Ph.D., U. of California, San Diego ; Calvin B. L. James, Ph.D., Howard U. ; Kelly Johnson, Ph.D., Michigan State U. ; Brent Palmer, Ph.D., U. of Florida ; Stephen N. Reilly, Ph.D., Southern Illinois U. ; Linda Ross, Ph.D., U. of Texas ; Lawrence Witmer, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins U.
Lect: Laura DiCaprio, Ph.D., U. of Alberta, Edmonton ; Mary K. Eastman, M.S., Ohio U. ; Margaret Hummon, Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Molly McCarthy, M.S., Rutgers U. ; Mary Nossek, M.S., Ohio U.


Dist. Prof: Thomas Wagner, Ph.D., Northwestern U.
Prof: John Blazyk, Ph.D., Brown U. ; David Hendricker, Ph.D., Iowa State U. ; Peter Johnson, Ph.D., U. of Birmingham ; Howard Latz, Ph.D., U. of Florida ; Paul Sullivan (chair), Ph.D., U. of Waterloo ; James Tong, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison.
Assoc. Prof: Jared Butcher Jr., Ph.D., U. of Tennessee ; Howard D. Dewald, Ph.D., New Mexico State U. ; Karen E. Eichstadt, Ph.D., U. of Kansas ; Peter deB. Harrington, Ph.D., U. of North Carolina ; Keith F. McDaniel, Ph.D., Princeton U. ; Gary Pfeiffer, Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon U. ; Hugh H. Richardson, Ph.D., Oklahoma State U. ; Gary Small, Ph.D., U. of North Carolina ; Martin T. Tuck, Ph.D., U. of Tennessee ; Gene Westenbarger, Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley.
Asst. Prof: Anthony Andrews, Ph.D., U. of Hull ; Daniel Dolata, Ph.D., U. of California, Santa Cruz ; Bing Gong, Ph.D., U. of Chicago ; Frederick R. Lemke, Ph.D., Purdue U. ; Surina Ismail, Ph.D., U. of Akron ; Lauren E. McMills, Ph.D., Michigan State U. ; Mark C. McMills, Ph.D., Michigan State U.

Classical Languages

Assoc. Prof: James A. Andrews, Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley ; Robert Stephen Hays (chair), Ph.D., U. of Texas.
Asst. Prof: William Owens, Ph.D., Yale U. ; Mark Landon, Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley ; Ruth Palmer, Ph.D., U. of Cincinnati ; Joe Schott, Ph.D., Ohio State U.

Communication Systems Management

Assoc. Prof: Phyllis W. Bernt (director), Ph.D., U. of Nebraska, Lincoln.
Asst. Prof: Steven E. Johnson, M.A., Ohio U. ; Hans Kruse, Ph.D., Vanderbilt U. ; Anthony G. Mele, B.S., Ohio U. ; Trevor Roycroft, Ph.D., U. of California, Davis ; Varadharajan Sridhar, Ph.D., U. of Iowa.

Comparative Arts

Prof: Jessica Haigney, Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Robert Wortman (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Florida State U.
Asst. Prof: Wojtek Chojna, Ph.D., Temple U.
Visiting Asst. Prof: Rachel Hostetter, Ph.D., Indiana U.


Prof: Gladys Bailin (part-time), B.A., Hunter College ; Madeleine Scott (director), M.A., U. of California, Los Angeles.
Assoc. Prof: Patricia Brooks, B.S., Wayne State U. ; Michelle Geller, M.F.A., New York U. School of the Arts ; Marina Walchi, M.F.A., Ohio U.
Asst. Prof: Andre Gribou, M.M., Juilliard School of Music.
Lect: Frederick Kraps (part-time).


Dist. Prof: Lowell Gallaway, Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Richard Vedder, Ph.D., U. of Illinois.
Prof: Douglas Adie, Ph.D., U. of Chicago ; Roy Boyd, Ph.D., Duke U. ; Edwin Charlé (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Indiana U. ; Khosrow Doroodian, Ph.D., U. of Oregon ; Ismail Ghazalah, Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley ; David Klingaman, Ph.D., U. of Virginia ; Rajindar K. Koshal, Ph.D., U. of Rochester ; Vishwa Shukla, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison.
Assoc. Prof: Jan Palmer (chair), Ph.D., Michigan State U. ; Rosemary Rossiter, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
Asst. Prof: Tony Caporale, Ph.D., George Mason U. ; Chulho Jung, Ph.D., U. of Michigan ; Kathryn G. Marshall, Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley ; Barbara McKiernan, Ph.D., George Mason U. ; Harold Winter, Ph.D., U. of Rochester.

Education--Applied Behavioral Sciences
and Educational Leadership

Prof: Robert Barcikowski, Ph.D., SUNY, Buffalo ; Fred Dressel (emeritus, part-time), Ed.D., Indiana U. ; Max Evans (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; James Grubb (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Luther Haseley (emeritus, part-time), Ed.D., U. of Toledo ; Richard Hazler, Ph.D., U. of Idaho ; Lazarus Jaji, Ph.D., U. of Illinois ; Donald Knox (emeritus, part-time), Ed.D., Case Western Reserve U. ; Richard Miller, Ph.D., Columbia U. ; Sally Navin, Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Conrad W. Snyder, Ph.D., U. of Pennsylvania ; Thomas Sweeney (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Melvin Witmer (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Florida State U. ; Robert Young, Ph.D., U. of Illinois.
Assoc. Prof: Patricia Beamish, Ed.D., West Virginia U. ; Thomas Davis, Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Glenn Doston, Ph.D., Northwestern U. ; Crystal Gips, Ed.D., Boston U. ; George Johanson, Ed.D., U. of Massachusetts.
Asst. Prof: Suzy Green, Ph.D., Ohio U. ; James Hartman, Ph.D., Kent State U. ; Frances Pearson, Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; David Stone, Ph.D., Ohio U.

Education--Curriculum and Instruction

Prof: Larry Jageman, Ed.D., U. of Northern Colorado ; Gail Jaji, Ph.D., Syracuse U. ; Monroe Johnson, Ed.D., U. of Tennessee ; Albert Leep (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Ball State U. ; Ralph Martin, Ph.D., U. of Toledo ; Ragy Mitias, Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Reba Pinney (emerita, part-time), Ph.D., Ohio U. ; William Rader, Ph.D., Purdue U. ; Stephen Safran, Ph.D., U. of Virginia ; H. Wells Singleton (dean), Ph.D., Stanford U. ; Ray Skinner (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Kent State U. ; Charles Smith Jr., Ed.D., Wayne State U. ; Edward Stevens Jr., Ed.D., U. of Rochester ; James Thompson (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; George Wood, Ph.D., U. of Illinois.
Assoc. Prof: Arthur Clubok, Ph.D., U. of Michigan ; R. Keith Hillkirk, Ph.D., Penn State U. ; W. Stephen Howard, Ph.D., Michigan State U. ; John McCutcheon, Ed.D., Indiana U. ; Joan McMath, Ph.D., U. of Akron ; Sondra Rebottini, Ed.D., West Virginia U. ; Barbara Reeves, Ed.D., U. of Kentucky ; Marta Roth, Ed.D., West Virginia U. ; Joan Safron, Ph.D., U. of Virginia ; William Smith, Ed.D., Indiana U. ; Scott Sparks, Ph.D., U. of Florida ; Karen J. Viechnicki, Ph.D., Kent State U. ; James Yanok, Ph.D., Kent State U.
Asst. Prof: Bonnie Beach, Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Alice Blake-Stalker, Ph.D., U. of Georgia ; Michael Flemister, Ph.D., U. of Illinois ; Dorothy Leal, Ed.D., U. of Kentucky ; Sallie Roberts (emerita, part-time), M.A., Ohio U. ; Coleen Sexton, Ph.D., Ohio U.
Instr: Betty Mason, M.Ed., Ohio U. ; Leeanna Morgan, M.Ed., Ohio U.

Education--Professional Laboratory Experiences

Prof: Rena Allen, M.A., Marshall U.
Instr: Bonnie Bailey, M.Ed., Indiana U. of Pennsylvania ; Diane Burkhart, M.Ed., Kent State U. ; Carolyn Richardson, M.S., Ohio U. ; Connie Scott, M.Ed., Ohio U.

Engineering, Chemical

Prof: William Baasel (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Cornell U. ; Calvin Baloun (part-time), Ph.D., U. of Cincinnati ; Nicholas Dinos, Ph.D., Lehigh U. ; W. Paul Jepson (Russ Prof.), Ph.D., Heriot-Watt U., Scotland ; Michael Prudich (chair), Ph.D., West Virginia U.
Assoc. Prof: Wen-Jia Russell Chen, Ph.D., Syracuse U ; Daniel Gulino, Ph.D., U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign ; Kendree Sampson, Ph.D., Purdue U.
Asst. Prof: Tingyue Gu, Ph.D., Purdue U. ; Darin Ridgway, Ph.D., Florida State U.

Engineering, Civil

Prof: Tiao Chang, Ph.D., Purdue U. ; Glenn Hazen, Ph.D., Penn State U. ; Harry Kaneshige (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison ; Gayle Mitchell (Russ Prof. and chair), Ph.D., Mississippi State U. ; Shad Sargand (Russ Prof.), Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State U.
Assoc. Prof: Edward Russ (emeritus, part-time), M.S.C.E., Clarkson College of Technology.
Asst. Prof: Kenneth B. Edwards, Ph.D., Iowa State U. ; Lloyd A. Herman, Ph.D., Vanderbilt U. ; Joseph Recktenwald, Ph.D., U. of Akron ; Eric P. Steinberg, Ph.D., Michigan Tech. U ; Ben J. Stuart, M.S., Rutgers U.
Instr: Teruhisa Masada, M.S., Ohio U.

Engineering, Electrical and Computer

Prof: Hollis Chen, Ph.D., Syracuse U. ; Joseph Essman, Ph.D., Purdue U. ; James Gilfert (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Herman Hill, Ph.D., West Virginia U. ; Robert Judd (Cooper Industries Prof.), Ph.D., Oakland U. ; Harold Klock (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Northwestern U. ; Robert Lilley (part-time), Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Henryk Lozykowski, Ph.D., N. Copernicus U. ; Brian Manhire, Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Richard McFarland (Russ Prof., emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Jerrel Mitchell (Russ Prof. and chair), Ph.D., Mississippi State U. ; M.E. Mokari, Ph.D., U. of Illinois ; Roger Radcliff, Ph.D., West Virginia U. ; William Shepherd (Stocker Visiting Prof.), Ph.D., U. of London ; Janusz Starzyk, Ph.D., Technical U., Warsaw.
Assoc. Prof: Mehmet Celenk, Ph.D., Stevens Institute of Technology ; Robert Curtis, Ph.D., New York U. ; Jeffrey Dill, Ph.D., U. of Southern California ; Jeffrey Giesey, Ph.D., U. of Michigan ; John Gillam, Ph.D., Michigan State U. ; R. Dennis Irwin, Ph.D., Mississippi State U. ; John A. Tague, Ph.D., Penn State U. ; Frank van Graas, Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Constantinos Vassiliadis, Ph.D., Mississippi State U.
Asst. Prof: Michael S. Braasch, Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Venkat Gudivada, Ph.D., U. of Southwestern Louisiana ; Larry Irwin, M.S., Ohio U. ; Douglas Lawrence, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins U. ; Joseph H. Nurre, Ph.D., U. of Cincinnati ; Shawn Ostermann, Ph.D., Purdue U. ; Santosh Pande, Ph.D., North Carolina State U., Raleigh ; Kleanthis Psarris, Ph.D., Stevens Institute of Technology.
Instr: Victor Hanna (part-time), M.S., Youngstown State U. ; Timothy Killeen, M.S., U. of California, Berkeley ; Margaret Thomas, M.A., Ohio U.

Engineering, Industrial and Systems

Prof: Charles M. Parks (chair), Ph.D., Oklahoma State U. ; Donald Scheck (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Purdue U. ; Robert Williams (part-time), Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Helmut Zwahlen (Russ Prof.), Ph.D., Ohio State U.
Assoc. Prof: E. Ralph Sims (part-time), M.B.A., Ohio U.
Asst. Prof: Richard J. Gerth, Ph.D., U. of Michigan ; David A. Koonce, Ph.D., Louisiana State U. ; Thomas A. Lacksonen, Ph.D., Penn State U. ; Robert Lipset, Ph.D., Oakland U. ; Luis Rabelo, Ph.D., U. of Missouri.

Engineering, Mechanical

Prof: O.E. Adams Jr. (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Lehigh U. ; Khairul Alam, Ph.D., California Institute of Technology ; Jay Gunasekera (Moss Prof. and chair), Ph.D., U. of London ; Roy Lawrence (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Southern Methodist U. ; Hajrudin Pasic, Ph.D., Stanford U. ; T. Richard Robe (dean), Ph.D., Stanford U.
Assoc. Prof: Sunil Agrawal, Ph.D., Stanford U. ; Mohammad Dehghani, Ph.D., Louisiana State U. ; Gary Graham, Ph.D., Texas Technical U. ; Kenneth Halliday, Ph.D., U. of Massachusetts ; Israel Urieli, Ph.D., U. of Witwatersrand.
Asst. Prof: David Bayless, Ph.D., U. of Illinois ; Robert L. Williams II, Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State U. ; Bhavin Mehta (part-time), M.S., Ohio U.


Dist. Prof: Wayne Dodd, Ph.D., U. of Oklahoma ; John Matthews, M.A., Ohio State U.
Trustee Prof: Samuel Crowl, Ph.D., Indiana U.
Prof: Laurence Bartlett, Ph.D., Michigan State U. ; Frank Cronin, Ph.D., U. of Pittsburgh ; Susan Crowl, Ph.D., Indiana U. ; James Davis, Ph.D., Florida State U. ; Robert DeMott, Ph.D., Kent State U. ; Raymond Fitch, Ph.D., U. of Pennsylvania ; Roy Flannagan, Ph.D., U. of Virginia ; Daniel Keyes, M.A., CUNY, Brooklyn ; Earl Knies, Ph.D., U. of Illinois ; Julia Lin, Ph.D., U. of Washington ; Dean McWilliams, Ph.D., U. of Oregon ; Lester Marks, Ph.D., Syracuse U. ; Cosmo Pieterse, M.A., U. of Cape Town ; Vance Ramsey, Ph.D., U. of Oklahoma ; Barry Roth, Ph.D., Stanford U. ; Duane Schneider, Ph.D., U. of Colorado ; Eve Shelnutt, M.F.A., U. of North Carolina, Greensboro ; Harold Swardson, Ph.D., U. of Minnesota ; James Thompson, Ph.D., U. of Cincinnati ; Arvin Wells, Ph.D., U. of Michigan.
Assoc. Prof: Marilyn Atlas, Ph.D., Michigan State U. ; David Bergdahl, Ph.D., Syracuse U. ; David Heaton, Ph.D., U. of Michigan ; Janis Holm, Ph.D., U. of Michigan ; Mara Holt, Ph.D., U. of Texas ; Linda Hunt, Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley ; Reid Huntley, Ph.D., U. of North Carolina ; Ernest Johansson, Ph.D., U. of North Carolina ; Peter Kousaleos, Ph.D., Ohio U. ; William Kuhre, Ph.D., Penn State U. ; Ben Park, Ph.D., U. of Oklahoma ; Betty Pytlik (chair), Ph.D., U. of Southern California ; Mark Rollins, Ph.D., U. of Massachusetts, Amherst ; Arthur Woolley, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison ; Linda Zionkowski, Ph.D., Northwestern U.
Asst. Prof: Josephine Bloomfield, Ph.D., U. of California, Davis ; Deborah Brown, Ph.D., U. of Oklahoma ; Kenneth Daley, Ph.D., New York U. ; Paul Dombrowski, Ph.D., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute ; Christine Freeman, Ph.D., Kent State U. ; Loreen Giese, Ph.D., Emory U. ; David Lazar, Ph.D., U. of Houston ; Robert Miklitsch, Ph.D., SUNY, Buffalo ; Charles Naccarato, Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Lowell Ver Heul, Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Valorie Worthy, Ph.D., Ohio U.
Visiting Asst. Prof: Joan Connor, M.F.A., Vermont College ; Janet Sylvester, Ph.D., U. of Utah.
Instr: David Bruce, M.A., Ohio U. ; Jane Denbow, M.A., Marshall U. ; Miriam Hart, M.A., Ohio U. ; Thomas Mantey, M.A., Ohio U. ; David Sharpe, M.A., Brown U. ; Joan Zook, M.A., U. of Michigan.

Environmental and Plant Biology

Dist. Prof: Norman Cohn, Ph.D., Yale U.
Prof: James Braselton, Ph.D., Iowa State U. ; James Cavender, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin ; Laurence Larson, Ph.D., Purdue U. ; John Mitchell, Ph.D., Edinburgh U. ; Gar Rothwell, Ph.D., U. of Alberta ; Ivan Smith (chair), Ph.D., U. of London ; Irwin Ungar, Ph.D., U. of Kansas.
Assoc. Prof: Philip Cantino, Ph.D., Harvard U. ; James Herbert Graffius, Ph.D., Michigan State U. ; Jan Salick, Ph.D., Cornell U. ; Allan M. Showalter, Ph.D., Rutgers U.
Asst. Prof: Brian McCarthy, Ph.D., Rutgers U. ; Arthur T. Trese, Ph.D., U. of Missouri ; Mary L. Trivett, Ph.D., Ohio U.


Eminent Prof. of Film: Rajko Grlic, M.F.A., Famu Prague.
Prof: George Semsel, Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; David O. Thomas (director), Ph.D., Southern Illinois U.
Assoc. Prof: Ruth Bradley, Ph.D., U. of Michigan.
Asst. Prof: Jenny Kwok Wah Lau, Ph.D., Northwestern U.


Charles G. O'Bleness Prof. of Finance and Banking: Ganas K. Rakes (chair), D.B.A., Washington U.
Prof: Azmi D. Mikhail, Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Harlan R. Patterson (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Michigan State U. ; Nanda K. Rangan (Visiting Bank One Prof.), Ph.D., Texas A & M.
Assoc. Prof: Dwight A. Pugh, Ph.D., Ohio U.
Asst. Prof: Bruce S. Berlin, Ph.D., Michigan State U. ; Natalie M. Chieffe, M.B.A., U. of Pittsburgh ; Jeffrey Allen Manzi, Ph.D., Kent State U.
Instr: John E. Reynolds III, Executive in Residence, M.B.A., Wharton School, U. of Pennsylvania ; Scott B. Wright, M.B.A., Ohio U.


Prof: Nancy R. Bain, Ph.D., U. of Minnesota ; Frank E. Bernard, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison ; Bob J. Walter, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison ; Hubert G.H. Wilhelm, Ph.D., Louisiana State U. ; Lynden S. Williams, Ph.D., U. of Kansas.
Assoc. Prof: Hubertus H.L. Bloemer (chair), Ph.D., The Union Institute ; James L. Cobban, Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley ; James K. Lein, Ph.D., Kent State U. ; Dorothy Sack, Ph.D., U. of Utah.
Asst. Prof: Ronald H. Isaac, Ph.D., Southern Illinois U. ; James M. Dyer, Ph.D., U. of Georgia.

Geological Sciences

Prof: Moid Ahmad, Ph.D., U. of London ; F. Donald Eckelmann (part-time), Ph.D., Columbia U. ; Royal Mapes (chair), Ph.D., U. of Iowa ; Damian Nance, Ph.D., U. of Cambridge, England ; Geoffrey Smith, Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Thomas Worsley, Ph.D., U. of Illinois.
Assoc. Prof: Gene Heien, M.A., Indiana U. ; David Kidder, Ph.D., U. of California, Santa Barbara.
Asst. Prof: Douglas Green, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison ; Dina Lopez, Ph.D., Louisiana State U. ; Mary Stoertz, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin.

Health Sciences

Prof: John E. Gay, Ed.D., West Virginia U. ; Clifford Houk (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Montana State U. ; Gari Lesnoff-Caravaglia, Ph.D., U. of California, Los Angeles.
Assoc. Prof: Franklin B. Carver, Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Marsha Gathron, Ed.D., Oklahoma State U. ; Richard Hedges, Ph.D., U. of Kentucky.
Asst. Prof: Patricia Baasel, Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Dougles Bolon, Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State U. ; Margaret Christensen, Ed.D., Oklahoma State U. ; Kevin Crist, Ph.D., U. of Iowa ; Sean Mahar, Ph.D., U. of Iowa ; Ernesto Randolfi, Ph.D., U. of Oregon ; Joan Tucker, Ph.D., Ohio U.
Instr: Juli Miller (part-time), M.H.S.A., Ohio U.

Hearing and Speech Sciences

Prof: Joann Fokes (emerita, part-time), Ph.D., Purdue U. ; Donald Fucci, Ph.D., Purdue U. ; Edwin Leach (director), Ph.D., U. of Kansas.
Assoc. Prof: Dean Christopher, Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Norman Garber, Ph.D., U. of Missouri ; Ronald Isele (emeritus, part-time), M.A., Kent State U. ; Richard Navarro, Ph.D., Vanderbilt U.
Asst. Prof: Emily Buckberry, M.A., Ohio U. ; Helen Conover (emerita, part-time), M.A., Ohio U. ; C. Richard Dean, Ph.D., Stanford U. ; Helen Ezell, Ph.D., U. of Pittsburgh ; Brooke Hallowell, Ph.D., U. of Iowa.
Instr: Joan Fucci, M.S., U. of Pittsburgh ; F. Travis Milliken, M.S., Brigham Young U. ; William Wolfolk, M.A., Eastern Michigan U.


Ohio Eminent Research Scholar: Alfred Eckes, Ph.D., U. of Texas.
Dist Prof: Charles Alexander, Ph.D., U. of Texas ; John Gaddis, Ph.D., U. of Texas.
J. Richard Hamilton/Baker and Hostetler Prof: Alan R. Booth, Ph.D., Boston U.
Prof: James Chastain, Ph.D., U. of Oklahoma ; Marvin Fletcher, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison ; Alonzo Hamby, Ph.D., U. of Missouri ; Donald Jordan, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison ; William Kaldis, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison ; Compton Reeves, Ph.D., Emory U. ; Donald Richter, Ph.D., U. of Maryland ; Bruce Steiner (chair), Ph.D., U. of Virginia.
Assoc. Prof: Douglas Baxter, Ph.D., U. of Minnesota ; Phillip Bebb, Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Phyllis Field, Ph.D., Cornell U. ; William Frederick, Ph.D., U. of Hawaii ; Michael Grow, Ph.D., George Washington U. ; Richard Harvey, Ph.D., U. of Missouri ; Lyle McGeoch, Ph.D., U. of Pennsylvania ; Steven Miner, Ph.D., Indiana U. ; Chester Pach, Ph.D., Northwestern U. ; Roy Rauschenberg, Ph.D., U. of Illinois ; Robert Whealey, Ph.D., U. of Michigan.
Asst. Prof: Katherine Jellison, Ph.D., U. of Iowa ; Sholeh A. Quinn, Ph.D., U. of Chicago ; Eric P. Roorda, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins U.

Human and Consumer Sciences

Prof: Margaret King, Ed.D., U. of Massachusetts.
Assoc. Prof: Judy Matthews (director), Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Catherine McQuaid-Steiner, Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Prisca Nemapare, Ph.D., U. of Tennessee ; Ernest Stricklin, Ph.D., Boston U.
Asst. Prof: Lee Cibrowski, Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Schuyler Cone, Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Annette S. Graham, Ph.D., Penn State U. ; Helen Hagens, Ph.D., Michigan State U. ; Marjorie Hagerman, M.S., Ohio U. ; Richard Neumann, M.S., U. of Wisconsin ; V. Ann Paulins, Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Sharran Parkinson, Ph.D., Florida State U. ; Donal R. Pierucci (part-time), M.A., Carnegie Tech ; June Varner, Ed.D., West Virginia U ; Robert Wildman, Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Letty Workman, Ph.D., Southern Illinois U.

Industrial Technology

Prof: Menno DiLiberto (emeritus, part-time), Ed.D., U. of Illinois ; James Fales (Loehr Prof. and chair), Ed.D., Texas A & M ; William Reeves, Ed.D., U. of Kentucky ; Albert Squibb (emeritus, part-time), D.Ed., Penn State U.
Assoc. Prof: John Deno, Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Arlen Saunders (emeritus, part-time), M.A., Morehead State U.; Timothy Sexton, Ph.D., Ohio U.
Asst. Prof: Dinesh Dhamija, M.S., Ohio U. ; Thomas E. Scott, M.B.A., Butler U. ; Peter W. Klein, M.Ed., Colorado State U. ; Patrick J. McCuistion, Ph.D., Texas A & M.

Interpersonal Communication

Prof: Tom Daniels, Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Sue DeWine (director), Ph.D., Indiana U. ; Raymie E. McKerrow, Ph.D., U. of Iowa, Iowa City ; Paul Nelson (dean), Ph.D., U. of Minnesota ; John Timmis III (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Penn State U.
Assoc. Prof: Roger Aden, Ph.D., U. of Nebraska ; Charles Carlson (emeritus, part-time), M.Ed., Kent State U. ; David Descutner, Ph.D., U. of Illinois ; Ted Foster (part-time), Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Elizabeth Graham, Ph.D., Kent State U. ; Claudia Hale, Ph.D., U. of Illinois ; Anita James, Ph.D., U. of Southern California ; Judith Yaross Lee, Ph.D., U. of Chicago ; Michael Papa, Ph.D., Temple U.; Arvind Singhal, Ph.D., U. of Southern California ; Ray Wagner, Ph.D., Ohio U.
Asst. Prof: Christina Beck, Ph.D., U. of Oklahoma ; Wendy Papa, M.A., Central Michigan U. ; John Smith, Ph.D., Wayne State U. ; Candice Thomas, Ed.D., West Virginia U.
Instr: Cedric Dawkins, M.A., Ohio U.
Lect: Margaret Killough, J.D., U. of Detroit.


Dist. Prof: Guido Stempel III, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin.
Prof: Michael Bugeja, Ph.D., Oklahoma State U. ; Anne M. Cooper, Ph.D., U. of North Carolina ; Dru Riley Evarts, Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Melvin Helitzer, B.A., Syracuse U.; Ralph Izard (director), Ph.D., U. of Illinois ; Ralph Kliesch (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., U. of Minnesota ; Donald Lambert, M.A., Penn State U. ; Jerry Sloan, B.S., Ohio U. ; Patrick Washburn, Ph.D., Indiana U.
Assoc. Prof: Joe Bernt, Ph.D., U. of Nebraska ; Marilyn Greenwald, Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Sandra Haggerty, B.S., Utah State U. ; Thomas Hodges, M.S., South Dakota State U. ; Thomas Peters, M.B.A., Ohio U. ; Ron Pittman, M.S., Marshall U. ; Cassandra Reese, M.B.A., Governors State U. ; Robert J. Richardson (part-time), M.S., Ohio U. ; Robert Stewart, Ph.D., U. of Washington ; Patricia Westfall, M.S., Columbia U.
Asst. Prof: Ovril Patricia Cambridge, Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Eddith Dashiell, Ph.D., Indiana U. ; Larry Levin, B.A., Immaculate Heart College.
Instr: Herbert Amey (part-time), B.S.J., Ohio U. ; Nancy Burton, B.A., Emerson College ; Ray Frye (part-time), B.S.J., Ohio U. ; Carol James (part-time), B.S.J., Ohio U. ; Karl Runser (part-time), B.A., Ohio U. Asst. Instr: Richard Bean ; Douglas E. Noel, B.S.C., Ohio U.


Prof: Zinny Bond, Ph.D., Ohio State U.
Assoc. Prof: James Coady, Ph.D., Indiana U. ; Beverly Flanigan, Ph.D., Indiana U. ; Richard McGinn, Ph.D., U. of Hawaii ; Keiko Koda, Ph.D., U. of Illinois ; Marmo Soemarmo, Ph.D., U. of California, Los Angeles.
Asst. Prof: Neil J. Anderson, Ph.D., U. of Texas ; Yoichi Miyamoto, Ph.D., U. of Connecticut.
Instr: Joe Amoako, Ph.D., U. of Florida ; Suharni Soemarmo, M.A., U. of California, Los Angeles ; Fumiko Yoshimura, M.A., Ohio U.

Management Information Systems

Prof: John Day (chair), Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Thomas G. Luce, Ph.D., Purdue U. ; Anne H. McClanahan, Ph.D., Ohio U. ; James Perotti, Ph.D., Duquesne U.
Assoc. Prof: David Sutherland, Ph.D., U. of Kansas.
Asst. Prof: Douglas J. Havelka, Ph.D., Texas Tech U. ; Ellsworth Holden, M.A., Harvard U. ; Hao Lou, Ph.D., U. of Houston.
Lect: Corrine Brown (part-time), Ph.D., Ohio U.

Management Systems

O'Bleness Prof: John R. Schermerhorn Jr., Ph.D., Northwestern U. Grad School of Mgt. ,BR> Lecturer and Executive-in-Residence: Richard C. Scamehorn, M.B.A., Indiana U.
Prof: Thomas Bolland, Ph.D., U. of Chicago ; Stephen H. Fuller, D.B.A., Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration ; C. Aaron Kelley (dean), Ph.D., U. of North Texas ; Manjulika Koshal, Ph.D., Patna U. ; Arthur Marinelli (chair), J.D., Ohio State U. ; Valerie S. Perotti, Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Lucian Spataro, Ph.D., U. of Illinois ; John Stinson, Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Lane Tracy, D.B.A., U. of Washington.
Assoc. Prof: Frank Barone, Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Carl R. Bridges, Ed.D., Northern Illinois U. ; Gerald F. Carvalho, Ph.D., U. of Michigan ; Kenneth Cutright, Ph.D., West Virginia U. ; William Day, D.B.A., Harvard U. ; Frances M. Fuller, A.M., Columbia U. ; Patricia Gunn, J.D., Boston College ; Mary Keifer, J.D., U. of Virginia ; Clarence Martin, Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon U. ; Richard Milter, Ph.D., SUNY, Albany ; Bonnie Roach, Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Jessie Roberson, J.D., U. of Michigan ; Edward B. Yost, Ph.D., Ohio State U.
Asst. Prof: David Chappell, Ph.D., U. of Colorado ; Garth Coombs, Ph.D., U. of Colorado ; Hugh Sherman, Ph.D., Temple U. ; Rebecca A. Thacker, Ph.D., Texas A & M ; Matthew Stollak, Ph.D., U. of Illinois.
Instr: Virginia Woolley (part-time), M.A., U. of Wisconsin, Madison.
Lect: Pamela A. Boger (part-time), Ph.D., Ohio U. ; C. Michael Gray (part-time), J.D., U. of Wisconsin ; John Keifer (part-time), J.D., U. of Virginia ; Peggy Miller (part-time), Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Reid Sinclair (part-time), Ph.D., Vanderbilt U.


Prof: Ashok Gupta (chair), Ph.D., Syracuse U.; Kahandas Nandola, Ph.D., U. of Pennsylvania.
Assoc. Prof: Mary Elizabeth Blair, Ph.D., U. of South Carolina ; Timothy P. Hartman, Ph.D., Ohio U.
Asst. Prof: Catherine N. Axinn, Ph.D., Michigan State U. ; Barbara J. Dyer, Ph.D., U. of Tennessee ; Daniel E. Innis, Ph.D., Ohio State U.
Instr: Larry S. Rogers, M.B.A., Ohio U.


Prof: Abdol-Reza Aftabizadeh, Ph.D., U. of Texas, Arlington ; Sergiu Aizicovici, Ph.D., U. of Iasi ; Alexander V. Arhangelskii, Dr. Sc., Moscow State U. ; Ralph deLaubenfels, Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley ; Surender Jain, Ph.D., U. of Delhi ; Nicolae Pavel, Ph.D., U. of Iasi ; Hari Shankar, M.A., U. of Cincinnati ; Larry Snyder, Ph.D., Purdue U. ; Shih-Liang Wen, Ph.D., Purdue U. ; Howard Wicke, Ph.D., U. of Iowa ; Thomas Wolf, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison.
Assoc. Prof: Jeffery Connor, Ph.D., Kent State U. ; Klaus Eldridge, Ph.D., U. of Colorado ; Ellery Golos (emeritus, part-time), M.A., U. of Michigan ; Barbara Grover, Ph.D., U. of Pittsburgh ; Eliot Jacobson, Ph.D., U. of Arizona ; David Keck, Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Sergio Lopez-Permouth, Ph.D., North Carolina State U. ; Paul S. Malcom (part-time), Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Cyrus Mehr (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Purdue U. ; M.S.K. Sastry, Ph.D., U. of Rochester ; James Shirey, Ph.D., Purdue U. ; Mary Anne Swardson (chair), Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Robert Vancko, Ph.D., Penn State U. ; Quoc Phong Vu, Dr. Sc., Inst. of Math., Kiev.
Asst. Prof: Walter Carlip, Ph.D., U. of Chicago ; Steven A. Chapin, Ph.D., Rutgers U. ; Winfried Just, Ph.D., U. of Warsaw ; William E. Kaufman, Ph.D., U. of Houston ; Paul J. Szeptycki, Ph.D., U. of Toronto.

Military Science

Prof: Thomas A. Coyle Jr. (chair), M.B.A., Troy State U.
Asst. Prof: David J. Bennett, B.A., Bowling Green State U. ; Michael D. Bish, B.S., Franklin U.

Modern Languages

Prof: Richard Danner, Ph.D., Indiana U. ; Thomas Franz, Ph.D., U. of Kansas ; Manuel Serna-Maytorena (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., U. of Missouri ; Barry Thomas, Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley ; Lois Vines, Ph.D., Georgetown U. ; Maureen Weissenrieder (chair), Ph.D., Penn State U. ; William Wrage, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison.
Assoc. Prof: Noel Barstad (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., U. of Minnesota ; David Burton, Ph.D., U. of Kentucky ; Carl Carrier, Ph.D., Indiana U. ; Abelardo Moncayo-Andrade, Ph.D., U. of Maryland ; Ruth Nybakken, Ph.D., Columbia U. ; C. P. Richardson, M.A., Ohio U. ; Herta Rodina, Ph.D., Harvard U. ; Marie-Claire Wrage, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison.
Asst. Prof: Gloria Allaire, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison ; Melanie Archangeli, Ph.D., U. of Michigan ; Boris Bricker, Ph.D., U. of Alberta ; Grafton Conliffe (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Northwestern U. ; Signe Denbow, Ph.D., U. of Michigan ; Dominique Duvert, Ph.D., U. of North Carolina ; Mary Jane Kelley, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison ; H., Mark Larson, Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Edward Maier, Ph.D., U. of California, Davis ; Betsy Partyka, Ph.D., U. of Oxford, England ; Daniel Torres, Ph.D., U. of Cincinnati ; Susan Wehling-Hassouna, Ph.D., U. of Cincinnati.
Lect: Bartolomeo Martello, M.A., Michigan State U.
Instr: Dominique Bardet, M.A., Appalachian State U. ; Hector Brasil-Laurenzo, M.A., U. of California, Santa Barbara ; Joseph Burns, M.A., Princeton U. ; José Delgado, M.A., Indiana U. ; Sarah Fritz, M.A., Michigan State U. ; Carolyn Lukens, M.A., U. of North Carolina ; David Mayberry, M.A., U. of California, Berkeley ; Anne Porter, M.A., Middlebury College ; Marjorie Prince, M.A., Ohio State U. ; Barbara Reichenbach, M.A., Kent State U. ; Josefina Williams, M.A., Ohio U. ; Karin Wright, M.A., Ohio U.


Prof: Ernest Bastin, M.M., U. of Illinois ; Howard Beebe, M.S., Juilliard School of Music ; Gail Berenson, M.M., Northwestern U. ; Reginald Fink, Ph.D., U. of Oklahoma ; David Lewis (part-time), Ph.D., West Virginia U. ; Guy Remonko, M.M., West Virginia U. ; Harold Robison, D.M.A., U. of Michigan ; James Scholten, Ed.D., U. of Michigan ; Robert Smith (emeritus, part-time), M.M., Cincinnati Conservatory of Music ; Ronald Socciarelli (emeritus, part-time), M.M., U. of Michigan ; Roger Stephens (director), M.M., East Carolina U. ; Richard Syracuse, M.S., Juilliard School of Music ; Richard Wetzel, Ph.D., U. of Pittsburgh ; Dora J. Wilson, Ph.D., U. of Southern California.
Assoc. Prof: H. Joseph Butler, D.M.A., Eastman School of Music ; Peggy A. Codding, Ph.D., Florida State U. ; Donna Conaty, M.M., Yale School of Music ; Peter Jarjisian, D.M.A., U. of Wisconsin, Madison ; Michael Kellogg, M.M., Loyola U. ; Mark Phillips, D.M., Indiana U. ; Allyn Reilly, Ph.D., Northwestern U. ; James Stewart, Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Margene Stewart, M.F.A., Ohio U. ; Sylvester Young, M.M., Bowling Green State U. ; Ira Zook, D.M.A., U. of Michigan.
Asst. Prof: Nancy Beebe, M.M., Ohio U. ; Milton Butler, M.M., Texas Southern U. ; Kimo Furumoto, M.M., Cincinnati Conservatory of Music ; Pauline Gagliano, M.S., U. of Illinois ; Mark Schroeder, M.M., Cleveland Institute of Music ; Marjorie Bennett Stephens, M.M., Ohio State U. ; C. Scott Smith, M.M., Michigan State U.


Prof: Barbara K. Chapman (dean), Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Kathleen Rose-Grippa (director), Ph.D., Stanford U.
Asst. Prof: Sharon Denham, M.S.N., Bellarmine ; Emily Harman, M.S.N., West Virginia U. ; Maxine Knapp, Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Sharon Mullen, Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Carla Phillips, Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Martha Rock, Ph.D., U. of Delaware ; Kathleen Tennant, Ph.D., Ohio U.

Ohio Program of Intensive English

Lect: John Bagnole, M.A., Georgetown U. ; Linn Forhan, M.A., Ohio U. ; Kathleen Harrington, M.A., School for International Training ; Cynthia Holliday, M.A., SUNY, Albany ; Kristen Hubert, M.A., Colorado State U. ; Jack Humbles, M.A., Ball State U. ; Mary Kaye Jordan, M.A., Ohio U. ; Gerald Krzic, Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Mary MacDonald, M.A., U. of Massachusetts ; John McVicker, M.A., Kansas U. ; Charles Mickelson, M.A., Ohio U. ; Cornelia Perdreau, M.A., Ohio U.

College of Osteopathic Medicine

Basic Sciences

Prof: Jack Blazyk, Ph.D., Brown U. ; Joseph T. Eastman, Ph.D., U. of Minnesota ; Fredrick Hagerman, Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Robert S. Hikida, Ph.D., U. of Illinois ; Peter Johnson, Ph.D., U. of Birmingham ; Joseph Jollick, Ph.D., West Virginia U. ; Ellengene Peterson, Ph.D., U. of California, Riverside ; Michael Rowe, Ph.D., U. of California, Riverside ; John M. Zook, Ph.D., Duke U.
Assoc. Prof: Huzoor Akbar, Ph.D., Australian National U. ; Charles Atkins, Ph.D., North Carolina State U., ; Mary Chamberlin, Ph.D., U. of British Columbia ; Robert Colvin, Ph.D., Rutgers U. ; Walter Costello, Ph.D., Boston U. ; Ralph A. DiCaprio, Ph.D., U. of Alberta ; Kenneth Goodrum, Ph.D., U. of Texas ; Oscar Heck, Ph.D., Washington State U. ; William Henley, Ph.D., Colorado State U. ; John Howell, Ph.D., U. of California, Los Angeles ; Anne B. Loucks, Ph.D., U. of California, Santa Barbara ; Louise Luckenbill, Ph.D., Brown U. ; Malcolm C. Modrzakowski, Ph.D., U. of Georgia ; Scott M. Moody, Ph.D., U. of Michigan ; Finnie Murray, Ph.D., U. of Florida ; Ronald Portanova, Ph.D., Case Western Reserve U. ; Edwin C. Rowland, Ph.D., Wake Forest U. ; Robert S. Staron, Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Leon C. Wince, Ph.D., West Virginia U.
Asst. Prof: Bonita Biegalke, Ph.D., U. of Washington ; Audrone Biknevicius, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins U. ; Anthony Brown, Ph.D., King's College ; William Holmes, Ph.D., U. of California, Los Angeles ; Scott Hooper, Ph.D., Brandeis U. ; Calvin B.L. James, Ph.D., Howard U. ; Brent Palmer, Ph.D., U. of Florida ; Lawrence Witmer, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins U.
Instr: Mary K. Eastman, M.S., Ohio U. ; Margaret Hummon, Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Nobuyuki Kuwabara, Ph.D., Sophia U.

Department of Family Medicine

Prof: John A. Brose, D.O., Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine ; Anthony G. Chila, D.O., Kansas City College of Osteopathic Medicine ; Frank W. Myers (trustee), D.O., College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery, Des Moines ; David A. Patriquin (emeritus, part-time), D.O., Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine ; Judith W. Rhue, Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Barbara Ross-Lee (dean), D.O., Michigan State U. College of Osteopathic Medicine.
Assoc. Prof: David E. Brown, D.O., Kansas City College of Osteopathic Medicine ; Peter B. Dane, D.O., Michigan State U. College of Osteopathic Medicine ; William F. Duerfeldt (chair), D.O., Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine ; Donald R. Furci, D.O., Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine ; Timothy J. Hogan, D.O., University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine ; David M. Johnson, D.O., Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine ; Donna M. Mabry (part-time), Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Daniel J. Marazon, D.O., Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine ; Marjorie E. Nelson, M.D., Indiana U. School of Medicine ; Lenard G. Presutti, D.O., College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery, Des Moines ; Daniel J. Raub, D.O., Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine ; Gerald Rubin, D.O., Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine ; Donald G. Spaeth, D.O., U. Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine ; Anthony J. Tenoglia (part-time), D.O., Kansas City College of Osteopathic Medicine ; Thomas A. Thesing, D.O., College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery, Des Moines ; John C. Wolf, D.O., Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine.
Asst. Prof: William J. Burke, D.O., Ohio U. College of Osteopathic Medicine ; Wayne R. Carlsen, D.O., U. of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, School of Osteopathic Medicine ; Steven W. Clay, D.O., Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine ; Sharon N. Duke, D.O., U. of North Texas Health Science Center, Texas Woman's U. ; David C. Eland, D.O., Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine ; Ann R. Fingar (part-time), M.D., U. of Illinois College of Medicine (Chicago) ; Carol M. Gaines, D.O., West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine ; Karl E. Harnish, D.O., Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine ; Eric F. Hasemeier, D.O., U. of North Texas Health Science Center ; Edward W. Schreck, D.O., Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine ; Raymond B. Shearer, D.O., Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine ; Christopher Simpson, D.O., Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine ; Martha A. Simpson (part-time), D.O., Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine ; Scott E. Smith (part-time), D.O., Ohio U. College of Osteopathic Medicine ; David N. Stroh, D.O., Ohio U. College of Osteopathic Medicine ; Harold C. Thompson III, D.O., Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine ; Linda B. Tomc (part-time), D.O., Ohio U. College of Osteopathic Medicine.

Department of Specialty Medicine

Prof: Jerome L. Axelrod (chair), D.O., Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine ; J. Phillip Jones, D.O., Kansas City College of Osteopathic Medicine ; Phillip D. Kinnard (part-time), M.D., U. of Cincinnati College of Medicine ; Frederick W. Rente (emeritus, part-time), D.O., Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine.
Assoc. Prof: Paul E. Cadamagnani, D.O., Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine ; Steven G. Carin, D.O., Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine ; William H. Carlson, D.O., Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine ; J. Jack Chan, D.O., Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine ; C. Thomas Clark, D.O., College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery, Des Moines ; Richard H. Feeck, D.O., Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine ; James E. Foglesong, D.O., Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine ; Kenneth P. Glinter, D.O., College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery, Des Moines ; Edward A. Gotfried, D.O., Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine ; John S. Molea (emeritus, part-time), D.O., College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery, Des Moines ; W. Randolph Purdy, D.O., Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine ; Jack M. Ramey, D.O., Kansas City College of Osteopathic Medicine ; Michele K. Rivers, M.D., Wayne State University School of Medicine; Michael Tomc, D.O., Ohio U. College of Osteopathic Medicine.
Asst. Prof: Janice R. Carrick, D.O., College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific ; Catherine Coats, D.O., Ohio U. College of Osteopathic Medicine ; Timothy S. Coss, D.O., Ohio U. College of Osteopathic Medicine ; Gary Cordingley (part-time), M.D., Duke U. ; Scott A. Jenkinson, D.O., Ohio U. College of Osteopathic Medicine ; Mark E. Knable, D.O., Ohio U. College of Osteopathic Medicine ; Susan D. Lawrence, D.O., U. of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sciences, Demoines ; Robert Moore, D.O., Kansas City College of Osteopathic Medicine ; Regine Neptune-Ceran, D.O., Ohio U. College of Osteopathic Medicine ; Kendall Stewart (part-time), M.D., Medical College of Georgia.


Prof: John Bender, Ph.D., Harvard U. ; Gene Blocker, Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley ; Donald Borchert (chair), Ph.D., Princeton Theological Seminary ; Richard Butrick, Ph.D., Columbia U. ; Algis Mickunas, Ph.D., Emory U. ; Albert Mosley, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin ; Charles J. Ping (president emeritus and trustee professor), Ph.D., Duke U. ; Warren Ruchti, Ph.D., U. of Pennsylvania ; David Stewart (provost), Ph.D., Rice U.
Assoc. Prof: Philip Ehrlich, Ph.D., U. of Illinois, Chicago ; Cynthia Hampton, Ph.D., Northwestern U. ; Robert Trevas, Ph.D., U. of Maryland ; George Weckman, Ph.D., U. of Chicago ; Arthur Zucker, Ph.D., U. of Minnesota.
Asst. Prof: Elizabeth Collins, Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley ; Omar Dahbour, Ph.D., CUNY ; James Petrik, Ph.D., Marquette U.

Physical Therapy

Assoc. Prof: Cynthia C. Norkin (emerita, part-time), Ed.D., Boston U.
Asst. Prof: Dennis Cade (interim director), Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Stephanie Carter, M.S., Miami U. ; Gary S. Chleboun, M.S., Duke U. ; Rosalind S. Hickenbottom, Ph.D., Emory U. ; Marleen I. McClelland, Ph.D., Ohio State U.

Physics and Astronomy

Dist. Prof: Roger Finlay, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins U. ; Jacobo Rapaport, Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Prof: Ronald Cappelletti, Ph.D., U. of Illinois ; Charles Chen, Ph.D., U. of Maryland ; James Dilley, Ph.D., Syracuse U. ; Steven M. Grimes, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison ; Earle Hunt, Ph.D., Rutgers U. ; David Onley, D. Phil., Oxford U. ; Roger Rollins, Ph.D., Cornell U. ; Edward Sanford, Ph.D., Iowa State U. ; Folden Stumpf, Ph.D., Illinois Inst. of Tech. ; Sergio Ulloa, Ph.D., SUNY, Buffalo ; Louis Wright (chair), Ph.D., Duke U. ; Seung Yun, Ph.D., Brown U.
Assoc. Prof: Charles Brient, Ph.D., U. of Texas, Austin ; Kenneth Hicks, Ph.D., U. of Colorado ; Darrell Huwe, Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley ; David Ingram, Ph.D., Salford U. ; Martin Kordesch, Ph.D., Case Western Reserve U.
Asst. Prof: Clyde Baker, M.S., Ohio U. ; David Drabold, Ph.D., Washington U. ; Charlotte Elster, Dr. rer. nat., U. of Bonn ; Gerald Harp, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee ; Allena K. Opper, Ph.D., Indiana U. ; Thomas S. Statler, Ph.D., Princeton U.

Political Science

Prof: Richard H. Bald (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., U. of Michigan ; James F. Barnes, Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Edward Baum, Ph.D., U. of California, Los Angeles ; David D. Dabelko, Ph.D., U. of Illinois ; Felix V. Gagliano, Ph.D., U. of Illinois ; Harold Molineu, Ph.D., American U. ; Patricia Richard, Ph.D., Syracuse U. ; Joseph B. Tucker, Ph.D., U. of Illinois ; Thomas W. Walker, Ph.D., U. of New Mexico ; Mark L. Weinberg, Ph.D., U. of North Carolina.
Assoc. Prof: Delysa Burnier, Ph.D., U. of Illinois ; Gary Hawes, Ph.D., U. of Hawaii ; J. Franklin Henderson, Ph.D., U. of Missouri ; Ronald J. Hunt, Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Sung Ho Kim, Ph.D., Columbia U. ; Michael J. Mumper, Ph.D., U. of Maryland ; Alexander V. Prisley, Ph.D., Brown U. ; David L. Williams (chair), Ph.D., Columbia U.
Asst. Prof: Lisa M. Aubrey, Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; John R. Gilliom, Ph.D., U. of Washington ; Kathryn M. Lambert, Ph.D., Temple U. ; Nancy J. Manring, Ph.D., U. of Michigan ; Lewis A. Randolph, Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Takaaki Suzuki, Ph.D., Columbia U. ; Barry L. Tadlock, Ph.D., U. of Kentucky ; Patricia Wertsman, Ph.D., Columbia U ; Julie A. White, M.A., U. of Wisconsin.


Prof: Margret Appel, Ph.D., U. of Denver ; Jack Arbuthnot, Ph.D., Cornell U. ; Hal Arkes, Ph.D., U. of Michigan ; Francis Bellezza, Ph.D., U. of Minnesota ; James Bruning (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., U. of Iowa ; Thomas Creer, Ph.D., Florida State U. ; Jean Drevenstedt (part-time), Ph.D., Vanderbilt U. ; John Garske, Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley ; Donald Gordon, Ph.D., U. of Alabama ; Kenneth Holroyd, Ph.D., U. of Miami ; Harry Kotses, Ph.D., Michigan State U. ; Paul Lewis, Ph.D., Bowling Green State U. ; Steven Lynn, Ph.D., Indiana U. ; John McNamara, Ph.D., U. of Georgia ; Gary Schumacher (chair), Ph.D., Iowa State U. ; Lawrence Waters, Ph.D., Ohio State U.
Assoc. Prof: Mark Alicke, Ph.D., U. of North Carolina ; Linda Bellush, Ph.D., U. of Florida ; Bruce Carlson, Ph.D., U. of Michigan ; Christine Gidycz, Ph.D., Kent State U. ; David Johnson, Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; G. Daniel Lassiter, Ph.D., U. of Virginia ; Jerome Maurath (part-time), Ph.D., U. of Illinois ; Danny Moates, Ph.D., Vanderbilt U. ; Paula Popovich, Ph.D., Michigan State U.
Asst. Prof: Peter Chen, Ph.D., U. of South Florida ; Christopher France, Ph.D., McGill U. ; Paul Gleason (part-time), Ph.D., Penn State U. ; Jeanne Heaton (part-time), Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Marcos Ionescu, Ph.D., CUNY ; Steven Jones (visiting), Ph.D., U. of Oregon ; Benjamin Ogles, Ph.D., Brigham Young U. ; Gary Sarver, Ph.D., U. of Florida.
Instr: James Short (part-time), M.A., Ohio U.

Recreation and Sport Sciences

Prof: James A. Lavery (emeritus, part-time), P.E.D., Indiana U. ; Sue Ellen Miller, P.E.D., Indiana U.
Assoc. Prof: Tiff E. Cook, Ph.D., Walden U. ; Keith D. Ernce (director), Ph.D., U. of New Mexico ; Charles R. Higgins (emeritus, part-time), Ed.D., U. of North Carolina, Greensboro ; Andrew Kreutzer, Ph.D., Ohio U. ; John McComb (emeritus, part-time), M.Ed., Boston U. ; Owen J. Wilkinson (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Walden U.
Asst. Prof: Catherine Brown, Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Susan Bullard, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin ; Richard Deivert, Ph.D., Penn State U. ; Ronald Dingle, M.S.P.E., U. of Massachusetts ; Roger Gilders, Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Peggy Holmes, Ph.D., U. of Illinois ; David Jacoby, Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Joyce King (emerita, part-time), Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Robin Mittelstaedt, Ph.D., U. of Oregon ; Lynn Simon (emerita, part-time), P.E.D., Indiana U. ; Beth VanDerveer, Ph.D., Texas Woman's U. ; Ronald Whitaker, M.S.Ed., Ohio U. ; Richard Woolison, M.S.Ed., Ohio U.
Instr: Carol Ault (part-time), M.S., Ohio U. ; John Bowman (part-time), M.S.Ed., U. of Virginia ; Sue Hammond (part-time), M.S., Ohio U. ; Thomas Murray (part-time), M.A., Ohio U. ; Sharon Noel (part-time), M.S.P.E., Ohio U. ; Charles Vosler (part-time), M.A.Ed., Ball State U.

Social Work

Assoc. Prof: Miriam Clubok, M.S.W., Wayne State U. ; Thomas Oellerich, Ph.D., Case Western Reserve U. ; Carolyn Tice (chair), D.S.W., U. of Pennsylvania.
Asst. Prof: Richard W. Greenlee, Ph.D., Ohio State U.
Instr: Freve Pace, M.S.W., Ohio State U.

Sociology and Anthropology

Prof: Tibor Koertvelyessy, Ph.D., SUNY, Buffalo ; Lena Wright Myers, Ph.D., Michigan State U. ; Arthur Saxe (part-time), Ph.D., U. of Michigan ; Martin Schwartz, Ph.D., U. of Kentucky ; Robert Shelly, Ph.D., Michigan State U. ; Alex Thio (part-time), Ph.D., SUNY, Buffalo ; Eric Wagner (chair), Ph.D., U. of Florida.
Assoc. Prof: Elliot Abrams, Ph.D., Penn State U. ; E. Leon Anderson, Ph.D., U. of Texas, Austin ; William Burkhardt (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Wayne State U. ; Bruce Ergood, Ph.D., U. of Florida ; AnnCorinne Freter-Abrams, Ph.D., Penn State U. ; Girard Krebs (part-time), Ph.D., Cornell U. ; Bruce Kuhre (part-time), Ph.D., Penn State U. ; Don Shamblin, Ph.D., SUNY, Buffalo ; Robert Sheak, Ph.D., Washington U.
Asst. Prof: Thomas Calhoun, Ph.D., U. of Kentucky ; Diane M. Ciekawy, Ph.D., Columbia U. ; V. Aileen Hall (part-time), Ph.D., Kent State U. ; Amanda Konradi, Ph.D., U. of California, Santa Cruz ; Mary Beth Krouse, Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Christine Mattley, Ph.D., Washington State U. ; Emanuel (Mike) Polioudakis, Ph.D., U. of Michigan ; Judith Sedaitis, Ph.D., Columbia U.


Prof: Don Flournoy, Ph.D., U. of Texas ; Drew McDaniel (director), Ph.D., Ohio U. ; William Miller, Ph.D., U. of Southern California ; Josep Rota, Ph.D., Michigan State U. ; Joseph Slade, Ph.D., New York U.
Assoc. Prof: Vibert Cambridge, Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Charles Clift III, Ph.D., Indiana U. ; George Korn, Ph.D., Southern Illinois U. ; David Mould, Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Jenny Nelson, Ph.D., Southern Illinois U. ; Karin Sandell, Ph.D., U. of Iowa ; Arthur Savage (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Southern Illinois U.
Asst. Prof: Roger Good, M.A., Ohio U. ; June Mack, M.F.A., Florida State U. ; Jeff Redefer, B.S.C., Ohio U. ; Joseph Richie, M.M.A., U. of South Carolina.
Instr: Sandra Sleight-Brennan, B.G.S.; Ohio U. ; Sheila Wurtsbaugh, M.A., Ohio U.


Prof: Ursula Belden, M.A., U. of Michigan ; Dennis Dalen, M.A., U. of Kansas ; Toni Dorfman (director), M.F.A., Columbia U. ; Seabury Quinn Jr. (part-time), Ph.D., Yale U. ; George Sherman (part-time), M.F.A., Yale U. ; Robert L. Winters, M.A., Michigan State U.
Assoc. Prof: Holly Cole, M.F.A., Carnegie Mellon U. ; William F. Condee, Ph.D., Columbia U. ; William Fisher, B.A., Indiana U. ; L.S. Fraze, M.A., Penn State U. ; Denise Gabriel, M.A., Ohio State U. ; Robert St. Lawrence, M.A., U. of Pittsburgh ; Laura Parrotti, M.A., SUNY, Binghamton.
Asst. Prof: Kathy E. Devecka, M.A., U. of Michigan.

Visual Communication

Prof: Terrill Eiler, M.F.A., Ohio U. ; Larry Nighswander (director), B.B.A., Bowling Green State U.
Assoc. Prof: Marcia Nighswander, B.S.J., Bowling Green State U.
Asst. Prof: Christopher L. Carr, M.A., Ohio U. ; Gary Kirksey, M.A., Ohio U.

Chillicothe Campus

Prof: Veena Kasbekar (English), Ph.D., U. of Cincinnati ; John F. Reiger (history), Ph.D., Northwestern U. ; Ronald Salomone (English), Ph.D., Indiana U. ; Arthur Vorhies (biology), Ph.D., Ohio U.
Assoc. Prof: Andrew J. Batchelor (business management technology), M.B.A, Fairleigh Dickinson U. ; Bobby Christian (physical education), M.Ed., Ohio U. ; Dennis Deane (art/photography), M.F.A., U. of North Carolina ; Ronald S. Elliott (computer science), Ph.D., Ohio U. ; David H. Gigley (office technology), M.Ed., U. of Cincinnati ; David O. Harding (law enforcement technology), M.S., Eastern Kentucky U. ; Glenn R. Mackin (political science), M.A., Ohio U. ; Gene Mapes (plant biology), Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Margaret McAdams (art), M.F.A., Washington U. ; Hamid Shahrestani (economics), Ph.D., U. of Cincinnati ; Arun C. Venkatachar (physics), Ph.D., Northern Texas State U. ; Richard A. Whinery (human services technology), Ph.D., U. of Akron ; Monica Wyzalek (mathematics), M.S., U. of Illinois.
Asst. Prof: Erin Ashley Bannon (sociology), Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Thomas P. Brown (business management technology), M.B.A., Ohio U. ; Gary Elkin (law enforcement technology), M.S., Eastern Kentucky U. ; Robert Hartsell (law enforcement technology), M.A., Ohio State U. ; Jeannette L. Kline (mathematics), Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Richard Kowieski (interpersonal communication), Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Vicky Parker (nursing), M.S., Wright State U. ; Richard Sandy (mathematics), M.S., Michigan State U. ; Jan Schmittauer (English), Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Ruth Zajdel (office technology), M.Ed., U. of Cincinnati.
Instr: Ken Breidenbaugh (comparative arts), M.F.A., Ohio U. ; Patricia Buchanan (nursing), B.S.N., Ohio State U. ; Janet Duvall (human services technology), A.A.S., Ohio U. ; Lisa Kauffman (nursing), B.S.N., Ohio U. ; Michael Lafreniere (hazardous materials technology), M.S., U. of Florida ; Cindy Matyi (psychology), Ph.D., Ohio U. ; J. Dale Maxey (anthropology), Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Charlotte McManus (nursing), B.S.N., Ohio U. ; Denise Minor (nursing), B.S.N., Capital U. ; Freda Scaggs (nursing), B.S.N., Ohio U. ; Charlotte Souers (nursing), B.S.N., Ohio U. ; Roger Smith (chemistry), M.S., Ohio State U. ; David Wilkin (English), M.A., Ohio U.

Eastern Campus (St. Clairsville)

Assoc. Prof: John Bisbocci (chemistry; emeritus, part-time), M.A., Bowling Green State U. ; Lawrence Bush (mathematics), M.S., Ohio U. ; Claude Colvin (English; emeritus, part-time), M.A., Kent State U. ; Thomas P. Flynn (English), Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Adam Giandomenico (hearing and speech sciences; emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Case Western Reserve U. ; James W. Newton (geography and urban planning), Ph.D., U. of North Carolina.
Asst. Prof: Eldred Bovenizer (education; emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Ohio U. ; David Castle (history), Ph.D., U. of Oregon ; Joseph Hudak (health and sport sciences), Ph.D., U. of Toledo ; Muhammed Faizul Islam (economics), Ph.D., Northern U. ; Kay Mansuetto (plant biology), M.S., U. of South Carolina ; Richard McMann (sociology), M.A., Wayne State U. ; Michael McTeague (history), M.A., Ohio U. ; David Miles (comparative arts; part-time), M.A., Northeast Missouri State College ; Gary Neff (mathematics), M.S., Ohio U. ; David Noble (English), D.A., Carnegie Mellon U. ; Michael Nojeim (political science), Ph.D., American U. ; Victor Rutter (history; emeritus, part-time), M.A., Ohio U. ; Thomas Stubbs (mathematics; emeritus, part-time), M.A., West Virginia U. ; Kathleen Van Voorst (computer science), M.S., Northwest Missouri State U. ; Samuel Weaver (history), Ph.D., American U. ; Henry Winkler (psychology), Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Howard Wisch (philosophy), M.A., CUNY ; Charles Withrow (biology), Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Kuruvilla Zachariah (chemistry), Ph.D., Oklahoma State U.
Instr: Thomas Doepken, (art; part-time), M.F.A., Ohio U. ; Dennis Fox (theater; part-time), M.A., Ohio State U. ; Daniel Frizzi, Jr. (business law), J.D., Ohio Northern U.; Michael Kaiser (guidance and counseling; part-time), M.Ed., Ohio U. ; Eileen McCormack, (communication; part-time), M.A., U. of Pittsburgh ; Lucien Murzyn (health and sport sciences; part-time), M.Ed., U. of New Orleans ; Carolyn Rutter (study skills and reading; part-time), M.Ed., Ohio U. ; Daniel Stern (sociology; part-time), M.A., U. of Pittsburgh ; Patrick Wood (English; part-time), M.A., West Virginia U.

Lancaster Campus

Prof: Carol Christy (political science), Ph.D., Ohio State U.
Assoc. Prof: Larry Ault (economics), M.A., Ohio U. ; Gary Baldwin (mathematics), M.S., U. of Illinois ; Sonny Baxter (geology), Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Jan Cox (mathematics; part-time), M.A., Western Michigan U. ; Peter Desy (English; emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Kent State U. ; Shun Endo (art), M.F.A., Temple U. ; Karen Evans (interpersonal communication), Ph.D., Southern Illinois U. ; John Faulkner (English), Ph.D., Rutgers U. ; Edward Fitzgibbon (history), Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Kenneth Heineman (history), Ph.D., U. of Pittsburgh ; Fred Herr (accounting), M.S., Kent State U. ; Frederick Kalister (English), Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Larry Kerr (psychology), Ph.D., U. of California, Los Angeles ; Dennis Lupher (economics), Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Polly Lyons (physical education; emerita, part-time), M.Ed., Ohio U. ; Susan Maxwell (office technology), M.A., U. of Kentucky ; Zale Maxwell (industrial technology), M.Ed., Ohio U. ; David D. Mowry (biology), M.Ed., Ohio U. ; Stephen Noltie (mathematics), Ph.D., U. of California, Riverside ; Lorraine Ray (office technology), M.Ed., U. of Toledo ; William Stevens (electronics technology), Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Jeffery Wagner (theater), M.F.A., Ohio U. ; Larry Wilson (chemistry), Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Paul Yuckman (English), Ph.D., Ohio U.
Asst. Prof: Andrea Baker (sociology), Ph.D., Case Western Reserve U. ; David Collopy (computer science technology), M.S., Ohio U. ; Philip Hanson (English), Ph.D., U. of California ; Jane Johnsen (education), Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Helen Killoran, (English), Ph.D., U. of Washington ; Gary Lockwood (engineering), M.S., Ohio State U.
Instr: Kunle Akerele (business management technology), M.B.A., Xavier U. ; Dee Anderson (English), B.A., Ohio State U. ; William Bickkham (business management technology), M.B.A., Xavier U. ; Kathy Buxie (mathematics), U. of Kansas ; John Clay (physical education), B.G.S., Ohio U. ; Debbora Clegg (English), M.A., Ohio State U. ; Anthony Davenport (art), M.F.A., SUNY, New Paltz ; Maria Ferguson (Spanish), M.Ed., U. of Cincinnati ; Gerard Gatoux (French), M.A., Ohio U. ; Joan Gilchrist (business), M.B.A., Ohio U. ; John Harris (real estate), B.S., Western Kentucky U. ; Lisa Iacobellis (art history), M.A., Ohio State U. ; Larry McElwee (classical languages), Ph.D., SUNY, Albany ; Gisela Meckstroth (office technology), M.A., Ohio State U. ; Gitta Sadoni (German), M.A., Ohio U. ; Robert Trocchia (music), B.S.Ed., Ohio U. ; Gertrude Young (music), M.A., Ohio U. ; Paul Young (music), Ph.D., Ohio U. ; John Zimmerman (mathematics), M.A., Bowling Green State U.

Zanesville Campus

Prof: John J. Arnold (philosophy), J.D., Capital U., Ph.D., Hartford Seminary Foundation ; James E. Jordan (political science), Ph.D., U. of Michigan.
Assoc. Prof: John W. Benson (biology), Ph.D., Michigan State U. ; Melissa Bixler (physical education), Ph.D., Ohio State U. ; Thomas L. Bixler (physical education), M.Ed., Ohio U. ; George Brooks (biology), Ed.D., Ball State U. ; Richard J. Brumbaugh (chemistry), Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Judith A. Davis (nursing), M.S., Ohio State U. ; Marcia Herman (music), M.F.A., Ohio U. ; John R. Kelbley (English), M.A., Ohio U. ; Michael J. Kline (history), M.A., Ohio U. ; Robert A. Rider (mathematics), M.A., Bowling Green State U. ; Mark A. Shatz (psychology), Ph.D., U. of Florida ; Sheida Shirvani (interpersonal communication), Ph.D., North Texas State U. ; Parinbam K. Thamburaj (chemistry), Ph.D., Kent State U. ; George L. Ware III (English), M.A., Ohio U.
Asst. Prof: Billie Dudley (mathematics), M.A.T., Indiana U. ; Sally Fusner (nursing), M.S., Ohio State U. ; Mary Ann Goetz (nursing), M.S., U. of Maryland ; Deborah E. Henderson (nursing), M.S., Ohio State U. ; James W. Hoefler (economics), M.A., Ohio U. ; Linda L. Hunt (nursing), Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Craig D. Laubenthal (dean; education), Ph.D., Michigan State U. ; Mike Nern (English), M.A., Ohio U. ; Barbara L. Schilling (nursing), M.S.N., Ohio State U. ; Vicki L. Sharrer (nursing), M.S.N., Ohio State U. ; Louis W. Smith (mathematics; part-time), M.A., Louisiana State U. ; Gerald L. Westgerdes (fine arts), M.F.A., Otis Art Institute.
Instr: Marilyn Baker (mathematics), M.A.T., Vanderbilt U. ; Beverly Bell (education), M.Ed., Ohio U. ; Timothy Blake (nursing), M.S., Ohio State U. ; Karen Brown (modern languages; part-time), M.A., U. of Wisconsin ; Donald L. Cleary (fine arts), Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Jon C. Durst (sociology), M.A., Ohio U. ; John L. Furek (foreign language), M.A., Miami U. ; Deeann Gehlauf (psychology), Ph.D., Ohio U. ; Gloria Heine (computer science), B.S., Ohio U. ; Susan Hoag (nursing; part-time), B.S.N., Vanderbilt U. ; Janet Hostetler (nursing), M.S., Ohio State U. ; Marilyn Jones (nursing), B.S., Ohio U. ; Rick Shriver (electronic media), M.A., Ohio U. ; Alta Sims (humanities), M.A., Kent State U. ; Sharon Staib (nursing), M.S., Ohio State U. ; Thomas B. Stevenson (anthropology; part-time), Ph.D., Wayne State U. ; Cynthia Tuck (nursing), M.S., Ohio State U.

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