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Two major forms of financial support for graduate students are associateships and scholarships. These are granted by the individual schools or departments, and application for this financial assistance is made as part of the application (see application forms included in the back of this catalog).


More than 900 graduate, staff, research, and teaching associateships are available for graduate students at Ohio University. Students who wish to pursue a master's or a doctoral degree are selected for these appointments on the basis of scholarly merit.

Graduate contracts normally become effective the first day of each quarter and end on the official closing date of the quarter. Individual schools or departments may, at their discretion, request that newly appointed associates report for orientation up to a week prior to the beginning of the quarter.

The associateship provides a stipend for services as prescribed by the individual school or department and generally requires an academic course load of 15 graduate credits a quarter. The associateship usually includes a scholarship for the length of the contract. The stipends vary from academic area to academic area, but generally range from $5,500 to $10,000 for three quarters (i.e., from September to June) and $7,300 to $13,000 for a 12-month appointment. Contact the individual school or department for details on associateships and scholarships.

Graduate associates fulfill academic responsibilities and service as prescribed by the school or department. The service called for by the appointment usually entails administrative, teaching, or research duties performed for and under the supervision of a faculty member.

Graduate staff associates engage in duties varying from residence hall directorships to service in the library and university administrative offices. The academic course load is nine to 18 graduate credits. Graduate staff associates work a maximum of 15 hours per week, and stipend and other policies are generally the same as for other graduate-contract appointees. These appointments are not funded from academic department resources.

Graduate teaching associates carry teaching responsibilities as prescribed by the school or department.

Graduate research associates engage in work on research projects as prescribed by the school or department.

Appointment of graduate resident directors and graduate assistant resident directors are made on the recommendation of the director of residence life and are available to single or married men and women. Compensation includes a furnished apartment and board (when the dining halls are operating) for the appointee (and for his or her family, if married) and a stipend of $9,600 plus a tuition scholarship for graduate resident directors. Graduate assistant resident directors will have the same compensation and a stipend of $3,600 plus a tuition scholarship. The appointment requires payment of the general fee each quarter. The graduate resident director and graduate assistant resident director supervise functions of the residence hall. The academic course load is nine to 13 graduate credits. Apply for these appointments by letter and submission of your vita to the director of residence life.

Scholarships are granted for the summer quarter to those students who have an associateship for the spring quarter preceding or the fall quarter following the summer quarter. You must carry a course load of 15 hours and pay the general fee for the summer quarter.

The associateship will be discontinued if your grade-point average as a graduate student at Ohio University falls below a 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale). Some schools or departments may require a higher average.

Graduate students seeking continuation of stipend support must follow all departmental policies and procedures pertaining to renewal of that support. Additionally, Graduate Council guidelines state that graduate students holding graduate appointments written for an academic year must receive notice of renewal or nonrenewal of that appointment no later than the end of the spring quarter. This provision does not apply to contracts terminated early or not renewed for academic or service performance reasons. In such cases, no prior notification is required.

Graduate students holding graduate contracts written on a quarterly basis must receive notice of renewal or nonrenewal of contract at least one quarter before the end of that contract period. Graduate students holding spring quarter appointments must be notified no later than the end of the spring quarter of renewal or nonrenewal for fall quarter. This provision does not apply to contracts terminated early or not renewed for academic or service performance reasons. In such cases, no prior notification is required. Notification on summer quarter appointments can be made as early as practicable.

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University Publications and the Computer Services Center revised this file ( https://www.ohio.edu/~gcat/95-97/appadm/financ.html ) April 13, 1998.

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