Editor’s Note: The College of Arts & Sciences Notable Alumni Awards honor alumni for broad career accomplishments, commitment to community service, and valuable contributions to Ohio University and the College of Arts & Sciences.
Mark McKibben ’94 HTC, ’95, ’99Ph.D. Mathematics
Dr. Mark McKibben , Professor of Mathematics at West Chester University in Pennsylvania, is an international recognized mathematics scholar specializing in randomly determined processes and random variables, known as “stochastic” processes.
He earned a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from the Honors Tutorial College, follow by a master’s and Ph.D. from College of Arts & Sciences at Ohio University.
His research interests are deterministic and stochastic evolution equations, stochastic analysis, applied analysis.
McKibben started his academic career in 1999 as Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science at Goucher College in Baltimore. He was promoted to Associate Professor and granted tenure in 2005, then was promoted to Professor in 2011. He moved to West Chester University in 2013.
In 2012 he received the John M. Smith Outstanding Teaching Award from the Mathematical Association of America.
McKibben has edited several special issues of Abstract and Applied Analysis and regularly serves as a referee on more than 30 peer-reviewed national and international journals. He currently serves on the editorial boards of the following mathematics journals:
- Conference Papers in Mathematics (Hindawi journal)
- Mathematical Analysis (Hindawi journal)
- Journal of Function Spaces and Applications (Hindawi journal)
- International Scholarly Research Notices (Hindawi journal)
- International Journal of Analysis and Applications (Australian journal)
McKibben has published six books, the most recent being Brownian Motion: Elements, Dynamics, and Applications (Nova Science Publishers), which “offers a glimpse into the ways in which Brownian motion has crept into a myriad of fields of study through fifteen distinct chapters written by mathematicians, physicists, and other scholars. The intent is to especially highlight the vastness of scholarly work that explains various facets of Nature made possible by one scientist’s curiosity sparked by observing sporadic movement of specks of pollen under a microscope in a 19th century laboratory,” according to the website.