BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:REGISTER ONLINE\n\n \n\nThe concept of implicit learning and me mory has important considerations in the treatment of a variety of allied h ealth-related issues.\n\n \n\nImplicit learning underlies the unconscious a cquisition of a wide range of novel sequential patterns we use every day su ch as language and motor skills. Repeated experience (i.e.\, practice) with such patterns allows us to establish strong representations in long-term m emory\, which\, in turn\, leads to fast\, automatic\, and typically faithfu l retrieval and use of these patterns. Children and adults with language im pairment and/or those with motor difficulties due to injury can pose intere sting treatment challenges to clinicians.\n\n \n\nThe symposium panelists w ill offer their insights into the virtues of implicit learning and memory a s an important consideration in the potential treatment of language impairm ent and motor difficulties related to injury.\n\n \n\nPANELISTS INCLUDE: \n \nJim Montgomery\, Ph.D. – School of Rehabilitation and Communication Scien ces\n“Implicit Learning-Memory and DLD Sentence Comprehension: Findings and Treatment Implications”\n\nDustin Grooms\, Ph.D. – School of Rehabilitatio n and Communication Sciences\n“Embracing Implicit Sensorimotor Processing t o Prevent Injury”\n\nChorong Oh\, Ph.D. – School of Rehabilitation and Comm unication Sciences\n“Stimulating implicit memory to assist people with Alzh eimer’s disease in maintaining functional independence”\n\nNicholas Karayan nis\, Ph.D. – School of Rehabilitation and Communication Sciences\n“Interse ctions of theoretical pain models – implicit theory\, psychological flexibi lity\, and motor adaptations”\n\n \n\nAdditional details will be shared as the event date approaches. DTEND:20211119T183000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T083628Z DTSTART:20211119T170000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Fall 2021 CHSP Symposium: The Virtues of Implicit Learning and Memo ry: Life Made Easier\,2008:EventInstance_37137589246307 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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