BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations,Meetings & Conferences DESCRIPTION:Community\, collaboration\, commitment\, learning\, and inspira tion: For six years\, the seven institutions hosting the Tri-State Conferen ce on Diversity and Inclusion have used these words as a guide in providing a truly distinctive\, inclusive experience with emphasis on education and collaboration. This year’s conference is just a few months away\, and we ha ve gone virtual for 2021! Join us for a powerful and insightful experience featuring lectures\, interactive workshops\, panel discussions\, and much m ore! \n\n \n\nEach event is designed to share experiences\, research\, and emerging trends\; attendees will have access to a whole week of vibrant\, v irtual experiences from September 20—24. Additionally\, the conference will feature a Student Leadership Workshop\, explicitly crafted for students\, for the first time in our conference’s history.\n\n \n\nThe conference is f ree and open to students\, faculty\, professionals and the general public h owever\, online registration is required.\n\n \n\nSchedule at a Glance\n\n \n\nSeptember 20\, 2021\n\nWorkshop: FACTUALITY – 10 a.m.-12 p.m.\n\nSessio n: Intersectionality: A Deeper Dive into Diversity\, Equity\, and Inclusio n - 1-2 p.m.\n\nSession: Heritage Invention: A Solution to BIPOC Worker Ap athy - 2:15-3:15 p.m.\n\nSession: More Than A Fraction - 3:30-4:30 p.m.\n\ n​\n\nSeptember 21\, 2021\n\nWorkshop: Confronting Implicit Bias in Ourselv es and Our Institutions – 10 a.m.-12 p.m.\n\nSession: Neurodiversity in th e Age of Diversity and Inclusion - 3:15-4:15 p.m.\n\n​\n\nSeptember 22\, 20 21​\n\nWorkshop: Hear My Story – 10 a.m.-12 p.m.\n\nSession: There is one among us "Real Life version of Among Us"... Identifying Impostor Syndrome a nd ways that we self-sabotage - 1-2 p.m.\n\nSession: I see you: Social Act ion Stories Makes Justice Visible Impact Tales from the School and the Comm unity - 2:15-3:15 p.m.\n\nSession: Technology Microaggressions: How to Ove rcome Class-Based Bias - 3:30-4:30 p.m.\n\n​\n\nSeptember 23\, 2021\n\nWork shop: Leadership: The Art of Influence and Impact – 10 a.m.-12 p.m. (THIS W ORKSHOP IS FOR STUDENTS ONLY)\n\nSession: Schoolin' Life: Using Experience as Education to Create Sister Circles in High Schools - 10-11 a.m.\n\nSess ion: The Resilience Mindset - 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.\n\nStudent Panel Discu ssion: Student Perspectives: Social Justice\, Diversity\, & Inclusion - 2-3 :30 p.m.\n\nSession: An insider/outsider perspective on diversity\, equity \, and inclusion: From Presence to Inclusion - 3:45-4:45 p.m.\n\n​\n\nSepte mber 24\, 2021\n\nConference Keynote Address: Underlying Conditions: Black Women and Girl-Identified People and Corona - 9 a.m.-10:15 p.m.\n\nConfere nce Panel Discussion: Race\, Profiling\, and Social Unrest: How we Engage in Today’s World - 10:30-11:45 a.m. DTEND:20210920T203000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T094733Z DTSTART:20210920T140000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:2021 VIRTUAL TRI-STATE CONFERENCE ON DIVERSITY & INCLUSION\,2008:EventInstance_37199174607174 URL: versity_inclusion END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations,Meetings & Conferences DESCRIPTION:Community\, collaboration\, commitment\, learning\, and inspira tion: For six years\, the seven institutions hosting the Tri-State Conferen ce on Diversity and Inclusion have used these words as a guide in providing a truly distinctive\, inclusive experience with emphasis on education and collaboration. This year’s conference is just a few months away\, and we ha ve gone virtual for 2021! Join us for a powerful and insightful experience featuring lectures\, interactive workshops\, panel discussions\, and much m ore! \n\n \n\nEach event is designed to share experiences\, research\, and emerging trends\; attendees will have access to a whole week of vibrant\, v irtual experiences from September 20—24. Additionally\, the conference will feature a Student Leadership Workshop\, explicitly crafted for students\, for the first time in our conference’s history.\n\n \n\nThe conference is f ree and open to students\, faculty\, professionals and the general public h owever\, online registration is required.\n\n \n\nSchedule at a Glance\n\n \n\nSeptember 20\, 2021\n\nWorkshop: FACTUALITY – 10 a.m.-12 p.m.\n\nSessio n: Intersectionality: A Deeper Dive into Diversity\, Equity\, and Inclusio n - 1-2 p.m.\n\nSession: Heritage Invention: A Solution to BIPOC Worker Ap athy - 2:15-3:15 p.m.\n\nSession: More Than A Fraction - 3:30-4:30 p.m.\n\ n​\n\nSeptember 21\, 2021\n\nWorkshop: Confronting Implicit Bias in Ourselv es and Our Institutions – 10 a.m.-12 p.m.\n\nSession: Neurodiversity in th e Age of Diversity and Inclusion - 3:15-4:15 p.m.\n\n​\n\nSeptember 22\, 20 21​\n\nWorkshop: Hear My Story – 10 a.m.-12 p.m.\n\nSession: There is one among us "Real Life version of Among Us"... Identifying Impostor Syndrome a nd ways that we self-sabotage - 1-2 p.m.\n\nSession: I see you: Social Act ion Stories Makes Justice Visible Impact Tales from the School and the Comm unity - 2:15-3:15 p.m.\n\nSession: Technology Microaggressions: How to Ove rcome Class-Based Bias - 3:30-4:30 p.m.\n\n​\n\nSeptember 23\, 2021\n\nWork shop: Leadership: The Art of Influence and Impact – 10 a.m.-12 p.m. (THIS W ORKSHOP IS FOR STUDENTS ONLY)\n\nSession: Schoolin' Life: Using Experience as Education to Create Sister Circles in High Schools - 10-11 a.m.\n\nSess ion: The Resilience Mindset - 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.\n\nStudent Panel Discu ssion: Student Perspectives: Social Justice\, Diversity\, & Inclusion - 2-3 :30 p.m.\n\nSession: An insider/outsider perspective on diversity\, equity \, and inclusion: From Presence to Inclusion - 3:45-4:45 p.m.\n\n​\n\nSepte mber 24\, 2021\n\nConference Keynote Address: Underlying Conditions: Black Women and Girl-Identified People and Corona - 9 a.m.-10:15 p.m.\n\nConfere nce Panel Discussion: Race\, Profiling\, and Social Unrest: How we Engage in Today’s World - 10:30-11:45 a.m. DTEND:20210921T203000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T094733Z DTSTART:20210921T140000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:2021 VIRTUAL TRI-STATE CONFERENCE ON DIVERSITY & INCLUSION\,2008:EventInstance_37199174608199 URL: versity_inclusion END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations,Meetings & Conferences DESCRIPTION:Community\, collaboration\, commitment\, learning\, and inspira tion: For six years\, the seven institutions hosting the Tri-State Conferen ce on Diversity and Inclusion have used these words as a guide in providing a truly distinctive\, inclusive experience with emphasis on education and collaboration. This year’s conference is just a few months away\, and we ha ve gone virtual for 2021! Join us for a powerful and insightful experience featuring lectures\, interactive workshops\, panel discussions\, and much m ore! \n\n \n\nEach event is designed to share experiences\, research\, and emerging trends\; attendees will have access to a whole week of vibrant\, v irtual experiences from September 20—24. Additionally\, the conference will feature a Student Leadership Workshop\, explicitly crafted for students\, for the first time in our conference’s history.\n\n \n\nThe conference is f ree and open to students\, faculty\, professionals and the general public h owever\, online registration is required.\n\n \n\nSchedule at a Glance\n\n \n\nSeptember 20\, 2021\n\nWorkshop: FACTUALITY – 10 a.m.-12 p.m.\n\nSessio n: Intersectionality: A Deeper Dive into Diversity\, Equity\, and Inclusio n - 1-2 p.m.\n\nSession: Heritage Invention: A Solution to BIPOC Worker Ap athy - 2:15-3:15 p.m.\n\nSession: More Than A Fraction - 3:30-4:30 p.m.\n\ n​\n\nSeptember 21\, 2021\n\nWorkshop: Confronting Implicit Bias in Ourselv es and Our Institutions – 10 a.m.-12 p.m.\n\nSession: Neurodiversity in th e Age of Diversity and Inclusion - 3:15-4:15 p.m.\n\n​\n\nSeptember 22\, 20 21​\n\nWorkshop: Hear My Story – 10 a.m.-12 p.m.\n\nSession: There is one among us "Real Life version of Among Us"... Identifying Impostor Syndrome a nd ways that we self-sabotage - 1-2 p.m.\n\nSession: I see you: Social Act ion Stories Makes Justice Visible Impact Tales from the School and the Comm unity - 2:15-3:15 p.m.\n\nSession: Technology Microaggressions: How to Ove rcome Class-Based Bias - 3:30-4:30 p.m.\n\n​\n\nSeptember 23\, 2021\n\nWork shop: Leadership: The Art of Influence and Impact – 10 a.m.-12 p.m. (THIS W ORKSHOP IS FOR STUDENTS ONLY)\n\nSession: Schoolin' Life: Using Experience as Education to Create Sister Circles in High Schools - 10-11 a.m.\n\nSess ion: The Resilience Mindset - 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.\n\nStudent Panel Discu ssion: Student Perspectives: Social Justice\, Diversity\, & Inclusion - 2-3 :30 p.m.\n\nSession: An insider/outsider perspective on diversity\, equity \, and inclusion: From Presence to Inclusion - 3:45-4:45 p.m.\n\n​\n\nSepte mber 24\, 2021\n\nConference Keynote Address: Underlying Conditions: Black Women and Girl-Identified People and Corona - 9 a.m.-10:15 p.m.\n\nConfere nce Panel Discussion: Race\, Profiling\, and Social Unrest: How we Engage in Today’s World - 10:30-11:45 a.m. DTEND:20210922T203000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T094733Z DTSTART:20210922T140000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:2021 VIRTUAL TRI-STATE CONFERENCE ON DIVERSITY & INCLUSION\,2008:EventInstance_37199174609224 URL: versity_inclusion END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations,Meetings & Conferences DESCRIPTION:Community\, collaboration\, commitment\, learning\, and inspira tion: For six years\, the seven institutions hosting the Tri-State Conferen ce on Diversity and Inclusion have used these words as a guide in providing a truly distinctive\, inclusive experience with emphasis on education and collaboration. This year’s conference is just a few months away\, and we ha ve gone virtual for 2021! Join us for a powerful and insightful experience featuring lectures\, interactive workshops\, panel discussions\, and much m ore! \n\n \n\nEach event is designed to share experiences\, research\, and emerging trends\; attendees will have access to a whole week of vibrant\, v irtual experiences from September 20—24. Additionally\, the conference will feature a Student Leadership Workshop\, explicitly crafted for students\, for the first time in our conference’s history.\n\n \n\nThe conference is f ree and open to students\, faculty\, professionals and the general public h owever\, online registration is required.\n\n \n\nSchedule at a Glance\n\n \n\nSeptember 20\, 2021\n\nWorkshop: FACTUALITY – 10 a.m.-12 p.m.\n\nSessio n: Intersectionality: A Deeper Dive into Diversity\, Equity\, and Inclusio n - 1-2 p.m.\n\nSession: Heritage Invention: A Solution to BIPOC Worker Ap athy - 2:15-3:15 p.m.\n\nSession: More Than A Fraction - 3:30-4:30 p.m.\n\ n​\n\nSeptember 21\, 2021\n\nWorkshop: Confronting Implicit Bias in Ourselv es and Our Institutions – 10 a.m.-12 p.m.\n\nSession: Neurodiversity in th e Age of Diversity and Inclusion - 3:15-4:15 p.m.\n\n​\n\nSeptember 22\, 20 21​\n\nWorkshop: Hear My Story – 10 a.m.-12 p.m.\n\nSession: There is one among us "Real Life version of Among Us"... Identifying Impostor Syndrome a nd ways that we self-sabotage - 1-2 p.m.\n\nSession: I see you: Social Act ion Stories Makes Justice Visible Impact Tales from the School and the Comm unity - 2:15-3:15 p.m.\n\nSession: Technology Microaggressions: How to Ove rcome Class-Based Bias - 3:30-4:30 p.m.\n\n​\n\nSeptember 23\, 2021\n\nWork shop: Leadership: The Art of Influence and Impact – 10 a.m.-12 p.m. (THIS W ORKSHOP IS FOR STUDENTS ONLY)\n\nSession: Schoolin' Life: Using Experience as Education to Create Sister Circles in High Schools - 10-11 a.m.\n\nSess ion: The Resilience Mindset - 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.\n\nStudent Panel Discu ssion: Student Perspectives: Social Justice\, Diversity\, & Inclusion - 2-3 :30 p.m.\n\nSession: An insider/outsider perspective on diversity\, equity \, and inclusion: From Presence to Inclusion - 3:45-4:45 p.m.\n\n​\n\nSepte mber 24\, 2021\n\nConference Keynote Address: Underlying Conditions: Black Women and Girl-Identified People and Corona - 9 a.m.-10:15 p.m.\n\nConfere nce Panel Discussion: Race\, Profiling\, and Social Unrest: How we Engage in Today’s World - 10:30-11:45 a.m. DTEND:20210923T204500Z DTSTAMP:20240921T094733Z DTSTART:20210923T140000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:2021 VIRTUAL TRI-STATE CONFERENCE ON DIVERSITY & INCLUSION\,2008:EventInstance_37199174611273 URL: versity_inclusion END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations,Meetings & Conferences DESCRIPTION:Community\, collaboration\, commitment\, learning\, and inspira tion: For six years\, the seven institutions hosting the Tri-State Conferen ce on Diversity and Inclusion have used these words as a guide in providing a truly distinctive\, inclusive experience with emphasis on education and collaboration. This year’s conference is just a few months away\, and we ha ve gone virtual for 2021! Join us for a powerful and insightful experience featuring lectures\, interactive workshops\, panel discussions\, and much m ore! \n\n \n\nEach event is designed to share experiences\, research\, and emerging trends\; attendees will have access to a whole week of vibrant\, v irtual experiences from September 20—24. Additionally\, the conference will feature a Student Leadership Workshop\, explicitly crafted for students\, for the first time in our conference’s history.\n\n \n\nThe conference is f ree and open to students\, faculty\, professionals and the general public h owever\, online registration is required.\n\n \n\nSchedule at a Glance\n\n \n\nSeptember 20\, 2021\n\nWorkshop: FACTUALITY – 10 a.m.-12 p.m.\n\nSessio n: Intersectionality: A Deeper Dive into Diversity\, Equity\, and Inclusio n - 1-2 p.m.\n\nSession: Heritage Invention: A Solution to BIPOC Worker Ap athy - 2:15-3:15 p.m.\n\nSession: More Than A Fraction - 3:30-4:30 p.m.\n\ n​\n\nSeptember 21\, 2021\n\nWorkshop: Confronting Implicit Bias in Ourselv es and Our Institutions – 10 a.m.-12 p.m.\n\nSession: Neurodiversity in th e Age of Diversity and Inclusion - 3:15-4:15 p.m.\n\n​\n\nSeptember 22\, 20 21​\n\nWorkshop: Hear My Story – 10 a.m.-12 p.m.\n\nSession: There is one among us "Real Life version of Among Us"... Identifying Impostor Syndrome a nd ways that we self-sabotage - 1-2 p.m.\n\nSession: I see you: Social Act ion Stories Makes Justice Visible Impact Tales from the School and the Comm unity - 2:15-3:15 p.m.\n\nSession: Technology Microaggressions: How to Ove rcome Class-Based Bias - 3:30-4:30 p.m.\n\n​\n\nSeptember 23\, 2021\n\nWork shop: Leadership: The Art of Influence and Impact – 10 a.m.-12 p.m. (THIS W ORKSHOP IS FOR STUDENTS ONLY)\n\nSession: Schoolin' Life: Using Experience as Education to Create Sister Circles in High Schools - 10-11 a.m.\n\nSess ion: The Resilience Mindset - 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.\n\nStudent Panel Discu ssion: Student Perspectives: Social Justice\, Diversity\, & Inclusion - 2-3 :30 p.m.\n\nSession: An insider/outsider perspective on diversity\, equity \, and inclusion: From Presence to Inclusion - 3:45-4:45 p.m.\n\n​\n\nSepte mber 24\, 2021\n\nConference Keynote Address: Underlying Conditions: Black Women and Girl-Identified People and Corona - 9 a.m.-10:15 p.m.\n\nConfere nce Panel Discussion: Race\, Profiling\, and Social Unrest: How we Engage in Today’s World - 10:30-11:45 a.m. DTEND:20210924T154500Z DTSTAMP:20240921T094733Z DTSTART:20210924T140000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:2021 VIRTUAL TRI-STATE CONFERENCE ON DIVERSITY & INCLUSION\,2008:EventInstance_37199174612298 URL: versity_inclusion END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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