BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Happy Hour - 9/24/21 at 7:00 pm\n\n \n\nDate: Sept. 24\, 2021\n Time: 7:00-8:30 pm\nLocation: Online - Zoom\nJoin all affiliates in a meet and greet virtual happy hour with music and a scavenger hunt as a prelude t o our Annual Meeting on Saturday morning. Join us with your favorite refres hment and snack.\n\n \n\nAnnual Meeting - 9/25/21 at 9:00 am\n\n \n\nDate: Sept. 25\, 2021\nTime: 9:00 am-1:30 pm\nLocation: Online - Zoom\nAttention all Ebony Bobcats\, friends and supporters\, you are invited to attend the EBN Annual Meeting. You will hear what the Ebony Bobcat Network Affiliates have done this past year and what is planned for this coming year.\n\n \n\n University staff will provide an update on what is happening at our alma ma ter and sessions will be held on important information affecting African Am ericans living in today's society such as redistricting in Ohio\, Mental He alth and COVID-19.\n\n \n\nDr. Roderick McDavis\, 20th President of our bel oved OHIO University will address the conference.\n\n \n\nIf you have any q uestions\, contact Gary Nickerson at DTEND:20210925T003000Z DTSTAMP:20241127T054213Z DTSTART:20210924T230000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ebony Bobcat Network Annual Conference\,2008:EventInstance_37652875358322 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Happy Hour - 9/24/21 at 7:00 pm\n\n \n\nDate: Sept. 24\, 2021\n Time: 7:00-8:30 pm\nLocation: Online - Zoom\nJoin all affiliates in a meet and greet virtual happy hour with music and a scavenger hunt as a prelude t o our Annual Meeting on Saturday morning. Join us with your favorite refres hment and snack.\n\n \n\nAnnual Meeting - 9/25/21 at 9:00 am\n\n \n\nDate: Sept. 25\, 2021\nTime: 9:00 am-1:30 pm\nLocation: Online - Zoom\nAttention all Ebony Bobcats\, friends and supporters\, you are invited to attend the EBN Annual Meeting. You will hear what the Ebony Bobcat Network Affiliates have done this past year and what is planned for this coming year.\n\n \n\n University staff will provide an update on what is happening at our alma ma ter and sessions will be held on important information affecting African Am ericans living in today's society such as redistricting in Ohio\, Mental He alth and COVID-19.\n\n \n\nDr. Roderick McDavis\, 20th President of our bel oved OHIO University will address the conference.\n\n \n\nIf you have any q uestions\, contact Gary Nickerson at DTEND:20210925T173000Z DTSTAMP:20241127T054213Z DTSTART:20210925T130000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ebony Bobcat Network Annual Conference\,2008:EventInstance_37652892299085 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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