BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:We are inviting any and all people on the asexual and aromantic spectrums\, and people questioning if they're a-spec\, to come and join us once a month\, starting this Monday\, August 29\, in bringing the communit y together. With a community led focus\, we want to offer a space for the l ocal A-Spec community to build connections\, find solidarity\, and grow in its intersections. We will be providing accessible and virtual options for any who might need them! If you are interested in coming\, we have an inter est survey that you can fill out here: DTEND:20220829T223000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T104110Z DTSTART:20220829T213000Z GEO:29.754079;-95.361109 LOCATION:LGBT Center\, Baker University Center 348\, LGBT Center Engagement Room SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:A-Spec Community Meet-up\,2008:EventInstance_40882580909082 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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