BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:This interactive panel features distinguished Ohio University a lumni who will help you thrive by discussing how to market yourself\, maint ain well-being\, and navigate relationships in virtual worlds. Panelists wi ll discuss how their lives have been impacted by COVID-19 and answer partic ipants’ questions.\n\n \n\nPanelists:\n\n\n\nKatrina E. Bell-Jordan (OHIO ' 93 BSJ - News Editorial Journalism\, E.W. Scripps School of Journalism\; '9 4 MA - Interpersonal Communication in Rhetorical Studies\; '97 Ph.D. - Inte rpersonal Communication in Rhetorical Studies and Media Studies)\n\nDr. Kat rina E. Bell-Jordan currently serves as Dean of the College of Arts and Sci ences at Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago\, Illinois and Profess or in the Department of Communication\, Media and Theatre. She served for 7 years as Chair of the Department of Communication\, Media and Theatre at N ortheastern and 2 years as Associate Dean in the College of Arts and Scienc es. Katrina joined the Department of Communication\, Media and Theatre in 1 997 as an Assistant Professor\, teaching in the areas of media literacy and media theory\, rhetorical theory and criticism\, and news writing/journali sm. Her research has focused on critical media studies\, the politics of ge nder and race in the media\, and the rhetoric of popular culture. She has p ublished in journals such as Critical Studies in Media Communication\, Wome n’s Studies in Communication\, and Performance Studies\; published book cha pters on race and representation in the media\; and written for the Clevela nd Plain Dealer and the New York Daily News. Katrina has also served her lo cal community since 2011 as an elected member of the Skokie\, Illinois Dist rict 68 Board of Education.\n\n \n\n\n\nMary L. Bradley\, Esq. (OHIO ‘80 BS C - Communication in Organizational Communication\; Cleveland-Marshall Coll ege of Law\, Cleveland State University\, 1998\, Juris Doctor) is a Senior Trial Attorney for the U.S. Department of Labor\, Office of the Solicitor\, in Cleveland\, Ohio. Her professional career began at the Xerox Corporatio n where she sold copiers\, memory typewriters\, and supplies. She transfer red to the Information Systems Division as a customer-training representati ve. Mary moved to Houston\, Texas and worked as a trainer for Allied Bank o f Texas writing training materials and presentations. She returned to Ohio to work for Banc One Corporation\, in Columbus\, as a Business Systems Anal yst. Mary transferred into Human Resources where she worked as an organiza tional development trainer\, an employee relations specialist and a recruit er. She became an Officer. Mary left banking to attend law school full tim e. She is licensed to practice law in Ohio. Her first legal job was as an a ssociate for Millisor and Nobil\, (now Fisher & Phillips). She went on to g eneral practice in personal injury\, probate\, and family law. Since 2001 M ary has worked as an attorney for the U.S. Department of Labor. As a lifeti me member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority\, Inc.\, a public service sorority\ , Mary devoted her life to public service. She volunteers for the Legal Ai d Society and the Cleveland Bar Association. She mentors first year law st udents and served on the Board of Trustees for the Cleveland-Marshall Law A lumni Association.\n\n \n\n\n\nJulia Louise Krahe (Kindl) (OHIO HTC ‘03 BSC - Political Communication with minors in political science and math) lives in Washington\, DC\, and is Senior Vice President of Crosby Marketing. Jul ia has divided her career between leading communications operations for fed eral legislators and advising federal agencies through her work at various public relations companies.\n\n \n\nWhile at Edelman\, Julia led teams that provided counsel on messaging and media engagement to multiple agencies wi thin the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services\, including the Subst ance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and the Agency for Hea lthcare Research and Quality. Her most recent political work includes servi ng as communications director for U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar and for the U. S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce under Representative Geor ge Miller.\n\n \n\nDuring her time at OHIO\, Julia was an active member of the forensics team\, participating in multiple national public speaking tou rnaments\, and she presented original research at the National Communicatio n Association annual conference. As an alumna\, Julia has served on the HTC Board of Visitors Communications Committee and the board of the Nation’s C apital Chapter.\n\n \n\n\n\nJeff W. Reed (OHIO '06 BSC - Political Communic ation) Upon graduation in 2006\, Reed held communications and public-policy positions with the American Legislative Exchange Council in Washington\, D .C. In 2010\, Reed moved to Indianapolis\, where he served as communication director for the Milton and Rose D. Friedman Foundation\, the legacy nonpr ofit of the Nobel laureate. \n\n \n\nWhile in Indianapolis\, Reed also led Ohio University’s Indiana alumni chapter and co-founded and served as board chair for an urban\, blended-learning public charter school. In 2015\, Ree d joined Cummins Inc.\, a Fortune 250 company headquartered in Indiana\, as its global communication leader in corporate social responsibility. \n\n \ n\nCurrently\, Reed serves as a senior communication strategist at Honda R& D Americas\, Inc.\, just outside Columbus\, Ohio. He also is a member of th e American Enterprise Institute’s Leadership Network and OHIO Alumni Associ ation Board of Directors.\n\n \n\nHost:\n\n\n\nLaurie Sheridan Lach (OHIO ’ 92 BSC - Organizational Communication). A native of Athens\, Laurie’s profe ssional life began in sales at TRW. The information systems division was la ter divested\, and Experian was then created where she enjoyed an extensive and highly successful sales career working in multi-national financial ser vices companies. Following a stint at NCR-Teradata\, selling enterprise dat a warehouse solutions\, Laurie joined Alliance Data as Director of Client S ales in 2007. There\, she led a team of marketing and business insights pro fessionals and delivered custom solutions to major retailers. Laurie also s erved on the advisory board for OHIO’s Schey Sales Centre and quickly disco vered the rewards of helping students learn and grow. In 2012\, Laurie join ed OHIO as Director of Alumni Affairs for the Heritage College of Osteopath ic Medicine and focused on engagement\, philanthropy\, and innovative ways to support the college’s expansion to Dublin and Cleveland. As Director of Regional Campus Development and Alumni Engagement at Ohio University\, Laur ie now oversees fundraising\, external outreach\, and traditions that susta in OHIO’s strong community connection. Laurie is a member of the OHIO Today advisory board\, a co-creator of Ohio Women in Medicine\, a member of the Lancaster Rotary\, and serves on Lancaster Festival’s board of directors.\n \n \n\nIf you have any questions\, please email John Rogers at rogersj1@ohi DTEND:20201023T003000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T104741Z DTSTART:20201022T230000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Adulting 101 in the Midst of a Pandemic\,2008:EventInstance_34563646928103 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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