BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:AMBOSS is presenting an information session for first and secon d year students to learn about their platform and how it can be of use to t hem for studying for classes and board exams. The presentation will highlig ht their comprehensive medical library\, customizable QBank\, Anki add-on\, and unique clinical tools.\n\nLunch will be provided and attendees can rec eive a $50 gift card as a thank you for filling out a short post-event surv ey on the new features. There will also be a 5-day AMBOSS free trial and gr oup discount of up to 30% offered to all OUHCOM students. DTEND:20240827T170000Z DTSTAMP:20241113T041015Z DTSTART:20240827T160000Z GEO:39.329191;-82.107812 LOCATION:Medical Education Center (MEC)\, 141/145 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:AMBOSS Presentation for First and Second Years\,2008:EventInstance_47161480802122 URL: d-years END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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