BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Concerts & Performances DESCRIPTION:An Inside Job \n\nWritten and directed by Rebecca VerNooy \n\nS tage Manager Anna Grier \nLighting Designer Kharla Landrau \nAssistant Dire ctor Sam Irwin \n\nAn Inside Job follows characters looking for love\, peac e\, and validation in all the wrong places. Confronted with expectations\, chaotic thinking and their own need to belong\, they eventually realize tha t finding freedom is an inside job. \n\nVirginia Hahne Theater\, Kantner H all \nMarch 5th\, 6th\, 7th\, and 8th\n\nGet Tickets Here DTEND:20240306T020000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T230327Z DTSTART:20240306T010000Z LOCATION:Virginia Hahne Theater\, Kantner Hall  SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:An Inside Job\,2008:EventInstance_45800612509852 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Concerts & Performances DESCRIPTION:An Inside Job \n\nWritten and directed by Rebecca VerNooy \n\nS tage Manager Anna Grier \nLighting Designer Kharla Landrau \nAssistant Dire ctor Sam Irwin \n\nAn Inside Job follows characters looking for love\, peac e\, and validation in all the wrong places. Confronted with expectations\, chaotic thinking and their own need to belong\, they eventually realize tha t finding freedom is an inside job. \n\nVirginia Hahne Theater\, Kantner H all \nMarch 5th\, 6th\, 7th\, and 8th\n\nGet Tickets Here DTEND:20240307T020000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T230327Z DTSTART:20240307T010000Z LOCATION:Virginia Hahne Theater\, Kantner Hall  SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:An Inside Job\,2008:EventInstance_45800612510877 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Concerts & Performances DESCRIPTION:An Inside Job \n\nWritten and directed by Rebecca VerNooy \n\nS tage Manager Anna Grier \nLighting Designer Kharla Landrau \nAssistant Dire ctor Sam Irwin \n\nAn Inside Job follows characters looking for love\, peac e\, and validation in all the wrong places. Confronted with expectations\, chaotic thinking and their own need to belong\, they eventually realize tha t finding freedom is an inside job. \n\nVirginia Hahne Theater\, Kantner H all \nMarch 5th\, 6th\, 7th\, and 8th\n\nGet Tickets Here DTEND:20240308T020000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T230327Z DTSTART:20240308T010000Z LOCATION:Virginia Hahne Theater\, Kantner Hall  SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:An Inside Job\,2008:EventInstance_45800612512926 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Concerts & Performances DESCRIPTION:An Inside Job \n\nWritten and directed by Rebecca VerNooy \n\nS tage Manager Anna Grier \nLighting Designer Kharla Landrau \nAssistant Dire ctor Sam Irwin \n\nAn Inside Job follows characters looking for love\, peac e\, and validation in all the wrong places. Confronted with expectations\, chaotic thinking and their own need to belong\, they eventually realize tha t finding freedom is an inside job. \n\nVirginia Hahne Theater\, Kantner H all \nMarch 5th\, 6th\, 7th\, and 8th\n\nGet Tickets Here DTEND:20240309T020000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T230327Z DTSTART:20240309T010000Z LOCATION:Virginia Hahne Theater\, Kantner Hall  SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:An Inside Job\,2008:EventInstance_45800612514975 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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