BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Don't miss the next event in the Applied Finance Center’s Profe ssional Engagement Series featuring Olivia Brahler\, a Financial Services R epresentative at Fidelity. Olivia will guide you through the essentials of building a successful career in finance\, offering expert advice on network ing\, navigating the day-to-day challenges in the field\, and making a smoo th transition from college to the corporate world. She’ll also share valuab le strategies for applying yourself while still in school\, helping you set a strong foundation for your future in finance. This is a fantastic opport unity to gain insights from a seasoned professional and set yourself on the path to success!\n\nThis month's presentation will be hosted by the Financ ial Management Association. The meeting will take place on Tuesday\, Febru ary 18th from 6-7 p.m. in Copeland 104. We hope to see you there! DTEND:20250219T000000Z DTSTAMP:20250222T220711Z DTSTART:20250218T230000Z GEO:39.326877;-82.101631 LOCATION:Copeland Hall\, 104 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Applied Finance Center - Professional Engagement Series\,2008:EventInstance_48851773742412 URL: agement-series END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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