BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230308 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404414339 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230309 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404416388 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230310 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404418437 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230311 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404420486 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230312 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404421511 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230313 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404423560 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230314 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404424585 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230315 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404426634 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230316 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404428683 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230317 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404429708 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230318 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404431757 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230319 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404433806 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230320 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404434831 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230321 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404436880 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230322 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404437905 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230323 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404439954 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230324 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404442003 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230325 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404443028 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230326 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404445077 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230327 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404447126 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230328 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404448151 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230329 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404450200 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230330 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404451225 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230331 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404453274 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230401 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404455323 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230402 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404456348 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230403 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404458397 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230404 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404459422 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230405 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404461471 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230406 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404463520 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230407 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404464545 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230408 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404466594 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230409 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404468643 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230410 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404469668 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230411 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404471717 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230412 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404473766 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230413 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404474791 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230414 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404476840 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230415 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404478889 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230416 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404480938 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230417 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404481963 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230418 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404484012 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230419 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404486061 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230420 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404487086 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230421 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404489135 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230422 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404491184 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230423 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404492209 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230424 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404494258 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230425 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404496307 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230426 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404498356 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230427 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404499381 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230428 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404501430 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230429 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404503479 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Artists@Alden is a student-run exhibit program hosted on the th ird floor of Alden Library\, in the Frederick and Kazuko Fine Arts Library. It is a vital student-led exhibit space that embodies the strength of gras sroots art organizing. We are proud to support the creative community at OH IO and welcome a diverse array of projects at various stages of completion\ , and students who aren’t majoring in fine arts disciplines are also encour aged to exhibit their creative work\n\n \n\nExhibits are planned to stay up for 3 weeks after installation during Fall and Spring semesters. Exhibitor s work with the Student Curator to develop and execute their shows\, which can include coordinating with artists and Libraries staff\, orchestrating t he installation and deinstallation of works\, preparing wall text\, selecti ng titles from the collection that contextualize the artists’ work\, creati ng promotional materials for the shows\, and generally promoting them. Plea se note that this program is only open to undergraduate students at this ti me. DTSTAMP:20241005T022510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230430 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artists@Alden Student Exhibits\,2008:EventInstance_42589404505528 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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