BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:How do instructors know if their use of generative artificial i ntelligence in teaching and learning is effective? This workshop will apply assessment of student learning strategies to specific instructional practi ces\, assignments\, and policies using GenAI. \n\n \n\nThe examples themsel ves were developed by three semesters of Faculty Learning Communities. CTLA Associate Director of Assessment Wendy Adams will present case studies and recommend assessment strategies for workshop participants to use given the ir specific approaches to GenAI incorporation in courses.\n\n \n\nThe sessi on is designed for and open to all instructors\, teaching and teaching supp ort staff\, and graduate student instructors.\n\n \n\nDuring and following the session\, participants will:\n\nReview highly effective assessment of s tudent learning strategies.Review the application of those strategies to Ge nAI assignments developed by OHIO faculty.Apply those strategies to their o wn GenAI course enhancements and enrichment. \n\nThe workshop will be synch ronous via Teams from 10 to 11 a.m.\, Tuesday\, July 16. It is part of a CT LA GenAI and Teaching and Learning summer panel and workshop series that is integrated into the Summer 2024 AI-enhanced Course Redesign Institute pilo t. REGISTER HERE: DTEND:20240716T150000Z DTSTAMP:20240929T042130Z DTSTART:20240716T140000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Assessing GenAI Course Enhancements: A Workshop\,2008:EventInstance_46668446657239 URL: orkshop END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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