BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Astrophysics Seminar \n\n4:10 pm Wednesday November 10\, 2021\n \nSpeaker: Daniel Wik\, University of Utah\n\nTitle: NuSTAR's Extragalactic X-ray Universe\nAbstract:The universe\, and the objects within it\, are sh aped by gravity and violence\, both sudden and prolonged. These energetic e vents and environments typically emit X-rays\, from the colliding winds of massive stars\, to supernova explosions and their neutron star and black ho le remnants\, to supermassive black holes in the centers of galaxies\, to g alaxy clusters--the most massive bound objects in the universe--to the natu re of dark matter and dark energy. They all produce both thermal and non-t hermal X-rays through their interaction with intervening gas\, offering clu es about the processes affecting the formation and evolution of galaxies\, clusters of galaxies\, and the universe as a whole. I will introduce the N uSTAR mission--the first focusing high energy X-ray observatory--including details of its construction and design and how we use it to investigate thi s broad range of topics.\n\nPresented virtually - contact Joe Shields for d etails DTEND:20211110T220000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T203809Z DTSTART:20211110T211000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Astrophysics Seminar: NuSTAR's Extragalactic X-ray Universe\,2008:EventInstance_38260760417020 URL: tic_x-ray_universe END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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