BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Meet choreographer\, acting coach\, producer\, director JoAnn J ansen\, and hear her work on Avatar and other films\, and her storied caree r starting from her time as a nontraditional student at Ohio University. Sh e led her own dance company in New York before becoming a film choreographe r and acting coach for some of today’s biggest stars\, including Patrick Sw ayze\, Reese Witherspoon\, Antonio Banderas\, and Jennifer Aniston. Frequen t collaborator John Travolta says of JoAnn\, “She is like a chameleon. She can cross-reference dances throughout history and come up with just the rig ht movement that suits the character and the film. She is brilliant.” \n\n\ n\n \n\nYou will receive a confirmation email upon registration that will i nclude details on how to join this virtual event. This event will be hosted on March 23 at both 12 p.m. EST and 7 p.m. EST -- choose what's best for y ou!\n\n \n\nOHIO alumni and students who attend will get a chance to win $5 0 to spend at The Bobcat Store.\n\n \n\nIf you have any questions\, please email John Rogers at DTEND:20210323T170000Z DTSTAMP:20241124T030449Z DTSTART:20210323T160000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Avant-Grad: OHIO Trailblazers - Episode 104: JoAnn Jansen\,2008:EventInstance_36157055229636 URL: 104_joann_jansen END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Meet choreographer\, acting coach\, producer\, director JoAnn J ansen\, and hear her work on Avatar and other films\, and her storied caree r starting from her time as a nontraditional student at Ohio University. Sh e led her own dance company in New York before becoming a film choreographe r and acting coach for some of today’s biggest stars\, including Patrick Sw ayze\, Reese Witherspoon\, Antonio Banderas\, and Jennifer Aniston. Frequen t collaborator John Travolta says of JoAnn\, “She is like a chameleon. She can cross-reference dances throughout history and come up with just the rig ht movement that suits the character and the film. She is brilliant.” \n\n\ n\n \n\nYou will receive a confirmation email upon registration that will i nclude details on how to join this virtual event. This event will be hosted on March 23 at both 12 p.m. EST and 7 p.m. EST -- choose what's best for y ou!\n\n \n\nOHIO alumni and students who attend will get a chance to win $5 0 to spend at The Bobcat Store.\n\n \n\nIf you have any questions\, please email John Rogers at DTEND:20210324T000000Z DTSTAMP:20241124T030449Z DTSTART:20210323T230000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Avant-Grad: OHIO Trailblazers - Episode 104: JoAnn Jansen\,2008:EventInstance_36157055231685 URL: 104_joann_jansen END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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