BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Fundraisers DESCRIPTION:BobcaThon is more than just an event\; it's a movement of stude nts\, faculty\, advisors\, families and communities united by the belief th at healing happens better when families are together. It's not just about t he funds we raise\; it's about the lives we touch\, the families we support \, and the hope we ignite.\n\n \n\nEach year\, we dance\, fundraise\, and r ally together\, all to provide a home-away-from-home for families from Athe ns while their children are receiving medical care in central Ohio. Togethe r\, we can make a significant difference in the lives of these families.\n\ n \n\nLearn more about how to get involved: p/921116-bobcathon-dance-marathon\n\n \n\nJoin us and lets create hope\, he aling\, and happiness together. Your involvement can change lives\, and you generosity can provide comfort\, care\, and community for families who nee d it. Together\, we are making a profound impact\, one step\, one donation\ , and one dance at a time.\n\n \n\nHistory of BobcaThon\n\nFounded in 2014\ , BobcaThon is a campus-wide cause. Hundreds of Ohio University students\, faculty\, and alumni participate in the Dance Marathon and help raise funds for the Ronald McDonald House of Central Ohio through personal involvement and student organization participation. DTSTAMP:20250222T084032Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250329 GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:BobcaThon 2025!\,2008:EventInstance_48914416022162 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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