CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations
DESCRIPTION:The Oct. 30th Chemistry & Biochemistry Collquium guest speaker
will be Prof. Hao Shen: Creation and Development of the Electron Spin Catal
yst Dr. Shen is an Assistant Professor in the Chemistry & Biochemistry depa
rtment at Kent State University.\n\n \n\nWe have introduced a novel form of
electron spin catalyst termed coronazymes\, which consist of an achiral go
ld nanoparticle (AuNP) core encased by a surrounding DNA strand. It exhibit
s exceptional catalytic reactivity and selectivity compared to traditional
nanozymes due to the strong binding affinity of the DNA\, which also facili
tates long-range catalysis on DNA bases instead of the AuNP surfaces. Throu
gh the utilization of single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy and a fluor
ogenic reaction\, we conducted a comprehensive investigation into the react
ion kinetics and mechanism of coronazyme. Our findings reveal that a cataly
tic turnover initiates a charge transfer chain at the AuNP-DNA interface\,
followed by subsequent charge transfers within the DNA strand and release o
f charges to the reaction substrate. This charge injection at the interface
is governed by chirality-induced spin selectivity (CISS)\, making the over
all reactivity of coronazyme dependent on electron spin. The spin polarizat
ion at the interface can be enhanced by an external magnetic field or circu
larly polarized light (CPL)\, resulting in CPL-dependent reactivity. Exciti
ng the DNA with CPL that matches its handedness leads to twice the reactivi
ty compared to CPL with mismatched handedness. The chiral DNA hairpin enhan
ces spin polarization as the electrons transfer through the DNA\, and this
capability is influenced by the conformation of the DNA. By applying extern
al forces to alter the DNA conformation\, we effectively modify the efficac
y of spin filtering and subsequently control the reactivity of coronazyme.
Additionally\, we have invented novel instrumentation and developed innovat
ive analytical methodologies for the creation of coronazymes.
LOCATION:Walter Hall\, 135
SUMMARY:Chemistry Colloquium: Prof. Hao Shen\,2008:EventInstance_47846255144558