BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Chemistry & Biochemistry Colloquium | Two stories: Chemical Rea ctions in Atto-Liter Reactors and Self-Organizing Receptors and Sensors for Phosphate Anions\, April 3\n\nThe Chemistry & Biochemistry colloquium seri es presents Pavel Anzenbacher discussing "Two stories: Chemical Reactions i n Atto-Liter Reactors and Self-Organizing Receptors and Sensors for Phospha te Anions" on April 3 from 4:10 to 5:05 p.m. in Walter 135.\n\n \n\nAnzenba cher is Professor in the Center for Photochemical Sciences at Bowling Green University.\n\n \n\nThe host is Eric Masson.\n\n \n\nAbstract: Some synthe ses are too costly\, or the products might be too dangerous to produce on a larger scale. Unfortunately\, practical small-molecule chemistry on an att omole scale (<10-19 mol) is very challenging. Very small reaction vessels a re required to circumvent problems associated with running the reactions in high dilution. Suppose that the average concentrations useful for chemical reactions (10-3-10-5 M) will be used. To perform such reaction on atto-mol e scale\, the reaction volumes and corresponding dimensions of reaction ves sels must dramatically decrease\, perhaps to atto-Liter volumes. Here\, we will discuss the possibility of a simple materials science method(s) that c ould make it possible to perform chemical reactions on ultra-small scales a nd present examples from the realm of organic chemistry that can be run in this manner. Emphasis will be given to reactions that yield fluorescent com pounds because such compounds allow us to visualize the formation of the pr oducts and can also be used as fluorescence-based chemical sensors.\n\n \n\ nChemical sensors generate analyte-specific information from binding and si gnal transduction events. In the past\, the leading theory for the design o f receptors and corresponding sensors was the lock & key theory proposed by Fischer\, inspired by the specific interaction between the enzymes and sub strates\, or\, in this case\, a receptor (sensor) and an analyte. This appr oach\, while perhaps the most appropriate for sensing analytes of strategic importance or analytes present at exceedingly low concentrations\, has one key limitation: Each analyte requires a selective sensor (“one-for-one lim itation”). To overcome this limitation and the hardship associated with the design and synthesis of selective sensors\, array-based sensors comprising multiple cross-reactive (less selective) sensor elements are used. Convent ional wisdom suggests that such arrays\, because of the “lower recognition quality (selectivity)” of the sensors\, should be composed of a larger numb er of such sensors forming the array. In this presentation\, we will examin e if this assumption is correct and what might be the avenues to escape the “one-for-one” limitation. Specifically\, we will examine methods for the d esign of a sensor capable of differentiation of many phosphate-type analyte s\, whether these analytes are defined as different compounds\, different c oncentrations of the same compound\, or perhaps different proportions of co mpounds in the mixture. DTEND:20230403T210500Z DTSTAMP:20240706T012020Z DTSTART:20230403T201000Z GEO:39.322732;-82.10287 LOCATION:Walter Hall\, 145 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Chemistry & Biochemistry Colloquium | Two stories: Chemical Reactio ns in Atto-Liter Reactors and Self-Organizing Receptors and Sensors for Pho sphate Anions\, April 3\,2008:EventInstance_42384426178097 URL: _3_2023 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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