BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Chemistry & Biochemistry Colloquium | Biomimicry with Synthetic Receptors: Molecular Recognition\, Catalysis and Sensing\, March 20\n\nThe Chemistry & Biochemistry colloquium series presents Dr. Richard Hooley dis cussing "Biomimicry with Synthetic Receptors: Molecular Recognition\, Catal ysis and Sensing"on March 20 from 4:10 to 5:05 p.m. in Walter 135.\n\n \n\n Hooley is Professor of Chemistry at the University of California\, Riversid e.\n\n \n\nThe host is Eric Masson.\n\n \n\nAbstract: The confined interior spaces of self-assembled host molecules can be exploited for a variety of catalytic processes\, as well as incorporating optical markers for biosensi ng. Complex\, multistep processes require the binding and activation of mul tiple different species along a reaction pathway\, which is not trivial for rigid\, inflexible synthetic hosts. We have synthesized a variety of self- assembled host complexes[1\,3] that present reactive functional groups to t heir substrates\, and are capable of selective molecular recognition\, size -selectivity and catalysis.[1-3] Selective molecular recognition of substra tes controls the reactivity\, and the cages are capable of binding and acti vating multiple different species along multistep reaction pathways. In add ition\, modulation of sidechain acidity and basicity is key in enzyme mecha nism\, controlled by hydrogen bonds (and other forces) in the superstructur e\, and these effects can be seen in functionalized cage hosts also:[3] the properties of complex enzymatic catalysis are displayed by simple self-ass embled cages\, synthesized from the ground up.\n\n \n\nOther types of synth etic hosts\, called self-folding deep cavitands\, when applied in an arraye d\, fluorescent indicator displacement assay system can detect a variety of biomolecules\, from steroids and drugs of abuse to post-translationally mo dified (PTM) peptides and non-canonically folded nucleotides such as G-Quad ruplexes[4\,5] in multiple types of biological media. Multiple recognition mechanisms can be exploited\, either direct cavity-based binding of species such as trimethyllysine (KMe3)\, or indirect charge-based recognition of d ifferentially functionalized peptides or DNA G4s. The synergistic applicati on of multiple variables in a single arrayed sensor system allows dual-mode deep cavitands to approach levels of recognition selectivity usually only seen with antibodies.\n\n\n\nFigure 1. Moderated basicity of Endohedral Ami ne Groups in an Octa-Cationic Self-Assembled Cage.[3]\n\n \n\nReferences\n\ n[1] Holloway\, L.R.\; Bogie\, P.M.\; Lyon\, Y.\; Ngai\, C.\; Miller\, T.F .\; Julian\, R.R.\; Hooley\, R.J. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018\, 140\, 8078.\n\n[ 2] Ngai\, C.\; Sanchez-Marsetti\, C. M.\; Harman\, W.H.\; Hooley\, R.J. An gew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020\, 59\, 23505.\n\n[3] Ngai\, C.\; Wu\, H.-T.\; da Camara\, B.\; Williams\, C. G.\; Mueller\, L. J.\; Julian\, R. R.\; Hooley\ , R. J. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022\, 61\, e202117011\n\n[4] Chen\, J.\; Gil l\, A.D.\; Hickey\, B.L.\; Gao\, Z.\; Cui\, X.\; Hooley\, R.J.*\; Zhong\, W .* J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021\, 143\, 12791.\n\n[5] Chen\, J.\; Hickey\, B.L.\; Wang\, L.\; Lee\, J.\; Gill\, A.D.\; Favero\, A.\; Pinalli\, R.\; Dalcanal e\, E.\; Hooley\, R.J.*\; Zhong\, W.* Nat. Chem. 2021\, 13\, 488. DTEND:20230320T210500Z DTSTAMP:20241122T233758Z DTSTART:20230320T201000Z GEO:39.322732;-82.10287 LOCATION:Walter Hall\, 145 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Chemistry & Biochemistry Colloquium | Biomimicry with Synthetic Rec eptors: Molecular Recognition\, Catalysis and Sensing\, March 20\,2008:EventInstance_41065428538903 URL: _20 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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