BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Chemistry Colloquium: A big role for a small RNA: Protection fr om a self-lethal protein by a small RNA in the pathogenic bacterium Shigell a flexneri\n\nProfessor Erin Murphy will be the guest speaker for the Chemi stry & Biochemistry Collquium. Dr. Murphy is Chair of Biomedical Sciences a nd Professor of Bacteriology in the Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicin e\, Ohio University.\n\n \n\nBacterial toxin-antitoxin systems are typicall y composed of two genetically linked factors\, a stable self-lethal toxin a nd a labile antitoxin that functions to protect against the activity of the cognate toxin. Initially implicated in antibiotic resistance\, stress resp onse\, and persistence\, there is growing evidence that chromosomally encod ed bacterial toxin-antitoxin systems are doing more than mediating growth i nhibition and cell death\, and that these systems are more versatile than i nitially thought. The high level of variability in function\, mechanism\, a nd regulation seen even among related toxin-antitoxin systems has led the f ield to recognize the importance of comprehensive experimental characteriza tion of individual systems. Our current studies are focused on the Ryf toxi n-antitoxin system in Shigella flexneri\, an important medically relevant b acterial pathogen categorized as a Category B Emerging Pathogen by the Nati onal Institutes of Health. Partially conserved among Shigella species and o ther related bacterial pathogens\, the S. flexneri ryf locus is unique in t hat it encodes three components rather than two\, one toxin (RyfA) and two potential antitoxins (RyfB and RyfB1). Initially identified as a “toxic RNA ”\, evidence now suggests that the RyfA toxin functions as a small peptide whose production is specifically controlled by the activity of RyfB\, a reg ulatory small RNA. Many fundamental questions remain regarding the ryf syst em and others like it. These studies aim to address these questions by inve stigating the molecular mechanism controlling the production and activity o f each component of the Ryf system. Harnessing the self-lethal activity of bacterial toxin-antitoxin systems has the potential to specifically elimina te an invading pathogen\, a potential that cannot be realized until their f unction(s)\, mechanism(s) of action\, and regulation are fully characterize d. DTEND:20231129T220500Z DTSTAMP:20240706T020217Z DTSTART:20231129T211000Z GEO:39.322732;-82.10287 LOCATION:Walter Hall\, 145 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Chemistry Colloquium: A big role for a small RNA: Protection from a self-lethal protein by a small RNA in the pathogenic bacterium Shigella fl exneri\, Nov. 29\,2008:EventInstance_44879616512911 URL: mall_rna_protection_from_a_self-lethal_protein_by_a_small_rna_in_the_pathog enic_bacterium_shigella_flexneri END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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